Integrated Oraliq

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2022 yil _________________

1-kursXorijiytilvaadabiyoti: ingliztiliyo’nalishitalabalariga3-
semestruchun«Integrallashgan til ko’nikmalari»fanidanyakuniynazoratsavollari

Savol Savol- Savolning Mav-

ning ning qanday zu
tartib qiyinlik mashg’u- no-
raqam darajasi lotga meri Savolmatni
i tegishliligi
1 2 4 4 ……..language skills is indicated through the
titles of the classes offered, such as "Basic
Listening Comprehension," "Intermediate
Reading," "Grammar I and II", "Advanced
Writing", and soon.?

+ the segregation of

-the integration of



2 3 7 7 ___________________ approach, which

incorporates listening, speaking, reading, and
writing, has become a new trend in EFL
contexts because it is believed an effective
mpetenceandtheabilitytouseEnglish to gain
access to social, vocational, educational, or
professional opportunities.?

+ the integrated skills

-the segregation skills


- language

3 2 5 5 Therefore, to enable the EFL students to

develop their knowledge of English and their
competence to use it ………………….,
implementing the integrative skills approach is

+ in real communication

-at school

-at university

-every day

4 2 5 5 While communicating through ________

language he receives the messages by listening
and responds by speaking.?

+the oral




5 2 6 6 Till what time the four language skills were

taught in isolation?

+ Up to the end of the 1970s

- Up to the end of the 1960s,

- Up to the end of the 1950s,

- Up to the end of the 1980s,

6 2 9 9 ………………….whichwasverypopularinthe
1940s to 1960s.?
+ Audiolingualism;

-Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

- Structuralism Approach

- the Direct Methodural Approach.

7 3 `14 14 . ……………………. (1986) accentuated that

in the purest form of segregation, the language
was taught as an end in itself rather than a

+ Dubin and Olshtain

-Dubin and Shaw

-McDonough va Shaw

-Olshtain and McDonough

8 2 13 13 Which skill approach was based on the belief
that a separate focus on individual skills
accelerates students' language learning (Jing,

+ The discrete skill approach

-Integrated language skills

-Segregated language skills

- Project-based approach

9 1 6 6 . Who supported the idea by emphasizing that

the teaching of language skills cannot be
conducted through separate and discrete
structural elements?

+ Corder, 1978; Stern, 1993

-Dubin and Shaw

-McDonough va Shaw

-Olshtain and McDonough

10 1 1 1 What are integrated language skills?

+listening, speaking, reading, writing,

-oral , writing

-listening, speaking

-reading, writing

11 1 7 7 .Who described 5 advantages of Integrated

Language skills?


-Olshtain and McDonough

-Dubin and Shaw

-Carols va Shaw

12 2 4 4 .Choose the advantage of Integrated language


+itcontributestoconsistentteaching and to
better communication.

-it doesn’t bring variety into the classroom,

which enables teachers to enrich classroom
instruction by integrating language skills

-it doesn’t makes language learning comes

nearer to the way we do in real life.

-The language skills segregation enables

students to learn to manage the language and
to easily transfer the acquired knowledge of
the other areas
13 3 3 3 . How many models does Content-based
language teaching include?





14 2 7 7 . ………………………….teaching model,
students are currently enrolled in a language
class and content lessons.?

+ In the adjunct language


-the sheltered model

-task-based approach

15 1 1 1 .Choose receptive skills.?

+ listening, reading

-writing, speaking

-listening, speaking

-writing, -reading

16 6 6 What are productive skills?

+writing, speaking

- listening, reading

-listening, speaking
-writing, -reading

17 1 8 8 . Choose Oral Medium.?

+listening, speaking

-writing, speaking

- listening, reading

-writing, -reading

18 2 6 6 Choose Written Medium.?

+writing, -reading

-listening, speaking

-writing, speaking

- listening, reading
19 2 5 5 . Oxford (2001) describes approaches to CBI,
which include…………………….

+ theme-based and adjunct learning.

- In the adjunct language


-the sheltered model

20 1 8 8 ……………………….focuses on a theme of
high interest to students and develops a wide
range of language skills around that theme.

+theme-based CBI

- In the adjunct language

-the sheltered model

-task-based approach

21 2 6 6 ……………………………language and
content courses are taught separately but are
carefully coordinated so that literacy.

+In the adjunct form of CBI


-the sheltered model

-project-based approach

22 2 29 29 ………………….. uses tasks or stand-aline

activities which require comprehending,
producing, manipulating or interacting in the
target language.?

+ task-based instruction (TBI)

- Content-based Instruction(CBI)
- Project-based approach
- the adjunct form

23 1 8 8 …………………….takes the answers to a

series of personal questions (name, age, grade
level, where you live, members of your family,
favourite sports, animals, colours, subjects,


-Role play



24 1 8 8 . In multilevel SL classes, graded readers can

be excellent springboards for another activity
that integrates the four skills…………….?

+ reading and retell.


-Role play


25 3 30 30 . ……………. is a whole unit of

communicative text, either spoken or written.?

+ discourse

-role play



26 2 4 4 Discourse features include aspects such as:?

+ all answers are true
-the way that the text is organized
-its layout (for written text)
-the style of the language (formal or informal)

27 1 8 8 What is simple integration?

+whereby a receptive language skill serves as

a model for a productive language skill,

- which is a combination of activities involving

different skills, linked thematically.

-the problem of designing suitable materials

that take account of students’ different skill
levels. --The four skills tend to develop at a
different pace: receptive skills are stronger
then productive skills, for example.

28 2 7 7
.What is  complex integration?

+ which is a combination of activities

involving different skills, linked thematically.

- whereby a receptive language skill serves as

a model for a productive language skill,

-the problem of designing suitable materials

that take account of students’ different skill

-The four skills tend to develop at a different

pace: receptive skills are stronger then
productive skills, for example

29 3 14 14 .What is Warm-up/Review?

+encourages learners to use what they have

been taught in previous lessons
-focuses the learners’ attention on the objective
of the new lesson and relates the objective to
their lives
-introduces new information, checks learner
comprehension of the new material, and
models the tasks that the learners will do in the
practice stage
-provides opportunities to practice and apply
the new language or information

30 1 8 8 What is Introduction to a new lesson?

+focuses the learners’ attention on the

objective of the new lesson and relates the
objective to their lives

-introduces new information, checks learner

comprehension of the new material, and
models the tasks that the learners will do in the
practice stage
-provides opportunities to practice and apply
the new language or information
-enables the instructor and learners to assess
how well they have grasped the lesson

31 2 7 7
.What is Presentation?
+introduces new information, checks learner
comprehension of the new material, and
models the tasks that the learners will do in the
practice stage
-focuses the learners’ attention on the objective
of the new lesson and relates the objective to
their lives
-provides opportunities to practice and apply
the new language or information
-enables the instructor and learners to assess
how well they have grasped the lesson

32 3 2 2
What is Practice?

+provides opportunities to practice and apply

the new language or information
-encourages learners to use what they have
been taught in previous lessons
-focuses the learners’ attention on the objective
of the new lesson and relates the objective to
their lives
-enables the instructor and learners to assess
how well they have grasped the lesson

33 3 7 7 What is Evaluation?

+ enables the instructor and learners to assess

how well they have grasped the lesson
-focuses the learners’ attention on the objective
of the new lesson and relates the objective to
their lives
-introduces new information, checks learner
comprehension of the new material, and
models the tasks that the learners will do in the
practice stage
-provides opportunities to practice and apply
the new language or information

34 3 8 8 What is Sequencing?
+Do the activities move logically so learners
are progressively building on what they
already know? Do the activities flow well? Are
transitions between activities smooth?
-Are activities the right length and varied so
that learners remain engaged and enthused?
-Do the learners have enough skill and
knowledge to do the planned activities? Are
the instructions clear?
-Do the activities allow for learners of varying
proficiency levels to receive extra attention
they might need, whether below or above the
norm? Are all students actively involved?

35 3 9 9 What is Pacing?

+ Are activities the right length and varied so

that learners remain engaged and enthused?

-Do the activities move logically so learners

are progressively building on what they
already know? Do the activities flow well? Are
transitions between activities smooth?
-Do the learners have enough skill and
knowledge to do the planned activities? Are
the instructions clear?
-What is the balance between learner talk and
teacher talk? Does the lesson allow a time for
learners to interact, producing and initiating
36 2 10 10 . What is Gauging difficulty?
+Do the learners have enough skill and
knowledge to do the planned activities? Are
the instructions clear?
-Do the activities allow for learners of varying
proficiency levels to receive extra attention
they might need, whether below or above the
norm? Are all students actively involved?
-What is the balance between learner talk and
teacher talk? Does the lesson allow a time for
learners to interact, producing and initiating
-Was the amount of time allotted for each part
of the lesson sufficient? If the planned lesson
finishes early, is there a backup activity ready?
If the lesson wasn’t completed as planned, how
can the next class be adjusted to finish the

37 3 10 10 What is Accounting for individual

+Do the activities allow for learners of varying
proficiency levels to receive extra attention
they might need, whether below or above the
norm? Are all students actively involved?
-do the learners have enough skill and
knowledge to do the planned activities? Are
the instructions clear?
-What is the balance between learner talk and
teacher talk? Does the lesson allow a time for
learners to interact, producing and initiating
-Was the amount of time allotted for each part
of the lesson sufficient? If the planned lesson
finishes early, is there a backup activity ready?
If the lesson wasn’t completed as planned, how
can the next class be adjusted to finish the

38 2 19 19 What is Monitoring learner versus teacher

+What is the balance between learner talk and
teacher talk? Does the lesson allow a time for
learners to interact, producing and initiating
-Do the activities move logically so learners
are progressively building on what they
already know? Do the activities flow well? Are
transitions between activities smooth?
-Are activities the right length and varied so
that learners remain engaged and enthused?
-Was the amount of time allotted for each part
of the lesson sufficient? If the planned lesson
finishes early, is there a backup activity ready?
If the lesson wasn’t completed as planned, how
can the next class be adjusted to finish the

39 3 17 17 .What is Timing?
+ Was the amount of time allotted for each
part of the lesson sufficient? If the planned
lesson finishes early, is there a backup activity
ready? If the lesson wasn’t completed as
planned, how can the next class be adjusted to
finish the material?
-Do the learners have enough skill and
knowledge to do the planned activities? Are
the instructions clear?
-Do the activities allow for learners of varying
proficiency levels to receive extra attention
they might need, whether below or above the
norm? Are all students actively involved?
-What is the balance between learner talk and
teacher talk? Does the lesson allow a time for
learners to interact, producing and initiating
40 3 14 14 . ………… learners learn best by looking.?

+ visual




41 3 15 15 …………… learners learn best by listening.?


- visual



42 3 16 16 ……… learn physically by touching and

manipulating objects.



- visual


43 3 17 17 . Tactile learners need to

+feel and touch

-read and retell

-listen and speak

-read and write

44 3 18 18 . ……………. learn physically by moving

+ Kinesthetic learners

-auditory learners

- visual learners

-tactile learners

45 3 1 1 . …………… learners focus on the details of

language, such as grammar rules, and enjoy
taking apart words and sentences.


- Kinesthetic learners


- visual

46 3 20 20 ………….. focus on the whole picture and do

not care so much about specific details.

+Global learners

-auditory learners

- visual learners

-tactile learners

47 3 21 21 Whose statement is it? “Various learners bring

various learning styles and strategies to class.
Integration of language skills has the potential
to offer “different opportunities for different
types of learners, for example, the extroverts
who like to speak a lot, the introverts who
prefer to listen or read, and the
analytically or visually oriented learners
who like to see how words are written and
sentences constructed.” ?




48 2 22 22 . …………….. involves consideration of more

than just what is going to be taught (the
objective) and how it will be taught (materials,
equipment, and activities).?

+a good lesson plan

-a bad lesson plan

-a plan

-a topic

49 3 23 23 . Visual learners respond well to:?

+information on the whiteboard, flashcards,

colorful pictures, videos

- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles

-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities

50 2 24 24 Visual learners respond well to:?

+story books with pictures, computer graphics,

maps (e.g. treasure maps), charts
- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities

51 2 25 25 .Visual learners respond well to:?

+cartoons, posters, board games, worksheets,

- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities

52 2 26 26 . Auditory learners respond well to:

+songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles

-story books with pictures, computer graphics,

maps (e.g. treasure maps), charts
- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening

53 2 27 27 . Auditory learners respond well to:

+verbal instructions and explanations, listening
activities, participating in oral activities
-story books with pictures, computer graphics,
maps (e.g. treasure maps), charts
- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening

54 3 28 28 . Tactile learners respond well to:

+drawing, songs with gestures, playing board

games, making models (e.g. with play doh or

-verbal instructions and explanations, listening

-participating in oral activities
-story books with pictures, computer graphics,
maps (e.g. treasure maps), charts

55 2 29 29 Tactile learners respond well to:

+craft activities, feeling in the bag activities,

following instructions to make things
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities
-story books with pictures, computer graphics,
maps (e.g. treasure maps), charts

56 2 3 3 .Kinesthetic learners respond well to:

+songs with gestures, playing games in which

they need to use their whole body (e.g.
doing exercise type activities which require
running and jumping, movement activities
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities
-story books with pictures, computer graphics,
maps (e.g. treasure maps), charts

57 2 3 3 . Kinesthetic learners respond well to:

+making models  (e.g. with play doh or lego),
craft activities, following instructions to make
something, setting up experiments
- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities

58 2 3 3 The most common listening activities proposed

by Rixon (1981) are:?
+ Posing of problems (pre-questioning or
discussing work sheet), class listen and give
individual answers on worksheet; class discuss
their results in pairs or small group. The
teacher withholds “correct” answers at this
-it doesn’t bring variety into the classroom,
which enables teachers to enrich classroom
instruction by integrating language skills

-it doesn’t makes language learning comes

nearer to the way we do in real life.

-The language skills segregation enables

students to learn to manage the language and
to easily transfer the acquired knowledge of
the other areas.

59 2 9 9 .The most common listening activities

proposed by Rixon (1981) are:?
+Class listen again as necessary to solve
anomalies or settle disputes as far as possible;
Whole-class discussion of results, elicited by
teacher.Teachers play back tapes to whole
class. Final discussing of language points that
have lead to dispute or misunderstanding.
-it doesn’t bring variety into the classroom,
which enables teachers to enrich classroom
instruction by integrating language skills

-it doesn’t makes language learning comes

nearer to the way we do in real life.

-The language skills segregation enables

students to learn to manage the language and
to easily transfer the acquired knowledge of
the other areas.

60 2 4 4 . Analytic learners respond well to:

+well-structured and clear lessons, information

and instructions given in steps
-making models  (e.g. with play doh or lego),
craft activities, following instructions to make
something, setting up experiments
- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening

61 1 8 8 . Analytic learners respond well to:

+clearly stated goals and objectives of tasks

activities which require thought, such as
matching exercises, puzzles, missing letters,
--making models  (e.g. with play doh or lego),
craft activities, following instructions to make
something, setting up experiments
- songs, listening to stories, poems and riddles
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening

62 1 8 8 Global learners respond well to:

+games, group activities, story writing, lots of

action based activities
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities
--making models  (e.g. with play doh or lego),
craft activities, following instructions to make
something, setting up experiments

63 2 7 7 . Global learners respond well to:

+computer games, talking without being

interrupted for correction
-verbal instructions and explanations, listening
-participating in oral activities
-making models  (e.g. with play doh or lego),
craft activities, following instructions to make
something, setting up experiments

64 1 7 7 . As …………. says whatever techniques

are used in the classroom the aim of
language teaching is to improve students`
communicative ability.?

+ Harmer



-Olshtain and McDonough

65 1 7 7 Give a definition of this word “ aid”?

+ help or support

- advice

- debt

- rationally

66 1 7 7 Give a definition of this word “ advice ”?

+ an opinion which someone offers you

- help or support

- debt

- rationally

67 1 7 7 . Give a definition of this word “ rationally ”?

+ efficiently

- help or support

- an opinion which someone offers you

- debt

68 3 9 9 . Give a definition of this word “ debt (n) ”?

+ money which is owed to someone else

- help or support

- an opinion which someone offers you

- efficiently

69 3 9 9 . Give a definition of this word “ recover ”?

+to get back something lost

- help or support

- an opinion which someone offers you

- money which is owed to someone else

70 2 9 9 . Give a definition of this word “ belief ”?

+ the feeling of being certain that something

exists or is true

- an opinion which someone offers you

-money which is owed to someone else

- efficiently

71 2 11 11 . Give a definition of this word “ affect ”?


- help or support

- an opinion which someone offers you

- money which is owed to someone else

72 2 10 10 . Give a definition of this word “ damage ”?

+ to harm or spoil something

- an opinion which someone offers you

- money which is owed to someone else

- efficiently

73 3 11 11 Give a definition of this word “ unique ”?


- help or support

- an opinion which someone offers you

- money which is owed to someone else

74 3 11 11 . Give a definition of this word “ define ”?

+ clearly shown

- an opinion which someone offers you

- money which is owed to someone else

- efficiently

75 2 12 12 I think you ________know about a priority

organiser. It’s good for your future plans. ?

+ should


- have to

- can

76 2 12 12 . Students ______ behave well when they’re

in class. ?


- must

- shouldn’t

- can

77 2 12 12 . Goal setting is a __ _________component

of the career planning process. ?

+ major

-break down

- fairly

- time
78 3 12 12 It’s ____simple to state a goal but actually
achieving it isn’t quite so easy. ?

+ fairly

- major

- break down

- time

79 2 4 4 What makes communication easier?

+ language learning

- words

- knowledge of English

- word

80 3 13 13 . Additional readings and alternative sources

______ create a richer understanding. ?

+ undoubtedly


- stumble


81 2 13 13 You are _____ me?

+ older than

- oldest

- older
- older then

82 2 13 13 . Prague is one of the _____ cities in Europe?

+ most beautiful

- more beautiful

- beautiful

- the most beautiful

83 3 14 14 . How many children _____ they _____?

+ have / got

- have / get

- does / got

- has / got

84 2 15 15 . A country is quieter _____ a city?

+ than

- ago

- with

- to

85 1 15 15 . A country is _____ than a city?

+ cheaper

- cheapest

- more cheaper

- cheap
86 3 15 15 . A city is _____ than the country?

+ more exciting

- the most exciting

- exciting

- excited

87 3 15 15 . Your class is _____ than my class?noisier


- noisy

- noisiest

- more noisy

88 2 15 15 . Life in a country is _____ in a city?

+slower than

- slow

- slower

- slowly

89 3 15 15 . Brain’s car is _____ in our district?

+the fastest

- fast

- faster

- more fast
90 2 15 15 _____ you _____ a girl _____ fair hair?

+Do / know / with

- Do / knowing / of

- Does / know / of

-Are / knowing / with

91 1 15 15 _____ she got a dress _____ white?

+ Has / in

- Does / in

- Has / on

- Have / in

92 1 15 15 . Is ____reading a letter _____ bed now?

+ She / in

- I / in

- You / on

- He / of

93 3 15 15 . A: What _____ you _____?

B: I’m a lecturer.

+ do / do

- are / do

- is / do

- do / doing
94 3 15 15 A: What _____ she ____ now?

B: I don’t know.

+ is / doing

- does / is

- do / do

- is / do

95 2 15 15 A: _____ are we _____?

B: To the class.

+ Where / going

- When / going

- Where / go

- When / go

96 2 15 15 . A: Oh no! It _____. We can’t go out.

B: It always _____ here in March.

+ is snowing / snows

- snows / ’s snowing

- ’s snow / snows

- snows / snows

97 2 15 15 I _____. Because it’s my happiest day today. ?

+ ’m jumping

- jumping

- jump
- jumped

98 3 15 15 Benedit and Nina are _____ only salads. ?

Because vegetarians don’t _____ meat.

+ eating / eat

- eat / eat

- eating / eating

- eat / eating

99 2 15 15 . Sorry, I _____ understand you. I _____ speak


+ don’t / don’t

- do / don’t

- do / do

- am / am

100 3 11 11 . Paris is _____ Madrid.?

+ bigger than

- big than

- bigger

- biggest

101 3 10 10 Our school ____ a library, but it doesn’t ____

any computers.?

+ has / have

- have / has
- has / has

- have / have

102 2 11 11 “What ______ this?”“It’s ______ umbrella.” ?

+is / an

- are / a

- is / a

- its / an

103 2 11 11 . Oxford is ______ English university.?

+ an

- the


- it

104 3 9 9 . This ______ my friend. ______ name’s


+ is / His

- are / His

- is / My

- his / His

105 2 9 9 . What _____ you _____ at the weekend?

+ do / do

- does / does
- do / does

- does / do

106 2 9 9 . What _____ Dick and Tom like _____?

+ do / doing

- doing / -

- do / do

- does / doing

107 2 9 9 . Do boys like _____ jeans?

+ wear

- wearing

- to wear

- worn

108 2 11 11 . My classmates _____ on picnic every


+ go

- went

- goes

- going

109 2 30 30 Mary _____ face every morning. ?

+ washes her

- washes his

- wash my
- washes their

110 3 18 18 . I _____ a cigarette, but my teacher _____

smoke. ?

+ smoke / don’t

- don’t / smokes

- smoke / doesn’t

- smokes / smokes

111 2 18 18 . They _____ wash _____ car every day. ?

+ don’t / my

- don’t / his

- don’t / their

- don’t / our

112 2 18 18 . My parents _____ eat meat. ?

+ don’t

- aren’t

- doesn’t

- are

113 3 19 19 . Summer holidays _____ in June. ?


- beginning

- began

114 3 19 19 We _____ tennis on Monday evenings, but my

little sister _____ on

Sundays. ?

+ play / plays

- play / play

- plays / plays

- plays / play

115 3 19 19 You _____ a lot of things in _____ free

time. ?

+ do / your

- do / our

- does / your

- do / my

116 3 19 19 You _____ a lot of things in _____ free

time. ?

+ do / your

- do / our

- does / your

- do / my
117 2 5 8 . I like _____ football, but my brother
doesn’t. ?

+ playing

- play

- played

- plays

118 2 20 20 She likes _____ TV, but her husband

doesn’t. ?

+ watching

- to watch

- watches

- watched

119 3 21 21 Her sister doesn’t _____ eating a hamburger. ?

+ like


- liking

- liked

120 3 21 21 . Do you like _____ in your free time?

+ reading

- read

- reads

- to read
121 2 21 21 I like _____ but I _____ like swimming. ?

+ sailing / don’t

- sail / doesn’t

- sail / don’t

- sail / do

122 2 21 21 Tom _____ her but she doesn’t like _____ . ?

+ likes / him

- like / her

- likes / he

- like / him

123 2 21 21 Andrew buys a newspaper everyday. _____

reads _____ at home. ?

+ He / it

- It / he

- Him / it

- His / it

124 2 22 22 Mike eats cheeseburgers because _____ likes

_____ . ?

+ he / them

- he / their

- him / they

- him / them
125 3 23 23 How many techniques for Integrated Language
skills do McDonough and Shaw
recommend ?





126 3 3 23 The sequence …………….is the most

appropriate for integrated skills work.

+ hear-speak-read-write

- write-hear-speak-read

-read- write-hear-speak

- write-read-hear-speak-

127 2 24 24 How many reading principles do you know?





128 2 24 24 What is Previewing?

+ reviewing titles, section headings, and photo

captions to get a sense of the structure and
content of a reading selection

- using knowledge of the subject matter to

make predictions about content and vocabulary
and check comprehension; using knowledge of
the text type and purpose to make predictions
about discourse structure; using knowledge
about the author to make predictions about
writing style, vocabulary, and content

- using a quick survey of the text to get the

main idea, identify text structure, confirm or
question predictions

-Guessing from context: using prior knowledge

of the subject and the ideas in the text as clues
to the meanings of unknown words, instead of
stopping to look them up
129 2 25 25 What is Predicting?

+ using knowledge of the subject matter to

make predictions about content and vocabulary
and check comprehension; using knowledge of
the text type and purpose to make predictions
about discourse structure; using knowledge
about the author to make predictions about
writing style, vocabulary, and content

- using a quick survey of the text to get the

main idea, identify text structure, confirm or
question predictions

- using prior knowledge of the subject and the

ideas in the text as clues to the meanings of
unknown words, instead of stopping to look
them up

- stopping at the end of a section to check

comprehension by restating the information
and ideas in the text.

130 2 26 26 What is Skimming and scanning?

+ using a quick survey of the text to get the

main idea, identify text structure, confirm or
question predictions

- using knowledge of the subject matter to

make predictions about content and vocabulary
and check comprehension; using knowledge of
the text type and purpose to make predictions
about discourse structure; using knowledge
about the author to make predictions about
writing style, vocabulary, and content

- using prior knowledge of the subject and the

ideas in the text as clues to the meanings of
unknown words, instead of stopping to look
them up

- stopping at the end of a section to check

comprehension by restating the information
and ideas in the text.

Previewing: reviewing titles, section headings,

and photo captions to get a sense of the
structure and content of a reading selection

131 3 26 26 What is Guessing from context?

+ using prior knowledge of the subject and the

ideas in the text as clues to the meanings of
unknown words, instead of stopping to look
them up

- using knowledge of the subject matter to

make predictions about content and vocabulary
and check comprehension; using knowledge of
the text type and purpose to make predictions
about discourse structure; using knowledge
about the author to make predictions about
writing style, vocabulary, and content

-Skimming and scanning: using a quick survey

of the text to get the main idea, identify text
structure, confirm or question predictions

- stopping at the end of a section to check

comprehension by restating the information
and ideas in the text.

132 3 27 27 What is Paraphrasing

+ stopping at the end of a section to check

comprehension by restating the information
and ideas in the text.

- reviewing titles, section headings, and photo

captions to get a sense of the structure and
content of a reading selection

- using knowledge of the subject matter to

make predictions about content and vocabulary
and check comprehension; using knowledge of
the text type and purpose to make predictions
about discourse structure; using knowledge
about the author to make predictions about
writing style, vocabulary, and content

- using a quick survey of the text to get the

main idea, identify text structure, confirm or
question predictions

133 3 27 27 How many basic steps does reading have?





134 3 22 22 During pre-reading the teacher may:?

+Assess students’ background knowledge of

the topic and linguistic content of the text.

-Using the title, subtitles, and divisions within

the text to predict content and organization or
sequence of information.

-Looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or

graphs and their captions.

-Talking about the author’s background,

writing style, and usual topics.
135 2 9 9 During pre-reading the teacher may:?

+Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text, or
activate the existing knowledge that the
students possess.

-Talking about the author’s background,

writing style, and usual topics.

-Skimming to find the theme or main idea and

eliciting related prior knowledge.

-Reviewing vocabulary or grammatical


136 2 19 19 During pre-reading the teacher may:?

+Clarify any cultural information which may

be necessary to comprehend the passage.

-Skimming to find the theme or main idea and

eliciting related prior knowledge.

-Reviewing vocabulary or grammatical


-Reading over the comprehension questions to

focus attention on finding that information
while reading.

137 2 19 19 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Using the title, subtitles, and divisions within
the text to predict content and organization or
sequence of information.

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

138 3 18 18 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or

graphs and their captions.

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

139 3 19 19 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Talking about the author’s background,

writing style, and usual topics.

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

140 1 12 12 . Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Skimming to find the theme or main idea and

eliciting related prior knowledge.

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

141 2 18 18 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Reviewing vocabulary or grammatical


-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

142 2 k30 30 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Reading over the comprehension questions to

focus attention on finding that information
while reading.

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

143 2 16 16 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Constructing semantic webs (a graphic

arrangement of concepts or words showing
how they are related).

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.

-retell the text

144 2 16 16 Choose pre-reading activities:?

+Doing guided practice with guessing meaning

from context or checking comprehension while

-Give students the background knowledge

necessary for comprehension of the text

- activate the existing knowledge that the

students possess.
-retell the text

145 2 13 13 ………….ability is very difficult to assess






146 2 4 4 . Reading research shows that good readers?

+Read extensively, Integrate information in the

text with existing knowledge, have a flexible
reading style, depending on what they are

- whereby a receptive language skill serves as

a model for a productive language skill,

-the problem of designing suitable materials

that take account of students’ different skill

-The four skills tend to develop at a different

pace: receptive skills are stronger then
productive skills, for example.

147 2 19 19 Reading research shows that good readers?

+Are motivated , rely on different skills

interacting: perceptual processing, phonemic
processing, recall

- whereby a receptive language skill serves as

a model for a productive language skill,

-the problem of designing suitable materials

that take account of students’ different skill

-The four skills tend to develop at a different

pace: receptive skills are stronger then
productive skills, for example.

148 1 4 4 What is Linguistic competence?

+ the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

- knowledge of discourse markers and how

they connect parts of the text to one another

-knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

-the ability to use top-down strategies, as well

as knowledge of the language (a bottom-up

149 1 4 4 What is Discourse competence?

+ knowledge of discourse markers and how

they connect parts of the text to one another

- the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

-knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

-the ability to use top-down strategies, as well

as knowledge of the language (a bottom-up

150 1 4 4 What is Sociolinguistic competence?

+knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

-knowledge of discourse markers and how they

connect parts of the text to one another

- the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

-the ability to use top-down strategies, as well

as knowledge of the language (a bottom-up

151 2 7 7 What is Strategic competence?

+ the ability to use top-down strategies, as well

as knowledge of the language (a bottom-up

-knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

-knowledge of discourse markers and how they

connect parts of the text to one another

- the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

152 2 17 17 What makes Reading as an interactive

+Creating pre, while, post reading activities,
choosing appropriate reading materials
Role of authenticity, Getting students to read

-knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

-knowledge of discourse markers and how they

connect parts of the text to one another

- the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

153 2 22 22 What makes Reading as an interactive

+Improving students’ reading comprehension,
teaching specific sub skills and strategies,
critical reading as a basis for successful
writing, case study

-knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

-knowledge of discourse markers and how they

connect parts of the text to one another

- the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

154 2 12 12 ……………… is a skill in a sense that it’s a

related but distinct process than hearing which
involves merely perceiving sound in a passive
way while listening occupies an active and
immediate analysis of the streams of sounds.
+ Listening



155 2 13 13 What is Processing sound?

+ Perception skills

-Analysis skills

-Processing knowledge and context

- Synthesis skills

156 2 7 7 1. … is closely related to other sciences as

pedagogics, psychology, physiology,
linguistics, and some others.
a) -Methods of teaching mathematics
b) +Methods of teaching history
c) -Methods of teaching foreign languages
d) -Methods of teaching Russian language
157 2 23 23 What is Processing knowledge and context?

+ Synthesis skills

- Analysis skills

-Perception skills

-Processing knowledge and context

158 1 8 8 Whose statement is it? ,, A person doesn’t

know language cannot heat this language”?

+Alexander Romanovich Luria

-Dubin and Shaw

-McDonough va Shaw
-Olshtain and McDonough

159 1 17 17 Whose statement is it? “In comparison with

process of speaking during the processes of
automatic understanding speech active analysis

+ N.I. Jinkino




160 1 7 7 Who suggested this separation: l) shallow

understanding; 2) general understanding; 3)
fully understanding; 4) critical understanding.?


- N.I. Jinkino



161 1 27 27 Special exercises divided into ….. groups?




162 1 17 17 What is Aim of the preparatory exercises?

+ to remove linguistic and psychological

difficulties before the presentation of an
audiotext, so that the listener could concentrate
his attention on comprehending the content.

- the ability to recognize the elements of the

writing system; knowledge of vocabulary;
knowledge of how words are structured into

-knowledge about different types of texts and

their usual structure and content

- to develop skills of comprehension of speech

under conditions similar to natural ones

164 2 17 17 How many Ways of checking up understanding

are there?





165 1 30 30 What are Extra linguistic and linguistic ways?

+draw, underline, perform an action

-speak, listen

-write, read
-draw, write, speak

166 2 7 7 2. … is the science concerned with the teaching

and education of younger generation
a) -Geography
b) -Chemistry
c) +Pedagogics
d) -Physiology

167 1 7 7 3. To study foreign language teaching one must

know …
a) -Psychology
b) -Pedagogics
c) -Physiology
d) +Linguistics

168 2 21 21 4. Teaching a foreign language means the

formation and development of pupil`s …
a) -Character and habits
b) +Knowledge and skills
c) -Habits and skills
d) -Types of speech

169 1 21 21 5. Effective learning of foreign language depends

on the pupil`s …
a) -Study
b) -Memory
c) +Skills
d) -Habits

170 1 30 30 6. Pavlov`s theories of “conditional reflexes”, of

the …
a) -First signaling system
b) +Second signaling system
c) -Third signaling system
-Fourth signaling system
171 2 6 6 . It _____ a lot _____ our holiday. ?

+ didn’t rain / during

- didn’t / during

- didn’t rained / on

- not rain / in

172 2 22 22 What a man he is! He _____ his passport

and_____ keys _____ his car yesterday. ?

+ forgot / lost / of

- forgot / lose / of

- forget / lost / of

- forgot / lost / from

173 3 6 6 My parents _____ a new stereo. ?

+ have

- has

- have got

- has got

174 2 24 24 Does your sister _____ a fiancé?

+ has

- have got

- have

-has been getting

175 2 24 24 A: Did you watch a football match _____ TV?

B: No, I didn’t. But it was broadcast _____


+ on / on

- on / in

- in / in

- in / to

176 2 6 6 Can I talk _____ Mr. Adams _____ your

mobile phone?

+ to / on

- on / in

- on / on

- with / on

177 2 26 26 It _____ a really bad joke; no one laughed

_____ his joke. ?

+ was /at

-was / with

- were / at

- is / at

178 3 26 26 I learned _____ the Internet that a pop concert

is _____ the third _____ November. ?

+ in / on / of

- on / in / of

- in / in / of

- on / on / of

179 2 30 30 Who’s the blonde girl _____ the first row?

+ at

- on



180 2 4 4 . You’ll find the poem _____ page 16. ?

+ on

- at

- in


181 2 30 30 They lived in this city _____ 1980. ?

+ since


- about

- before

182 3 7 7 The Greens lived in London _____ six

years. ?

+ for

- since

- in

- at

183 2 29 29 A: _____ is Amanda’s birthday?

B: It is _____ the 25th _____ December.

+ When / on / of

- When / in / on

- What / on / of

- What / on / in

184 3 28 28 We _____ see Tom last night. ?

+ didn’t

- doesn’t

- isn’t

- don’t

185 3 9 9 . I _____ to the U.S.A. ten years ago. ?

+ went

- go

- visit

- gone

186 3 27 27 What’s _____ television this evening?

+ on

- at

- in

- of

187 3 9 9 . I left the party early _____ I didn’t feel well.

+ because

- but

- until

- so

188 2 23 23 We met Ken’s brother last Saturday _____

they came for dinner. ?

+ when

- but

- until

- so

189 2 13 13 I am _____ the mobile phone. ?

+ on

- in

- of

- at

190 2 13 13 Some people try to find friends _____ the

Internet. ?

+ on

- at

- in

- of

191 3 21 21 We didn’t laugh _____ his joke. ?

+ at
- with

- for

- on

192 3 15 15 There was a knock _____ the door. ?

+ at

- of

- in

- for

193 2 18 18 We met fifty years _____ . ?

+ ago

- until

- of

- after

194 2 17 17 Peter couldn’t speak _____ he was 6. ?

+ when

- until

- because

- where

195 2 7 7 . I didn’t enjoy math lessons _____ I was at

school. ?

+ when

- until

- because
- and

196 3 19 19 She _____ see me.

+ didn’t

- aren’t

- isn’t

- didn’t

197 2 10 10 Our teacher _____ come to school. ?

+ didn’t

- aren’t

- isn’t

- wasn’t

198 3 10 10 . Paul _____ read until he was eight. ?

+ couldn’t

- can’t

- can


199 1 5 5 In a simpler way speaking as a methodic

concept envelops:?

+ the process of expressing idea; utterance;

oral speech; statement.

- the process of expressing idea; utterance;

oral speech; reading

-the process of thinking, utterance; oral

speech; statement.
-the process of expressing idea; utterance;
written speech; statement.
200 2 3 3 The proverb “First think then …….”?





201 Discourse analysis or competence produces

between……………………..function of the

+ interactional and transactional

- interactional and translation

- interactional and conceptual

- phonology and transactional

202 Linguistic competence consists of those
elements of the linguistic system, such as

+phonology, grammar and vocabulary

-lexicology, grammar and vocabulary

- phonology, grammar and writing

-phonology, grammar and speaking

203 1 5 5 .…………. competence involves speakers’

knowledge of the function or illocutionary
force implied in the utterance they intend to
produce as well as the contextual factors that
affect the appropriacy of such an utterance.
+ Pragmatic




205 2 13 13 .…………………competence refers to the
knowledge of how to produce an appropriate
spoken text within a particular sociocultural

+ Intercultural

- Pragmatic



206 3 7 7 Knowledge of non-verbal means of

+body language, facial expressions, eye

contact, etc.

- Knowledge of language

- writing, body language, facial expressions,

eye contact, etc.

-reading, writing, body language, facial

expressions, eye contact, etc.

207 2 9 9 What involves choosing a controversial topic;
one speaker presents one point of view on the
topic and a second speaker presents a differing

+Spontaneous conversations

-role play

-Discussions involving opinions

208 1 8 8 What areDiscussions involving opinions?

+Try to use topics that will generate varying

opinions rather than having everybody agree.
Typical examples include life in the city and
life in the country, environmental issues, and
traditional and alternative medicine. You can
also use controversial subjects and topics that
are currently in the news.

- choosing a controversial topic; one speaker

presents one point of view on the topic and a
second speaker presents a differing opinion.?

-writing a controversial topic; one speaker

presents one point of view on the topic and a
second speaker presents a differing opinion.?

11.-Try not to use topics that will generate

varying opinions rather than having everybody
agree. Typical examples include life in the city
and life in the country, environmental issues,
and traditional and alternative medicine
209 2 5 5 Tips and advice for role plays:

+choose the topic carefully because if students

don’t have anything to say, the role play won’t
-this type of activity can’t take a long time to
set up; the preparation phase is essential if the
activity is to work well. Don’t be tempted to
skip preparation to save time;
-the money needed for input of the topic and
language as well as preparation, the actual role
play and feedback means that you need to
allow a lot of time. Don’t expect to be able to
do a role play quickly;
-during lesson after a role play it is important
to comment on the content of what was said as
well as on language used.

210 Tips and advice for role plays:

+this type of activity can take a long time to
set up; the preparation phase is essential if the
activity is to work well. Don’t be tempted to
skip preparation to save time;
-the book needed for input of the topic and
language as well as preparation, the actual role
play and feedback means that you need to
allow a lot of time. Don’t expect to be able to
do a role play quickly;
-during role-play after a role play it is
important to comment on the content of what
was said as well as on language used.
-language, book, ideas

211 Tips and advice for role plays:

+the time needed for input of the topic and

language as well as preparation, the actual role
play and feedback means that you need to
allow a lot of time. Don’t expect to be able to
do a role play quickly;
-not to choose the topic carefully because if
students don’t have anything to say, the role
play won’t work;
-this type of lesson can take a long time to set
up; the preparation phase is essential if the
activity is to work well. Don’t be tempted to
skip preparation to save time;
-during feedback after a role play it is not
important to comment on the content of what
was said as well as on language used
212 Tips and advice for role plays:

+during feedback after a role play it is

important to comment on the content of what
was said as well as on language used.

-not to choose the topic carefully because if

students don’t have anything to say, the role
play won’t work;
-this type of activity can’t take a long time to
set up; the preparation phase is essential if the
activity is to work well. Don’t be tempted to
skip preparation to save time;
-the knowledge needed for input of the topic
and language as well as preparation, the actual
role play and feedback means that you need to
allow a lot of time. Don’t expect to be able to
do a role play quickly;

213 2 4 4
……….. plays a very important role in
speaking English language if the students
didn’t believe and confident in themselves then
they cannot speak English language.?

+ Self-Confidence



-knowledge background, book

214 3 7 7
. ……….. is also one of the biggest factors by
which the students cannot speak English
language. It’s a kind of feeling which students
feel while speaking English language.?





215 2 5 5
………. can be driven by the teachers, other
students, and also their parents. But they didn’t
motivate them very well to speak English

+ Motivation




216 2 5 5
………. are also one of the reasons behind the
students who cannot speak English language in
public or in Infront of people.?

+ Nervousness and anxiety



-nervous, shyness

217 2 6 6
Which level of CEFR is appropriate for
Primary and secondary education?

+A1, A2, A2+



218 2 9 9
Which level of CEFR is appropriate forSpecial
secondary education?

+B1, B1+




219 3 `14 14
Which level of CEFR is appropriate forHigher

+B2, C1




220 2 13 13
School education falls apart into …..stages?




221 1 6 6
………………. is to acquire the necessary sub-
skills and skills to communicate in socially and
culturally appropriate ways, that demands to
focus on functions, role playing and real
situations and other aspects in the learning

+ The aim of communicative methodology

-The task of communicative methodology

- The order of communicative methodology

-The plan of communicative methodology

1 1 1
Choose one of communicative competence’s
major components of knowledge:?

+ knowledge of the language


-basic rules

-books, slides
222 1 7 7
Choose one of communicative competence’s
major components of knowledge:?

+knowledge of how to use the language.


-basic rules

-speaking, writing

223 2 4 4 H.G. Widdowson distinguished …….aspects

of performance:?





224 3 3 3 What is usage?

+ is one aspect which makes evident the

context rules

-is second aspect which makes evident the

context rules

-is one rule which makes evident the context


- is another aspect which makes evident the

context of which the language user
demonstrate his/her ability to use knowledge
of linguistic rules for effective communication

225 2 7 7 What isuse?

+ is another aspect which makes evident the
context of which the language user
demonstrate his/her ability to use knowledge
of linguistic rules for effective communication

-is second aspect which makes evident the

context rules

-is one rule which makes evident the context


- is another aspect which makes evident the

context of which the language user
demonstrate his/her ability to use knowledge
of linguistic rules for effective communication

226 1 1 1 ……………competence: involves both the

will and the skill to interact with others,
involving motivation, attitude, self confidence,
empathy and the ability to handle social





227 6 6 12.Pavlov`s theories of … …, of the ‘second

signaling system”
a) -Real conditional
b) -Unreal conditional
c) +Conditioned reflex
d) -Dynamic reflex
228 1 8 8 According to Pavlov … are conditioned
a) -Habits
b) +Skills
c) -Reflex
d) -Activities

229 2 6 6 13.Methods of FLT is most closely related to

a) -Linguistics
b) +Psychology
c) -Physiology
d) -Pedagogics

230 2 5 5 14.Methods successfully uses the results of … …

in the selection and arrangement of linguistics
material for teaching
a) -Phonetic investigation
b) +Lexical investigation
c) -Linguistic investigation
d) -Psychological investigation

231 1 8 8 15.Methods uses the results of linguistic

investigation in the selection and arrangements
of … for teaching
a) -Lexical material
b) -Grammar material
c) +Language material
d) -Teaching material

232 2 6 6 16.Methods uses the results of linguistic

investigation in the selection and arrangements
of language material for …
a) -Reading
b) +Teaching
c) -Speaking
d) -Writing

233 2 29 29 17.… have been prepared by linguistics and

methodologists of the structural school.
a) -Reading materials
b) -Speaking materials
c) +Teaching materials
d) -Writing material

234 1 8 8 18.Teaching materials have been prepared by

linguistics and methodologists of the …
a) +Structural school
b) -Grammar school
c) -Primary school
d) -Higher school

235 1 8 8 19.In … methodologists have to deal with

different data.
a) -Experimenting
b) -Choosing
c) +Arranging
d) -Teaching

236 3 30 30 20.We need research … of the following types.

a) -Investigation
b) +Activities
c) -Experiments
d) -Teaching

237 2 4 4 21.… research which deals with “what to teach”.

a) +Descriptive
b) -Structural
c) -Grammar
d) -Potential

238 1 8 8 22.Descriptive research which deals with “…”

a) -When to teach
b) +What to teach
c) -How to teach
-Whom to teach

239 2 7 7 And instrumental research deals with “…”

a) -What to teach
b) +How to teach
c) -When to teach
d) -Where to teach

240 3 14 14 23.Experimental research dealing with “…”

a) -How to teach
b) -What to teach
c) -When to teach
d) +Why to teach

241 1 8 8 24.A students who starts studying Methods will

be puzzled by the variety of …
a) +Teaching
b) -Speaking
c) -Methods

242 2 7 7 25.At different periods, depending on the aims of

teaching and learning a foreign language, …
sprang up.
a) -Modern methods
b) +New methods
c) -Grammar methods
d) -Teaching methods

243 3 2 2 26.At different periods, depending on the … and

learning a foreign language, new methods
sprang up.
a) -Ways of teaching
b) -Methods of teaching
c) +Aims of teaching
d) -Content of teaching

244 3 7 7 27.At different periods, depending of the aims of

teaching and learning a …, new methods
sprang up.
a) -English language
b) +Foreign language
c) -Russian language
d) -Kazakh language

245 3 8 8 28.Sometimes its name denoted … categories, for

example: synthetic method(synthesis), the
analytic method(analysis), the deductive
method(translation), the oral method(oral
a) -Meaning
b) -Content
c) +Pedagogical
d) -Physiological

246 3 9 9 29.A third of methods received their name from

the … which was the main of object of
teaching. Among these are the translation
method9(translation), the oral method(oral
a) -Meaning
b) +Content
c) -Skill
d) -Habit

247 2 10 10 30.Sometimes the method got its name from the

… of the language learning: the intuitive
method, the conscious method, the direct
a) -Psychology
b) -Physiology
c) +Content
d) -Meaning

248 3 10 10 31.The method was sometimes named …

a) +After its inventor
b) -By the physiology
c) -After the Methodist
d) -According to its content

249 2 19 19 32.In some cases, the methods bear … names: the

leading aspect of the language and the skill the
pupils acquire ( the grammar-translation
method) or name of the author and the
language activity – “ Fries method”, “The
method of teaching reading by West”
a) -Authors
b) +Inventors
c) -Coupled
d) -Single

250 3 17 17 33.… - the oldest method of teaching foreign

languages which had its origin in Latin schools
a) -Oral method
b) +Grammar-translation method
c) -Direct method
d) -Conscious method

251 3 14 14 34.… which began to be widely used in schools in

the 1870`s.
a) +Grammar-translation method
b) -The direct method
c) -Oral method
d) -Conscious method

252 3 15 15 35.… was widely used in teaching the classics<

namely Latin.
a) -Conscious method
b) -Direct method
c) +Grammar-translation method
d) -Deductive method

253 3 16 16 36.By means of the grammar-translation method

attention was paid to assimilation of … of the
foreign language.
a) -The structure
b) -The content
c) +Grammar rules
d) -Phonetics

254 3 17 17 37.The distinguishing features of the … method

(1) instance upon grammatical analysis and (2)
the assumption the grammatical categories can
be defined.
a) +Grammar translation
b) -Oral
c) -Direct
d) -West

255 3 18 18 38.…. In the orthodox form was practices in the

schools in the 18th and 19th centuries.
a) -West method
b) -Direct method
c) +Grammar-translation method
d) -Oral method

256 2 4 4 39.The characteristics features of the … are as

follows .
1. the practical direction in the teaching…
2. the ignoring of the mother tongue…
3. restricted application, complete elimination
of translation
4. the inductive approach to teaching
5. great care in teaching pronunciation….
6. great attention to the subject of the text…
a) -Grammar-translation method
b) +Direct method
c) -Conscious method
d) -Analytical method
257 3 7 7 40.The method is called … because in teaching a
foreign language an attempt is made to
establish a direct connection between a foreign
word and the thing or motion ….
a) +Direct
b) -Grammar
c) -Lexical
d) -Phonetic
258 2 5 5 learning a foreign language the pupil must
tread the path he has followed in acquiring the
mother tongue, i.e. starting with oral
language”-whose method is it?
a) +F.Gouin
b) -M.Berlitz
c) -M.Walter
d) -H.Palmer

259 2 5 5 42.“English trough Actions”-whose is it?

a) -M. West
b) -Amos Comenius
c) -Jacotot
d) +H. Palmer

260 2 6 6 43.Systematic Exercises in English

Pronunciation”-who is the author?
a) -H. Palmer
b) +M. West
c) -Jacotot
d) -Amos Comenius

261 2 9 9 44.“Standard English Reader”-whose work is it?

a) -I. Rakhmonov
b) +A. Mirolybov
c) -H. Palmer
d) -M. West

262 3 `14 14 The teacher speaks. The students listen to the

speech. There is no reaction on the part of the
a) -Conscious comprehension
b) -Subconscious comprehension
c) +Unconscious comprehension
d) -Conscious comprehension

263 2 13 13 45.The teacher speaks. The pupils are given a

definite assignment,… “pay attention to
a) +Subconscious comprehension
b) -Oral comprehension
c) -Unconscious comprehension
d) -Conscious comprehension

264 1 6 6 46.The teacher orders a pupil to do something.

The pupil does it easily. In this was he shows
that he has understood the teacher`s order in
the English language.
a) +Conscious comprehension
b) -Exercises in fulfillment of instructions
c) -Subconscious comprehension
d) -Learning of the language

265 1 1 1 47.Get up. Sit down. Come here. Go there. Go to

the door.-what are these?
a) -Command
b) +Order
c) -Exercises in fulfillment of instructions
-Study exercises
266 1 7 7 48.The teacher asks a question, the students
answer ”Yes”, or “No”. In this way the
student`s comprehension is checked.
a) -Yes work
b) -Yes and No work
c) -Study work
d) +Learning work

267 2 4 4 49.Fill in the blank. …. The teacher speaks. The

students repeat certain speech units after him.
a) -Receptive-imitative work
b) -Conventional conversation
c) -Normal conversation
d) +Fulfillment order

268 3 3 3 50.… is the easiest aspect of the language to

acquire, for reading involves no active use of
grammar and idioms and the memory of the
vocabulary is merely recognition.
a) -Speaking
b) -Writing
c) +Reading
d) -Listening

269 2 7 7 51.In teaching … it is easier to develop a sense of

the language and feeling of what in idiomatic
which would diminish the child`s errors and
accelerate his progress.
a) +Speaking
b) -Reading writing
c) -Auding

270 1 1 1 52.In learning … the child will sooner feel his

progress in language knowledge and enjoy it.
a) -Reading
b) +Speaking
c) -Writing
d) -Listening

271 6 6 53.In teaching .. the teacher`s qualifications, and

his command of the language in of no great
a) +listening
b) -Speaking
c) -Reading
d) -Writing

272 1 8 8 54.“the use of the native language for explanation,

retention and checking”-what approach is it to
foreign language teaching?
a) -Traditional approach
b) +Oral approach
c) -Lexical approach
d) -Grammar approach

273 2 6 6 55.The deductive explanation of grammar and the

use of grammar exercises”-what approach is it
to foreign language teaching?
a) -Oral approach
b) -Written approach
c) +Traditional approach
d) -Teaching approach

274 2 5 5 56.The development of all the language skills, i.e.

hearing, speaking, reading, and writing form
the beginning of the course is called…
a) +Contemporary
b) -Traditional
c) -Grammar
d) -Lexical

275 1 8 8 57.Audio-lingual methods are considered to be …

a) -Contemporary
b) -Traditional
c) -Grammar
d) +Lexical

276 2 6 6 58.The development of audio-lingual skills first,

i.e., listening comprehension and speaking are
called ….
a) -Lingual
b) +Contemporary
c) -Audio-lingual
d) -Traditional

277 2 29 29 59.Draw a picture of an animal. Color it and write

two statements about it”-whom does this
statement belong to?
a) -M. West
b) +Ch. Fries
c) -H. Palmer
d) -Gouin

278 1 8 8 60.Make statements about the objects that your

teacher shows you”-whom does this exercise
belong to?
a) -Ch. Fries
b) -Goiun
c) +M. West
d) -H. Palmer

279 1 8 8 61.Ch. Fries called his method “the oral

approach” because pupils get acquainted with
language material ….
a) -Through the ear
b) -Through the eyes
c) -Through the feeling
d) +Through the speaking

280 3 30 30 62.…. Are the first and most important

consideration in nay teaching.
a) +Objects
b) -Aims
c) -Contents
281 2 4 4 63.The term …. Be reserved for long-term goals
for teaching second languages.
a) +Objects
b) +Aims
c) +Ways
d) +Goals

282 1 8 8 64.The term … be reserved(used) only for short-

term goals which may be achieved in a
classroom lesson.
a) -Goals
b) -Aims
c) -Objectives
d) +Skills

283 2 7 7 65.….- pupils acquire habits and skills in using a

foreign language.
a) -Theoretical
b) +Practical
c) -Educational
d) -Cultural

284 3 14 14 66.… - they develop their mental abilities and

intelligence in the process of learning the
foreign language.
a) -Educational
b) -Practical
c) -Cultural
d) +Theoretical

285 1 8 8 67.… - pupils extend their knowledge of the

world in which they live.
a) -Theoretical
b) -Practical
c) +Educational
d) -Cultural

286 2 7 7 68.The …. Of foreign language teaching or what

to teach is one of the main problems the
methods deals with.
a) +Objectives
b) -Content
c) -Aims
d) -Ways

287 3 2 2 69.The first component of “……” is habits and

skills which pupils should acquire while
learning a foreign language.
a) +What to teach
b) -Whom to teach
c) -Where to teach
d) -How to teach

288 3 7 7 70.The first component of “what to teach” is

……. Which pupils should acquire while
learning a foreign language .
a) -Language material
b) -Linguistic material
c) +Habits and skills
d) -Syllabus material

289 3 8 8 71.The second component of “what to teach” is

………., arranged in topics for the
development of o

290 3 9 9 72.The third component of the content of FLT is

……..i.e., phonology, grammar, and
vocabulary carefully selected for the purpose.
a) +Linguistic material
b) -Language material
c) -Habits and skills
d) -Syllabus

291 2 10 10 73.Hearing<, speaking, reading and writing

a) -Language material
b) +Language skills
c) -Syllabus
-Habits and skills
292 3 10 10 74.Vocabulary, grammar, phonological minima -
a) +Language material
b) -Syllabus
c) -Linguistic material
-Language skills
293 2 19 19 75.….. approach to language learning usually
contrasts with “mechanical” learning through
repetitive drills.
a) -Activity
b) -Conscious
c) -Visualizations
294 3 17 17 76.A approach to FLT implies the use of the
learner`s native language.
a) -visualization
b) +conscious
c) -explanatory
d) -active

295 3 14 14 77.May be defined as specially organized

demonstration of linguistic material and
language behavior characteristic of the target
a) -Active
b) +Demonstrative
c) -visualization
d) -Technical aids

296 3 15 15 78.Allows the teacher to create natural conditions

for pupil`s oral practice and “free
a) -Demonstration
b) -Visualization
c) -Activity
+Technical aids
297 3 16 16 79.…. Implies and extensive use of audio-visual
aids and audio-visual material throughout the
whole course of FLT.
a) +Visualization
b) -Transmission
c) -Activity
d) -Demonstration

298 3 17 17 80.The foreign language syllabus is the main ….

Which lays down the aims and the content of
FLT in schools.
a) -Purpose
b) -+Document
c) -Aim
d) -Content

299 3 18 18 81.The foreign language …… is the main

document which lays down the aims and the
content of FLT in schools.
a) -Books
b) -Aim
c) +Syllabus
d) -Material

300 2 11 11 82.The syllabus includes:……. . Here the teacher

will find the aims of FLT in schools.
a) -Documents
b) +Instruction
c) -Explanatory note
d) -Aids

Gumanitarfanlarkafedrasimudiri: N.K. Ro’ziyeva

Pedagogikavatillarnio’qitishfakultetidekani A.K. Sobirov

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