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= Regulation is necessary to ensure planned development = DCR is must for every growing city because the area immediately beyond the city limits is often a source of health hazard to the city and generally under no strict control of an efficient local authority * To control the private development as per the required standards in relation to public health, safety and convenience, = Toencourage private interest along with public interest in all aspects of development. = Ta prevent the conflicting demand and misuse of land, * To.control and prevent overcrowding on land, = Development control is statutory in nature and the planning authority has the power to punish the defaulters, Types of DCR = Town and Country Planning Act = SLUM Clearance Act = Periphery Control Act = Land Acquisition Act = Zoning Regulations * Building Bye-laws Pao) allile} Regulations * Allocation of land for specific purposes * Control of the use, height and construction of the building Objective of zoning:- 1) The Town planner gets ample opportunity for designing the future growth and development of the town, 2) ‘Re-zoning if required for better uses of land by revising their zoning ordinances can be possible. 3) The zoning affords proper co-ordination of various Public amenities such as transport facilities, drainage, electric power, etc. 4) The zoning proves tolbe an effective instrument for making any town planning scheme effective and successful 1 Freedom to builder or anions * Rights of occupants + Rights at neighbor Applicability of Bye-Laws:~ 1) Adsitions and aeration t.a buiksings 2) Neweonstruction 2) Requirement 6f open space Objectives 1) Ithecomes east to prexplan the Building activities and provision of bbye-laws, owe guidelines tothe designing architect or engineer 2) The building bye tows hhopharerd development without any resemblance to tha development of the aroa és a whole, 3) Toprovide open spaces ac browse and afford safety against fire, noise, 4) Tecontral lane development 5) Material types contrat Bye-Laws Typologies + Minimum sizes of plots Lem hoome Group 135-180 Sam 624-2409 tee 472 + Setbacks Foot Rear Margin See Mega Minhabitabie ses of rooms Proportion of bultup ares to pot area hint aight Foor height Proportionste opening ares © Projections © St © Compound = Material ened werkmenatip DCR for aN Aeick= 1 °y2\° | Extent in 9600 Total Land Use Group Hectares ‘approx. DCR- feck s=1) (Cyberabad) 000Sq.m ea ina iel a) Permissible Depending On BUaace Rc) TYPE A-SITESIN ‘OLD/EXISTINGBUILT- UP AREAS/CONGESTEDARE ‘AS/SETTLEMENT ‘AllResidential (other than Group Housing} & Commercial Buildings. TYPE B1- SITES IN NEW AREAS /APPROVED LAYOUT AREAS Non-High Rise (Residential) Buildings including Group Housing (Cellar and /or Stitt as permissible + maximum up to floors), Basic level social amenities like Nursery School, Primary School / Religious Place /Clinie ya etna rela) Permissible pr ekureliale h@la) Baars A Urol) = TYPE B2 High Rise Buildings / Complexes, Non High Rise Group Housing Cellars as applicable + 6 floors):Graup Housing with more thant00 units, Group Development Scheme: Middle school / Tutorial institution / General industry / = TYPE BS General Degree and other non- professional College / Polytechnic, Tl Professional College Campus: Multiplex Complexes. Shopping Mails (above 4000sq.m). Hospitals of more than 20 beds and all Non High-Rise buildings up to 18 m Introduction Of Restrictions Of Building Activity For The Following Areas Railways Distance from Railway property boundary to the building shal be ‘minimum 30m or a5 per NOC given by Rainey Authority Airport For Building activity within the Restricted Zone / Air Funnel Zone near the airport, necessary clearance from the concerned Airport Authority shall be obtained. The building heights and other parameters shall be regulated as per the stipulations of the Airport Authority of India. Inrespect of any landifocated within 1000m from the boundary of Military Airport no building s allowed except with prior clearance from the concerned airport authority with regard to building height permissible and eafe distance to be maintained between the building and boundary of the aerodrome. Defense Establishments In cage of Sites within SOOm distance from the boundary of Defense Areas / Military Establishments prior clesrance of Defense Authority shall be obtained, DCR for Chennai Metropolitan Area Contents Of The Master atta) For this purpose all lands in the Metropolitan area have been categorised under the following use zone: 01. Primary residential use zone 02 Mixed residential use zone 03, Commercial use zone 04, Light industrial use zone 05, General industrial use zone 06. Special and hazardous industfial use zone, 07. Institutional use zone 08. Qpen space and recreational use zone 09, Agricultural use zone 10. Non-urban use zone: force lila Residential Buildings and Oreo) | ele le) eluilial ty * Ordinary residential / predominantly residential buildings, Clinics, dispensaries, nursing homes with floor area not exceeding 300 sq.m. and G+1 floor in height * Working women hostels / old age homes with floor area not exceeding 500 sq.m. and Get floor in height. * Corparate / Institution Guesthouses with floor area not exceeding 300 sqm. and G+1 floor in height. * Cottage industries (with number of workers nat exceeding Band electric machineries not exceeding 5 H.P.) with floor area nat exceeding 300 sqm. and G+1 floor in height. = Nursery schools, primary schools with floor area nat exceeding 300 sqm. * Reading rooms, libraries, Post office, EB Office, telegrephic office, Local body maintenance offices with floor area not exceeding 300 sam. loreal ay Residential Buildings and other small fo TA fe) oun ay Ordinary * Ordinary commercial / predominantly commercial Commercial buildings including shops, private offices, banks. ii restaurants, fuel filing stations with or without service Buildings and stations not exceeding 5 HP, Departmental stares, clinical hi mmeree, with floor area less than Oyama labs, Schools of Commerce, with floor area less than 300 1. and up to Ground +ane floor. Grice eer caesy “— folcelia lat Commercial Buildings and Creo] | (loo) elualal ts) Cottage industries, Green industries and Orange industries Institutional buildings * Including nursery schools, Primary schools and religious buildings with floor area exceeding 300 sq.m, Secondary schools, Colleges. Higher Educational, Technical & Research Institutions, Students hostels & Dormitories, Research Institutions, * Broadcasting, Telecasting & Telecommunication cent Government & Quasi Government offices, and Institutions, Government archives, Museums, Art galleries and Public libraries; foreign missions, Consulates and embassies. Institutional buildings Religious buildings Miah ele gle D oc) beat l¢@Foe iris] Ls waite aol] CSA oe Transport Terminals go Veg reli) Terminals, Bus stands, ET ey eases Maca Cee DCR for Tiruchirappalli * Incases of hospital buildings en additional Floor Space Index of 0.25 is allowable over and above the normally = The Floor space index for Information Technology eat tee eT development shall be allowed at 15 times of the FSI lore) ordinarily permissible for respective use of that zone Index provided site extent is not less than 2000 sqm, This benefit will not be available for primary residential use zone. * Maximum Floor Space index allowable is 1.5 times of the Floor Spaces Index ordinarily permissible, = For the useof the occupants and of persons visiting the 1 remises for the purposes of profession, trade. business Parking and P turprene of J recreation or any other activity parking spaces and parking eld king facilities shall be provided within the site to the satisfaction of the Authority and conforming to the standards specified facilities in Schedule Schedule - Il Parking Standards Bullding use No. of Parking Spaces @ ‘Residential For building with dwelling unit oF units of floor area exceeding 75 ‘square metres each a ‘Gio car space for 75 square malres of floor area or part thereof excluding the first 75 square metres in other words Dwelling area No. of cars. Upio 750 square metres car space ‘abave 150 square meires bul below | 2 car space 225. metres ‘above 225 square metres but below | Scar space 300. metres “Two whoeler parking - One lwo wheelor parking space for every dwelling unit wilh floor area of 40-75 square metres. ‘The dimension of two wheeler parking lot shall be minimum1.§ metres x 2 metres with a driveway of minimum 4.5 metres, Note -- in such cases where the number of car parking ‘Space required does not exceed 3 in number, separate iiveway Need not be insisted_ ‘Commercial [i Foot are uplo 50 square metres — Wa (a) Shop and (>) Shopping centre below 100 square metre . 1 car space. (i) Fico area above 50 square metre but (For every ectlona 80 aqua mens spat thereat metres = 1 car TE Office and “tim (including public and Semi puble ‘One: cay apace for avery 100 eguare moles Of Noor area or part thereat. “T In slaved and major bolels wih more than 60 roms ‘one space for every 4 guest rooms. 2, In unstarred and ctiver hotels - One space for every 10 ‘quest rooms. ‘One space for every 20 square metres of auditorium area ‘One Space Tor every 20 equare mates of manage hal ‘roa, Ware ae Whaieee | One Bn pee Br Gy SO HRT MOR TF o 7, Foot ea Teas Want6O | Ta square meres 2. Floor area above 100 ‘Square motres but less than x To Whe dpe ota ved rap aaa be are Paar: “iat Covel Pang = In cases where the extent of the site where residential or predominantly residential developments proposed exceeds 10000 square metres (1 hectare), the developer shall reserve minimum ten per cent of the site area (exeluding roads if any handed over te loeal body) and provide housing thereon for lower income groups with dwelling units not exceeding 45 square metres in floor area each, either within the site proposed for group development or in a location within a radius of 5 kum. from the site under reference, The developer or promoter or owner shall sell these small dwellings only for this purpose No conversion or amalgamation shail be permissible in these cases of lower income group dwellings. Fire Safety Fire satety, detection and extinguishing systems.- (2) All building in their design and construction shall be such as to contribute to and ensure individually and collectively and the safety of life from fire, senoke, fumes and also panic arising from these or similar other causes. {(b) In building of such size, arrangement or eccupancy that a fire may not itsalf provide adequate warning tooccupants, automatic fire detecting and alarming facilities shall be provided where necessary to warn occupants or the existence Of fires, 80 that they my eseape, or to facilitate the orderly conduct of fire exit erie, (e) Fire protecting and extinguishing system shall conform te accepted standards and shal be installed in accordance with good practice es recommended in the National Building Code of India, (amended from time to time) and to the satisfaction of the Director of Fire and Rescue Services by obtaining a no abjection certificate from him. = Every multi- storeyed development erected shall be provided with, * (lifts 26 prescribed in National Building Coder * (ji) stand-by electric generator of adequate capacity for running lift and water pump, anda room to. accammodate the generator; © (ii) an electrical room of not less than 6 metres by 4.0 metres in area with a minimum head room of 2,75 metres to accommodate electric transformer in the ground floor: and the space for installation of transformers shall conform to the regulation given in Schedule-VIl = Among the lifts provided within the premises atleast one. lift shall have the facility to;accommodate the whee! chair size 8Oem x 180cm. on ein sisprect ve vuning at vera at signeid by a qualified Civil or Structural Engineer and an Architect whe should possess the qualification referred to in the Architects Act, 1972 (Central Act 20 of 1972), to become a member of the profession of Architects Structure under the provisions of the said Act, The qualified Engineer of Structural Engineer should also be Class | licensed Surveyor registered with Corporation / Local body concerned. CASE STUDY -1 Hynetic Commercial, Bangalore According to DCR 15-1m height building setback of 6m should be given Here, Building height - %6.5m East- 4.5m South - 3m North = 1.5m ‘West - 1.5m FSI should be 2.5 for an 18-24m width road Hereitis 3.25 a 1-4" * According te DCR min 1.5m should be the width of the stairway in commercial complex = Here, = 12m 2 * © : g to DCR min 2.5m * = spans party bet 20 the height of the ms vw shoudl 5 sagen + Here, +4 ae * 3.25m { oo | eet. 7 CASE STUDY - II Rockwell International School, Hyderabad Lore || International * TYPE: EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION © SITE AREA: 9140 SQM. * GROUND FLOOR AREA: 2745 SQM. School, + FIRST FLOOR AREA: 240050. Lo Load = SECOND FLOOR AREA: 2400 SOM, Lier sl-19) "FAR: 0.8 (DECENT AND SATISFACTORY AS PER REGULATIONS) Se cased os ot 02 03 04 05 06 ROAD WIDTH OM HEIGHT PERMIS. 2M RAILWAY LINE DIST. - ELECTRIC POLES DIST 3M (HTL), 2M (LTL) SET BACKS (FOR 2500 SQM- PLOT SIZE) (STILT + 2 CELLARS ALLOWED) -THE SITE HAS ONE STILT FLOOR FOR KITCHEN AND STORAGE) *FOR 18MTS HT.UPTO 9M ROAD WIDTH IN GENERAL STANDARDS FRONT- 3M SIDE- 5M(OS-4M) PARKING FW lost OM 1BMAX 30M MIN. 3m (HTL), 1.5M (LTL) aM ™ GOOD Good GOOD NOT SATISFIED GOOD NOT SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED PY = Though The Setbacks Have Been Compromised Upon, It Might Not Cause Any Huge Problems Far The Time Being As The Site Is Almost In A Vacant Residential Area With Inhabited Land Around, = Parking Is Not Sufficient For Four Wheelers And Is Visible INFERENCES Since The Vehicles Are Parked In The Side Street Lane. * Too Much Of Height Relaxation And Regulation, = Electric Poles At A More Prescribed Distance And is Actually Good - Aesthetics Wise And Functionality Wise. Thank You!

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