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Kalubkob, Silang, Cavite

Technology & Livelihood Education 10

Fourth Periodical Test

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write the word or group of words of the best answer.

1. Which of the following tools is used for whipping eggs or butter, and for blending gravies, sauces and soups?
a. grater b. spatula c. whisks d. scraper
2. Used for mixing ingredients. It comes in different sizes. Small, medium, and large
a. mixing spoon b. measuring cup c. mixing bowl d. pan
3. The following are some reasons why we eat dessert except
a. Dessert can be an opportunity to be creative.
b. It gives closure to your meal
c. Dessert can make you feel full & fat
d. Dessert gives you opportunity to experience variety of flavors and textures.
4. This is the simplest and one of the best desserts, because they are nutritious, appetizing, and easy to prepare and
a. Truffles b. soufflés c. fruit d. cobblers
5. These are not a pie, they have a depth of two or three inches and are topped with bisquit dough rather than being made
with pie crust, they may be serve hot or cold.
a. Truffles b. soufflés c. Pudding d. fruit cobblers
6. A type of dessert that are served chilled or frozen
a. Mousses b. Cold Dessert c. Gelatine Dessert d. Cobblers
7. There are the characteristics of pudding except
a. Attractive appearance b. excellent consistency
c. Firmness of shape d. has a pouring consistency
8. Some of characteristics of Baked Custard are follows except:
a. excellent flavor b. rich and creamy consistency
c. firmness of shape d. velvet smooth texture
9.This are the common element linking virtually in all dessert, It may be used to sprinkle over fruit, beaten into egg yolks for
custard or into whites for a meringue.
a. chocolate b. sugar c. creams d. batters
10. This ingredient is often used as a decoration or accompaniment for both cold and hot desserts, but may also be used
as one of the recipe ingredients
a. cream b. sugar c. fruits d. gelatin
11. Used to set many cold molded desserts. It is the basis for jellies and is also used to set creams and mousses.
a. chocolate b. gelatine c. creams d. batters
12. Which of the following sauces is suited to a simple dessert?
a. cold sauce b. hot fudge sauce c. light sauce d. rich sauce
13. This is a delightful contrast to a cold cornstarch pudding or vanilla ice cream.
a. Hot fudge b. Hot sauce c. Rich sauce d. Light sauce
14. The following are thickening agents for sauce, EXCEPT
a. baking powder b. Cream c. cornstarch d. flour
15 . Which of the following containers is used to store sauces?
a. airtight jar b. Plastic bottle C. Medium-sized bowl d. Small plastic bag
16. These are available whole, ground, roasted or caramelized. They are an important part of dessert cookery as they
provide flavour for creams and ice creams.
a. Nuts b. Sugar c. Chocolate d. Cream
17. It provides the basis for many desserts, with very little effort needed to make an attractive colorful display.
a. Custard b. Sauce c. Fruits d. Gelatine

`18. Which of these sauces is best for a simple dessert?

a. cold b. light c. hot fudge d. rich
19. Which of the following sanitary practices is not true in storing desserts?
a. Wash utensils and equipment thoroughly
b. Keep away from food when you are ill
c. Store foods and ingredients in a dry place
d. Safeguard the food during distribution
20. . This is a flavored liquid blend of ingredients that adds flavor and enhances the appearance of the food.
a. Appetizer b. Sauce c. Dessert d. Stock
21. Which of the following sauces is suited to a simple dessert?
a. cold sauce b. hot fudge sauce c. light sauce d. rich sauce
22. This simple mixture of flour and water is used to make crepes and pancakes. Batter is also used to coat fruit for fritters.
a. chocolate b. sugar c. batter d. butter
23. A Sauce suited for rich dessert .
a. Rich Sauce b. Light Sauce c. Fudge d. Hot sauce
24. These are from blended fresh or cooked fruits, sweetened with sugar. Other flavorings and spices are sometimes
a. Fruit Juice b. Fruit Puree c. Fruit Syrup d. Fruit sauce
25. Type of sugar that is best for meringues and some cakes because it dissolves more easily
a. Granulated Sugar b. Confectioner’s sugar c. Castor Sugar d. Brown Sugar
26. Commonly known as icing sugar, mostly used for dusting the tops of dessert
a. Granulated Sugar b. Confectioner’s sugar c. Castor Sugar d. Brown Sugar
27. A soft confection made of butter, sugar, chocolate.
a. Sauce b. Syrup c. Fudge d. Puree
28. This sauce are mostly made with egg yolk and milk, chocolate or other flavor may be added to create varieties
a. Custard Sauce b. Fruit Puree c. fudge d. syrups
29. These are the guidelines in preparing vanilla custard sauce, except
a. Place bowl with egg mixture in a pan of simmering water and stir constantly to prevent curdling.
b. To test for doneness, the mixture must not coat the back of the spoon.
c. Immediately cool the sauce by setting the pan or bowl in ice water. Stir occasionally to cool evenly.
d. If the sauce curdles, immediately stir in one (1) to two (2) ounces cold milk, transfer the sauce to a blender, and
blend at high speed.
30. Zia need to make a gelatine dessert for her friend, help Zia to make a gelatin dessert by giving her the correct
sequence of the procedure
1. Boil sugar and gulaman in two cups water.
2. Add milk and put half of the mixture in a wet mold
3. When partly jelled, arrange fruits in mold and pour the remaining gulaman
4. Put in a cool place to jell.
5. Remove from fire, strain through a sieve.
6. Chill until firm. Serve cold
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6 b. 1,3,5,6,4,2 c. 1,5,2,4,3,6 d. 1,5,4,2,3,6
31. The following are the thickening agents that improves the quality of sauces, except one
a. cornstarch b. creams c eggs, d. fats
32. It is made of rubber or silicone tools to blend or scrape the food from the bowl; metal, silicone or plastic egg turners or
a. spatula b, mixing spoon c. scraper d. ladle
33. It is used to level off ingredients when measuring and to spread frostings
a. spatula b, mixing spoon c. scraper d. ladle
34. This is used when temperatures must be kept below boiling, such as for egg sauces, puddings, and to keep foods
warm without overcooking.
a. mixing bowl b, double boiler c. oven d. frying pan
35. It is considered as the frame of the presented dish
a. plate b. color d. texture d. garnish
36. It is critical to food presentation, as well as enjoyment. Contrasting hard and soft, smooth and coarse, adds visual
interest to your food, and it will enhance your customers' enjoyment to the food.
a. plate b. color d. texture d. garnish
37. Stirred vanilla custard sauce; consist of milk, sugar, egg yolks and vanilla stirred over low heat until lightly thickened.
a. Custard. b. Pastry cream c. Cream Anglaise d. Fudge
38. Contains starch as well as eggs, resulting in a much thicker and more stable product. It is used as a cake and pastry
fillings for cream pies and pudding. With additional liquid, it is used as custard sauce.
a. Custard. b. Pastry cream c. Cream Anglaise d. Fudge
39. It is considered as an important part of the plate presentation; always have a variety of this on the plate.
a. food d. color c. garnishes d. sauce
40. What guidelines in plating dessert imply “Don't crowd the plate. If your dessert is beautiful, it shouldn't need a lot of
garnishes. And keep the rim of the plate clear, so the servers aren't touching the food when they place the desserts in
front of the customers.”
a. Make Garnishes edible
b. Keep it clean and simple
c. Make your garnishes relate to the dessert on the plate
d. Layer flavors and textures in your dessert
41. In plating techniques; Remember that neatness counts. Food should be contained within the rim of the plate, yet it
should not be crowded in the center. Take a look at the plate and ask yourself if it is pleasing to the eye. It should not
look sloppy and dirty.
a. Garnish to impress
b. Keep things clean
c. Make garnishes edible
d. Try different plates
There are many factors and techniques to consider in plating food that affect the overall appearance of dessert
and one of these is Color. Color is an important part of plate presentation, always try to have a variety of colors on
the plate
42. What color has a fresh and cool effect and can be soothing to the diner
a. orange b. green c. red d. black
43. Color that shows sophistication and elegant
a. black b. green c. blue d. red
44. Color that is a natural appetite suppressant, since it can make food look unappetizing
a. black b. green c. blue d. red
45. Color that shows passion and excitement to the food
a. orange b. green c. red d. black
46. Here are some other techniques to keep in mind when garnishing except
a. Never decorate a plate with something inedible
b. Ensure the garnish complements and enhances the dish.
c. Choose garnishes that are the correct size; they should be easy to eat.
d. Use an artificial garnish such as flowers, and other decorative item
47. The following are the garnishes that add wow factor to your dessert except,
a. Fresh fruit b. Nuts c. Chocolate d. Plastic flower
48. It can add or enhance the theme of your dessert really well
a. right plate b. serving spoon c. garnish d. flavor
49. This enhances your plate presentation, it must be appropriate to the ingredients
a. texture b. color c. garnish d. shape
50. Most dessert contains these ingredients that are potential to health hazard if not stored properly
a. sugar & milk b. gelatine & cream c. milk & dairy products d. fruits & nuts
51. What component of egg custards provides good food bacteria, and if the custard are not heated and cooled properly
and quickly, the bacteria present in the custard can grow quickly to dangerous numbers.
a. protein b. carbohydrates c. calcium d. vitamins
52. If you plan to keep a pre-prepared dessert hot until service, make sure that the temperature of the food is over
a. 65oC b. 85oC c c. 95oC d. 25oC
53. Following are the sanitary practices when storing desserts except
a. Handle the food properly to prevent spoilage and contamination.
b. Wash utensils and equipment thoroughly.
c. Keep on cooking even you are ill.
d. Store foods and ingredients properly
54. It is a process of reducing the temperature of food
a. freezing b. chilling c. boiling d. refrigerating
55. The main aims of this are to keep the food in good condition until it is sold and consumed, and to encourage customers
to purchase the product.
a. Freezing b. Packaging c. Chilling d. storing
56. It is an inexpensive packaging material. It is however highly absorptive, fairly easily torn, and offers no barrier to water
or gases.
a. Paper b. Glass c. earthenware d. aluminum
57. It has traditionally been used for a wide range of solid and liquid foods including fruits, vegetables, tea and beer. It
offers good protection, good stacking characteristics and strength.
a. Paper b. Glass c. wood d. aluminum
58. It is the “art science and technology of preparing goods for transport and sale”
a. Food Packaging b. Food Processing c. Food Production d. Food Wrapping
59. This is the oldest way of packaging food where cooked food are placed in can to prevent contamination
a. Freezing b. Canning c. Packaging d. wrapping
60. This term refer to packaging in large standardized containers for efficient shipping and handling
a. aseptically b. bulk c. packaging d. containerization

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