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The Miscalculations of the Lightning Girl


Twelve-year-old Lucy Callahan was struck by lightning when she

was eight years old. Because of that strike, she has genius
math-level skills. The problem is that she is now su ering from
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder); she can’t sit down three
times without doing it.

She is practically ready for college, but her grandmother insists

that she attend middle school rst. She needs to make one
friend, work on one activity, and read one book. Lucy can’t
understand why she has to go through the torture of middle
school when she could go to college! It’s a pain in the neck to be
made fun of, especially in middle school.

On the rst day of school, Lucy becomes friends with a

kind girl in her class named Windy. The two girls are assigned a
life-changing project with a boy named Levi. When the group
goes to an animal shelter to volunteer, Lucy falls in love with a
dog named Pi. They soon discover Pi is brain-damaged and have to hand him over to animal control
after a few weeks. Lucy is determined to nd a home for Pi even though no one is interested in
adopting him.

Lucy slowly realises that all hope is lost. When Pi is about to be sent to animal control, Mr. Stoker,
her math teacher, visits the shelter and adopts Pi. Lucy was relieved that Pi had found a new home.
Hope was tricky, but it found its way back to her.

Main Idea:

Lucy has a di erent and unique childhood from other kids. Despite the challenges that she faces,
she still stays strong and sorts it out with the help of her friends.

I love this book as it shows how most students feel when they have a tough time in middle school.
This is also a unique story as it shows the odds of life. Lucy loves numbers and mathematical
expressions just as I do. The part where mathematics and lightning strikes are connected is

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