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Not Air Pollution

Our world is slowly being destroyed by the quick development of the human although human’s
development did a great step in science and technology. Most of people thought that would
increase the quality of human life but It wasn’t. Human’ve done a terrible development but they
haven’t noticed how terrible are them. The true answer for these are the pollution - the worst
human creation of human history. There are a lot of types of pollution, such as: air pollution, water
pollution, thermal pollution, light pollution, etc (…). But the most feared pollution is air pollution. Air
pollution are happening around us everyday and everytime. They can be hide in the environment,
but sometimes they are showed as a fog of dust or smog ( the combine of smoke and fog ).

The first appearance of air pollution began at very early of the human history, but it was considered
as a pollution in the 18th century, when the world moved to the new era – The industry revolution.
Human built some of the first factory in the world. Chemist and physicist also made a lot of
inventions. Then human developed these invention quickly to applied for human’s life so it could
make quality of life became better.

Most of pollutant create air pollution are produced everyday in the industries or factories. Not only
that, we and everything else also produce the contaminated air too. Some of the main air create the
air pollution are: Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Nitroen oxide, Sulfur oxide, etc (…). These
contaminated air are come from fossil fuel, vehicle exhausts, the waste or smoke of thermal power
plant factory, the forest fire, etc (…). They also come from the air we breathe or the smoke when we
burn something like rubbish, material, trash, etc (…).

Air pollution cause many bad effect on environment and human body. It’s create the acid rain,
reducing the visualbility, harming the forest and wild animals. It’s also lead to cardiovascular disease,
lung disease, lung cancer and makes human and animals harder to breath. These factors make
human will be ill or die

To stop, prevent or reduce the air pollution, we should learn what is air pollution and how it’s
worked. We can stop breathing the contaminated air by using the face masks. We should plant trees
because it can covert the Carbon dioxide into Oxygen. Reduce using the private, own or fossil fuel
vehicle and using more the public transport, bicycle, walking or electric vehicle. The government also
need to change the energy from fussil fuel, coal, oil, etc (…) to the reusable energy like solar power,
hydro power, wind power, etc (…). Also we shouldn’t burn any leave, trash and material especially
plastic material.

Conclusion, air pollution is a very major problem of the world. Human should have awareness to
know how hazardous is the air pollution. We also need to protect our Earth together from the
pollution and make our “ Home ” become better in the better future. If we don’t protect our Earth,
we are dangering ourself slowly. We must act now before it’s too late!

----- Small actions, big meaning-----

*Thông tin nhóm:

- Nhóm có 5 thành viên:

+ Trần Mạnh Cường

+ Đỗ Duy Khánh

+ Nguyễn Hồng Quân

+ Vương Quang

+ Nguyễn Hữu Bảo Khánh

*Vai trò:

- Writer: Trần Mạnh Cường

- Contributors: Đỗ Duy Khánh, Nguyễn Hồng Quân, Vương Quang, Nguyễn Hữu Bảo Khánh, ? (Không
xác định)

*Note :

- Bài văn này hoàn toàn tự viết, không sao chép ở trên mạng. (chỉ thu thập, tìm kiếm và lấy thông tin
ở trên mạng )

- Writer: Người viết

- Contributors: Người cung cấp thông tin, đóng góp ý kiến

Tóm tắt
Đoạn 1: Giới thiệu về Ô nhiễm không khí

Đoạn 2: Lịch sử về sự xuất hiện của Ô nhiễm không khí

Đoạn 3: Nguồn gốc của Ô nhiễm không khí

Đoạn 4: Tác hại của Ô nhiễm không khí

Đoạn 5: Cách phòng chống, ngăn ngừa Ô nhiễm không khí

Đoạn 6: Kết luận

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