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2E Speaking results 12-8-2023

Name Score out of 10 Comment

Quynh Anh 9 Quynh Anh is a very
confident speaker and her test
result clearly shows that. She
has great pronunciation and is
able to speak about most
topics, now she should focus
more on building more
complex sentence structures
and answer with longer
sentences. She can compose
complete sentences, with very
little complications. Her her
enthusiasm in learning the
English language is
Phuong Uyen 9 Uyen is able to speak about
most topics and has a decent
level of fluency, but she
should focus more on her past
tense as she forgets to change
verbs into their past tense
form. She has clear
pronunciation and she can
only improve from here on
out. She can pronounce words
properly, and construct
sentences effectively. She’s
doing a stellar job in honing
her English abilities.
Sy Anh 7 Sy Anh seems to learn new
information quite quickly,
however his level of fluency
is still quite basic as he isn’t
able to speak about a variety
of simple topics such as free
time activities. That being
said, he seems to be doing
quite well in class with the
lesson content and I’m sure
his fluency will improve over
time. He just needs a little
work in constructing complex
sentences, but in time, he got
better and better because his
dedication is remarkable.
Hoang Khanh 6 Khanh struggled to answer
basic introductory questions
so his level of fluency is still
quite simple, but it will
definitely improve over time
by keeping a steady practice.
He seems to be doing fine
with the lesson content,
however I would like to focus
more on his overall English
proficiency by continuously
asking him questions and
allowing him to speak more
in front of the class. He
actively participates in all
activities, however, his
fluency is under
improvement. He can
communicate properly with
the words he’s familiar of, but
would need to practice
outside of class as well.
Ha My 7 Ha My speaks quite clearly
and her accent is very audible,
however sometimes she can
be a bit soft-spoken, probably
due to the stress of speaking
individually. She seems to
remember new information
really well and is quite
confident in her ability to
answer questions. It’s
important to encourage her to
speak in English as often as
possible and to avoid using
Vietnamese in class as to
improve her critical thinking
in English. Sometimes she’ll
revert to Vietnamese when
she feels unconfident. Her
vocabulary is quite good, but
is shy to express what she
wants. She has gotten way
better than before, but would
just need constant drills to
improve fluency.

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