Penal Codes

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Penal Codes

Penal Codes

Criminal Procedure
➢ Sentencing
➢ Definitions
➢ Guidelines

Criminal Offences
➢ Offences against Person
➢ Offences involving Theft
➢ Offences Involving Damage to Property
➢ Offences against Public Administration
➢ Offences Against Public Order
➢ Offences Against Public Health and Morals
➢ Offences Against Public Safety
➢ Offences involving operation of a Vehicle

Criminal Procedures
➢ P.C. 1101 Infractions Only Fine
➢ P.C. 1102 Misdemeanour 10 or less months
➢ P.C. 1103 Felony More than 10 months
➢ P.C. 1104 Fine/Time Limits Non – Aggravated: 15 Months/ 5000$

Aggravated: 25 Months/ 10000$ Fine

First Time Offender: 10 Months/ 3000$

Fine (Abusing this is a server rule break)

Fines of more than 10000$ cannot be

issued without a judge’s order.
Sentences of longer than 30 months
cannot be issues without a judge’s
➢ P.C. 1105 ➢ Interchanging The accused has the right to choose to
Time/Fine convert using one of the following
methods (No cross-converting to abuse
the system):

Fine to time: At a rate of 500$ for each

month for up to 50% of the maximum
fine. This can ignore the max fine/time
limit if chosen by the accused.

Time to Fine: At a rate of 750$ to 1

month at a maximum of 50% of the
total time sought by the state before
the time limit outlines in P.C. 1104.


➢ P.C. 1201 Class 1 Weapon Handguns

➢ P.C. 1202 Class 2 Weapon Semi-automatic rifles and short barrelled
shotguns, high calibre/automatic/semi-
automatic/combat Handguns
➢ P.C. 1203 Class 3 Weapon Sniper Rifle, high calibre, and automatic
➢ P.C. 1204a Controlled Marijuana and Oxycodone more than 5
Substance units. Meth, Cocaine and Animal Leather
➢ P.C. 1204b Illegal Substance Thermite, Thermal Charges and Advanced
➢ P.C. 1204c Illegal Vehicle Level 3/4/5 Upgraded Vehicle used in an
Upgrades illegal activity. Full black tint on windows.
Nitro Boost.
➢ P.C. 1205 Government Any property used by a public servant.
Property This includes police cars, aircraft, city
buses, park ranger vehicles, ambulances,
airport ground equipment and military
➢ P.C. 1206 Public Official A person who was nominated, elected, or
appointed into a position by the
➢ P.C. 1207 Public Servant A person who works for the government.
➢ P.C. 1208 Peace Officer Police Officer, Trooper, Sheriffs, EMS
➢ P.C. 1209 Conspiracy Agreement with one or more people to
commit a crime, and one of them
commits an overt act in furtherance of
that agreement.
➢ P.C. 1210 RICO Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act.
➢ P.C. 1211 Racketeering Crimes committed through coercion or
➢ P.C. 1212 Corrupt An organization that has overtly engaged
Organization in criminal actions as a criminal group.
➢ P.C. 1213 Month 1 minute
➢ P.C. 1214 Year 1 Day
➢ P.C. 1215 Aggravation Crimes committed with the use or threat
of use of a weapon, or the intent to
gravely injure someone.
➢ P.C. 1216 Class A Meth
➢ P.C. 1217 Class B Cocaine, Oxycodone
➢ P.C. 1218 Class C Marijuana, Acid
➢ P.C. 1219 Trafficking Trafficking is selling, transporting, and
importing illegal drugs, material and/or


➢ P.C. 1301 Aiding and Abetting All persons that help in commission of
a crime are guilty of such crime.
Charged for the full time of crime
➢ P.C. 1302 Attempt All persons that attempt a crime are
guilty of such crime.
➢ P.C. 1303 Conspiracy Felony ▪ Agreement with one or more
people to commit a crime, and
one of them commits an overt
act in furtherance of that
▪ Charge with full time of felony
that would have been
▪ If murder, charge for first
degree as conspiring murder
shows intent to kill another
person and a mental state
equivalent to deliberation and
➢ P.C. 1304 Built-Up Areas 50 mph / 80 kmph
➢ P.C. 1305 Highways 80 mph / 130 kmph
➢ P.C. 1306 RICO Act The ability to extend criminal
penalties and civil cause of action for
acts performed as part of an ongoing
criminal organisation. This allows the
leaders of syndicates or corrupt
organizations to be charged for crimes
they have ordered others to commit
or assisted in completing.
I.E. Leader instructs follower to
commit murder. Both parties can be
charges with first degree murder if it is
proven that the perpetrator was
instructed to do so.
➢ P.C. 1307 Court Only charges in BOLD with the P.C.
CODE HIGHLIGHTED can be brought to
court. The time limit is 2 years for
court; Preliminary Holding for “List
Charges Here”. I.E. Preliminary
hearing for 1st Degree
Murder/Aggravated Assault/
➢ P.C. 1308 Time Served Time served is given only for time
spent waiting for a lawyer and does
not include processing unless the
officers are wilfully negligent in
➢ P.C. 1309 Maximum Maximum punishments should only
Punishments be charged if the crime is deserving.
The punishment should be equal to
the level at which an individual
committed the offence.
Think of it in terms of the percentage
of which you believe the individual
committed the crime in relation to the
worst possible violation of the crime.
➢ P.C. 1310 Bench Trial Any individual is allowed to request a
bench trial – however they must serve
their minimum time requirement
while awaiting a bench trial. A request
for a bench trial must be filed in the
court system.
➢ P.C. 1311 Summary For times exceeding those listed in
Judgements P.C. 1104; A Senior Trooper or above –
or any members of the DOA’s office
may ask for a summary of the
judgement if there is an active judge.
The defendant must have a lawyer or
agree to self-represent. This allows a
judge to sentence up to 75 months. In
addition, for a summary judgement to
be requested, charges must be
collected from a minimum of three
separate incidents or meet the
conditions for P.C. 1314
➢ P.C. 1312 Public Safety Statute Any crimes committed toward, around
or inside (Physically) a hospital,
courthouse or police station are
subject to 1.5 times the fine/time.
➢ P.C. 1313 Protected Persons Malicious crimes with pre-meditation
committed against PSOs, EMS,
Doctors, DOJ Employees, Elected
Public Officials are subject to double
fine/time if the crimes committed are
due to individual’s profession and are
outside of the expected risk of their
➢ P.C. 1314 Heinous Clause Extension of jail time for person(s)
who commit serial, violent crimes that
are extreme in nature.
This can extend any jail time from P.C.
1307 to 7 years. In addition, serial
assaulters whose crimes are deemed
as heinous as per this clause can
extend the summary judgement jail
time to 9999 months.

Criminal Offences

Section Offences Against Classification Description

➢ P.C. 2100a Simple Assault Misdemeanour Attempts to or
commits an injury
upon another person
without the use of a
➢ P.C. 2100b Assault Misdemeanour Attempts to or
commits an injury
upon a person while
using a weapon
➢ P.C. 2100c Accomplice to a Felony A person who helps
Crime another commit a
➢ P.C. 2100d Aggravated Assault Felony Attempts to or
commits a serious or
grave bodily injury
upon someone with
a weapon.
➢ P.C. 2100e Sexual Assault Felony Sexual Assault is an
(Judge’s Discretion) act in which a person
intentionally sexually
touches another
person without that
person’s consent or
coerces or physically
forces a person to
engage in a sexual
act against their will.
➢ P.C. 2101 Involuntary Felony Recklessly or
Manslaughter accidentally kills
another person.
➢ P.C. 2102 Vehicular Felony Recklessly or
Manslaughter accidentally kills
another person
while driving a
motor vehicle.
➢ P.C. 2103 Voluntary Felony Recklessly or
Manslaughter accidentally kills
(Court) another person with
(Judge’s Discretion) intent to physically
hurt the person.
➢ P.C. 2104 Second Degree Felony Kills another person
Murder (court) with the intent to
(Judge’s Discretion) kill.
➢ P.C. 2105 First Degree Murder Felony Kills another person
(court) with the intent to kill
(Judge’s Discretion) with premeditation
and deliberation.
➢ P.C. 2106 Unlawful Misdemeanour Restricts a person’s
Imprisonment movement within
any area without
justification or
➢ P.C. 2107a Kidnapping Felony Abducts another
person and holds
them against their
will for an extended
➢ P.C. 2107b Kidnapping of a Felony Abducts a public
Public Servant servant and holds
them against their
will for an extended
➢ P.C. 2108 Hostage Taking Felony Holds a person with
a threat to their life
or well being with
intent or declaration
of using them for
leverage for escape
or personal gain.
➢ P.C. 2109 Criminal Threats Misdemeanour Any person who
wilfully utters a
threat to commit a
crime which will
result in death or
bodily injury to
another person.
➢ P.C. 2110 Reckless Misdemeanour Disregard for one’s
Endangerment own life or the life of
➢ P.C. 2111 Harassment Misdemeanour Intimidates or
pressures another
person aggressively
with unwelcome
words, deeds,
actions, or gestures.
aggravates the
charge leading to
10000$ fine per
occurrence being
added to the charge.
➢ P.C. 2112 Sexual Harassment Misdemeanour Involving the use of
(Judge’s Discretion) explicit or implicit
sexual overtones,
including the
unwelcome or
promise of rewards
in exchange for
sexual favours.

Section Offences Involving Classification Description

➢ P.C. 2201 Petty Theft Infraction Steals property in
the value of less
than 1000$ from
another person.
➢ P.C. 2202 Grand Theft Misdemeanour Steals property in
the value of more
than 1000$ from
another person.
➢ P.C. 2203a Joyriding Misdemeanour The action or
practice of
driving fast and
dangerously in a
stolen car for
➢ P.C. 2203b Grand Theft Auto (A) Felony Unlawfully taking
a vehicle
belonging to
another, driving
the vehicle
without the
owner’s consent,
with the intent to
deprive the
owner of the
permanently or
➢ P.C. 2203c Grand Theft Auto (B) Felony Government
vehicle, if
covered in P.C.
1205, double.
➢ P.C. 2204 Burglary Felony Enters knowingly
or remains
unlawfully in a
building with
intent to commit
a crime.
➢ P.C. 2205 Robbery Felony Theft of money
or property from
an individual or
➢ P.C. 2206 Bank Robbery Felony Robs or attempts
to rob a bank,
jeweller, or
➢ P.C. 2207 Federal Bank Robbery Felony Robbing
insured by the
Standard and

Section Offences Classification Description

Involving Fraud
➢ P.C. 2301 Extortion Felony Uses threats or force
to obtain monetary
or material gain.
➢ P.C. 2302 Fraud Felony Wrongfully deceits
intending to receive
financial or personal
➢ P.C. 2303 Impersonating Felony Impersonates
another person that
could make them
civilly or criminally
liable, signing under
a false name or
documentation of
another person.
➢ P.C. 2304 Impersonating a Felony Impersonates a
Government Government
Employee Employee that could
make them civilly or
criminally liable,
signing under their
name or providing
documentation and
exercising authority.
➢ P.C. 2305 Impersonating a Felony Impersonates a
Judge (court) Judge.
(Judge’s Discretion)
➢ P.C. 2306 Forgery Misdemeanour Possessing or
(Judge’s Discretion) creating false
document including
but not limited to ID
cards and license
➢ P.C. 2307 Antithrust (court) Felony Taking actions that
(Judge’s Discretion) engage in the
creation of a
monopoly are
deemed criminal.
This includes
predatory acts to
gain or hold
monopoly power,
price fixing limited
markets (Car Sales,
Store Shops and
Mechanic Hubs) or
malicious sabotage
of a competitor’s
All individuals that
manage, work for or
own shares (majority
or minority) in a
business participate
with an individual
that engages in
these tactics are
liable if found to not
reported these
actions even when
they were aware
they were being

Section Offences Involving Classification Description

Damage to
➢ P.C. Trespassing Misdemeanour Enters knowingly or
2401 remains unlawfully in
or on government
premises or private
property. (Police
holding, military
Braddock Farm, etc.)
➢ P.C. Possession of Items Misdemeanour Possession of any
2402 Used in the items used in the
Commission of a commission of a
Crime felony,
misdemeanour, or
infraction. This
includes Advance
Lockpicks, Thermal
Charges, Hacking
Laptop Tuner Chips,
Thermite, Trojan

➢ P.C. Arson Felony The wilful and

2403 malicious burning or
charring of property
and persons.
➢ P.C. Vandalism Infraction Intentionally causing
2404 damage to property
they do not own.
➢ P.C. Vandalism of Felony Intentionally causing
2405 Government damage to
Property Government

Section Offences Against Classification Description

➢ P.C. 2501 Bribery Felony Confers, or agrees to
confer, any benefit
upon a public servant
upon an agreement or
understanding that
such public servant’s
vote, opinion,
judgement, action,
decision, or exercise of
discretion as a public
servant will thereby be
➢ P.C. 2502 Contempt of Court Felony The act of being
(Judge’s Discretion) disobedient to or
discourteous towards
a court of law and its
officers in the form of
behaviour that
opposes or defies the
authority, justice, and
dignity of the court.
Time/Fine is Judge’s
➢ P.C. 2503 Criminal Possession Misdemeanour Possesses any physical
of Stolen Property property that is
reported stolen.
➢ P.C. 2504 Escaping Misdemeanour Escapes the custody of
the government of
their own free will.
➢ P.C. 2505 Jailbreak Felony Breaks into
government buildings
designated for
detainment or
imprisonment with
intent to break a
prisoner out.
➢ P.C. 2506 Disorderly Conduct Misdemeanour Engages in behaviour
intending to cause
public inconvenience.
➢ P.C. 2507 Perjury Felony Knowingly lies under
(Judge’s Discretion) oath verbally or
through writing in
judicial proceedings.
➢ P.C. 2508 Violating a Court Misdemeanour Wilful disobedience of
Order the terms written in a
(court) court order.
(Judge’s Discretion)
➢ P.C. 2509 Failure to Appear Misdemeanour Failure to appear in
(Judge’s Discretion) court when
➢ P.C. 2510 Unlawful Practice Felony Practices law or
(Judge’s Discretion) medicine without
proper state-
sanctioned licensing.
➢ P.C. 2511 Embezzlement Felony Steals or
(court) misappropriated funds
(Judge’s Discretion) that are used for a
specific purpose.
➢ P.C. 2512 Conspiracy - Infraction Any act of conspiracy
Misdemeanour (See definition on top)
to commit a
➢ P.C. 2513 Conspiracy to Felony Any act of conspiracy
Commit Fraud (See definition on top)
to defraud someone
out of money or
property. This can be
filed as a
misdemeanour, or a
felony based on the
facts of the case and
criminal history.
➢ P.C. 2514 Violation of Felony Violating a lawful
Restraining Order restraining order.
➢ P.C. 2515 Anti-Mask Law Infraction Wilfully wears a mask
and refuses to remove
it in public institution
(Police Stations,
Courthouses) or in
hindrance of law
enforcement duties.
➢ P.C. 2516 Operating without a Misdemeanour The illegal act of
permit operation of an activity
(Judge’s Discretion) that requires a valid
permit. The fine
cannot exceed 110% of
the permit price.
Section Offences Against Classification Description
Public Order
➢ P.C. 2601 Disobeying a Peace Infraction Wilfully refusing or
Officer failing to comply
with lawful order,
signal, or direction
of any peace officer.
➢ P.C. 2602 Disturbing The Peace Infraction Unlawfully fighting,
or challenging
another person to a
fight, in a public
Disturbing another
person by loud and
unreasonable noise
if this is done wilfully
and maliciously.
Using offensive
words in a public
place, if the words
are likely to provoke
an immediate
violent reaction.
➢ P.C. 2603 False Reporting Misdemeanour Reports a false or
non-existent crime.
➢ P.C. 2604 Obstruction of Felony Wilfully tampers
Justice with the discovery,
conviction, or
punishment of a
crime after a crime
has been committed
or charged.
➢ P.C. 2605 Inciting Riot Felony Organises an
(Judge’s Discretion) event/assembly
which results in
violent conduct or
creates a risk of
public harm with a
group of at least
four people.
➢ P.C. 2606 Loitering Infraction Intentionally
standing or waiting
idly without
apparent purpose.
➢ P.C. 2607a Tampering Felony Tampering with
property of another
person or entity with
intent to cause
inconvenience or
gain unlawful access
for monetary gain.
Must be caught with
item from P.C. 1204.
➢ P.C. 2607b Tampering with Felony Tampering with
Evidence evidence obtained
(Judge’s Discretion) from the scene of
the crime with
intent to cause
inconvenience that
can affect the result
of an ongoing

➢ P.C. 2608 Animal Cruelty Misdemeanour Maliciously and

intentionally wounds
or kills an animal.

➢ P.C. 2609 Reckless Driving Felony Driving with a wilful

or wanton disregard
for the safety of
other, or a wilful
disregard of the
consequences of
one’s actions.
➢ P.C. 2610 Government Felony The use of powers
Corruption by government
(Judge’s Discretion) officials or their
network contacts for
➢ P.C. 2611 Vigilantism Felony Law enforcement
undertaken without
legal authority by a
self-appointed group
or person.

➢ P.C. 2612 Government Grand Felony The unlawful taking

Larceny of government
(Judge’s Discretion) property worth
more than 2000$.
See P.C. 2203(b) for
➢ P.C. 2613 Unlawful Assembly Misdemeanour Participates in an
which results in
violent conduct or
creates a risk of
causing public harm
with a group of at
least four people.

Section Offences Against Classification Description

Public Health and
➢ P.C. 2701a Possession of a Felony Possession of
Controlled Substance Meth
Class A
➢ P.C. 2701b Possession of a Felony The sale or trade
Controlled Substance of meth
with the intent to
distribute Class A
➢ P.C. 2702a Possession of a Felony Possession of
Controlled Substance cocaine or
Class B oxycodone
➢ P.C. 2702b Possession of a Felony The sale or trade
Controlled Substance of cocaine and
with the intent to oxycodone
distribute Class B

➢ P.C. 2703a Possession of a Misdemeanour Possession of

Controlled Substance marijuana
Class C without a valid
➢ P.C. 2703b Possession of a Felony The sale, trade or
Controlled Substance offering of
with the intent to marijuana
distribute Class C without sales
permit for
materials or
➢ P.C. 2704 Possession of a Felony Sells a controlled
Controlled Substance substance.
with the intent to
➢ P.C. 2705 Possession of Illegal Felony Illegal tools or
Tools materials. Refer
to P.C. 1204b
➢ P.C. 2706 Prostitution Infraction Offering, for
payment, the
services of
prostitution or
offering payment
for prostitution.
Section Offences Against Classification Description
Public Safety
➢ P.C. 2801a Criminal Possession Felony Possess an illegal
of a Firearm Class 1 Class 1 Weapon:
Walther P99
➢ P.C. 2801b Criminal Possession Felony Possess an illegal
of a Firearm Class 2 Class 2 Weapon:
Refer to P.C. 1202
➢ P.C. 2801c Criminal Possession Felony Possess an illegal
of a Firearm Class 3 Class 3 Weapon:
Refer to P.C. 1203
➢ P.C. 2802 Criminal Sale of a Felony Sells a Class 1
Firearm [Class 1] weapon to a person
(Judge’s Discretion) who does not own
a gun license or
sells a Pistol MKII
➢ P.C. 2803 Criminal Sale of a Felony Sells a Class 2
Firearm [Class 2] Weapon
(Judge’s Discretion)
➢ P.C. 2804 Criminal Sale of a Felony Sells a Class 3
Firearm [Class 3] Weapon
(Judge’s Discretion)
➢ P.C. 2805 Criminal Use of a Misdemeanour Discharges a
Firearm firearm for no
➢ P.C. 2806 Brandishing Misdemeanour It is unlawful for
you to draw or
exhibit a deadly
weapon in a rude,
angry, or
threatening way in
the presence of
another person and
not in self defence
or in defence of
➢ P.C. 2807 Resisting Arrest Misdemeanour Flees from a police
officer to avoid
detained, or
arrested while on
➢ P.C. 2808 Jaywalking Infraction Crossing a road
without the use of
a crosswalk.
➢ P.C. 2809 Terrorism Felony Causes mass
(court) destruction using
(Judge’s Discretion) explosives,
sickness, or
extreme violence.

Section Offences Classification Description

Operation of a
➢ P.C. 2901 Driving while Misdemeanour Drives while affected
intoxicated by drug or alcohol
➢ P.C. 2902 Evading Misdemeanour Flees from a police
officer in a vehicle to
avoid being
detained, or arrested.
➢ P.C. 2903 Reckless Evading Felony Dangerously flees from
a police officer in a
vehicle to avoid being
detained, or arrested in
a way which clearly
shows blatant
disregard for civilian
life. This charge already
implies evading and
Do not stack.
➢ P.C. 2904 Failure to Yield to Infraction Does not pull to the
Emergency side of road when an
Vehicle emergency vehicle is
trying to pass with
sirens enabled.
➢ P.C. 2905 Failure to obey Infraction Does not obey a sign or
Traffic Control signal defined as
Devices regulatory.
➢ P.C. 2906 Non-functional Infraction Drives a non-functional
Vehicle vehicle, e.g., smashed
windows, blacked
window tint (Fully
Blacked out windows),
doors, etc.
➢ P.C. 2907 Negligent Driving Infraction Drives in a way that
demonstrating a lack of
proper regard or
attention to safety.
➢ P.C. 2908 Reckless Driving Felony Drives in a way that is
careless and with gross
disregard for human
➢ P.C. 2909 Third Degree Infraction Speeds more than 0 –
Speeding 35 mph.
➢ P.C. 2910 Second Degree Infraction Speeds more than 36 –
Speeding 55 mph.
➢ P.C. 2911 First Degree Infraction Speeds more than 55
Speeding mph.
Driver’s license may be
subject to removal.
➢ P.C. 2912 Unlicensed Infraction Drive a car without a
Operation of proper license.
➢ P.C. 2913 Illegal U-Turn Infraction Performing a U-turn
within city limits, or
crosses lanes of traffic.
➢ P.C. 2914 Illegal passing Infraction Passing another vehicle
by a shoulder median,
or solid lines.
Passing must be
completely made
without interfering
with safe operation of
any approaching
vehicle from the
opposite direction.
➢ P.C. 2915 Failure to Infraction Failure to maintain
maintain lane control of a vehicle
within an appropriate
lane of travel.

➢ P.C. 2916 Illegal Turn Infraction Performing a turn at a

stop sign or red light
without coming to a
full and complete stop,
or failure to yield to
traffic and pedestrians.
Making a left-hand turn
where sign prohibits
such a turn.
➢ P.C. 2917 Failure to Stop Infraction Failure to come to a full
and complete stop at a
posted stop sign or a
red light. Right on red
is permitted after
coming to a complete
stop and yielding for
traffic and pedestrians.
➢ P.C. 2918 Unauthorized Infraction Parks in a
Parking non-designated area.
➢ P.C. 2919 Hit and Run Misdemeanour The act of causing a
traffic collision and
failing to stop and
identify oneself
➢ P.C. 2920 Airspace Violation Felony Flying in an
unauthorized area,
flying without a license
or landing an aircraft
outside helipads and
airports when not
responding to an
emergency call.
➢ P.C. 2921 Driving w/o Infraction Driving after dusk and
Headlights or before dawn or in
Signals other poor visibility
conditions without
headlights or in a
vehicle without brake
lights or other signals.
➢ P.C. 2922 Excessive Vehicles Infraction Creating vehicle noise
Noise that is disruptive or
inappropriate, such as
excessive honking, loud
music, spinning tires,
damaged muffler, etc.
➢ P.C. 2923 Street Racing Misdemeanour Participating in a race
with a motorized
vehicle on a public

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