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[IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

[IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In

Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using MASK R-CNN
by Kean

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

[IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In

Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using MASK R-CNN

Detection of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit-Skin Smear Microscopy Using MASK
R-CNN Algorithm
Joshua John L. Cabunilas, Kean Jayther P. Ponio, Jocelyn F. Villaverde, Belen
Lardizabal Dofitas
School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, Mapua University
658 Muralla St, Intramuros, Manila, 1002 Metro Manila

Abstract— This study focuses on the development of a diagnostic system for
acid-fast bacilli (AFB) detection in leprosy cases. AFB, known to be responsible
for causing Leprosy, can be identified and quantified through slit skin smear
examinations. To automate this process, we propose the implementation of a
Mask R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) model with a
RESNET50 backbone architecture. The Model generates three outputs:
classification, bounding boxes, and instance segmentation, enabling the
detection, classification, and quantification of AFB. To train the Model, a

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

dataset of over 300 images of AFB was collected and manually annotated. Data
augmentation techniques were applied to increase the dataset size. The Model
was trained to classify AFB into three categories: solids, fragmented, and
clumps. The proposed system provides a reliable and automated AFB detection
and classification solution, enhancing Leprosy's diagnostic process. It
demonstrates the feasibility of using a compact and cost-effective Raspberry
Pi setup for image processing, making it accessible in resource-limited
settings. Furthermore, the evaluation of the system shows a percent difference
of 21.74%, indicating its effectiveness compared to traditional methods.

Index Terms— Mask R-CNN, Image Processing, Instance Segmentation,

Raspberry Pi 4, Acid Fast Bacilli, Leprosy.
Hansen's disease, also known as leprosy, is a chronic infectious condition
affecting the skin and nerves. It is caused by either Mycobacterium leprae or
Mycobacterium lepromatosis, which are slow-growing acid-fast bacteria. The
primary transmission mode is through respiratory droplets, and the disease
progresses slowly, leading to skin and nervous system damage. The key areas
affected are the skin, peripheral nerves, nasal mucosa, and eyes. In its early
stages, leprosy can be identified by discolored patches of faded skin, skin
nodules, and painless lumps on the face and earlobes. Nerve damage may also
occur initially, resulting in numbness in the affected areas, muscle weakness,
and paralysis, especially in the hands or feet. Enlarged nerves around the
elbow, knee, and neck may also be visibly apparent. Without treatment, leprosy
can worsen over time. Detecting the presence of Mycobacterium leprae, the
bacterium responsible for leprosy, can be done through a technique called slit-
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skin smear. This involves collecting a small sample by making a tiny cut in the

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

skin, which is then stained and examined under a microscope. The presence of
acid-fast bacilli, indicated by fine red rods, confirms the presence of
Mycobacterium leprae and, thus, the diagnosis of leprosy. It is worth noting
that Mycobacterium leprae has the slowest doubling time of any known
organism and has proven difficult to cultivate in laboratory settings [1].
Such methods that were performed are artificial neural networks and machine
learning which the studies were very promising. The artificial neural network
method performed better than machine learning since the artificial neural
network showed multiclass attributes. However, the machine learning
approach has an advantage because of automatically selecting parameters.
Other methods focused on random forest (RF) as one of the most effective
algorithms developed by Leo Breiman [2]. The research focused on predicting
the operational classification of a given leprosy case [3]. Another method
15 16
focused on image processing, RGB image analysis, is performed. A binary
picture is constructed to extract data from pixels belonging to the bacilli class,
with the coordinates of these pixels specified. Conversion from RGB to HSV is
performed, and contrast enhancement is processed and then converted back
from HSV to RGB [4]. The present method used for the detection of Acid-fast
Bacilli is by a Derma Pathologist who can detect, classify, and quantify the
Acid-fast Bacilli seen in the microscope, quantifying and classifying the AFB
matters, which helps in the diagnosis process. This method is done manually by
classifying and counting each of the AFB seen by the Derma Pathologist, which
results in a heavy workload in the diagnosis process, and the technology
involved for detection is only a microscope. Previous studies suggested that
microscopic image processing is reliable and efficient in laboratory diagnosis
tests, and it has shown a significant improvement in Biotechnology.

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On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was becoming popular in

Biomedicine and got the attention of researchers to use Neural Network, image
processing, and machine learning to use it in health care, such method uses
image processing to detect abnormalities in red blood cells, and it can
diagnose specific types of Anemia [5]. Object detection has a wide variety of
applications; such methods are the detection of whiteflies and fruit flies [6],
the classification of healthy and unhealthy Abaca leaves [7], it is also used on
facial recognition systems [8], and gender identifications [9]. Though some
system that specifically detects acid-fast Bacilli through image segmentation
by a convolutional neural network (CNN) is not available, some aspects of
image segmentation help in the quantification and classification of Acid-Fast
Bacilli to reduce time and workload on laboratory diagnosis tests. Detecting
acid-fast bacilli in skin or nerve specimens is a diagnostic criterion for Leprosy.
There is a need for rapid diagnostic tests like slit skin smear to confirm Leprosy,
to classify the patient according to treatment group (multibacillary versus
paucibacillary), and to monitor their response to treatment. There is also a lack
of trained personnel to read the slit skin smear or the skin biopsy specimen, a
task that takes time and effort, especially when one has to be sure that there
are no bacilli in each of the smears. The proposed study will determine if the
performance in detecting the acid-fast bacilli on the slit skin smear will be
accurate using the stock image datasets. The study will also determine if this
can be a reliable method for personnel that reads the slit skin smear.
The main objective of this study was to develop a system that would detect
Acid-fast Bacilli (AFB) in Slit – Skin Smear microscopy using the MASK R-CNN
Algorithm. The specific objectives are: (1) To use the Raspberry Pi camera
attached to the microscope eyepiece to capture an image of Acid-Fast Bacilli.
(2) To use the MASK Region-based Convolutional Neural Network algorithm for

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classifying and quantifying Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB). (3) To validate and quantify
the system's output using percent difference.
Hence, this study served as a basis and reference for other researchers in the
field of Image Recognition with the use of MASK R-CNN in extracting the slit
skin smear to determine the classification and quantification of Acid-fast
Bacilli. With the development of image recognition algorithms, this could have
become more convenient and less time-consuming. The purpose was to know
and understand whether the use of the MASK R-CNN Algorithm was significant.
However, this study is limited to identifying the classification and
quantification of Acid-fast Bacilli. Since it is based on a neural network, the
performance is dependent on the quantity of dataset to be trained. The more
dataset, the more accurate the result is. Since the dataset of AFB is limited on
the internet, Derma Pathologist will provide us with the dataset taken from
their archives. The system will be written in Python with KERAS and
TensorFlow. The image recognition will not include other bacteria in the slit skin
smear. The hardware of the system will use a raspberry pi camera.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the hardware prototype. For the
input, the captured stock images of acid-fast bacilli will be needed to train and
test the Model. The stock images will be provided by our adviser derma
pathologist Dra. Belen Dofitas.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Next is the process. First, the image undergoes processing which converts BGR
to RGB format. The Model expects images in RGB color channel, which are then
reshaped to a specific size before being fed into the network. Most object

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detection and image preprocessing include the image conversion of BGR to

RGB format, and it uses the OpenCV library of Python. Such methods used
image preprocessing like using the pre-trained weights in the prediction of
disease of Lanzones [10], detection of human nail abnormality using YOLO [11],
classification of tree leaf disease using image preprocessing and CNN [12], and
anthracnose of tree leaf detection [13]. We analyze the stock images to
determine whether there is an active Acid-fast bacilli present, and we generate
a bounding box for each AFB that we've detected for the quantification of the
bacteria. Next, the Acid-fast Bacilli datasets are trained and tested. The MASK
R-CNN will be configured for the training by setting up the number of epochs,
steps per epoch, and learning rate. The process will generate a bounding box on
31 32
the object and generate a MASK on the object. Mask R-CNN will be used for
image segmentation and instance, to train the stock images of acid-fast bacilli
and to apply it on the Raspberry Pi camera, for the output is to be able to
determine the classified Acid-Fast Bacilli on slit-skin smear whether it is
CLUMPS, SOLIDS or FRAGMENTED. Then the number of acid-fast bacilli that
the algorithm detected. The majority of classification and object detection are
used in diseases and health-related topics, methods such as identification of
Durian leaf disease [14], identification and detection of Intestinal Parasites on
dogs which uses AlexNet [15], detection of disease in Banana Leaves [16],
detection of Struvite Crystals in Canine urine sediments [17], white blood cells
classification and quantification [18], detection on Atopic dermatitis and
Psoriasis chronic plaque [19], determination of shelled corn damages [20] and
also it is used in coin identification and conversion system which is helpful [21].

Software Development

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Figure 2. Main process

The AFB dataset contains three classes. First is a single acid-fast bacillus
called solids. The other class is clumped, which means that a group of AFB is
clustered or compressed and fragmented, which is a granular or disconnected
look. These are the input in the training process, and these datasets are split
into two for training and validation. For the MASK R-CNN to detect Bacilli, it
first needs to undergo training, and the datasets contain the images with an
AFB and annotations to each image. These annotations are the ground truth
that acts as a reference in training. This is common to all object detection
38 39
algorithms when training. The main process shown in Figure 2 undergoes
conditional statements if it's needed to train or to validate. If yes, it proceeds to
the training process, and if no, it proceeds to model validation and AFB
The first process the dataset needs to undergo is image and annotation
preprocessing. It refers to the transformation of raw data before the algorithm
processes it. This includes resizing the image and extracting the annotations
41 42
from the JSON file, which consists of the data of a specific image, specifically
its shape attributes, names, and class ids. After preprocessing, parameters
and hyperparameters are set, which include the number of epochs, steps per
epoch, and minimum confidence of objects that the algorithm accepts and
displays an object. An anchor box ratio, scale, and region of interest (ROI)
parameters are set for the MASK R-CNN. It also includes a lot of thresholds.
The next to be processed is to load a pre-trained model that has a file type of
.pth which is a file format of structured data, and the pre-trained Model was
trained to detect a specific task; basically, it consists of more than 80 classes
based on COCO dataset, training the Model from scratch requires a thousand
dataset a lot of time to train, the dataset of bacilli that will be using is only

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400+ images which is not enough to train from scratch; therefore the purpose
of pre-trained Model is to reduce the time of training and fine tunes the pre-
trained Model to match the features of the Bacilli. A new model is created after
training the Model. This Model is exclusive only in detecting three objects
which are "SOLIDS," "CLUMP," and "FRAGMENTED" the Model plays a big role in
classification and quantification.
Model validation is where the validation dataset will be used, and these
datasets are images that do not belong to training the Model. Validation
datasets also undergo image preprocessing before feeding to the algorithm,
53 54,55
trained model weights are loaded, and preprocessed images are fed to MASK
R-CNN. If the algorithm does not detect any Bacilli, it will proceed to dataset
validation. A derma pathologist will confirm that there are no Bacilli in the
56 57
image. If the algorithm does detect Bacilli, it will then proceed to a conditional
statement that asks if the accuracy is acceptable. The accuracy is determined
by how many the algorithm counted and compared to counted Bacilli by the
derma pathologist. The accuracy is acceptable if the difference between the
actual and experimental is very small.
This module's input is the image captured by the Raspberry camera. The image
undergoes image processing, including converting BGR to RGB color format and
resizing it. The most important object detection process is loading the Model of
the trained weight. This Model contains the data to be able to detect a specific
61 61
object. Without the trained Model, the algorithm will be useless. The
preprocessed image is fed to the MASK R-CNN algorithm. Then its output will
be the bounding box, classification, and instance segmentation (MASK),
detecting whether it is single bacilli, clumps, or both, then proceeds to count
objects detected. If no Bacilli is detected, it outputs no Bacilli detected. The
counting process is storing of names of the detected object in an array and

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getting the size of that array, therefore, identifying the number of Bacilli
Training The Model

Figure 3. Annotation of Acid-Fast Bacilli using Roboflow Tool

Four hundred four images are manually annotated using Roboflow and applying
data augmentation to increase our datasets for training testing and validation.
The image shown in Figure 3 is a sample training image. It shows that that are
two classifications that were annotated. Also, the image shows that solid
classification is being highlighted. The difference between the two
classifications (solid and fragmented) is that fragmented shows that the bacilli
are granular or disconnected, meaning that the bacilli are already dead, for
solid shows that the bacilli are consistent and do not contain any
disconnection or granularity. Roboflow was chosen for the annotation tool
because it provides ease of use and it can manage by splitting the datasets into
training, validation, and testing.
Data Gathering
The total dataset that we have is 975 images. The dataset will be randomly split
into 88% for the training and 7% for the validation, and 5% for testing, each
consisting of Acid-Fast Bacilli scattered around or clustered to each other or
both. Therefore, it will have three classes "Solid," "Fragmented," and "Clumps"
The datasets will be coming from our Derma Pathologist, Dra. Belen Dofitas
archives that include a Leprosy-positive patient, some datasets will be coming
from the internet that our derma pathologist provided
Another dataset source we got was Kaggle, created by Saif Uddin. The dataset
name is Tuberculosis image datasets. These datasets are labeled using

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Roboflow. The image is labeled by tracing each Bacilli and naming its classes.
The annotation data will be in a JSON file format which will be extracted in the
image and annotations preprocessing.

Figure 4. Clumps (LEFT), Solid (RIGHT)

Figure 4 shows a good image containing "CLUMPS" that are Acid-Fast Bacilli
clustered or compressed with one another, while the right side shows AFB solid
in the field. The background color is different but does not affect the training
process. We are only interested in a fine red rod in the image, and clustered red
like Globi and Bacilli stacked together or very near each other are considered to
clump. Figure 4 shows the trained model predictions, classification, bounding
box, instance segmentation, and confidence score.
Percent Difference
To determine whether the algorithm is accurate, there will be a percent
difference between the actual and the predicted (algorithm's quantification),
the actual quantification is data that was counted by the person that has seen
AFB within the field, and it will be compared to the AFB that the MASK R-CNN
counted. To find the percent difference between the actual and the predicted
counted objects, we will be using equation 3.5.

Results and Discussion

Figure 5. Graphical User Interface

Figure 5 shows the graphical user interface, and the GUI was created using
PyQt5. The PiCamera2 library was used to handle capturing and saving images,
and the image size was set to 1920 x 1080 to reduce the number of sliced
images to 6 slices and to reduce CPU and RAM consumption. A trade-off

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between accuracy and speed. It shows the results when setting the image
79 80
resolution. When the resolution is set to the highest (2560 x 1920), the number
of sliced images is 18 slices, thus increasing the accuracy of the Mask RCNN.
Still, the results may take longer to show, and, on some occasions, the
raspberry pi fails to process the image due to memory error.
The GUI also consists of a browse button that allows one to browse the
captured image in the raspberry pi. It will show an image preview when an
image is selected. After processing the image, it will show the number of Bacilli
detected, the Bacilli classification, and the results. The prediction results will
not show up automatically after it processes the image. It will only save the
predictions to your local drive. The result based on Figure 5 is shown below.

Figure 6. Prediction result based on Figure 5.

Result Table

Testing Datasets were used for comparing MASK R-CNN quantifications and
actual quantifications. These datasets were not used in training the Model, and
it also shows the percentage difference between the two quantifications, which
is calculated using equation 3.5. Based on the actual classification, MASK R-
CNN performs well in classifying the Bacilli, whether clumps, solids, or
fragments. However, in terms of quantifications, it cannot detect some very
small and faded Bacilli. Images with a 0% difference between the actual and
predicted are images containing very large and not faded Bacilli, which is
distinguishable. To calculate for overall percent difference of the system, use
equation 3.6, shown below.

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To calculate the overall percent difference, it must take the sum of all percent
differences per classification, in this case, 7.39257, and divide by the total
85 86
number of classifications per image which is 34 since some of the images
contains 2 – 3 classifications, the overall percent difference of the system is
21.74%. Based on the overall difference of the system, the Model was able to
classify and quantify the Bacilli. To improve the overall accuracy of the Model,
more datasets that include clear images are needed.
The Model performs well in classifying the Bacilli based on the result table.
Sometimes, the Model has difficulty distinguishing the solids and the
fragmented Bacilli because they look similar. The factor that affects the Model
from distinguishing the solids and fragmented is that some Bacilli show as
91 90
faded and are classified as solids in actuality. Still, the Model predicts that
faded Bacilli are considered fragmented. Since the Model was trained using a
medium to large-looking Bacilli, factors that affect the accuracy of the Model
are a test or actual images having a very small and complex-looking Bacilli
example of this is if 3-5 Bacilli are stacked together, the Model is not able to
detect. Another factor is the quality of the captured image. Since the camera
used is a Raspberry version 1 camera, having 5 megapixels does not produce
high-quality images, which loses the detail of a very small Bacilli. The solution
to this problem is we use image preprocessing, where the input image is sliced
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into parts depending on the image size, and each sliced image is fed to the
Model one by one. This slightly increases its accuracy and time it shows the
predictions. We conclude that the Model needs to be trained again, with a
much more dataset containing very small to large Bacilli and complex-looking
Bacilli. We also conclude that there will be trade-offs between accuracy,
quality of the image, and performance. The higher the image quality, the more

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accurate the predictions, but the time of results may take a long time because
of the limited processing power of the Raspberry Pi 4. We conclude that a
Raspberry Pi camera was used to capture Acid-Fast Bacilli, the MASK R-CNN
algorithm was used for classifying and quantifying Acid-Fast Bacilli, and we
were able to validate and quantify the output using percent difference, the
overall percent difference based on the result is 21.74%.
These are ways to improve the build quality and software of the device. The
current researchers advise future researchers to use the YOLO (You Only Look
Once) Algorithm. Due to its ability to provide a satisfactory trade-off between
accuracy and real-time processing, it has become a widely favored option for
object detection. This characteristic makes it well-suited for various
applications. Also, the device can detect the same datasets faster and is
101 102
cheaper since the device needed will only be used on Raspberry Pi 3b+ and not
the latest Raspberry Pi 4. The device can be fixed onto the microscope so that
the researchers will not have a hard time placing the device onto the
microscope lens when detecting live acid-fast bacilli datasets. We also
recommend using a laptop or PC on our algorithm since running the algorithm
is much more convenient and faster. Another thing is the camera of the device.
Since we are detecting bacteria from the microscope, we need a better
megapixel camera for a better resolution and a much more accurate reading.
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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

1. the development of → developing Wordy sentences Clarity

2. implementing Wordy sentences Clarity

3. classification → type, variety Word choice Engagement

4. Data augmentation techniques were applied Passive voice Clarity


5. The Model was trained Passive voice Clarity


6. also known as Wordy sentences Clarity

7. is caused Passive voice Clarity


8. key → critical Word choice Engagement

9. be identified Passive voice Clarity


10. visibly apparent → visible Wordy sentences Clarity

11. slit-skin smear technique Wordy sentences Clarity

12. This Intricate text Clarity

13. were performed Passive voice Clarity


14. artificial → synthetic Word choice Engagement

15. focused → concentrate Word choice Engagement

16. is performed Passive voice Clarity


17. is constructed Passive voice Clarity


18. is performed Passive voice Clarity

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…


19. classifying → categorizing Word choice Engagement

20. with the use of → using Wordy sentences Clarity

21. the use of → using Wordy sentences Clarity

22. is based Passive voice Clarity


23. be trained Passive voice Clarity


24. is limited Passive voice Clarity


25. The system will be written Passive voice Clarity


26. the captured stock images of acid-fast bacilli will be Passive voice Clarity
needed misuse

27. be provided Passive voice Clarity


28. images → ideas Word choice Engagement

29. are then reshaped Passive voice Clarity


30. be configured Passive voice Clarity


31. generate → create Word choice Engagement

32. object → thing Word choice Engagement

33. are used Passive voice Clarity


34. is used Passive voice Clarity


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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

35. is clumped Passive voice Clarity


36. are split Passive voice Clarity


37. This Intricate text Clarity

38. training → activity Word choice Engagement

39. main → primary Word choice Engagement

40. This Intricate text Clarity

41. image → embodiment Word choice Engagement

42. specifically → precisely Word choice Engagement

43. are set Passive voice Clarity


44. are set Passive voice Clarity


45. the pre-trained Model was trained Passive voice Clarity


46. training → teaching, coaching Word choice Engagement

47. train → prepare Word choice Engagement

48. train → prepare Word choice Engagement

49. is created Passive voice Clarity


50. big → significant Word choice Engagement

51. be used Passive voice Clarity


52. image → replication, appearance, idea, vision Word choice Engagement

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

53. are loaded Passive voice Clarity


54. are fed Passive voice Clarity


55. fed → provided Word choice Engagement

56. detect → see Word choice Engagement

57. proceed → move Word choice Engagement

58. acceptable → good, sufficient, fine, permitted Word choice Engagement

59. very small → minimal, tiny Word choice Engagement

60. important → essential, crucial, critical Word choice Engagement

61. Tone suggestions Delivery

62. is fed Passive voice Clarity


63. detected → caught, saw, noticed Word choice Engagement

64. are manually annotated Passive voice Clarity


65. were annotated Passive voice Clarity


66. being highlighted Passive voice Clarity


67. solid → stable Word choice Engagement

68. shows → performances Word choice Engagement

69. The dataset will be randomly split Passive voice Clarity


70. will be extracted Passive voice Clarity

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…


71. image → embodiment Word choice Engagement

72. a good → an exemplary Word choice Engagement

73. was counted Passive voice Clarity


74. it will be compared Passive voice Clarity


75. counted → measured Word choice Engagement

76. was created Passive voice Clarity


77. The PiCamera2 library was used Passive voice Clarity


78. A trade-off between accuracy and speed. Incomplete Delivery


79. resolution → key, answer Word choice Engagement

80. is set Passive voice Clarity


81. image → picture Word choice Engagement

82. is shown Passive voice Clarity


83. These datasets were not used Passive voice Clarity


84. is calculated Passive voice Clarity


85. classifications → categories, types, varieties, sorts Word choice Engagement

86. images → pictures, photos Word choice Engagement

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

87. classifications → types, categories, varieties, sorts Word choice Engagement

88. difference → contrast Word choice Engagement

89. distinguishing → Word choice Engagement

determining, contrasting, characterizing, indicating

90. are classified Passive voice Clarity


91. The factor that affects the Model from distinguishing Unclear Clarity
the solids and fragmented is that some Bacilli show sentences
as faded and are classified as solids in actuality.

92. was trained Passive voice Clarity


93. a very small → a minimal, a tiny Word choice Engagement

94. is sliced Passive voice Clarity


95. sliced → cut Word choice Engagement

96. is fed Passive voice Clarity


97. This Intricate text Clarity

98. conclude → suppose Word choice Engagement

99. a Raspberry Pi camera was used Passive voice Clarity


100. Due to its ability to provide a satisfactory trade-off Unclear Clarity

between accuracy and real-time processing, it has sentences
become a widely favored option for object detection.

101. device → apparatus Word choice Engagement

102. the device needed will only be used Passive voice Clarity

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Report: [IEEE-1] Detection Of Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) In Slit Skin Smear Microscopy Using M…

103. device → machine Word choice Engagement

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