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BIOLOGY YEAR 8 BALANCED DIET FOOD GROUPS FOOD TESTS BALANCING ENERGY NEEDS NUTRIENTS DEFICIENCY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM QUESTIONS 1. ‘The table shows the results of some food tests. Which row shows a food containing both protein and starch? Benedict's iodine solution biuret test ethanol solution A blue blue clear blue-black B blue purple clear blue-black c red blue cloudy brown D red purple cloudy brown 2 ‘What is the correct test for protein? name of test heat ‘colour change A | Benedict's yes blue to red B biuret yes remains blue c biuret no blue to purple D | emulsion no | appearance of a white emulsion 3. ‘Which is the main source of fre in a human diet? A dairy products B mest products © plant material D water 4. “The flowing symptoms can ba caused by a deta dtisency: + bone pain + denial probiems + fagie bones + skoetal dtormies ‘lak of which nutrients mostly to cause these symptoms? A ion B protein © vitemin c D vtamia 0 5. ‘Which type of food is not digested before being absorbed by the body? A. carbohydrate B fat © protein D water 6. ‘The diagram shows the human alimentary canal. In which structure is most glucose absorbed into the blood? A 7. Which dietary component is unlikely to be deficient in a meat-tree diet? A fat B fibre © protein D vitamin D 8. ‘When a substance is added to meal, amine acids are produced. ‘What is this substance? ‘A. hormone B anenzyme © anol water 9; A child decided to eat only meat, oily ish, cheese and bread, and drink only water Which nutrient would be in low levels inthis diet? A calcium B iron © vitamin D_ vitamin D 10. The cia sm shows the human alimentary cana. nich sbeied part absorbs the most water? 13 3.2. Sailors used to sutfer from an illness called scurvy caused by a poor diet on. long journeys. James Lind was 2 doctor who tested treatments for scurvy. He predicted that all ai js cure scurvy. acids will cure scurvy. He gave 6 pais of sailors with scurvy exactly the same meals but he also gave each pair a cifferent addition to their diet. pair of | Oalore effect after one week 1 | some apple cider beginning to recover 25 drops of very dilute sulphuric acid to 2 | garale with still had scurvy 3 |2 teaspoons of vinegar stil had scurvy 4 pint of sea water” stil had scurvy 5 |2 oranges and 1 lemon recovered 6 [hee and spices and acidified barley | oy nag scurvy (a) Does the evidence in the table support the prediction that all acids cure scurvy? Tick the correct box. no “DANGER! DO NOT TRY THIS. K$9/03/So/Tier 5-7/2 _ 14 (©). Give the one factor James Lind changed in this experiment. (This is called the independent variable.) 1 marke (il) Give the factor James Lind examined in this experiment. (This is called the dependent variable.) 1 mark (© James Lind’s evidence suggested that oranges and lemons cured scurvy. Ata later time, other scientists did the following: ‘* They separated citric acid from the fruit. * They dicted that citric acid would cure scurvy. * They tested their prediction by giving pure citric acid as an addition to the diet of sailors with scurvy. * They ‘ound it did not cure scurvy. ‘The scientists had to make a different prediction. Sugges: « new prediction about a cure for scurvy that is consistent with the evicierice 1 marke (@) Explain why it is necessary to investigate the effects of changes in diet over @ reriod of more than one week, maximum & marks KS3/09/Sc/TIor 5-7/2 5 15 32. the folowing diagram represents the human digestive system. (QL) In Which of the parts which are labelled: 1) does digestion begin... ii) isiron stored; ii) is most food absorbed; iv) isthe pH 2-4; . 'b) Use the following diagram to explain how food moves along the digestive ‘bo food 16 3 Ly. complote the foowing table containing information about enzymes. ‘Nutrient Name ot | Partofdigestive | Substances enzyme | system where formed mouth —_| glucose protease —_| stomach lipase ii o 3.5, Tie owing abe contains information about the nutints present and energy ‘value of 25 g of some foods. Food | Carbo. | Fats/g | Protein/g | Calciums | Energy hydrate! g mg | values ky Butter 0.0 242 on 4 950 Crosse | 00 98 72 230 400 Dried 140 os 98 359 400 ‘skimmed ik Dried 10 a4 72 272 630 whoke rie Fresh mak | 1.4 14 09 4 80 a) 1) Suggest why milk is sometimes described as a balanced food. li) What is removed from fresh milk to make dried milk? {il What is removed from whole milk to make skimmed milk? b) Butter and cheese are both made from fresh milk but their composition is very different. In what ways is their composition different?

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