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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Nat’l. Highway Gamuton, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur

GRADE LEVEL: Grade – 8 MAPEH DISCIPLINE: (Responsible Parenthood, Roles and Responsibilities of
Parents, and Successful Family life )
SUBJECT AREA: MAPEH – HEALTH TOPIC : Roles and Responsibilities of Parents in Child Rearing and Care
QUARTER: Second WEEK : 6

What I Need to Know

All of us have parents. And many of us are, or want to be, parents in the future. That means that parenthood is
very important for all of our lives. 
In this lesson, it discussed the big roles and huge responsibilities among parents enable to have a responsible
children in the society.
It explain how parent being human, a parents (cares for) a child, whether or not that child is biologically theirs
(for instance as is the case with adopted children).Someone who adopts the role of a parent.
Being a parent comes with a multitude of responsibilities and duties. Of course, you want your children to grow up to
be healthy, happy and exceptional adults, but for that to happen your children need to be properly cared for, guided,
loved, disciplined, taught and encouraged along the way .

What’s In
A responsible parenthood plays an important role on family health. It has an adverse effect on the family
growth. Parenting task is not an easy because it lies the effect of child’s personality. So, the parent must plan ahead
towards the size of their family want and make sure to do their responsibilities well. In parenthood most likely will start
the success of the family either it is a smaller or larger/bigger gamily.
From the moment your child is born, it's your responsibility to care for him and keep him healthy. In addition,
need to take your child for regular dentist visits, normally every 6 months, and an eye exam annually. You'll make sure
your child is getting the proper amount of sleep for his age, well rested and energized. You'll also need to make sure
your child stays active, through playtime outside, sports and other activities. These are some few of the roles and
responsibilities of parents to look at.
As you go along in this lesson, you will learn that there are lot of things to do as role and responsibilities of
being a parent.

What is It
The responsibilities of parents.
1. Their children’s health: it is down to the parents to ensure that their children are healthy and
well nourished.
2. Basic education: before children start school, it is their parents who are responsible for their
education. Once they are at school, parents still are responsible for ensuring that their
children attend classes and do their homework.
3. Moral examples: parents should not just tell their children what is right and what is wrong.
They should also be a good example to their children of what is right and wrong.
4. Material necessities: parents are responsible for ensuring that their children have enough
to eat and drink, that they stay nice and warm in winter and are protected from the sun in
summer. They do not need to spoil their children, but they should ensure that they have a
safe place to live and sleep and clothes to wear as well as toys to play with and books to
5. Love: love is not just an emotion – it can also be argued that it is a parent’s responsibility to
show love and individual affection to their children at all times. Parental love is something
that comes naturally – parents just need to make sure that they express this love so
their children can see it clearly.
The duties of parents.
1. Choosing a name: parents are almost always the ones who choose their child’s name,
though a child may choose to go by a nick name or to change their name once they become
an adult.
2. Protection: a key parental duty is protecting their child from things that could harm them
physically and emotionally. Of course, that does not mean that a parent should lie to their
child about the world, or wrap them in cotton wool. However, they need to keep their child
safe from danger – and to teach their child how to keep themselves safe as well.
3. Discipline: children can be disciplined without the need for angry words or physical violence.
one of the key parental duties is disciplining a child so that they can practice self-discipline
later in life.
4. Financial support: the duty of ensuring that a child is supported financially so that they have
all of their material needs met is very often a legal requirement of parents.
5. Wellbeing: parents’ duties extend to caring for children both physically and emotionally.
that means taking them to the doctor and getting their vaccinations, promoting positive
mental health and attending to any cuts and bruises with first aid – among other duties.
The Role of parents.
1. Care givers: parents give their children the love and care that they need to grow up happy
and healthy, and full of love themselves.
2. Material providers: parents provide all of the material things that a child needs, including
food and shelter.
3. Educators: part of a parent’s role involves educating their children about everything from
doing up coat buttons to learning the alphabet.
4. Moral guides: parents ought to provide moral guidance as early as possible, so that their
children grow up into upright citizens.
5. Providers of emotional support: sympathy, empathy and kindness ought to be abundant in
everything that parents do. There is no point in providing material things for a child if this
is not accompanied with love and kindness, and a willingness to listen to and help with
any problems that the child may have.

Activity 1: The Role of Mine!

Direction: Write in the circle if it is cited as role of parent, place it also on the box if it is duties and put it on
heart symbol if it is the responsibilities of parents. Select your answer above the symbols. Use separate sheet to
answer the activity.

1. Choosing a name: parents are almost always the ones who choose their child’s name.
2. Love: love is not just an emotion.
3. Material necessities:
4. Protection
5.  Financial support
6. Moral examples
7. Moral guides
8. Care givers
9.  Educators
10. Providers of emotional support

Roles Duties

Activity 2 : Duties, Role, and Responsibilities

Direction: Give at least two (2) duties, three (3) roles and five (5) responsibilities of your father and mother.
Thailand has 3 primary instrumental ensembles that are similar to the
other ensembles in Southeast Asia.
Piphat - It is a mid-sized orchestra that is performed in either outdoor
style with hard mallets or indoor style with padded mallets.
Khrueang Sai – It is an orchestra that combines some of the percussion
and wind instruments of the Piphat with and expanded string section.
Mahori – This ensemble is traditionally played by women in the courts of
Central Thailand and Cambodia.

Laos This country is an independent state of Southeast Asia and

officially known as Lao People’s Democratic Republic. It is formerly part of
the Indochinese Union, also known as French Indochina. Wat Pha That
Luang, Vientiane is one of its famous landmarks. The classical music and
dance of Laos is highly influences by the India, Cambodia, and Thailand.

Vietnam Vietnam is officially known as the Socialist Republic of

Vietnam. This country is located on the eastern coast of the Indochinese
Peninsula. Vietnamese music (nhạc Việt Nam) refers to the ethnic music
that originated from the "Kinh" people of Vietnam.

Singapore the music industry in Singapore grew having Western

influenced performances by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra as well
as ethnic music performances mainly by the Singapore Chinese

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