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Lesson objectives:
● To understand and use basic English words for


● To recognize and name the characters (Amanda, Alfie

and George and Teacher)

● To learn to say: hello, bye bye

● To actively participate in one of the three songs that would

be used in this and subsequent lesson

Materials for teaching:

● Amanda panda puppet

● Flashcard: Amanda, Alfie, George and teacher

● CD1 for songs (Hello, It’s time to work, Tidy up and

Bye Bye )

● Students Workbook

● Stickers 0.2


Stage Activity Description Timing


Break the Get to know Greet students in Vietnamese and then in English 15
Ice your Ask students to mention their names.
Create a good atmosphere for kids to relax and feel
comfortable around you

Warm up Sing the -Students are instructed to form a circle. 15min

“hello” song -Hello Song is played on repeat for two or three times
from the
- Teacher models the song by demonstrating some
song list
gestures in the song

Pre-task Introduce -Greet the children with the Amanda Puppet 10min
topic -Pass her (Amanda) round so each child gets to see
and meet her

-Stress the idea that Amanda only speaks English and

no other language

Teaching 1 Ask students to point out their friends and explain 20 min
that like them Amanda also has friends.

Introduce Amanda’s friends Alfie and George

-Put the Alfie and Amanda flashcards next to

Amanda on the Board

-Say hello to each one: Hello George; and encourage

Ss to also do same

N.B: stress the repeated phrase

Hello + Character Name

Hello Amanda

Sing the Hello song once again. This time

encourages students to join in as much as possible.
Point and wave as each character does their part.

Task 1 Test Put the pictures of the three characters into the 15mins
students to flashcard cube. and let students take turns to throw

see if they the cube and name the character it lands on

the names of

Task 2 Test if -Put the flashcards containing the characters face 15 mins
students can down on the board

put together - Point to one while asking the kids to name the one
the names to you pointed to.
the images
Note: Use the statement Who is this? to elicit the
response from the students.

Let students answer with Hello…. (Alfie,

Amanda or George.

Task 3 Workbook – Begin with the it’s time to work song 15mins
activity - Give each student some crayons
- Give each student a copy of SBW 0.1
- Point each character and ask students to name
- Ask students to color Amanda and George
- Go round and commend students on their
coloring while asking them to point to
Amanda .

- Give each student some crayons

- Give each student a copy of SBW 0.2
- Point each character and ask students: who is
- Call out a name and ask the students to point
to that character.
- Hand out the worksheets and the stickers
- Help the individual students to put the stickers
in the right places.
- Point to Amanda and ask individual students
at random: who is this?

Wrap up Tidy up and -Play and sing the tidy up song whilst demonstrating 15 minutes
to students how to put away their stuff
Bye Bye
-Play the bye bye song and encourage students to say
bye bye to Amanda and her friends

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