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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

Wao Community High School

Wao, Lanao del Sur

Is the Future Bright? : Assessing Generation Z’s Outlook of the Future

Gwyneth Soriano Maquirang

Jennifer Laurel Paraon

Rhon Andre Pineda Montero

June 6, 2023

Mrs. Mae Jane Heyasa-Catalan



We wholeheartedly extend our sincere thanks and deepest appreciation to our Almighty

God whose unending grace, guidance, and protection helped us through with our research.

Without his help, this endeavor would not have been possible

First and foremost, we express our deepest gratitude to our English teacher, Mrs. Mae

Jane Heyasa-Catalan. Her unwavering encouragement, guidance, and support throughout the

entire process have been invaluable. We truly appreciate the motivation and advice she provided.

It is an honor to have been taught by her, and we have gained a wealth of knowledge and skills

during this research journey.

Our heartfelt appreciation also goes to our parents, whose unwavering encouragement

and understanding served as our driving force, propelling us forward and helping us overcome

challenges and doubts. Their support and consideration played an instrumental role in our


We cannot express enough gratitude to our friends, who selflessly offered their help,

motivation, and support. To Jack Catalan whose knowledge of the format of the research paper

helped greatly in the making of this study. And to Gabrielle Carumba who generously offered

her place as venue for our research.

Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and dedication of

each member of our research team, including ourselves

Lastly, we express our sincere gratitude to all those who extended their help, whether

knowingly or unknowingly. To the individuals who supported us, offered advice, and provided

motivation, we appreciate every little contribution made throughout our journey. The support we

received from each and every one of you is genuinely valued.


Table of Contents



Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………………………………..7

The Problem……………………………………………………………………………….7

Background of the Study………………………………………………………….7

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………8

Significance of the Study………………………………………….………………9

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………11

Scope and Delimitations of the Study…………………….…………….………..12

Review of Related Literature…………………………………………………………….13


Research Method Used…………………………………………………………..14

Research Setting……………………………………………………….…………14

Respondents of the study………………………………………………...………15

Research Instruments………………………………………………………….....16

Procedure in Gathering Data………………………………………………..……16

Statistical Tool Use………………………………………...…………………….16



Generation Z, which includes individuals born between 1997 and 2012 according to Pew

Research Center (2019), has grown up in a world shaped by digital and internet technologies. As

a result, they have developed a heightened awareness of the challenges facing our modern world.

Understanding the impact of this awareness on Generation Z's outlook for the future is crucial.

This research aims to quantitatively assess the level of optimism among members of Generation

Z and identify the factors that contribute to it. To achieve this the researchers analyzed the results

of two questionnaires filled up by 125 respondents, students of Mindanao State University Wao

Community High School including Senior High School students that all belong to the Generation

Z demographic (N= 135). The first test, the Revised Life Orientation Test (Scheier et al., 1994) is

a 10 item test designed to determine the level of optimism. And the researchers then developed a

second questionnaire to ascertain the factors that affect Generation Z’s level of optimism. The

second questionnaire is comprised of 10 items spanning issues from financial problems to mental

distress. Here the respondent ranks the factors that affect him or her the most. The results of both

tests are compiled, analyzed, and interpreted. The implications of this study are significant for

understanding which issues have the greatest impact on the 21st century’s first generation. By

identifying the factors that contribute to Generation Z’s level of optimism we can better support

and empower this generation to better face the challenges of the future.

Keywords: Generation Z, optimism, generational study, Revised Life Orientation Test,

mental health

Is the Future Bright? : Assessing Generation Z’s Outlook of the Future

Optimism can be defined as the belief that something good will happen in the future

(Coelho et al., 2018). Mannheim (1952) asserted the belief that people are shaped through lived

experiences as a result of social change. The way these lived experiences shape a generation

affects their belief systems and values. These shared experiences also impacts the optimism of a

generation. The belief systems, values, and optimism held by individuals affect their

decision-making processes which have real life consequences. Previous research had separate

studies concerning optimism, generations, and the psychological effects of optimism. But we are

yet to find a research that addresses the effects of optimism on a particular generation,

Generation Z.

Generation Z were born on the years 1996 to 2012 (Pew Research Center, 2019). As of

writing this paper, the Generation Zs are aged 11-27.This qualifies all students of Mindanao State

University Wao Community High School as eligible respondents for this research.

The emergence of Generation Z is not just the turn of a century but also a period of great

change, turmoil and upheaval. Technological progress dominated the age. Generation Z was

raised together with technology. A survey by Pew Research Center conducted and published in

2021 reveals that a majority of internet users were aged 18-29. Never has a generation been so

connected as such an early age. This interconnectivity allowed for a greater awareness of the

world around them. It is this research’s purpose to assess the impacts of this heightened


Generation Z is currently in their adolescence. Adolescence is a critical period of human

development. “…optimism could play a fundamental role in sustaining physical and mental

well-being and in dealing with threats potentially harmful to health” (Uribe et al., 2020).

Optimism is not just a mental state separate from everything, it is connected to the basest parts of

human behavior and psychology. Generation Z is particularly vulnerable to the effects of varying

degrees of optimism.

Optimism plays a role in the mental health of Generation Z. Determining the factors that

contribute to their wishful thinking is necessary in order to better understand the fuller context.

Each person is unique and their reasons are as distinct as they are. This research aims to identify

common trends among differing experiences. And to pair that with the data obtained from

another survey, one that determines the level of optimism of the respondents, Generation Z. Both

datum will be then interpreted and cross-analyzed.

Generation Z will define this century. Their actions and decisions will not just affect them

but older and younger generations also. Assessing the positivity and negativity of their outlook

of the future and determining the factors that affect it, is a necessary step in understanding

Generation Z. Generation Z is currently in their adolescence, a pivotal stage in human

development. Understanding them better may help resolve the issues they currently face. So that

the prevention of further future complications is possible.


Chapter 1

The Problem

Background of the Study

Approximately 10% of the world population and 20% of the children and adolescents are

affected by some mental disorders (World Health Organization, 2018). Uribe et al. (2020) noted

in their protocol for a systematic review of optimism and mental health that “Optimism is a

construct that has been empirically measured and validated in the field of study of positive

psychology, which is considered a generally stable personality facet, of cognitive nature and

related to motivation, that reflects to the extent to which people have generalised favourable

expectations for their future.” They also note that:

Evidence has indicated that levels of optimism in people influence how they face health

threats therefore, it has been described as a factor of protection, resilience and coping

mechanism against adversity and disease. In adolescence, the development of optimism

occurs, favouring the psychological and physical well-­being of adolescents and thus

becoming an active potential for the maintenance of mental and physical health.

According to the evidence, optimism works as a protective factor in mental health during

adolescence. Thus, for example, adolescents with high levels of optimism have a lower

risk of experiencing depressive symptoms, anxious episodes, suicidal ideation and

behaviour and a lower tendency towards risk behaviours, such as consumption or abuse

of psychoactive substances. Similarly, some studies have identified the importance of

optimism as a predictor of good socio-­emotional adjustment and functioning and positive

adaptation to the negative impact of stress in adolescence. (p. 2)


This establishes that there is indeed a direct relationship between optimism and the

mental and physical health of adolescents, and optimism’s role as a protecting factor of one’s

mental health. Adolescents’ health issues are a concern for their future health and wellbeing

(Conversano et al., 2010; Patel et al., 2007). WHO (2013) reinforces the importance of wellbeing

in the context of young people and argue for positive skills development to secure them a

productive, happy and healthy life. Therefore, quantifying wishful thinking among Generation Z

members and the factors they think contribute most to it, could shed us light on the defining

variables that affects optimism and by extension the mental and physical wellbeing of Generation

Z. With the collected data, the researchers could know the general trend of optimism and could

assess, based upon said data if the respondents are at risk of armful behavior. And using this

information, solutions could be devised to combat multitudes of issues regarding student’s

mental health.

Statement of the Problem

The focus of this research is to quantitatively assess the impacts of various factors in

students’ optimism and worldview and analyzing the possible causal relationships present

between the two.

This research project sought to answer two research questions:

1. How optimistic are the Generation Z students of Mindanao State University Wao

Community High School?

2. What factors do the students think affect their optimism the most?

Given these two we, the researchers, would use the gathered data for the examination and

interpretation of the relationships between the two values.


Significance of the Study

This research on assessing Gen Z’s outlook of the future and the variables that affect it

poses a variety of applications in the educational, psychological, and social spheres of Mindanao

State University Wao Community High School. This research aims to contribute to the growing

field of generational research and the growing concern for today’s adolescent’s mental health and

to inform the members of the education sector about the benefits and risks of high and low levels

of optimism in students, respectively.

For starters, the school administrators/ staffs and educators may have insights and

understanding about the values, thoughts, and concerns of their students. This knowledge can

inform curriculum development, teaching methods, and support systems that promote

motivation, resilience, and academic success. The teaching methods may enhance and the

effectiveness of this research can promote more healthy and relevant learning environment.

Second, the guardians of the students can benefit from this research through providing

insights of their children's perspective and thoughts. It may also equip the guardians with the

understanding their children’s viewpoints. This aids parents in providing guidance, support, and

resources that align with their children's desired future paths relationships giving assistance of

preparing their children for the challenges and opportunities of the future (Shahzad et al., 2020).

Furthermore, health professionals greatly benefit from this research for the reason that

optimism is related to mental well-being. It gives them insights and conclusions of this

generation's mental health needs, concluding the protective and risk factors. Mental health

professionals can utilize this knowledge to develop targeted interventions and support systems

that promote resilience and positive mental health outcomes.


Moreover, to this generation itself. This benefits them in a way of them being aware of

their own mentality, Research has shown that optimism is associated with better mental health

outcomes, including lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. Optimistic individuals tend

to have more positive emotions, better coping mechanisms, and higher resilience in the face of

challenges (Albritton, M. & Williams, Y., 2022). This research can also increase their motivation

in life and goals that can lead to academic motivation and life satisfaction.

Overall, researching the optimism of Generation Z about the future has the potential to

benefit a wide range of people that includes: The school administrators, parents/ guardians,

professionals, and Generation Z themselves. In addition, We can gain valuable insights that

inform various domains, such as education, mental health, decision making, personal

development, and social activism.


Definition of Terms

This section includes words and terminologies that have been used repeatedly throughout

the research process. This section clarifies the definitions of the said words and terms so that it

may be clearly comprehended. The following is a list of the said terminology:

Adolescent - refers to (of a young person) developing from a child into an adult.

Grade level - refers to subdivisions of formal learning.

Generation Z - refers to any individual born between 1996 and 2012. Referred to as ‘Gen Z’ in

subsequent sections for ease of use.

Mental Health - defined as a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and mental


Mindanao State University Wao Community High School - refers to one of the thirteen (13)

external units of the MSU system. It

is an educational institution located

in Wao, Lanao del Sur. It offers both

junior and senior high school


Optimism - can be defined as the belief that something good will happen in the future.

(Coelho et al., 2018)

Student - it refers to a person engaged in study.


Scope and Delimitations of the Study

Out of all students of Mindanao State University Wao Community High School enrolled

in the school year 2022-2023, one hundred and thirty-five (N=135) students were used as

samples in conducting this survey. This study limits its coverage to students of Grade levels 7, 8,

9, 10, 11, and 12 of Mindanao State University Wao Community High School. This study also

limits the scope of its respondents at their inclusion in the Gen Z age bracket. This study intends

to obtain the data of one hundred and thirty-five (135) students’ optimism scores and their

rationale for the former. Its main purpose is to identify the factors that affect Gen Z’s outlook on

life and to propose solutions and suggestions to deal with the problem. All the respondents are

chosen in a stratified random manner. Also data were gathered and satisfied utilizing

peer-reviewed survey-questionnaires obtained from reputable studies. This survey was done in

person, a method beneficial towards the researchers and the respondents.


Review of Related Literature


Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, refers to the cohort of individuals born between the

1996 and early 2012 (Pew Research Center, 2019). This generation has grown up in a highly

connected and rapidly changing world, influenced by technology, globalization, and societal

shifts. Understanding the role of optimism within the context of Gen Z is essential for

comprehending their attitudes, behaviors, and well-being. This literature review aims to explore

the relationship between optimism and Generation Z, examining relevant studies and

highlighting key findings.

Optimism as a Construct

Optimism is a psychological construct characterized by a positive outlook on life, the

expectation of positive outcomes, and the belief that adversity can be overcome. It has been

extensively studied within the field of positive psychology. Optimistic individuals tend to exhibit

higher levels of well-being, resilience, and adaptive coping strategies, which can contribute to

their overall psychological health and success (Uribe et al., 2020).

Uribe et al. (2020) discussed the empirical measurement and validation of optimism

within the field of positive psychology. In order to assess optimism, various tests have been

developed. One such test is the Life Orientation Test (LOT) introduced by Scheier et al. (1985),

which consists of 8 items. Subsequently, the Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) was

introduced in 1994, expanding the scale to 10 items. Both the LOT and LOT-R aim to gauge

individuals' levels of optimism or pessimism regarding the future. These tests comprise three

positively worded items, three negatively worded items, and four filler items (Liu et al., 2021).

Researchers widely employ the LOT-R and consider it a reliable tool within the field (Andersson,


Optimism and Psychological Well-being

Several studies have explored the relationship between optimism and psychological

well-being among Gen Z. Research by Uribe et al. (2020) found a positive association between

dispositional optimism and life satisfaction among adolescents. Similarly, a study conducted by

Ruch et al. (2020) revealed that optimism positively correlated with positive affect and

self-esteem among young adults.

Optimism and Academic Performance

Optimism has also been linked to academic performance among Gen Z. A study by

Ickeson, et al. (2020) found that higher levels of dispositional optimism were associated with

better academic achievement and engagement in university students. Optimistic individuals tend

to approach challenges with a growth mindset, persist in the face of obstacles, and exhibit

proactive learning behaviors, which can enhance their academic outcomes.

Influence of Technology and Social Media

The pervasive use of technology and social media among Gen Z has implications for their

levels of optimism. Some studies suggest that excessive use of social media can contribute to

lower levels of optimism and well-being among young people (Ürün et al., 2022). The constant

exposure to curated and idealized online lives may lead to social comparison, feelings of

inadequacy, and diminished optimism. However, further research is needed to fully understand

the complex relationship between technology use, social media, and optimism among Gen Z.

Generational Challenges and Optimism

Generation Z faces unique challenges that can impact their levels of optimism. These

challenges include economic uncertainty, political instability, climate change, and social

inequalities. Research by Uribe et al. (2020) demonstrated that exposure to societal stressors

negatively affected optimism and well-being among young adults. However, other studies

suggest that Gen Z's optimism may manifest in their proactive engagement with social and

environmental issues, reflecting their desire for positive change and a better future.

Research Gap

To date, several research studies have explored the underlying functions of optimism on

health. These studies include research on the importance of optimism in the treatment of chronic

diseases, in preventing the risk of acquiring a physical illness, in its relationship with quality of

life and well-being amid illness, as a factor that contributes to adaptation to chronic diseases, and

its role in post-traumatic growth related to physical illness. Although these studies shed light on

the role of optimism in health, there is still limited research focused on the relationship of

optimism with mental health or some of its components (mental disorders, psychological

well-being, and psychosocial factors). However, the findings from existing research have

primarily focused on understanding this relationship in clinical populations and mainly in adult

subjects. (Uribe et al., 2020).

To contribute to the understanding of the role and underlying functions of optimism in

mental health and thus address these gaps, the present research aims to investigate the role of

optimism on mental health in adolescence, especially the students of Mindanao State University

Wao Community High School. By conducting this research, we seek to enhance our knowledge

and fill the existing gaps in understanding the impact of optimism on the mental health and

societal performance of MSU-WCHS students.


The literature suggests that optimism plays a significant role in the psychological

well-being, academic performance, and adaptive coping strategies of Generation Z. While

technology and societal challenges may impact their levels of optimism, Gen Z also exhibits

resilience and proactive engagement with social issues. Further research is needed to explore the

complex interplay between optimism, technology use, and cultural factors among MSUans.

Understanding and promoting optimism among Gen Z can have profound implications for their

overall well-being and future success.



This section deals with the research methodology of the study which includes the

research method used, the population and sampling scheme, respondents of the study, research

instruments, validation of the instrument, procedures in gathering data and statistical tools used.

Research Design

In order to explore the relationship between optimism scores and its factors as determined

by respondents, a correlational research method was adopted in this study.

A quantitative approach was used in this research with the survey questionnaires as its

primary research tool. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the

Revised Life Orientation Test scores and the variables that affect optimism in the students of

Mindanao State University Wao Community High School for the school year 2022-2023, to

determine which issues and problems contribute or hinder students’ optimism.

The primary tool for data collection is a two-part survey questionnaire specifically

devised to gather sufficient data relevant to the study objective.

Research Setting

The research was conducted at Mindanao State University Wao Community High School,

Barangay Eastern, Wao, Lanao del Sur.

Mindanao State University Wao Community High School is one of the thirteen (13)

external units of MSU-Marawi under the leadership of Dr. Samsia M. Paitao-Dumrang, the

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. It is widely regarded as one of the top

secondary schools in the vicinity of Wao. It is conveniently situated at J. Carumba Street,


Barangay Eastern, Wao, Lanao del Sur, making it easily accessible to students from nearby areas.

The school’s academic programs encompass both Junior and Senior High School education, with

a focus on providing a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary

knowledge, skills, and values to become responsible citizens and excel in their future endeavors.

Its curriculum is designed to be comprehensive and challenging, covering various academic

disciplines, extracurricular activities, and character-building programs. As a result, students can

expect to receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in college and beyond.

Figure 1. Map of Mindanao State University Wao Community High School

Respondents of the Study

The study was conducted at Mindanao State University Wao Community High School,

with the participants being students. The students were divided into different grade levels for the

study. There were 20 samples from grade 7, 21 samples each from grades 8 and 9, 24 samples

each from grades 11 and 12, and 25 samples from grade 10. The researchers selected all students

as participants because they fell within the Gen Z age bracket.

Table 1 presents the population of the study.


Table 1. Population Distribution of the Respondents


Grade 7 20 100

Grade 8 21 100

Grade 9 21 100

Grade 10 25 100

Grade 11 24 100

Grade 12 24 100

TOTAL 135 100

Research Instruments

This study utilizes obtained and constructed questionnaires as the instrument for data

collection. There are two (2) parts of the instrument. Part I deals with the optimism score of the

respondents. Part II deals on what are the psycho-social factors that affect the respondents’

optimism score.

Procedures in Gathering Data

A letter of request to study was prepared. The researchers constructed a survey

questionnaire, validated by the instructor of the subject then the survey questionnaires are

distributed. The researcher conducts the research in Mindanao State University Wao Community

High School. The researchers inform the respondents the crucial nature of their response to the

study. The respondents clarifies some terms and provides the instructions to the respondents so

that they may respond to the survey questionnaire with utmost knowledge, responsibility and

honesty. The researcher uses purposive sampling, the sampling units are selected subjectively by

the researchers. The goal of this study is Assessing Generation Z’s Outlook of the Future, the

researchers believe that this method is most appropriate in choosing the sample for the research.

After the respondents answered the survey questionnaire, the researchers collected and tallied the

data for interpretation. Previous statistical studies were consulted to help in determining the

appropriate statistical tools to be used in interpreting the data. Based on the data the researchers

came up with conclusions and writes recommendations for this study.

Statistical Tool Used

To interpret the data obtained accurately, the statistical tool, Spearman’s Rank Correlation

Coefficient was employed. This tool will determine the correlation between the results of the

ranked choice survey and the Revised Life Orientation Test.



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