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Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like news reporting, poetry, stories, plays, essays, and
novels. Their writings clearly depicted their love of country and their longings for independence.

The Period of Re-orientation (1898-1910

By 1900, English came to be used as a medium of instruction in the public schools. From the American
forces were recruited the first teachers of English.

By 1908, the primary and intermediate grades were using English. It was also about this time when UP,
the forerunner in the use of English in higher education, was founded.

(a) Renacimiento Filipino: founded in Manila by Rafael Palma in 1901.

(b) Philippines Free Press: established in Manila in 1905 by R. McCullough Dick and D. Theo Rogers.

In 1907, Justo Juliano's SURSUM CORDA (POETRY) which appeared in the Renacimiento was the first
work to be published in English.

The Period of Imitation (1910-1924)

Juan F. Salazar, Jose M. Hernandez, Vicente del Fierro, and Francisco Tonogbanua, Maximo Kalaw, Vidal
A. Tan, Francisco M. Africa, and Victoriano Yamzon. They pioneered in English poetry.

DEAD STARS by Paz Marquez Benitez written in the early 1920's stand out as a model of perfection in
character delineation, local color, plot and message.

Newspapers and periodicals The Bulletin, the Philippines Herald (1920), the Philippine Review, the
Independent, Rising Philippines and Citizens, and the Philippine Education Magazine (1924).

Carlos P. Romulo, Jorge C. Bocobo, Mauro Mendez, and Vicente Hilario.- serious essay, especially the
editorial type, informal essay, criticism, and the journalistic column.

Period of Self-Discovery and Growth (1925-1941)

Filipino writers had acquired the mastery of English writing. They went into all forms of writing like the
novel and the drama.

Marcelo de Gracia Concepcion, Jose Garcia Villa, Angela Manalang Gloria, Abelardo Subido, Trinidad
Tarrosa Subido and Rafael Zulueta da Costa- love poems but patriotic, religious, descriptive, and
reflective poems

Jose Garcia Villa- Philippine poetry placed the Philippines on the literary map

THE SHORT STORY (1925-1941)


- Forms (a. Political, reflective essays b. Critical essays c. Personal or Familiar)

Other types of literature:

a. Biography

b. History

c. Publications

d. Drama- UP Little Theater

• Active - teachers who adhere to constructivism encourage their students to participate in solving
real-world and relevant problems in which they could relate with their own experiences.

• Open to ideas - teachers pose questions that do not always need a correct answer. Students are free
to formulate ideas related to the lesson and they are expected to elaborate it further. They are taught
how to think more than just what to think.

• Creative - because learning requires experience, constructivist teachers are creative in formulating
questions like what ifs and whys. They also use it in making activities such as science experiments or
school play. A creative teacher engages and challenges the students’ critical thinking.

• Experiential - a constructivist teacher knows that learning is a lifelong process and is not limited
within school premises. Hence, he lets the students learn from the community they belong, fostering
social awareness. He also uses his own, personal experiences as an example.

Facilitative • Students are just guided by teachers to construct their knowledge actively rather than
just mechanically ingesting knowledge from the teacher or the textbook. He/she allows learners to
come up with their knowledge through experience.

Democratic • Teachers create a non-threatening and supportive environment wherein activities are
interactive and student-centered. Teachers share their responsibility in decision making, provide
equality, create an environment for effective communication, give importance to all the students,
treat them equally and provide a fair chance for all the students to express themselves.

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