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Monthly Assessment May, 2022

Name: _________________ Date: __________

Subject: Science Grade 2 Total Marks: /20

Section I
Objective section
Q1: Circle the correct answer. /4

i. The sun is bigger than ________________ earths.

a. One million b. Two million

ii. ______________ is the main source of light.

a. moon b. sun

iii. The temperature on the surface of the sun is ____________.

a. 6000OC b. 600OC

iv. __________________ does not move.

a. Earth b. Sun

Q2: Mark the following statements as True or False. /3

i. In the morning the tube light gives us light. _________

ii. Moon is the main source of light on earth. _________

iii. The movements of earth give us day and night. _________

Monthly Assessment
Q3: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. /4

Word bank:

Sun daytime Night-time Spins

The earth ___________________ so one part is facing the

_______________. That part is in __________________. The other
side of the earth is away from the sun. This part is in

Section II
Subjective section
Q4: Answer the following questions. /9

i. What are the two biggest problems plants and animals living

in hot and dry countries have? /1


Monthly Assessment
ii. When is the sun brightest during the day? /1


iii. What can plants and animals do to stay strong and healthy?



iv. What happens for the other half of the time that the earth spins?



v. What happens to the sun at night? /1


vi. Name three different environments that can be found in hot

and dry countries. /1


vii. How is shadow formed? /1


Monthly Assessment
viii. Name two sources of water that we use for drinking. /1


ix. Name the plants that grow in full sunlight. /1


Monthly Assessment

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