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Grade: 8 (Nine)

Class: _____
You have always dreamt of having your own house and now that you have learnt about
Structures in Technology class, develop a Prototype (model) of your dream house using your
knowledge of structures thus far. Design a suitable Roof Truss for your prototype. Do not roof
your design/model.

This portfolio consists of 8 pages including the cover page

Total Credits Obtained: _____ + _____ + _____ = _____

15 20 35 70
Investigation Design Make Final Mark

Signed (subject teacher): _____________ Date: ____/ ____/ 2023

Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023


 Identify the problem
Provide a detailed explanation of what you are trying to solve, NOT the solution.
 Analyse existing solutions
Do a research on types of trusses and all materials you anticipate to use in your design. Please
acknowledge (in the reference section below) the sources you have used.
 Sort and compare information
Compare the safety and suitability of the materials. Support your argument by pasting
possible pictures as well.
Paste possible pictures (in colour) of any two different types of trusses, in the spaces
provided below:

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Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023

What are the characteristics of the first roof truss?

What are the characteristics of the second roof truss?
Compare safety and suitability of the materials and reinforce techniques used in both trusses.
Write down advantages and disadvantages of each truss design
First Truss
Advantages Disadvantages

Second Truss
Advantages Disadvantages

 References
Avoid plagiarism, acknowledge the sources you used to gather information of the existing
solutions (i.e. journals, textbooks, websites, newspapers, etc.)
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Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023

PART II: DESIGN [20 Marks]

 Design Brief
It should be short, concise and clear statement outlining the context of the problem that you
have identified.
 Specifications
Describe what you would want your product to do, look like in a real world and how it will
function. Answer the “W” and “H” questions.
 Constraints
Look at factors that will limit your choices in finding solutions.
 Flow Chart
Fill in the steps you would follow to complete your design.

Step 1 Step 2
Step 3

Step 5 Step 4

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Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023

 Possible Ideas/ Solutions

Draw freehand rough sketches of two possible ideas for your product and briefly give pros
and cons for each idea.

First Possible Idea Second Possible Idea

Pros Pros

Cons Cons

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Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023

PART III: MAKE [20 Marks]

Model a viable plan for your solution.
 Tools:
 Materials:
 Chosen Idea/ Solution
This is the chosen idea/ solution to the problem from the possible ideas. Use the isometric
grid below to make an enhanced 3D-drawing of your product. Use Technological
conventions and techniques you have learned thus far.

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Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023

PART IV: Make [10 Marks]

 Budget
Draw up a realistic budget, including correct materials and labour costs.

 Evaluation instrument
Develop an evaluation instrument for your product.

Criteria Yes No


 Weaknesses and strengths of your truss and house structure

 Changes and improvements you can make to your truss and house structure

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Practical Assessment Task 1 Technology – Grade 8 Term 1/2023

PART V: Communication [5 Marks]

 You will present your product to the whole class. Each group member must take part and be
responsible for an aspect of the presentation. Make use of correct technological language in
your presentation.
 Your presentation should consist of sketches, plans, budget, model and artistic impressions.
 Use the space below to write any further information about your product.

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