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1455 The War of the Roses (the Lancaster

won ≠ the York)

Magna Carta 1215 William and Marry forced to agree the Bill of
Rights 1688

The Baron’s Rebellion 1215

William of Orange and his wife Marry
contacted by Parliament
King John Charles I (son)

Charles II invited by Parliament to resume the

Norman Invasion of England 1066 lead by James VI of Scotland > James I of England ( throne (pb was catholic)
William the Conqueror (defeated king Harold) above god)

A short History of The Norman Conquest (1066) to The English Civil War (1642-1651)
The Restoration (1660-1689) and
The Transformation of the
The Tudors (1485-1603) The Stuarts (1603-1714) the Glorious Revolution (1688-
the Magna Carta (1215) and the Commonwealth Monarchy
the Monarchy 1689)
Henry VIII
George I (1714-1727) spooke German
1641 Catholics rebelled in Ireland
Act of Union (1536)
Queen Victoria (1837-1901) became a largely
Parliament ≠ King Charles I ( ceremonial institution
Parliamentarians with Oliver Cromwell ≠
Act of Supremacy 1534 (replacing the Pope +
created the Church of England)

Charles I beheaded for treason in 1649

Elizabeth I no child

During Commonwealth England was ruled by

a Council of State headed by Oliver
Cromwell (1649-1660)

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