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Reviewer in CPAR of dried leaves.

It is traditionally made out of palm

leaves, but in some cases, it can be made out of plastic.
Traditional Arts in the Philippines
IV. Poetry
I. Painting
1. Ambahan – is a chanted poetry of the Hanunoo-
1. Oil Painting – was introduced as early as the 16th
Mangyan, an ethno-linguistic tribe of the Mangyans. It is
century which was influenced by the European
a set of poetic expression with a measured rhyme of
traditions. It was first used as a propaganda to spread
seven-syllable lines. It is chanted without a determined
Catholicism in the Philippines.
melody and musical instruments. It is chanted in a
2. Soil Painting – was introduced by Waway Saway in metaphorical way and many times chanted in a dialogue
the Talaanding community. Bukidnon is the home of the fashion. It can be vocalized in the presence of interested
original and authentic soil painters and considered to be audience of various size. Ambahan is mainly used for
the “Soil Painting Capital of the World”. With the soil courtship.
that they use, their artworks are in tones of browns, reds,
2. Pagbasa ng Pasyon – a Catholic devotion during
and grays. The pictures depicted on their artworks are
Holy Week where it involves uninterrupted chanting of
pieces of their tribe’s life, beliefs, practices, and their
the Pasyón. An early 16th century epic poem that
close association with land.
narrates the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus
II. Pottery Christ. readers are usually groups of individuals taking
turns to chant verses in acapella or accompanied with a
1. Neolithic Pottery – was used to suit individual musical instrument. Pabasa is done continuously day
household needs. One of these potteries included and night and last for 3 days. The pabasa usually begins
“palayok” which was used for daily cooking activities. on Holy Monday, the second day of Holy Week, or
Other forms of pottery that they made were pouring afternoon of Maundy Thursday, and ends in the morning
vessels, jugs, dishes, vases, and native dippers, known as of Good Friday.
“tabo”. Famous pottery that was discovered was the
Manunggul Jar, it shows an example of a cultural link V. Dance
between the archaeological past and the ethnographic
1. Cordillera Dances – it dances includes: Banga,
present. The Manunggul Jar was put on the 100 PHP bill
Salisid, Talip, Lumagen, Manmanok, Ragragsakan,
in the year of 1995.
Taretek, and Uyaoy/Uyauy. Banga mimics Kalinga
2. Anthropomorphic Pottery – are pots that have women collecting and transporting water, in which when
human characteristics. The Funery Mask Burial the dance they balance as much as 8 pots on their heads.
Offering dates back to 350 BC, while the Earthenware Uyaoy/Uyauy is performed by affluent to attain the
Pots dates back 5 B.C.- 225 A.D. The Earthenware Pot second level of the wealthy class.
was found in the Ayub Cave of the Saranggani Province.
2. Folklore Dances – it includes: Tinikling and
The 29 other jars that were recovered with it had
Binasuan. Tinikling originated during the Spanish
different kinds of facial expressions and had heads that
colonial era. The dance involves two people beating,
were either plain, perforated or coated with black and
tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the ground and
red paints.
against each other in coordination with one or more
III. Weaving dancers who step over and in between the poles to dance.
Binasuan is when the performers hold full wine glasses
– it is a major part of Philippine’s art and culture. in each hand while performing balancing tricks.
1. Banig – is usually made from “tikog”, a special reed VI. Famous Filipino Artist
grass. Banig weaving is the common source of income
of people in almost any part of Samar. It is a hand- 1. Whang-od Oggay – also known as Maria Oggay is a
woven mat used for sleeping and sitting. It can also be Filipina tattoo artist from Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga,
made out of palm, pandanus, or sea grass leaves. Philippines. She is often described as the "last" and
oldest mambabatok (traditional Kalinga tattooist) and is
2. Bayong – is an alternative to using plastic bags. part of the Butbut people of the larger Kalinga ethnic
Locals usually use bayong to carry their groceries as group.
they head off to the market. Alike banigs, it is made out
Local Materials used in Creating Art Philippines. The mollusks are edible, which means
fishermen can harvest them for their meat and reduce
I. Local Materials – are resources that can be found
waste by reusing their shells for décor and handicrafts.
readily in large quantities at a particular location at a
certain time. These materials that can be used to 9. Rattan (uway) – belongs to the palm family. There
fabricate a finished element. These materials are cheap are different types of rattan palms, such as high or low
compared to the imported materials from other countries. climbers, single stemmed or clustered rattan species.
It serves as an alternative source of materials and yet
sustainable, and in the long run profitable for all concern
which are often practically and innovatively used by Traditional Techniques used in Creating Philippine
local designers, architects, and manufacturers. Art
1. Abaca – belongs Banana family, which fiber has a I. Technique – is the manner in which artists use and
natural luster with colors ranging from pure white to manipulate materials.
ivory and dark brown. Initially used as material for rope
and for furniture and decor on Filipino homes. 1. Wood Carving – the art of fashioning or ornamenting
objects of wood.
2. Bamboo (kawayan) – it is used as a raw material in
creating many products. Also utilized in construction 2. Molding – a technique of shaping liquid or pliable
and in making textile, musical instruments, weapons, material such as clay. Pottery making is considered one
and others. of the longest traditions in Philippine art.

3. Buri – is extracted from the matured leaves of the buri 3. Fabric Weaving – a method of textile production in
palm that is native to the Philippines, characterized by its which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced
large fan-shaped leaves. Its fiber is durable and resistant at right angles to form a fabric or cloth. Textile hand-
to moisture. It can make products like bayongs, banig, weaving is one of the most attractive and interesting
hats, fans, slippers, and more. traditional crafts of the Philippines.

4. Coconut shell (tahuk) – the hard-outer part of a II. Basketry Technique – baskets serve as a national
coconut. The coconut's shell is relatively hard but can be icon for Filipinos signifying agricultural and cultural
broken. Because its shell is hard, it can be used as an relevance.
ingredient to make a craftwork. 1. Coiling – a procedure combining the wrapping of a
5. Coir or Coconut Fiber – the fibrous material found core material and a sewing process; uses grasses,
between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a rushes, and pine needles.
coconut. Other uses of brown coir (made from ripe 2. Plaiting – interweaving or braiding two or more
coconut) are in upholstery padding, sacking and elements; uses palms and yucca.
horticulture. White coir, harvested from unripe coconuts,
is used for making finer brushes, string, rope, and fishing 3. Twining – involves horizontal active elements that
nets. engage a series of vertical and passive warps; uses roots
and tree bark.
6. Santol Wood – is popularly useful for construction;
usually easy to saw, work and polish. If carefully 4. Wicker – uses a single weft element and a series of
seasoned, it can be employed for house posts, interior passive warp elements that are typically much larger and
construction, light framing, barrels, cabinetwork, boats, stiffer than the weft element; uses reed, cane, willow,
carts, sandals, butcher’s blocks, household utensils and oak, and ash.
7. Sea Shells – hard exoskeleton of marine mollusks
Artistic Skills and Techniques
such as snails, bivalves, and chiton that serve to protect
and support their bodies. This material is usually used in I. Artistic Skills – are abilities that are possessed by an
making ornamental and house decorations. artist who operates within a fine art capacity.
8. Capiz shells – comes from the shell of the Placuna II. Medium – is defined as the material or the substance
placenta mollusk, which is native to the seas of out of which a work is made.
Southeast Asia, specifically Indonesia and the
III. Nature OF Art Forms 6. Mixed Media – refers to a work of visual art that
combines various traditionally distinct visual art.
1. Sculptor – they use metal, wood, clay, and glass.
7. Print Making – is the process of making artworks by
2. Architect – they use wood, bamboo, bricks, stone,
printing, normally on paper.
concrete, and various building materials.
8. Frottage – is the technique of rubbing with crayon on
3. Painter – they use pigments (e. g. watercolor, oil,
a piece of paper that has been placed over an object or an
tempera, textile paint, acrylic, ink, etc.) on usually flat
ground (wood, canvas, paper, a stone wall such as cave
paintings). 9. Decalcomania – is the process of applying gouache (a
method of painting with opaque watercolors) to paper or
4. Printmaker – they use ink printed or transferred on a
glass then transferring a reversal of the image onto
surface (wood, metal plates, or silkscreen).
canvas or other flat materials.
5. Musician – they use sound and instruments (including
10. Decoupage – is done by adhering cut-outs of paper
human voice).
and then coating with transparent coating of varnish.
6. Dancer – they use the body and its movement.
11. Eggshell mosaic - is an artistic technique that uses
7. Theater Artist – they integrate all the arts and uses tiny parts of eggshell to create a whole image or object.
the stage, production design, performance elements, and
12. Trapunto painting – is the technique used by
script to enable the visual, musical, dance, and other
Pacita Abad where her canvases are padded, sewn, and
aspects to come together as a whole work.
often filled with sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny
8. Photographer or a Filmmaker – they use the camera mirrors, bits of glass, rickrack, swatches of precious
to record the outside world. A filmmaker uses the textiles, and other things that she picks up from her
cinematographic camera to record and put together travels and journey.
production design, sound engineering, performance, and
Characteristics of Contemporary Arts
9. A writer of a novel, poetry, nonfiction, and fiction
uses words. A designer, a performance artist, or 1. Innovation in Art
installation artist combines the use of the range or
Contemporary art – is an art that is living in present
materials above.
times. It reflects current issues or current events.
IV. Technique – is the manner in which artists use and
Contemporary artists – have been the pioneers in
manipulate materials. It involves tools and technology.
introducing new forms of art to the world.
V. Art Techniques used by Artists
Collage art – is an example of innovation that proved to
1. Collage – made from an assemblage of different be a great example of modern contemporary art.
forms, thus creating a new whole.
Hangarin by Emmanuel Garibay – is a depiction of
2. Decollage – is the opposite of collage; it is created by the passionate Filipino interest in sports, especially
cutting, treating away, or otherwise removing pieces of basketball. (Aspiration/Goal), 2008. Oil on canvas. 79 x
an original image. 75 inches. Courtesy of the artist.
3. Graffiti – are writings or drawings that have been 2. Using New Materials
scribed, scratched, or painted illicitly on a wall or other
Make use of materials and media such as wood, paper,
surface, often in a public space.
paint, milk, rice, pollen, wax, plaster, stone, glass,
4. Land Art – sometimes referred to as earthwork, or metal, plastics, photos, slides, videos, and computers.
earth art is an art movement in which landscape and the
Sculptors – use pieces of junk to produce what is known
work of art are inextricably linked.
as junk art.
5. Digital Art – is an artistic work or practice that uses
digital technology as an essential part of the creative or
presentation process.
Here are some contemporary artworks that used new V. Cubism – a style of art that aims to show all the
materials: newspaper painting, junk art using plastic possible viewpoints of a person or an object all at once.
and art using stone. It is called Cubism because the items represented in the
artworks look like they are made of cubes and other
3. Use of Color
geometrical shapes.
Color was used as means to bring reality to paintings
VI. Neoplasticism – it is based on two-dimensionality,
and art pieces. It is often one of the most exciting
the use of straight lines, and primary colors. Its objective
components of a painting. In both figurative and
is to divest itself of the particular to manifest the purity
abstract painting, color can be used for its decorative
of art.
beauty, to create mood, and to express or arouse an
Cool colors – are based on blue undertones, bring a Final Product using Appropriate Materials in
calming effect to the mind. Blue represents Making Contemporary Arts
I. Local Contemporary Art Works in Region 2
Warm colors – are based on yellow undertones, tend to
Local – refers to easily available material. It is dynamic,
convey emotions ranging from happiness to violence.
fluid, and constantly changing. It involves an integration
Red, orange, and yellow colors trigger hunger. Red
of various media: dance, music, the visual, digital, and
instantly attracts, makes people excited, and increases
electronic arts; of various geographies: local,
the heart rate.
transnational, national; and of various spaces: the
3. Newer Techniques “actual” as staged to the virtual as eternally documented
or mediatized.
Modern art – given birth to newer techniques that form
the basis for contemporary art today. Here are some of the contemporary artworks made noted
by local artists in Region 2: “yuvuk” Batanes,
Expressionism – was mostly based on the vibrant and
“pottery” Iguig, Cagayan, “giant butaka” Ilagan,
expressive use of colors as a tool to innovate their
Isabela and “callao cave” Peñablanca, Cagayan
paintings. Expressionist art tried to convey emotion and
meaning rather than reality.
I. Abstract expressionism –it emphasizes the Philippine Popular Art
expressions of the self and emotions. The colors are
– the art that is followed or accepted by the Filipino
more violent, and the content has a symbolic tint.
masses. The masa or the common people are the
II. Chromolithography – is a prime example of a primary consumers of Philippine popular art.
technique that was developed by Jules Cheret. It is a
– the art that the majority of Filipinos patronize. It is a
unique method for making multi-color prints. Chromist,
reflection of the fun-loving, sentimental Filipino.
who specialized in breaking down the colors needed to
re-create the painting in ink. I. Literature
III. Surrealism and Avant-Garde 1. Komiks – is considered to be one of the most-read
forms of literature in the country.
Surrealism – it focuses on tapping into the unconscious
mind to release creativity. Surrealistic art – it is 2. Romance Novels – in paperback editions have
characterized by dream-like visuals, the use of proliferated in bookstores and have acquired many
symbolism, and collage images. readers. The internet publishing site Wattpad has
recently been a platform for aspiring Filipino writers to
IV. Fauvism – it comprises the first of the expressions
publish and for readers to read new materials.
of contemporary art. Its name refers to a group of French
painters who in 1905 filled the Paris autumn salon with II. Music
works. Specific characteristics are aggression in the use
of colors (basically primary, complementary along 1. OPM (Original Pinoy Music) – is a strong force in
garish tones) and their autonomy about shapes. Philippine arts. Parts of Filipino music: filipino pop
music, rock bands, raps, RnB, and bossa nova.
III. Dance a. Antoinette Jadaone – That Thing Called Tadhana
– is an important social activity in the Filipino b. Jerrold Tarog – Heneral Luna
community. A barangay or town fiesta is not complete
VI. Advantages of Mainstream Movies
without a morning parade and the evening Bayle.
1. Distributes to a larger audience
IV. Movies
2. Artist can be known worldwide
– the Filipino movie industry is still striving despite the
dominance of Hollywood- produced blockbusters. At 3. Merchandise to promote the movie
present, Filipino movies being produced today are
romantic comedies, comedies, and horror films. Rom- 4. Collaborate with popular artists
coms are staples featuring popular love teams. 5. They are publicized quicker
– slapstick comedies of Vice Ganda, Ai Ai Delas Alas, 6. Big production values
and Vic Sotto still make moviegoers laugh. Horror
movies still manage to entertain the Filipino audience. 7. Synergy with other producers
VII. Disadvantages of Mainstream Movies

Philippine Independent Cinema 1. Artists are not really authentic.

I. 1997 – was the birth of Philippine Independent 2. They don’t get much say.
3. They won’t get all the profits – most of the share goes
II. Kidlat Tahimik – a Baguio- based Filmmaker who to the label.
won the International Critics’ Prize in the Berlin Film
VIII. Advantages of Independent Films
Festival for his film Mababangong Bangungot
(Perfumed Nightmare). 1. You can have your own independence
III. ECP (Experimental Cinema of the Philippines) – 2. Your own business
was created through Executive Order No. 770 in 1982.
3. You have freedom to do what you want
– dissolve in 1986.
4. Have closer connection with fans
1. Government – owned corporation that was created to
promote the local film industry. 5. 100% profits

2. Funded art films – like Oro, Plata, Mata and Himala. 6. Could go viral through Facebook

IV. Indie VS. Mainstream 7. Have control over things

1. Indie films of the yesteryears – have often been IX. Disadvantages of Independent Films
viewed as “highly intellectual” or “pretentious” for its 1. Not known globally
depth and ambiguity. It is all about where people wanted
to see something darker, or some themes would be more 2. Don’t have much reputation, branding or promoting
about escape.
3. No financial help
2. Mainstream – was all about love teams.
4. Less connections & influences
"The indies provide fresh content which the studios are
5. Smaller scale, so less profit
lacking in, and the studios provide advertising and
distribution machinery, which the indies don't have.” 6. You have to do it all yourself
V. Teddy Co – coined the term “midstream” in X. Brillante Mendoza – he has directed 16 films since
reference to the “stream” of films that are neither clearly 2005. He directed the first State of the Nation Address of
perceived as indie nor as mainstream. President Duterte. He was awarded by the French
government the Knight of the Order of Arts and
Letters for his contributions in world cinema.
a. Award-winning films – Masahista, Tirador, Serbis, c. Cinema Rehiyon
Kinatay, Thy Womb
d. Cinemalaya – a film competition and festival that
XI. Other filmmakers of indie films: aims to encourage the creation of new cinematic works
by Filipino makers. Each year, 10 fresh talents are given
1. Adolf Alix (Donsol)
a seed grant in order to create the film of their dreams.
2. Lav Diaz (Melancholia) These films are featured at the CCP every July.

3. Dante Nico Garcia (Cloning) e. Cinema One Originals – a film festival held every
November. Produced by Cinema One – a TV network.
XII. Other Notable Indie Filmmakers
MISSION: To showcase the talents and diverse voices
1. Jerrold Tarog (Senior Year) of the Filipino independent films.
(As a filmmaker: Shake, Rattle and Roll, Heneral Luna, f. CineFilipino
(As a composer: Buy Now, Die Later & I’m Drunk, I
Love You) Emerging Artists in the Philippines

2. Jeffrey Jeturian (Kubrador) – are immensely influenced by issues in Philippine

(As a TV Director: Be Careful with my Heart, Dream
Dad, Ningning) 1. Ronald Ventura – holds the record for the highest bid
at Sotheby’s contemporary Southeast Asian painting
3. Mark Meily (Baler, Crying Ladies) auction. He is well known for his application of multiple
4. Chris Martinez (The Gifted) layers of mixed media techniques. Its. works have been
exhibited worldwide in Switzerland, New York, and
XIII. Film Festivals – contribute to the flourishing of Hong Kong.
the independent film industry.
2. Kiko Escora – his mix of oil and acrylic are works of
1. Major Film Festivals narratives in paint. His works have been featured in
several galleries and websites such as The Drawing
a. Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) – the annual
Room, Artnet, Altromondo and Christie’s. Kulay
event began in 1975.
Diwa describes Kiko Escora’s works as “an emotion
MISSION: A festival that celebrates Filipino artistic expressed in a canvas and interpreted by the individual’s
excellence, promotes audience development, and recognition of intelligence mixed with beauty.”
champions the sustainability of the Philippine film
3. Annie Cabigting – an eclectic artist with varied
works of paintings and installations. Her works are
VISION: To develop audience for and and encourage historical perspectives on the constitution of art. Her
the production of quality Filipino films, and to promote works have been included in Prague Biennale in the
the welfare of its workers. Czech Republic.

Festival highlight: Parade of floats at the opening of the 4. Angeli Bayani – a theater and film actress who gained
festival. acclaim for her performance in Lav Diaz’s, Norte: The
End of History. Starred in the Singapore – produced
b. Sineng Pambansa – the Film Development Council independent film Iloilo, which got her the nomination for
of the Philippines’ flagship program. Best Actress in the 56th Asia Pacific Film Festival.
MISSION: Revitalize the Filipino film industry by Academy Award-winning director Ang Lee praised her
encouraging and supporting the production high quality as a “national treasure” for her performance in Iloilo.
films, and by promoting the works of Filipino 5. Joshua Lim So – a Palanca-winning fictionist and
filmmakers to a wider public through national and playwright. One of the founders of the Destiyero
international film festivals. Theater Commune, a theater group that aims to
Main Theme: “Bringing the Filipino films to Filipinos” produce works that engage in critical and aesthetic
discourses. His work Tungkol kay Angela is full-length
play that won first prize in the Palanca Awards and was engaging. They can also be interactive. Uses still
shortlisted in the 23rd BBC International Playwriting imagery, moving imagery, sound, and text.
Competition. The play was described as “an
3. Using Music and Performing Arts in Education –
extraordinary piece of writing” by the BBC panel of
incorporates the arts in teaching math, science, history,
and other core subjects. The effect of incorporating art in
6. Ed Lacson – a theater director, is one of the education is “associated with gains in math, reading,
Philippine theaters rising stars. His directorial debut was cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill.”
Remi Karen Velasco’s Ondoy: Ang Buhay sa Bubong Allows educators to link art in teaching, as it includes
in 2010 Virgin Labfest. In 2014, he directed Glen the use of keyboard skills and music in developing
Mas’s Games People Play, which gave him critical spatial and spatial-temporal reasoning skills. These skills
success. His works continue with Liza Magtoto’s Isang are essential to understanding mathematical concepts
Daan and Eljay Dedoc’s Si Maria Isabel at ang Guryon and patterns.
ng mga Tala. He also worked as second assistant director
III. Tengal Drilon – is one of these new media Filipino
for the Cinemalaya independent Films Niňo and
artists today. He merges various fields and disciplines by
playing multiple roles as curator – producer, filmmaker,
7. Sophia Lee – the 2014 grand prize winner of the and musician – composer. Founder of Sabaw Media Art
Scholastic Asian Book Awards for What Things Mean, Kitchen, a nonprofit organization that focuses on
a young adult novel. She is currently taking up her connection and exchange among new media artists in
master’s degree in Creative Writing at the University of Southeast Asia.
the Philippines. A writing fellow at the 52nd Silliman
His works include:
National Writers Workshop. An active member of the
storyteller for the group Kwentista ng mga Tsikiting 1. Sinemusikalye – a street concert with a 50-feet AV
(KUTING). Soaring Saturdays, won second prize at the installation.
Samsung KidsTime Author’s Award at the Asian
Festival of Children’s Content in Singapore. She 2. Transmissions Gangan – a collaboration with
received the NCAA Ani ng Dangal 2015 for her American composer, pianist, and electronic musician
international recognition. Chris Brown in an interactive AV performance aired on
five radio channels.
3. Ear2eye- a moving image and cutting-edge music
Integrative Art as Applied in Contemporary Art festival.
I. Integrative Art – is a multidisciplinary approach to 4. ASEUM.09: Asia – Europe New Media Art
the study of art using “vocational, scholarly and Symposium, and Fete dela Wasaque – an outer fringe
creative interest in the arts and design” within and arts festival.
outside the scope of traditional art practice. It utilizes the
fine and performing arts as principal pathways to
education. Objective: expand people’s understanding of Contemporary Art Practices and Production
a general subject area, while simultaneously developing
a larger extent of understanding and appreciation of both I. Characteristics of Contemporary Art Practices
the fine and performing arts.
1. Changes to Accepted Tradition and Accepted
II. Ways on how Integrative Art can be Applied in Taste
Contemporary Art
– contemporary art tries to challenge age-old practices
1. New Media Art – covers created integrative artful that hinder personal growth and development. Arts
masterpieces with new media technologies such as should not be bound by traditional approaches in the
digital art, video games, robotics, and virtual arts. creation of art. Expanding their expression by using
mixed media from unlikely materials. Not afraid to
2. Digital Storytelling – refers to the new practice of create art that goes against personal beliefs and public
ordinary people who use digital tools to articulate or tell taste.
their stories. Is the digital approach in presenting
narratives. Stories in digital formats are compelling and
a. Facebook-Themed Painting by Pawel Kuczynski, a
Polish artist who tries to interrogate the way people use
and are used by the social media.
2. Understanding of a Multiplicity of Viewpoints
– contemporary art bridges the gap of geography,
ethnicity, gender, and beliefs. Contemporary artists are
conscious of the diverse, multicultural nature of today’s
global society. The artworks are not anymore ignorant of
the complexities of history, politics, and economics.
Artists are exposed to the interconnectedness of people
and realities.
a. An Installation art by Armando Mariño La Patera,
it shows how capitalists and former colonial powers
derive their wealth and power from slavery.
3. Issues and Ideas about the Role of Objects in Space
and Relationships between Objects
– contemporary artworks with existing objects or
structures to maintain balance and harmony. Space has
become an integral part of the contemporary artist’s
practice. Artworks are no longer limited to museums and
galleries. Public spaces are now considered by
contemporary artists in the display and installation of
their artworks.
a. Melted ice cream truck installation art by Glue
Society, appropriately shows how the environment
changes objects.
4. Use of Everyday Materials
– contemporary art transforms simple objects and brings
them to life. Recycle art has become a trend for
contemporary artists. The mass array of materials
from disposals gives artists room for wild imagination.
a. Sculpture of a hen, a UK artist Kyle bean used
eggshells to create this sculpture.
b. Wat Pa Maha Chedio Kaew Temple in Thailand,
made of recycle bottles.
5. Employment of Contemporary Technology
– contemporary art makes use of available technology in
the process of creating an artwork.
a. “King of Rock and Roll” Elvis Presley – was
projected as a hologram in a performance with Celine

“Technology of the 21st century provides endless

resources in the creation of art.”

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