Action Research

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EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 4 Action Research entitled “Factors Affecting The Performance of Grade Six Pupils of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School, Tagkawayan District II for the School Year 2015 — 2016. Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region !V-A CALABARZON Division of Quezon TAGKAWAYAN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tagkawayan District If Tagkawayan, Quezon CRE SITES ICRA Tae) iO main This Is to certify that EVELYN M. SALUMBIDES, Teacher III of Tagkawayan Central Elementary Schwol, Tagkawayan, Quezon, initiated an Action Research entitled “Factors Affecting The Performance Of Grade Six Punils of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School, Tegkewayan District II” for the Schoo! Year 201'-2016. This certification is issued for whatever purposes it may serve worthy. a) cone eee Principat Ill CORROBORATED BY: ip Veube O. ile fagetie 7f bim sh. /ANGELITA A/MANILA Mastef Teacher! arieLM. tZFinoo Teacher I haat oat Mireace nore ROSALIE O. MELLA Master Teacher Il rich KRkit0 Teacher I SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to hefore me this 27" day of March, 2019 at Tagkawayan, Quezon. Affiant exhibited her residence certificate no. 14488036 issued at Tagkawayan, Quezon on January 04, 2019. ’ ‘ District Supervisor es Republic of the Phitppines Department of Education Region IVA-CALABARZON : Division of Quezon Tagkawayan Central Elementary School Tagkawayan Distr I FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE IN NOTE READING OF GRADE SIX PUPILS. OF TAGKAWAYAN CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, TAGKAWAYAN DISTRICT {f SY 2017-2018 An Action Research Go { ey, mapa PIONILLA, Ed.D | Approved by: | MAPEH/PESS INTRODUCTION Music education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them a world of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement. The future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music (Gerald Ford, 2006). Music is an art that piays a very important role in our daily living. itis regarded as an art because of the characteristic! qualities of sounds determined by the type of voices r instruments that produce them. Nowadays, students need to read notes and play at least one musical instrument. They should also be trained to perform in Public to develop their skills in music. We understand the diversity of leamiers and that not all are born musically gifted One of the most frustrating things a music teacher can be faced is the learners not able fo read notes even after teaching them the ways, the steps, and the "hows" , hence prompt ttre researcher to find out. ‘Statement of the Problem The problem focuses on the factors affecting the performance in notes reading of Grade Six pupils will be improved with the use of note reading, as an intervention, ‘Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of performance in note reading of Grade 6 pupils of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School before and after the implementation of note reading? 2. Is there a difference in the level of performance in note reading of Grade 6 pupils of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School? 3. What are the implications of the findings of this action research for the improving of the performance in note reading of Grade 6 pupils of ‘Tagkawayan Central Elementary School? HYPOTHESIS, There is no significant difference in the level of performance in note reading of Grade 6 pupils of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School before and after note Teading intervention. Significance of the Study ‘The researcher thought that if this study would be successful it would help to find out the contributing factors that affect the pupils performance in note reading which will be significant: * To music teachers! educators, in considering the diversity of leamers and therefore improve their teaching strategies. To Schoo! Principals and Heads, to include music trainings in their schoo based seminars inviting @ resource speaker in music specifically the different approaches in note reading. The parents, it will encourage them to send their children to different workshops involving music. To the leamers, to help them learn music through note reading in a way the most enjoyable way. > The researcher herself, to adjust the technique based on the capabilities and needs of learners. Background of the Study Music education in the K-12 curriculum has no big differed ftom the BEC as | thought but it maximizes the leamers’ activities which the researcher believes has benefits for the students. Reading musical notation is one of the activities in teaching music being pan of the curriculum. The grade six pupils are expected know the basic and to read notes as they were taught in the lower grade level. The Grade Six being the target respondents of the study has the population of 236 pupils enrolled in 8 sections. All of them underwent basic treading notation but only few of them show Positive results which has been the ‘Stimulating factor for the Tesearcher to conduct this research. a REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Musical notation js a system used to visually represent the perceived music Played with instruments or sung by the human voice through the use of written and printed symbols, “Music education can help spark a child's imagination or ignite a iifetime of passion, When you provide a child with new worlds to explore and challenges to tackle, {he possibilities are endiess. Music education stiould not be a privilage for a lucky few, it should be a part of every chikt's world of possibility’ (Hilary Clinton, 2008) ‘Tripp, (1992), every student has different ability of music skill or music Knowledge, Every student has also his own music educational background and his Music experience. In one music class sometimes has one group of the same student's ability, and has students’ music experience. But, it is possible that there is a special Student who can influence leaming process in the class. The learning procesa can be determined by the factors. Musical interest of the students which are caused by the Process, for instance, can determine music leaming process quality.‘ Related to the state Suharto (1996) point out that the teacher should know ech their stucents’ characteristic so that they can identify and determine the propery method to teach music in the class. If they can know the characteristic and the learning problemi then the plan, apply, practice, etc, to solve the problems. 2 Wilson (2002) completes that music performance anxiety may be associated with failure on mastering of task. Task can be understood and composed for several musical factors that can influence the music performance: among them are the repertoire, sight-reading, deliberate practice and rehearsal, musical expression and memory.” One of the best ways to encourage good note reading habits early on is to get your ‘students reading short Passages of music independently (hitos / more! lll, METHODOLOGY AND RESEARCH DESIGN This section presents the research design employed, the locale of the study, the Fespondents, the instruments used in data gathering, the procedure taken by the researcher and the statistical treatment used in the evaluation of responses. Research Design This section presents the research design employed, the locale of the study, the respondents, the instruments used in data gathering, the procedure taken by the ‘researcher and the statistical treatment used in the evaluation of responses. The researchers utilized the descriptive — comparative method where the research itself considers two entities: Pre-Test and Post-Test. It uses questionnaires, Periodical test resuit, oral and written test. Descriptive research design is @ valid method for researching specific subjects and as a precursor to more quantitative studies (Shuttleworth, 2008). RESEARCH LOCALE ‘The study was conducted in Tagkawayan Central Elementary School. The ‘school is located at Barangay Poblacion, Tagkawayan, Quezon. Tagkawayan Central Elementary School belongs to Tagkawayan District It in the Division of Quezon, Description of Data Gathering ‘Among all Grade Six pupils, 50 were chosen as the population using random ‘sampling.The data gathering instrument to be used is composed of a letter to conduct Analyze the result of the oral and written note reading. Implementation of other approaches in The figure presented the different stages on how the problem is to be developed. It used the InputsProcess —Output (IPO) model. ‘The Grade Six pupils of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School are the subject of the research. As shown in Figure 1, the inputs are the Second Periodical Test Result jy Music which focuses more on melody, and the oral and writen note reading During the process, the inputs employed were put into action in order to arrive at the analysis of result and use other approaches in note reading, ‘Theoretical Framework Socrates, @ great philosopher, studied extensively the effects of music. He emphasized that musical raining is a more potent instrument than any other, because thythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace, and making the soul of him who Is rightly educated graceful, or of him who is ileducated ungraceful the study to the Principal of Tagkawayan Central Elementary School, periodic test result, ral and written test, musical pieces, The result will be scored, fabulated, and analyzed. METHODS AND PROCEDURE ‘The specific procedures to be followed in this study are the following: 1. First periodical test was conducted to Grade 6 pupils to establish the baseline data of the dass. 2. Follow the procedure in teaching note reading in music. 3. During the developmental skills, researcher will use the solfiegio in reading of notes. a. Each student will read notes. b. Use diferent note reading activity. Group the pupils into five groups. Each group will be given a musical piece for them to read note for performance. ©. Group performance in oral note reading for evaluation using rubrics system. 4. Record the level of mastery attained by skill at the end of the lesson. 5. Organizing pupils leaming performance, a. In the organization, they will select a leader, recorder, secretary and members of the group. b. Schedule of meeting and lecture in note reading. Everyday from Monday to Friday 4:00 to 5:00pm for one month. ¢, Select the meeting place of the group where to read notes. d. The leaders will facilitate the group, and teacher will supervise. €. Take note of the students who were able! not able 1o attain the expected mastery of the skills, give additional reinforcement if necessary. {. Give test in every grading period to evaluate the mastery attained in reading of notes with the Correct tunes. ‘Where:X; = mean of the second and third grading period X2 = mean of the first grading period S; = standard deviation of the second and third grading > = standard deviation of the first grading period N =number of cases ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ‘The result of the Pre-test and the Post Test were statistically computed (Table 1) the mean difference between the two tests were 19.04. The t-test of dependent samples showed that the computed t -s 22.02, which is much higher than the tabulated t-value 1.645 at 05 Table 1 Significance of Improvement from First Grading to Third Grading Period Indicator First Second Third [Mean ez | ——«|-30.66 31.84 | Mean Differences 19.04 | 20.22 No. of Cases | 50_ _| 50 50 [Computedt 22.02 zs |_| | Degree of freedom 78 | [Tabular tvalue at.05 | 1.645 | Decision of Hypothesis rejected ‘Step 2 Step 3: Conclusion Step 4: Step 6: Set the level of significance Set 5% level of significance Determine the degree of freedom DF = number of items ~ 2 Of =40+40-2 DF =80-2 Df =78 ‘The tabular value at 78 df and 5% significant level is 1.645 ‘compute the ttest ‘Computation (Please see Appendix E) State the conclusion arived at by the acceptance or sejection of the hypothesis. Since 19.04 and 20.22 > 1 645, the null hypothesis is rejected Therefore: There is no significant difference between the result of the First Grading and Second Grading and between the First Grading and Third Grading Period. Based on the foregoing results of the following were answered: 1. There was mark increase in achievement of the Second and Third Grading over the First Grading Period by utilizing note teading in teaching music, 2. There was signticant dference in achievement of Grade Sx Pupils from First Grading 10 Third Grading Period, ® 9 Recommendations 1, It desired that the teacher should exert extra efforts so that the target proficiency level would be realized, 2, More note reading and musical pieces as an exercises/activity should be provided to the students, 9. The five percent (5%) increase in mean achievement level of students of the recent ‘school year over the mean achievement of the students of the previous school year as set in the target of DepEd could easily attained by utilizing note reading in teaching music, BIBLIOGRAPHY: 4. “A Guide to Enhancing Musical Performance’ Tripp D. Perth: Scope Program Education Department of New York Oxford University Press. Scope Program. June 22, 1992 2. “Action Research to Solve Music Teaching Problems”, Suharto 1996. Scope Program, January 14, 1996 3. “The Social Psychology of Music Performance: Creative Strategies for Teaching and Leaming’, Wilson Glenn D., Oxford University Press *Student’s View on K-12". Abby Jose. http/imysite disu edu phistudent 5. “The Phifosophers Talk Music’. Amazing Discovenes. hitp’//amazingciscoveries org, February 2, 2010 6, “Note Reading Issues No MOre™. Andrea, hitps:/, March 22, 2012

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