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Case Study #1 AN ISLAND FIRESTORM If you were the official concern, what would you do

after knowing the findings of the chemist? How would you show commitment to public interest in
this case? I am the official concern, it is my obligation to promote the welfare of the community. I
should show my commitment to public interest through educating the people on the island about
proper disposal. There should be an orientation on the awareness on the segregation of waste
in order to be safe at all time. Other than that, I will promote a propaganda on showing how to
will help restore the islands beauty and will be safe again for the people. By using tarpaulin,
streamers, and brochures, images of the old islands beauty will be shown to the public and the
present facts of what is the current situation of the island. Also, a space on giving them tips on
how to save the island. And lastly, give the people, residents or tourists, a warning and
afterwards a disciplinary action for those who will not follow the rule of law which is the
antipollution act. Hence discipline is one of the keys in educating people and I believe this will
help the propaganda’s, seminars or orientation will be effective and will be put into action.

Case Study #2 WANTED: DEAD HEROES If your were in Rick’s shoes, who will you respond to
the situation? Will you allow Alonzo to pass through or not? Why and why not? If I were Rick, I
will not allow an alleged Army Colonel Alonzo to pass through because of violation of the law.
Yes we are outnumbered but I will immediately call on the nearest police station for assistance. I
will inform Alonzo if his constitutional rights. That he is committing an act in violation of an anti-
illegal logging act. As official with a rank of colonel, he already knew what is right or wrong. And
that he will be criminally or administratively liable for violation of the law. The Phil. Army is not
only a protector of the Filipino people but also a partner in nation building

Case Study #3 WHAT ELSE I CAN DO? Do you agree with Glenda? Why? Is whistle blowing to
the media acceptable as whistle blowing to an elected around official?

Yes, I agree with Glenda. Because being a government employee, I should uphold the internet
of the public over and above my personal interest. As public official, you should always adhere
to the proper rules and regulations for the welfare of the Filipino people Glenda’s decision to
report to the Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources is tenable
because she has no other choice but to report it to the higher authorities. If she will grant the
request of her division chief, what will happen? The proposed project will be hazardous to the
environment and to the community. If ever, Senator Enriquez will not take any action regarding
complaint, she can go and report it to the press or media.

Case Study #4 PICK ME UP Ronnie is now in a quandary. Now, if you are in Ronnie’s shoes,
what will you do?

Gift-giving is a part of our culture. Being a government employee you can accept only gift that
are nominal and insignificant. In this case, Ronnie de Guzman did his job promptly and
effectively, hence, the title was awarded to Ms. Santos immediately. Ronnie performs his duties
and responsibilities but he did not demand any money or gift from Ms. Santos. What was given
by Ms. Santos is a taken of application and cannot be considered as bribe since it is given after
the service without any hint of bribery. But if I were in Ronnie’s shoes, I will follow Ms. Santos
and return the envelope. But if I can’t find her anymore I will keep it and give it ti the church or to
charity offices.
Case Study #5 BRING HOME OFFICE GOODIES Which side would you take? Cynthia’s side or
Mely’s? Why?

I would take Cynthia’s side. Being a government employee even if you are a clerk you have no
rights to bring home office supplies to be used for personal interest because it is obviously
unethical and unbecoming. A government property should be utilized properly whether it just a
simple office supply. Using government properties in any form personal is not proper.
Purchased those supplies, came from public fund sourced from the tax payer, not for the
employee’s used but official business only. RA 6713 that public officials and employee shall
utmost devotion and dedication to the duty. Finally, a government employee has the
responsibility to take care of every government property and utilize them properly for public
internet and not for personal one.

Case Study #6 MORE THAN JUST CASINOS Is something legal also automatically moral?
What do you think?

If something is legal it doesn’t mean that it is automatically moral. There are also things that are
legal but immoral. There is a big difference but mean legal and moral. Legality refers to act that
conform to the law.

Morality is based on an

individual belief and not the law. On the given example, PAGCOR, like the Lotto and
sweepstakes symbolize gambling. It is considered legal because it is allowed by the
government and the revenues remitted to the government helps a lot in building school and
other project of the government . It also helped sick people in their medication and

But we cannot deny that it symbolizes

gambling. And gambling destroyed many lives and has broken many families. It is a game of
chance that people bet even the will get their money wallet hoping that they will win, they will get
money in many folds. Lotto and sweepstakes is legal, but since they symbolize gambling,
becomes immoral.

Case Study #7 I CAN AFFORD ANYWAY If you were this employee, would you agree with her
opinion regarding the CSC’s dress code? The law states that public official and employees and
their families. They shall not indulge in an extravagant display of wealth in any form. I don’t
agree with the employee opinion regarding the dress code of CSC. Since she is a government
employee, it is her obligation to abide with the law. Through it is true that she can afford to buy
expensive jewelries but still it is not proper to wear them in reporting to work. Their might bad to
public service degradation.

So, to maintain an image public servant or as a government

employee, it is proper to follow the code as mandated by the CSC. The jewelries and other
expensive materials can be used in other occasion.
Case Study #8 GIFTS GALORE Who do you think between Adora and Josie is right? Why?

Gift giving is an act that gives happiness to the receiver regardless of the amount of the gift
given. It is an act that appreciated so much by anybody. There is nothing wrong with gift giving,
but if it given in exchange for a favor that is asked or for a task that was accomplished
especially given to a government employee is no longer good. People will think that the gift were
given as payment for what she did for them, and next time, if there people will ask favor her
again, she cannot refuse because of the gift that were given to her. The law states that public
officials and employees shall not solicit or accept directly or indirectly any gifts, gratuity, favor,
entertainment, loan or anything of monetary values. Public employees should do their duties
and that is to serve the people for free because they are well-paid by the government for that.

Case Study #9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ALSO If you happen to chance upon a government service
vehicle parked in places where you least expect a government official may transact business
with, what will you do? Will you take time to report the incident to the Ombudsman? If not, what
will you do? Why?

If I happen to chance upon a government service vehicle parked in place where I least expect a
government official may transact business with, the first thing I will do is to think of the reason
why the government official using the government vehicle just drop by from an official business
transaction near the place. But if I happen to see it more than twice, then I’ll try to know the
reasons why the vehicle is parked there. Since I am aware that government vehicles should
only be used for official business only them I have to inform the proper authorities so that their
act will be stopped and aside form that this will serve as warning also to the other government
officials who are using government vehicles for personal interest. Government vehicles property
which is issued to government officials to perform their task and serve the people and not for
personal interest.

Case Study #10 HE DOES, I DO What do you think? Who is right, Roy or his boss? A
government employee or official should always possess the spirit of professionalism by
reporting to work on time. It is not good to see employees reporting late many times, that people
who needs his service are already waiting for him. Very embarrassing and repulsive. In the
situation given, Roy is right when he said that his boss should not be expected for the policy. As
an employee, it is his responsibility to report to office on time (the boss). He should be the
model to his subordinates. Even if his house is far from the office but still he should find a way to
be in the office on time. It is not proper that a boss say that Ray should wait until he becomes a
boss. To avoid complaints he should come to office on time, this is because the law excuses no
one. The law was made for everyone. In government office, there is no law that says that a boss
is exempted from going to office late

It is with profound privilege and great honor to experience the opportunity of strengthening my
knowledge and principles in public service through the Distance Learning Program (DLP) on the
Rules of Conduct and Ethical Behavior in Civil Service. Tersely put, the opposite side of the
spectrum of right and wrong practices of the government employees was made clear upon me
after careful perusal the Republic Act 6713, otherwise known as the “Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standard for Public Officials and Employees". Apparently, it is an enormous
achievement on my part knowing that I was able to accomplish several case analyses relative to
different case studies offered in this Distance Learning Program. In this light, I have been
reminded of a vital instruction as a civil servant which is public service imbued with a public
interest who should serve for the people. Glaringly, as we continue being engaged in the
government service, different kinds of people may be encountered who will help us grow,
improve ourselves even more and understand the wide latitude of approaches on how the entire
system works and operates. Accordingly, these people also become part of our experiences in
which we will strongly hold on and anchor our beliefs and aspirations, yet sometimes would
effectively make you question your confused conscience. Further, being in the path of public
service, the simple gesture of g iving your earnest time and effort to other people gives us an
unexplainable fulfillment and satisfaction. Be it noted that it is t he people who are the one’s
providing us jobs, opportunities and salaries by way of their taxes. The citizenry trusts the
government employees to perform their jobs with utmost dedication and primordial
consideration, and this is the main reason why I keep on doing my very best in serving the
clients which my office serves. As I go further with this short training, in connection with the
discussion of the Norms and Conduct for Public Officials and Employees, some of my
realizations for each one of them as a follows: A. Commitment to Public Interest- This reminds
me that everything we perform and accomplish as public servants should be for the promotion
of welfare of the people. Having been so situated of being civil servants, we should keep in mind
and be guided accordingly that it is an objective and hope to serve society based on widely
embraced values and great responsibility since being a public servant demands the
commitment and dedication to public interest. This is apparent due to the reason that the very
moment you enter into the government service, a mutual symbiotic relationship between you
and the government is thus established; B. Professionalism - This can be had by means of
getting hold of intrapersonal substances such that following the valid cultural norms of
workplace and by noting how your coworkers operate within the office to get an intellect of how
varied things are done, being on time and thus observing punctuality within the office premises,
being pleasant and respectful to coworkers, and ultimately, by means of continuous strive to
learn so as to fill-in the gaps of rooms for improvement; C. Justness and Sincerity- This taught
me that being engaged in the government service effectively relates to working for the people or
citizens who part their hard-earned money to pay for taxes which will form part of my salaries,
hence, it is but proper and with utmost importance that I serve the people with all honesty,
justness and sincerity;
D. Political Neutrality- This enlightens me that one way of putting into practice political neutrality
is by means inhibiting myself, thus avoid taking side of either of the parties nor discriminate
others based on their beliefs and aspirations in life. Being a public servant effectively working in
a community possessing various beliefs, trusts and perspectives, I shall remain neutral by
abstaining myself from using my position and standing to further the ends of any of my
candidates or to render any direct or indirect support to political parties while in service; E.
Responsiveness to the Public- This can be shown by means of taking a desired action promptly
without any hesitation or reservation. Be it noted that public service is imbued with public trust;
hence, as a government employee, I should extend my service to the general public
enthusiastically and in the earliest possible opportunity to avoid them having to wait for a
prolonged period of time; F. Nationalism and Patriotism- This norm can be manifested by
showing my love for my country by way of patronizing our products, uplifting our core Filipino
values, and even preserve our dearest country and all matter emanates therefrom; G.
Commitment to Democracy - I came to ultimately realize that democracy plays a very important
if not vital component of a just and equitable society since it liberates each citizen of the country
towards their active participation into wider society. It is by which that the citizenry is given the
widest latitude of opportunity to be heard and promote their causes; and H. Simple Living - It is
imperative that public officials and government workers are mandated to live simple and modest
life as provided by law and thus, extravagant display of wealth should be avoided. A civil servant
is expected to be a reflection of simple yet respectable living. In sum, being a government
employee carries with it greater responsibility not only to the office one represents but also to
the general public. In this light, a government employee has to assure the he is both able and
capable to perform any assigned task in the best possible way within the parameters of law..

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