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Thanks to Michele Cronin and Elinor Actipis at Focal Press for their work on the fifth edition.
Many thanks to the invaluable help from the reviewers who offered many suggestions and
critiques, with a special thanks to John Rosenberg and James Joyce.


Thanks to Elinor Actipis and Becky Golden-Harrell at Focal Press for their work on the fourth
edition. I’d also like to thank my students in the History of Editing class in the Film
Department at TISCH School of the Arts, New York University. They have helped me convert
that class into a laboratory where ideas about editing can by explored.

Many people have been helpful in the preparation of this manuscript.
At Focal Press I thank Karen Speerstra for suggesting the project to me, and Sharon Falter for
her ongoing help. I’m grateful to the following archives for their help in securing the stills for
this book: the British Film Institute, the French Cinematheque, the Moving Image and Sound
Archives of Canada, and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. For their generous financial
support I thank the Faculty of Fine Arts, York University, and the Canada Council. This book
could not have been written on the scale attempted without the financial support of the
Canada Council. This project was complex and challenging in the level of support services it
required. From typing and shipping to corresponding with archives and studios on rights
clearances, I have been superbly supported by my assistant, Steven Sills, in New York, and
my friend and colleague, George Robinson, in Toronto. I thank them both. Finally, I thank
my wife, Ida, for being so good-natured about the demands of this project.


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