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A Alexander Nevsky (1938), 395 archival sequence in

Academy aspect ratio, 99, 100f Alexandrov, Grigori, on sound in documentary, 332 334
foreground-background film, 35 Aronofsky, Darren, 230
relationship, 102f Alfie (1966), 315 Requiem for a Dream (2000),
acceleration of narrative stories, alienation (character), 143 146 230 232
135 136 All About Eve (1950), 301 art, ideas about, 51 56
action genre, 287 300 All that Jazz (1979), 199 articulation of premise, 243
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007), Allan, Anthony Havelock, 80 artificial reality, 233 237. See also
296 298 Allen, Woody, 238, 319 320 digital reality
contemporary context for, Annie Hall (1977), 315 constructed artifice, 235
289 298 Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), imagined as observational,
The General (1927), 292 294, 248 249 235 236
292f, 293f Manhattan (1979), 302 special effects, use of, 237
A History of Violence (2005), Altman, Robert, 146 148 spectacle, use of, 236 237
298 300, 299f McCabe and Mrs. Miller video over film, 234 235
pace in, 198 199 (1971), 304 aspect ratio, screen See wide
actors becoming directors, 72 America, America (1961), 270 screen format
adventure film, pace in, American Beauty (1999), 401 asynchronism See visual
198 199, 382 American Graffiti (1973), 387 discontinuity
aesthetics anarchy, portraying in editing, Atonement (2007), 252 254
in digital technologies, 143 146 Autant-Lara, Claude, 100
392 393 An Andalusian Dog See Un Chien The Aviator (2004), 239
in documentary filmmaking, d’Andalou (1929)
328 Anderson, Lindsay, 138 140,
editing for, 277 284 341, 397 B
Brighton Rock (1947), Anderson, Paul Thomas background-foreground
278 279 Magnolia (1999), 409 412 relationship, wide screen
The Passion (2004), 282 284 There Will Be Blood (2007), and, 101, 102f
in personal documentary, 273 275 Bad Day at Black Rock (1955),
350 Anka, Paul See Lonely Boy (1962) 105 106
The Third Man (1949), Annie Hall (1977), 315 The Ballad of Ramblin’ Jack (2000),
279 282 antinarrative editing, feminism 356 357
in personal documentary, 350 and, 160 162 Ballard, Carroll See The Black
African-American community See Antonioni, Michelangelo, Stallion (1979)
Lee, Spike 108 109, 128 129, 169 Bandit Queen (1994), 223 225
L’Age d’Or (1930), 29 Apatow, Judd, 326 Bar-Lev, Amir, 356
Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972), Apocalypse Now (1979), 408 Barry Lyndon (1975), 149, 149f,
150 Applause (1929), 42 44, 43f 150, 217, 387
446 Index

The Battle of Algiers (1965), Bourne trilogy (2004 2007), The Celebration (1998), 214 216,
350 351 296 297 238
The Battle of Culloden (1965), 110 The Bourne Supremacy (2004), Chagrin et la pitié (1969), 364
Bay, Michael, 222 195 197 change in location, continuity on,
Beach Red (1967), 205 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007), 379 380
the Beatles See Help! (1965); 296 298 change in scene, continuity on,
A Hard Day’s Night The Bridge on the River Kwai 379 380
(1964) (1957), 80 83, 222, 223 Chaos (2001), 234
Beatty, Warren, 72 Brief Encounter (1945), 80, 81 chaos, freedom of, 143 146
Before the Rain (1994), 210 211, Brighton Rock (1947), 278 279 Chaplin, Charlie, 61 64, 72
397 Bringing Up Baby (1938), 316 Modern Times (1936), 62,
Belenky, Mary Field, 159 Brittain, Donald See 315, 317
Belle de Jour (1967), 395 Memorandum (1966) character See also relationships
Belvaux, Remy, 213 Broadcast News (1987), 317 (between characters)
Ben Hur (1959), 289 Broken Blossoms (1919), 7 11, 8f, action and, 287 288
Benigni, Roberto, 177 178 9f, 10f, 11f, 12f, 255 character comedy, 315
Life Is Beauiful (1998), Brook, Peter, 141, 142, 169 170 character-driven films,
177 178, 188 190 Brooks, James, 319 320 248 254
Beresford, Bruce, 290 Bullitt (1968), 197, 277, 290 Atonement (2007), 252 254
Bergman, Ingmar, 137, 138 Buñuel, Luis, 24 25, 27 31, Hannah and Her Sisters
Winter Light (1962), 389 227, 350, 351, 395 (1986), 248 249
Berkeley, Busby, 64 Burden of Dreams (1983), 351 Hero (1992), 249 250
Bertolucci, Bernardo See The The Hours (2002), 250 252,
Conformist (1971) C 252f
Besson, Luc, 217 Cabaret (1972), 199, 384 385 Valmont (1989), 249
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919), dialog and, 303 305. See also
115 13 dialog
Billy Liar (1963), 141 camera blimps, 35 environment and
The Birds (1963), 87 camera placement See subjective alienation from context,
The Birth of a Nation (1915), 6 7, camera placement 143 146
289 Cameron, James, 290 gaining understanding from
The Black Stallion (1979), The Terminator (1984), 290, environment, 152 153
387 388 302 interior life as landscape,
Black Sunday (1977), 290, Capitalism: A Love Story (2009), 125 132
303 304 357 feeling states vs., 168
Blackmail (1929), 36 38, 37f, Capote (2005), 239 240 feminism and politics,
38f, 227 Capra, Frank, 56 57, 318, 319, 158 160
The Blair Witch Project (1999), 343, 350 large number of, continuity
213 Lost Horizons (1937), 255 and See Nashville (1975)
Blank, Les, 351 Why We Fight series musicals and, 64
Blitz, Jeffrey, 365 (1943 1945), 56 57, pace in thriller genre, 197
One Day in September (1999), 343, 364 preserving screen direction,
365 368 Capturing the Friedmans (2003), 375 378, 376f, 377f
Blue Velvet (1986), 163 364 365 role reversal comedy
The Body Snatcher (1945), 73 Cardiff, Jack, 71 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Bogdanovich, Peter See What’s Carnal Knowledge (1971), 221 (2008), 324 325
Up, Doc? (1972) Cassavetes, John, 72 The Lady Eve (1941),
Bonnie and Clyde (1967), 144 Faces (1968), 327 320 321, 321f, 325 326
Boorman, John, 108, 166, 290 Shadows (1959), 350 351 Victor/Victoria (1982),
Point Blank (1967), 277 Catch 22 (1970), 221 321 326, 322f
Borden, Lizzie, 160 Caught (1949), 203 204 romantic relationship stories,
Boulting, John See Brighton Rock Cavalcanti, Alberto, 36 186
(1947) Cavani, Liliana, 158 vaudeville and, 63 64
Index 447

voice, in personal in Sam Peckinpah’s work, 144, birth of, 5

documentary, 351 145 rhythm and, 383 384
wide screen format and, Clueless (1995), 168 cutting on motion, 89
102 104 Coen, Ethan and Joel, 399, cutting pace See pace
Chayefsky, Paddy, 316 407 408
Chelovek s kino-apparatom See The Raising Arizona (1987), 317, D
Man with a Movie Camera 382 383 Daldry, Stephen See The Hours
(1929) Collateral (2004), 234 235 (2002)
Un Chien d’Andalou (1929), 27, color, matching tone and, 378 Dali, Salvador, 395
27f, 28f, 29f, 227, 393, 395 Come and See (1985), 227 230, Dalrimple, Ian, 344
Chinatown (1974), 309 312, 407 408 Dardenne, Jean-Pierre and Luc,
311f comedy genre, 315 326 213, 238. See also Rosetta
Chretien, Henri, 100 directors, about, 318 320 (1999)
Chricton, Charles, 287 editing concerns, 316 318 Dash, Julie, 161, 162
El Cid (1961), 107, 222 pace in, 318, 325 326 Dassin, Jules, 289
cinéma vérité, 109 114, role reversal Daughters of the Dust (1991), 161,
137 138, 237 238 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 162, 399
elevating, 213 217 (2008), 324 325 Davies, Terence, 395
personal documentary vs., 349 The Lady Eve (1941), The Day the Earth Stood Still
CinemaScope, 100, 100f, 101. 320 321, 321f, 325 326 (1951), 73
See also wide screen format Victor/Victoria (1982), D-Day landing sequence See
background-foreground 321 326, 322f Saving Private Ryan (1997)
relationship, 101, 102f types of comedy, 315 318 de Bout, Jan, 71
cinematographers becoming communicating ideas See De Vito, Danny, 319 320
directors, 71 documentary Dead End (1937), 65 66
Cinerama, 100 conflict, in action sequences, 288 degraded plot, in MTV style,
Citizen Kane (1941), 66 69, 68f, The Conformist (1971), 289, 168 169
72 73, 217, 277, 393, 395 385 387 DeMille, Cecil B., 289
The City (1939), 54 56, 54f, 55f constructed artifice, 235 Demme, Jonathan, 163
City Lights (1931), 62 constructive editing, birth of, Rachel Getting Married (2008),
clarity of narrative, 72, 372. 13 16 269
See also editing for context, 402 The Departed (2006), 271 272,
narrative clarity; narrative continuity See film continuity 271f
in action sequences, 296 conversation See dialog Desperately Seeking Susan (1985),
David Lean’s use of, 81 cornfield sequence See North by 160
dynamic of relativity, Northwest (1959) diagonal movement, following,
116 118 Costner, Kevin, 72 377f
Clockers (1995), 156, 157, 157f coverage, adequacy of, 372 373 dialog, 301 314
A Clockwork Orange (1971), 205 Coward, Noel, 80 and character, 303 305
close-up See also extreme close-up Crimes and Misdmeanors (1989), contemporary (Chinatown,
action and, 288 395 1974), 309 312, 311f
in Alfred Hitchcock’s work, Cronenberg, David, 290 early (Trouble in Paradise,
90 91 A History of Violence (2005), 1932), 307f
birth of, 5 6 298 300, 299f multipurpose, 304 306
cinéma vérité and, 109 110 Crooklyn (1994), 154f, 156 and plot, 302 303, 305
in dialog See dialog crosscutting, in imaginative as transformative (Michael
editing for dramatic emphasis, documentary, 342 Clayton, 2007), 312 313
258 259, 264 265 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Trouble in Paradise (1932),
in imaginative documentary, (2000), 177, 182 186 306 309
342 culture, ideas about, 51 56 Diary for Timothy (1945), 55f,
juxtaposed with long shots, cutaway 57 60, 342
222 227 in Alfred Hitchcock’s work, Dickson, William, 3
rhythm and, 384 92 94 digital reality, 233 240
448 Index

digital reality (Continued) dramatic-entertainment Dreyer, Carl, 13, 223

pushing realism, 237 240 values, 363 368 The Passion of Joan of Arc
understanding artificial reality, personal documentary, (1928), 13, 223, 255
233 237 349 355 Duck Soup (1934), 315
digital technology, nonlinear use of narration, 355 361 Duel in the Sun (1946), 289
editing and See nonlinear Memorandum (1966), Dupont, E. A., 13
editing 329 334 dynamic montage, 259 260, 265
diminished plot, in MTV style, archival sequence, 332 334
168 169 continuity and narrator E
direction of screen, preserving, influence, 329 330 early sound films, 33 44
375 378, 376f, 377f images, 330f, 332f, 333f, Applause (1929), 42 44, 43f
directors 334f, 335f, 336f, 337f, Blackmail (1929), 36 38, 37f,
becoming editors, 71 86 338f, 339f 38f, 227
David Lean, 79 85, reportage sequence, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932),
108 109, 222. See also 334 340 43, 44, 227
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) transitional sequence, technological improvements,
Robert Wise See Wise, Robert 330 332 35
of comedy, 318 320 mixed with policy story See technological limitations,
editor as agent of, 269 The Thin Blue Line (1988) 33 34
female, 158, 160 162 staged, 327 theoretical issues, 35 36
Dirty Harry (1971), 289 Dogme, 95, 213, 214, 237 238, Earth (1930), 25 26, 26f, 27f,
The Discreet Charm of the 349 107 108, 395
Bourgeoisie (1972), 395 Dogville (2003), 235 East of Eden (1955), 104 105
disjunctive editing, 169 170 Donaldson, Roger, 290 Eastwood, Clint, 72, 207
dissolves, 375 376, 384 Dovzhenko, Alexander, 24 27, Invictus (2009), 246 248
Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988), 395 107 108, 395 L’Eclisse (The Eclipse) (1962),
distorting lens, reliance on, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932), 129 132, 130f, 131f, 169,
205 206 43, 44, 227 395
Divide and Conquer (1943), 57f, Dr. Strangelove (1964), 316 Edison, Thomas, 3
58f, 364 dramatic construction, birth of, editing, stages of, 371
Do the Right Thing (1989), 153, 154 5 13 editing comedy See comedy genre
Doctor Zhivago (1965), 81 82, dramatic emphasis, editing for, editing dialog See dialog
222, 223 255 266 editing documentaries See
docudrama approach, 133 134, Frost/Nixon (2008), 261 266 documentary
239 close-up, 264 265 editing for aesthetics, 277 284
pace in, 194 195 dynamic montage, 265 Brighton Rock (1947),
in United 93 (2006), 258 juxtaposition, 265 266 278 279
documentary, 45 60, 327 340 pace, 266 The Passion (2004), 282 284
cinéma vérité See cinéma United 93 (2006), 255 261 in personal documentary, 350
vérité close-up in, 258 259 The Third Man (1949),
ethics, politics, and aesthetics, docudrama event, 258 279 282
328 dynamic montage, 259 260 editing for continuity, 371 380.
ideas about art and culture, pace, 260 261 See also film continuity
51 56 dramatic strategies in adequacy of coverage,
ideas about war and society, documentary, 363 368 372 373
46 51, 56 60 Munich (2005), 365, 366 location change, 379 380
imaginative documentary, One Day in September (1999), matching action, 373 375
341 348 365 368 matching flow over cuts,
altering meaning away from dream states See subjective states 378 379
literal, 341 343 The Dreamlife of Angels (1998), matching tone, 378
wartime propaganda, 328, 216 217 preserving screen direction,
343 347, 343f, 350 dreamstates, in Alfred Hitchcock’s 375 378, 376f, 377f
innovations in, 349 362 work, 95 97 scene change, 379 380
Index 449

seamlessness, 372, 384 styles of See style world building

setting the scene, 378 editor’s voice See voice of Stanley Kubrick, 148 150
time and place, 387 388 Edvard Munch (1974), 350 351 of Werner Herzog, 150
editing for dramatic emphasis, Edwards, Blake, 287, 319 establishing shots, 378
255 266 Pink Panther series ethics in documentary
Frost/Nixon (2008), 261 266 (1964 1978), 287, 316 filmmaking, 328
close-up, 264 265 Victor/Victoria (1982), Europa Europa (1990), 407 408
dynamic montage, 265 321 326, 322f excitation, in action sequences, 288
juxtaposition, 265 266 8½ (1963), 125 128, 126f, 127f, Exodus (1960), 103, 103f, 222
pace, 266 128f, 129f, 169, 268 269 extreme close-up, 222. See also
United 93 (2006), 255 261 Eisenstein, Sergei, 16 23, 222, close-up
close-up in, 258 259 395 in Alfred Hitchcock’s work,
docudrama event, 258 exploring moment of death, 91 92, 96
dynamic montage, 259 260 143 144 extreme long shot
pace, 260 261 pace, 193 in Alfred Hitchcock’s work,
editing for narrative clarity, Potemkin (1925), 8f, 17f, 18, 18f, 89 90
243 254 19f, 20f, 21f, 22f, 23f, 289 birth of, 5
character-driven films, screen shape experimentation, establishing shots, 378
248 254 100 Eyes Wide Shut (1999), 217 219
Atonement (2007), 252 254 on sound in film, 35
Hannah and Her Sisters El Cid (1961), 107, 222 F
(1986), 248 249 Elizabeth (1998), 223, 225 227 Faces (1968), 327
Hero (1992), 249 250 Elliott, Aiyana, 356 fade-outs, 384
The Hours (2002), 250 252, emotional states, in MTV style, Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), 363
252f 168 farce, 316 318
Valmont (1989), 249 energy, in nonlinear narrative, Fargo (1996), 407 408
plot-driven films, 244 248 400, 402 405, 409, 412 Fast, Cheap and Out of Control
Five Fingers (1952), The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1998), 352 355, 364
244 245 (1974), 150, 169 170 Fellini, Federico, 108 109,
Invictus (2009), 246 248 Enoch Arden (1908), 5 6 125 132, 169
Mountains of the Moon Enoch Arden (1911), 6 8½ (1963), 125 128, 126f,
(1990), 245 246 entertainment values in 127f, 128f, 129f, 169,
editing for pace, 381 390. documentary, 363 368 268 269
See also pace environment (place) See also Fellini Satyricon (1970), 108 109,
randomness of pace, 388 389 digital reality; time 205
rhythm, 383 387 character and female directors, 158, 160 162
timing, 382 383 alienation from context, female-male reversals See role
editing for subtext, 264, 267 276 143 146 reversal comedy
The Departed (2006), 271 272 gaining understanding from feminism
Lust, Caution (2006), 272 273 environment, 152 153 antinarrative editing, 160 162
rhythm and, 384 interior life as landscape, politics and, 158 160
Saving Private Ryan (1997), 125 132 La Femme Nikita (1990), 169
267 268 location change, continuity in, Festen (1998) See The Celebration
There Will Be Blood (2007), 379 380 (1998)
273 275 obliterated, in MTV style, Figgis, Mike, 214
editors 169 170 Fighter (2000), 356
as agents of directors, 269 scene change, continuity in, film, using video instead of,
becoming directors, 71 86 379 380 234 235
David Lean, 79 85, sense of, pace and, 387 388 film continuity, 371 380. See also
108 109, 222. See also societal See society film continuity; narrative;
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) sound editing and, 38 41 visual discontinuity
Robert Wise See Wise, Robert wide screen format and, adequacy of coverage,
knowledge, in comedy, 318 102 106 372 373
450 Index

film continuity (Continued) Foreign Correspondent (1940), imitating, 207 208

birth of, 4 5 89 90 mixing, 162 163
cinéma vérité and, 109 110 Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), Gibson, Mel, 72
collapsing time, 67 324 326 The Passion (2004), 282 284
documentary (Memorandum, Forman, Milos See Valmont Gilbert, Lewis, 319 320
1966), 329 330 (1989) Gilliam, Terry, 205 206
with large number of Fosse, Bob, 199 Gilroy, Tony See Michael Clayton
characters See Nashville Cabaret (1972), 199, 384 385 (2007)
(1975) The 400 Blows (1959), 118 119 Girard, François, 397
location change, 379 380 fragmentation of scenes, birth of, Gladiator (2000), 223, 236 237
matching action, 373 375 5 13 Godard, Jean-Luc, 121 123,
matching flow over cuts, Fraker, William, 71 396, 398
378 379 Frankenheimer, John, 217 Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933), 64
matching tone, 378 Black Sunday (1977), 290, The Gold Rush (1925), 62
preserving screen direction, 303 304 Goldberg, B. Z., 359 360
375 378, 376f, 377f Frears, Stephen, 249 The Golden Age (1930), 29
scene change, 379 380 Hero (1992), 198 199 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
seamlessness, 372, 384 Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1988), (1967), 108, 316
setting the scene, 378 249 The Graduate (1967), 304 306
time and place, 387 388 freedom of chaos, 143 146 Grandrieux, Philippe, 238 239
wide screen format and, 101 The French Connection (1971), Grass (2000), 360 361
film coverage, adequacy of, 197, 290 291 The Greaser’s Gauntlet (1908), 5
372 373 Friedkin, William See The The Great Dictator (1940), 62
film noir French Connection (1971) Great Expectations (1946),
mixed with horror story See From the Life of the Marionettes 80 82, 84
Blue Velvet (1986) (1980), 138 The Great Race (1965), 287
mixed with screwball comedy Frost/Nixon (2008), 261 266 The Great Train Robbery (1903), 4
See Something Wild (1986) close-up, 264 265 Greengrass, Paul, 196
Film Technique and Film Acting, 36 compared to United 93 The Bourne Supremacy (2004),
Le Fils (The Son) (2002), (2006), 264, 266 195 197
238 239 dynamic montage, 265 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007),
A Fish Called Wanda (1988), 287 juxtaposition, 265 266 296 298
Fitzcarraldo (1982), 351 pace, 266 United 93 (2006), 255 261
Five Fingers (1952), 244 245, Full Metal Jacket (1987), 217 218, close-up in, 258 259
289 277, 387, 388f, 408 compared to Frost/Nixon
Flaherty, Robert, 46 48, 350, Funny People (2009), 326 (2008), 264, 266
363 A Funny Thing Happened on the docudrama event, 258
Louisiana Story (1948), 342 Way to the Forum (1966), dynamic montage,
Man of Aran (1934), 46 48, 166, 316 317 259 260
47f, 48f, 49f pace, 260 261
Flashdance (1983), 168, 170, 171, G Grierson, John, 45 46, 56, 350
199. See also MTV style Gance, Abel, 99 Night Mail (1936), 49 51,
flow, matching over cuts, Gavras-Costa, 382 50f, 341, 363
378 379 The General (1927), 292 294, Griffith, D. W., 5 13, 222, 255, 395
The Fog of War: Eleven lEssons from 292f, 293f The Birth of a Nation (1915),
the Life of Robert McNamara genres 6 7, 289
(2004), 364 adventure film, 382 pace, 193
Fonteyne, Frederick, 213 comedy See comedy genre Griffith, Lawrence, 32. See also
footage, sufficiency of, 372 373 docudrama, 133 134, 239 Griffith, D. W.
Ford, John, 207, 223 pace in, 194 195 Grizzly Man (2005), 364
foreground-background in United 93 (2006), 258 guide, documentary narrator as,
relationship, wide screen documentary See cinéma 357 359
and, 101, 102f vérité; documentary Gunga Din (1939), 289
Index 451

H Blackmail (1929), 36 38, 37f,

38f, 227
The Ice Storm (1997), 400 403
ideas, communicating See
handheld style of cinéma vérité,
110. See also cinéma vérité Foreign Correspondent (1940), documentary
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), 89 90 identification, 288. See also
248 249 The Man Who Knew Too Much character
Happiness (1998), 401, 403 405 (1956), 92 94 If . . . (1969), 140
A Hard Day’s Night (1964), North by Northwest (1959), Il Ovottepordo (1962), 108 109
134 136, 136f, 166, 170 94 95, 94f image-sound synchronization,
pace, 194 Notorious (1946), 90 91 33 34
Harris, Mark Jonathan, 357 358 Psycho (1960), 91 92, 255 imaginative documentary, 341 348
Into the Arms of Strangers Rear Window (1954), 87 88 altering meaning away from
(2000), 358 359 Rope (1948), 87 88, 381 literal, 341 343
The Long Way Home (1997), Spellbound (1945), 87, 89 wartime propaganda, 328,
358 359 Strangers on a Train (1951), 88 343 347, 343f, 350
Hathaway, Henry, 289 The 39 Steps (1935), 88 89, imagined reality, 233 237.
Having a Wild Weekend (1965), 92 94 See also digital reality
166 Vertigo (1958), 95 97, 96f constructed artifice, 235
Hawks, Howard, 207, 318 319 Holland, Agnieszka, 161 imagined as observational,
Bringing Up Baby (1938), 316 Europa Europa (1990), 235 236
Hecht, Ben, 71 407 408 special effects, use of, 237
Heckerling, Amy, 160, 168 Holocaust spectacle, use of, 236 237
heightened realism, 239 The Long Way Home (1997), video over film, 234 235
heightened realism, birth of, 358 359 IMAX format, 101
13 16 Memorandum (1966), 330f, imediacy of television, 133
Hell in the Pacific (1968), 108 332f, 333f, 334f, 335f, imitating styles See also style
Help! (1965), 134, 166, 170 336f, 337f, 338f, 329 334, innovation from, 208 211
pace, 194 339f innovation vs. imitation,
Hero (1992), 249 250 archival sequence, 332 334 207 208
Hero (Ying xiong) (2002), continuity and narrator In the Mood for Love (2000), 177,
198 199 influence, 329 330 183 186
The Heroes of Telmark (1965), 222 reportage sequence, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Herzog, Werner, 148 150, 334 340 (1989), 291 292
169 170, 351 transition sequence, individual shot, contemplating,
Grizzly Man (2005), 364 330 332 371
My Best Friend (1999), horror mixed with film noir See influences on editing, 61 64,
351 352 Blue Velvet (1986) 66 69
High Noon (1952), 144, 207, The Hospital (1971), 316 musicals, 64 65
289 The Hours (2002), 250 252, 252f popular arts, 61 70
Hill, George Roy, 319 320 How the West Was Won (1962), radio, 66 69
Hillcoat, John See The 100 television, 133 136. See also
Proposition (2006) Howard, Ron See Frost/Nixon MTV style
Hiroshima, Mon Amour (1960), (2008) theatre, 65 66, 137 142
123 125, 124f, 169 Hughes, John, 319 320 Inglourious Basterds (2009), anti-
A History of Violence (2005), Hurt Locker (2008), 143 144 pace of, 201 202
298 300, 299f Husbands and Wives (1992), 238 intellectual montage, 20 21
Hitchcock, Alfred, 36, 87 98, 227 Huston, John, 343 intensification, in action
the chase, 94 95 sequences, 288
cutting on motion, 89 I intercutting, birth of, 4
dreamstates, 95 97 I Love You, Man (2009), 326 Into the Arms of Strangers (2000),
sound cut, 88 89 I Want to Live! (1958), 75 77, 358 359
unity of sound, 92 94 76f Intolerance (1916), 6, 7, 12
Hitchcock, Alfred, films of I Was a 90-Pound Weakling investigator, documentary
The Birds (1963), 87 (1964), 341 narrator as, 356 357
452 Index

Invictus (2009), 246 248 Kar-wai, Wong, 177 L’Avventura (1960), 108 109
irony, in personal documentary, In the Mood for Love (2000), Lawrence of Arabia (1962),
351, 353 355 177, 183 186 79 81, 84 85, 85f, 222,
Irvin, John, 290 Kazan, Elia, 72, 104 105, 270 223, 277
Isadora (1969), 140 Keaton, Buster, 62, 72 Le Fils (The Son) (2002),
Italiensk for begyndere (Italian for The General (1927), 292 294, 238 239
Beginners) (2000), 238 292f, 293f Leacock, Richard, 349
Itami, Juzo, 177 178 Keaton, Diane, 72 Lean, David, 79 85, 108 109,
Tampopo (1987), 177 178, Kingdom of Heaven (2005), 236 222
190 192 Kinski, Klaus, 351 Lawrence of Arabia (1962),
Klimov, Elem, 227 228 79 81, 84 85, 85f, 222,
J Come and See (1985), 223, 277
Jackson, Michael, 171 227 230, 407 408 L’Eclisse (The Eclipse) (1962),
Jackson, Pat, 344 Koyaanisqatsi (1983), 343 129 132, 130f, 131f, 169,
Jackson, Peter, 237 Kragh-Jacobsen, Søren, 214 395
Janscó, Miklós, 221 Kubrick, Stanley, 107 108, Lee, Ang, 168, 177
Jarecki, Andrew, 364 365 148 150, 217 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Jaws (1975), 108 109, 292 Barry Lyndon (1975), 149, (2000), 177, 182 186
Jennings, Humphrey, 57 60, 149f, 150, 217, 387 The Ice Storm (1997),
328, 343, 350 A Clockwork Orange (1971), 400 403
Diary for Timothy (1945), 55f, 205 Lust, Caution (2006), 272 273
57 60, 342 Dr. Strangelove (1964), 316 Lee, Spike, 153 157, 206
Listen to Britain (1942), 328, Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Jungle Fever (1991), 155, 155f,
343 347, 343f, 396 217 219 156, 206
JFK (1991), 382 Full Metal Jacket (1987), Leone, Sergio, 108, 207
Johnson, Nunnally, 71 217 218, 277, 387, 388f, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Judith of Bethulia (1913), 6 408 (1967), 108, 316
Jules et Jim (1961), 119 120, Paths of Glory (1957), Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1988),
120f 217 218, 375 376, 408 249
jump cuts, 118 121, 277 The Shining (1979), 217 218 Lester, Richard, 134, 135, 166,
Jungle Fever (1991), 155, 155f, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), 205, 319. See also Help!
156, 206 107 108, 148, 149, 217, (1965); A Hard Day’s
Juno (2007), 326 277, 387 Night (1964)
juxtaposition Kuleshov, Lev, 14 A Funny Thing Happened on the
in comedy, 318 Kundun (1997), 219 221 Way to the Forum (1966),
editing for dramatic emphasis, Kurosawa, Akira, 108 109, 166, 316 317
260, 265 266 116 118, 169 pace, 194
in imaginative documentary, Rashomon (1951), 116 118, Petulia (1968), 135 136, 205
342, 346 169, 395 Letter from an Unknown Woman
long shots with close-ups, pace, 193 194 (1948), 217
222 227 The Seven Samurai (1954), Levring, Kristian, 214, 349
randomness of pace, 277, 289, 375 376 Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1988),
388 389 249
L Life Is Beauiful (1998), 177 178,
K La Femme Nikita (1990), 169 188 190
Kahn, Nathaniel, 365 The Lady Eve (1941), 320 321, The Life of an American Fireman
Kanal (1957), 408 321f, 325 326 (1903), 4
Kapur, Shekhar, 223 L’Age d’Or (1930), 29f, 30f, 31f Life of Brian (1979), 166. See also
Bandit Queen (1994), Land without Bread (1933), 351 Monty Python
223 225 Lang, Fritz, 38 41 light, matching tone and, 378
Elizabeth (1998), 223, The Last Laugh (1924), 13 linear narrative, about, 393 394
225 227 Laughton, Charles, 72 Lipsett, Arthur, 343
Index 453

Listen to Britain (1942), 328, male-female reversals See role archival sequence, 332 334
343 347, 343f, 396 reversal comedy continuity and narrator
literal meaning, moving away Malick, Terence See The Thin Red influence, 329 330
from, 341 343 Line (1998) reportage sequence, 334 340
The Little Foxes (1941), 65 66 Mamoulian, Rouben, 42 44, 227 transition sequence, 330 332
Loach, Ken, 138 139 Man of Aran (1934), 46 48, 47f, metric montage, 17
location change, continuity on, 48f, 49f Michael Clayton (2007),
379 380 The Man Who Knew Too Much 312 313
Lola Montés (1955), 106 107, (1956), 92 94 middle ground, wide screen and,
217 The Man with a Movie Camera 101
The Lonedale Operator (1911), 6 (1929), 23, 24f, 25f, 349, Miller, George, 290
Lonely Boy (1962), 111, 111f, 363, 395 Mad Max 2 (1981), 291
112f, 113 Manchevski, Milcho, 210, 397, mise-en-scéne, 217 222
The Lonely Villa (1909), 6 398 mixing genres, 162 163
long shots Manderlay (2005), 235 Mo’ Better Blues (1990), 153
establishing shots, 378 Manhattan (1979), 302 Modern Times (1936), 62, 315,
juxtaposed with close-ups, Mankiewicz, Joseph L., 289 317
222 227 Five Fingers (1952), 244 245, montage
rhythm and, 383 384 289 birth of theory of, 16 23
The Long Way Home (1997), Mann, Anthony, 102, 107, 222 metric montage, 17f
358 359 Mann, Michael, 234 montage for dramatic emphasis,
The Lord of the Rings trilogy Mann, Ron, 360 259 260, 265
(2001 2003), 237 man-woman reversals See role Monty Python, 166 167, 170
Lorentz, Pare, 51 reversal comedy Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Lost Horizons (1937), 255 Marat/Sade (1966), 141, 142, (1975), 166
Louisiana Story (1948), 342 169 170 Moonstruck (1987), 316 317
Lubitsch, Ernst, 306, 318 319 Marianne and Julianne (1982), Moore, Michael, 328, 357
Trouble in Paradise (1932), 159 160 Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), 363
306 309, 307f Martin, Steve, 319 320 Morgan: A Suitable Case for
Lucas, George Marx, Groucho See Duck Soup Treatment (1966), 139
American Graffiti (1973), 387 (1934) Morris, Errol, 163, 350 352, 355,
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), match cuts, 277, 373, 374f, 375f 364
198 199, 294 296, 295f, preserving screen direction, Fast, Cheap and Out of Control
382 375 378, 376f, 377f (1998), 352 355, 364
Luhrmann, Baz See Moulin matching action, 373 375, 374f, Mr. Death (2000), 352 364
Rouge! (2010) 375f Mosjukhin, Ivan, 14
Lumière, Louis, 3 matching flow over cuts, Moss, Rob, 349
Lust, Caution (2006), 272 273 378 379 Mother (1926), 14, 15f, 16f
Lynch, David, 163 matching tone, 378 Moulin Rouge! (2010), 165, 269
Lyne, Adrian See Flashdance McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971), pace of, 199 201
(1983) 304 Mountains of the Moon (1990),
McCallister, Stewart, 344 245 246
M McElwee, Ross, 349 Movietone, 33
M (1931), 38 41, 39f, 40f, 41f McTiernan, John, 290 moving vehicles, 296
Macdonald, Kevin, 365 Mean Streets (1973), 387 Moviola, 35
Mackenzie, John, 290 media, role of, 77 Mr. Death (2000), 352 353, 364
Mad Max 2 (1981), 291 media looking at itself, 171 MTV style, 165 192
magnetic recording, 35 Méliès, George, 3, 227 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Magnolia (1999), 409 412 Memorandum (1966), 329 334, (2000), 182 186
maintaining screen direction, 330f, 332f, 333f, 334f, D-Day landing sequence,
375 378, 376f, 377f 335f, 336f, 337f, 338f, Saving Private Ryan (1997),
Makavejev, Dusan, 397 339f 178 182
454 Index

MTV style (Continued) narrator as provocateur, Neame, Ronald, 80

downgrading of plot, 359 361 New Wave filmmaking
168 169 narrative See also film continuity jump cut and discontinuity,
in Happiness (1998), 405 acceleration of, 135 136 118 121
importance of feeling states, 168 articulation of premise, 243 objective anarchy, 121 123
Life Is Beauiful (1998), challenges to (innovation in), Nichols, Mike, 221
188 190 143 164 The Graduate (1967),
In the Mood for Love (2000), alienation and anarchy 304 306
183 186 (Peckinpah), 143 146 Night and Fog (1955), 364
obliterated time and space, dramatic moment (Martin Night Mail (1936), 49 51, 50f,
169 170 Scorsese), 150 152 341, 363
Oliver Stone and Natural Born feminism and antinarrative, nonlinear editing, 391 412
Killers (1994), 171 175 160 162 aesthetic opportunities,
origins of, 166 167 feminism and politics, 392 393
self-reflexivity, 166 167, 158 160 artists of nonlinear narrative,
170 171 freedom of chaos (Altman), 395 398
media looking at itself, 171 143 146 framework for nonlinear
Tampopo (1987), 190 192 mixing genres, 162 163 narratives, 399 400
Muller, Ray, 357 pace and social action (Spike Happiness (1998), 403 405
multipurpose dialog, 304 306. Lee), 153 157 The Ice Storm (1997),
See also dialog popular and fine art (Wim 400 403
Munich (2005), 240, 365, 366 Wenders), 152 153 limits of technology, 392
Murnau, F. W., 13 world building (Stanley Magnolia (1999), 409 412
music See sound Kubrick), 148 150 nonlinear narrative, 393 398
music videos, 134. See also MTV world building (Werner philosophy of nonlinearity,
style Herzog), 150 393 394
time in, 165 clarity of, 72, 372. See also reliance on linearity, 393 398
musicals (film genre), 199 201 editing for narrative clarity The Thin Red Line (1998),
A Hard Day’s Night (1964), in action sequences, 296 405 409
134 136, 136f, 166, 170 David Lean’s use of, 81 nonlinear plot See visual
pace, 194 dynamic of relativity, 116 118 discontinuity
Help! (1965), 134, 166, 170 complexity, in David Lean’s North by Northwest (1959),
pace, 194 work, 82 94 95, 94f
pace in, 199 201 MTV style and, 168 169 Notorious (1946), 90 91
musicals (stage), influence of, nonlinear, 393 398. See also Noyce, Phillip, 290
64 65 nonlinear editing Nuit et brouillard (Night and Fog)
My Architect (2003), 365 framework for, 399 400 (1955), 364
My Best Friend (1999), 351 352 pace in thriller genre, 197
My Darling Clementine (1946), plot See plot O
207, 395 rhythm and, 384 O Lucky Man! (1973), 140, 141
romantic relationship stories, objective anarchy, 121 123
N 186 observational principle,
Nanook of the North (1922), 350, sidestepped in music videos, 238 239
363 165 observer, documentary narrator
narration in documentary, subtext and, 269 271. See also as, 355 356
355 361 editing for subtext An Occurrence at Owl Creek
influence of narrator, 331 supported by style, 203 204 (1962), 144
in archival sequences, narrator influence in Odessa Steps sequence
332 334 documentary, 329 330 (Potemkin), 8f, 18 20, 21f,
narrator as guide, 357 359 Nashville (1975), 143 146 22f, 23f, 289
narrator as investigator, Natural Born Killers (1994), O’Dreamland (1953), 140
356 357 167 169, 172 175, 207, O’Dreamland (1953), 341
narrator as observer, 355 356 399 Oliver Twist (1948), 84
Index 455

Olivier, Olivier (1992), 161 Strangers on a Train (1951), 88 plot

Olympia Parts I and II (1938), Paris, Texas (1984), 152 153, and dialog, 302 303, 305
53 54, 53f, 328, 341 169 170 MTV style and, 168 169
Once Upon a Time in America parody, 316 nonlinear narrative, 393 398.
(1984), 207 The Passion (2004), 282 284 See also nonlinear editing
One Day in September (1999), The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), framework for, 399 400
365 368 13, 223, 255 plot-driven films, 244 248
Ophuls, Max, 106 107, Paths of Glory (1957), 217 218, Five Fingers (1952), 244 245
203 204, 217 375 376, 408 Invictus (2009), 246 248
optical sonud tracks, 35 Peckinpah, Sam, 108, 143 146, Mountains of the Moon
Osborne, John, 138 139 222 (1990), 245 246
O’Steen, Sam See The Graduate pace, 194 The Plow That Broke the Plains
(1967) The Wild Bunch (1969), (1936), 51, 52f
overtonal montage, 20 143 146, 146f, 277 Point Blank (1967), 277
pace, 194 Polanski, Roman, 270, 288
P Pennebaker, D. A., 349 Chinatown (1974), 309 312,
pace, 72, 193 202, 381 390. personal documentary, 349 355 311f
See also pace; style Fast, Cheap and Out of Control political thrillers, pace of, 382
acceleration of narrative (1998), 352 355, 364 politics, in general See society
stories, 135 136 Mr. Death (2000), 352 353, politics in documentary
in action genre, 198 199, 364 filmmaking, 328
293, 295 296, 298 Petulia (1968), 135 136, 205 personal documentary vs., 349
in Alfred Hitchcock’s work, Photophone, 33 Pollack, Sydney See Tootsie
92, 95 physical environment See (1982)
anti-pace of Inglourious environment (place) Pontecorvo, Gillo, 350 351
Basterds (2009), 201 202 picture edit and continuity, popular arts, influence of, 61 70
camera placement and 371 380. See also film musicals, 64 65
subjective states, 227 232 continuity radio, 66 69
in comedy, 318, 325 326 adequacy of coverage, 372 373 theatre, 65 66
in David Lean’s work, 82 83 location change, 379 380 vaudeville, 61 64
in docudrama genre, 194 195 matching action, 373 375 Porter, Edwin S., 3 5, 395
editing for dramatic emphasis, matching flow over cuts, Potemkin (1925), 8f, 17f, 18, 18f,
260 261, 266 378 379 19f, 20f, 21f, 22f, 23f, 289
evolution of, in filmmaking, matching tone, 378 Prelude to War (1942), 56 57
193 201 preserving screen direction, Preminger, Otto, 102, 103, 222,
in imaginative documentary, 375 378, 376f, 377f 288
342, 343 scene change, 379 380 premise, articulation of, 243
randomness of pace, 388 389 seamlessness, 372, 384 preserving screen direction,
randomness upon, 388 389 setting the scene, 378 375 378, 376f, 377f
randomness vs., 147 time and place, 387 388 Privilege (1967), 110
rhythm, 383 387 picture edit and pace, 381 390. Promises (2001), 359 360
in Sam Peckinpah’s work, See also pace propaganda, documentary as,
144 145 randomness of pace, 388 389 328, 343 347, 350
social action and, 153 157 rhythm, 383 387 The Proposition (2006), 243 244
in thriller genre, 195 197 timing, 382 383 provocateur, documentary
timing, 382 383 Pink Panther series (1964 1978), narrator as, 359 361
Pale Rider (1985), 207 287 Psycho (1960), 91 92, 255
Panavision format, 101, The Pink Panther (1964), 316 Pudovkin, Vsevolod I., 12 16
107 109 place See environment (place) Pudovkin, Vsevolod. I., 395
Panavision 70 format, 101 A Place in the Sun (1951), Pudovkin, Vsevolod I.
Panic in the Streets (1950), 270 204, 223 Film Technique and Film
parallel editing pleasure, editing for See editing Acting, 36
birth of, 5 for aesthetics on sound in film, 35
456 Index

Pulp Fiction (1994), 208 211,

222, 397, 399, 400
Hero (1992), 249 250
The Hours (2002), 250 252,
The Sacrifice (1986), 221
Punchline (1989), 316 317 252f satire, 316. See also Coen, Ethan
purposeful documentary, 350. Valmont (1989), 249 and Joel
See also propaganda, role reversal comedy Saving Private Ryan (1997),
documentary as Forgetting Sarah Marshall 178 182, 223, 267 268,
(2008), 324 325 366, 408
Q The Lady Eve (1941), scene, setting, 378
quick cutting See pace 320 321, 321f, 325 326 scene change, continuity on,
Victor/Victoria (1982), 379 380
R 321 326, 322f scene fragmentation, birth of,
Rachel Getting Married (2008), wide screen format and, 5 13
269 104 106 Schepsi, Fred, 290
radio, influence of, 66 69 relativity, 116 118 Schindler’s List (1993), 238
Rafelson, Bob See Mountains of reportage rearchival sequence in Schlesinger, John, 141
the Moon (1990) documentary, 334 340 Schoonmaker, Thelma See The
Raging Bull (1980), 150 152, Requiem for a Dream (2000), Departed (2006)
151f, 206, 407 408 230 232 Schultz, Carl, 290
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Resnais, Alain, 123 125, 169, Scorsese, Martin, 150 152, 206,
198 199, 294 296, 295f, 227, 364 219
382 rhythm, 383 387 The Departed (2006),
Raising Arizona (1987), 317, rhythmic montage, 18 271 272, 271f
382 383 Richardson, Tony, 138 139 Kundun (1997), 219 221
Ramona (1911), 6 Riefenstahl, Leni, 53 54, 328, Mean Streets (1973), 387
Ran (1985), 108 109 341, 350, 357 Raging Bull (1980), 150 152,
randomness, 147 Triumph of the Will (1935), 56, 151f, 206, 407 408
randomness of pace, 388 389 328, 364 Scott, Ridley, 223, 236
Rashomon (1951), 116 118, 169, Rififi (1954), 289 Scott, Tony, 169 170
395 Rio Bravo (1959), 207 screen direction, preserving,
pace, 193 194 River of No Return (1954), 375 378, 376f, 377f
Ray (2004), 239 102 103 screen shape See wide screen
realism, 237 240 Robbins, Jerome, 77 format
birth of, 13 16, 23 25 The Robe (1953), 100, 101 seamlessness (seamless cuts), 372,
Dogme, 95, 213, 214, Robocop (1987), 291 384
237 238, 349 Roeg, Nicolas, 71 The Searchers (1956), 223
Reality Bites (1994), 168, 169 Roger and Me (1989), 328 Seidelman, Susan, 160
Rear Window (1954), 87 88 role reversal comedy Seigel, Don, 289
The Red and the White (1967), Forgetting Sarah Marshall self-reflexivity, 166 167,
221 (2008), 324 325 170 171
Redford, Robert, 72 The Lady Eve (1941), media looking at itself, 171
Reed, Carol See The Third Man 320 321, 321f, 325 326 Seltzer, David See Punchline
(1949) Victor/Victoria (1982), (1989)
Reggia, Godfrey, 343 321 326, 322f Selznick, David, 71
Reiner, Rob, 319 320 romantic relationship stories, 186 Sense and Sensibility (1995), 168
Reisz, Karel, 138 140, 381 Rope (1948), 87 88, 381 The Serpent’s Egg (1978), 138
Reitmann, Jason, 326 Rosetta (1999), 194 195, 238 Serreau, Coline, 234
relationships (between characters) Rosi, Francesco See Three Collateral (2004), 234 235
character-driven films, Brothers (1980) set-pieces, 178
248 254 Rossellini, Roberto, 217 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Atonement (2007), 252 254 rough cut, 371 (2000), 182 186
Hannah and Her Sisters Rubbo, Michael, 351, 355, 356 Life Is Beauiful (1998),
(1986), 248 249 Ryan’s Daughter (1970), 108 109 188 190
Index 457

In the Mood for Love (2000), Somebody Up There Likes Me sponsored films, documentaries
183 186 (1956), 73 as, 328
Saving Private Ryan (1997), Something Wild (1986), 163 Spotton, John See Memorandum
178 182 Song of Ceylon (1934), 341 (1966)
Tampopo (1987), 190 192 Sonnenfield, Barry, 71 Squyres, Tim See Lust, Caution
setting the scene, 378 The Sorrow and the Pity (1969), 364 (2006)
The Set-Up (1949), 74 75 sound, 152 See also entries at music staged documentaries, 327
Seven Beauties (1976), 317 cinéma vérité and, 109 110 personal documentary style,
The Seven Samurai (1954), 277, David Lean’s use of, 80 81 350 351
289, 375 376 early sound films, 33 44 staging, importance of, 65 66
The Seventh Seal (1956), 138 Applause (1929), 42 44, 43f Stevens, George, 64, 204, 207,
70 mm format, 101 Blackmail (1929), 36 38, 223, 270, 289, 319 320
Shadows (1959), 350 351 37f, 38f, 227 Stoller, Nicholas See Forgetting
Shane (1953), 207 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Sarah Marshall (2008)
Shanley, John Patrick, 319 320 (1932), 43, 44, 227 Stone, Oliver, 167, 171 175,
shape, screen See wide screen M (1931), 38 41, 39f, 40f, 206, 217, 222
format 41f JFK (1991), 382
shaping devices of nonlinear technological improvements, Natural Born Killers (1994),
narrative, 399 35 167 169, 172 175, 207,
Happiness (1998), 404 technological limitations, 399
The Ice Storm (1997), 33 34 pace, 194
400 401 Raging Bull (1980), 151 storytelling See narrative; plot
Magnolia (1999), 411 theoretical issues, 35 36 Strangers on a Train (1951), 88
The Thin Red Line (1998), 407 unity of, in Alfred Hitchcock’s Strike (1924), 16
Shapiro, Justine, 359 360 work, 92 94 Sturges, John, 105 106
She’s Gotta Have It (1986), 153 sound cut, 380 Sturges, Preston, 319
The Shining (1979), 217 218 sound cuts, 88 89, 277 The Lady Eve (1941),
short films, 167 Southern, Terry See Dr. 320 321, 321f, 325 326
shot coverage, adequacy of, Strangelove (1964) style
372 373 space (physical) See environment breaking expectations,
shower scene in Psycho, 91 92 (place) 206 207
Sicko (2007), 357 special effects, 237 cinéma vérité, elevating,
silent period (1885 1930), 3 32 spectacle, use of, 236 237 213 217
Silver, Joan Micklin, 319 320 Spellbound (1945), 87, 89 close-ups and long shots,
situation comedy, 316 Spellbound (2002), 365 222 227
65 mm format, 101 Spielberg, Steven, 108 109, 223, digital reality, 233 240
Slacker (1991), 168 235 236, 290 pushing realism, 237 240
Smith, Kevin, 214 Indiana Jones and the Last understanding artificial
smooth cut (seamlessness), 372, Crusade (1989), 291 292 reality, 233 237
384 Jaws (1975), 108 109, 292 innovation from imitation,
society See also environment Munich (2005), 240, 365, 366 208 211
(place) pace, 194 innovation vs. imitation,
in documentary filmmaking, Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), 207 208
328 198 199, 294 296, 295f, for its own sake, 205 206
personal documentary vs., 349 382 mise-en-scéne, 217 222
feminism and politics, 158 160 Saving Private Ryan (1997), personal documentary,
ideas about, 46 51, 56 60 178 182, 223, 267 268, 350 351
pace and social action, 366, 408 realism See realism
153 157 Schindler’s List (1993), 238 subjective states, 227 232
Solondz, Todd See Happiness War of the Worlds (2005), supporting the narrative,
(1998) 235 236, 240 203 204
Sombre (1998), 238 239 Splendor in the Grass (1961), 270 subjective camera placement, 80
458 Index

subjective camera placement Tichenor, Dylan See There Will Be dynamic montage, 259 260
(Continued) Blood (2007) pace, 260 261
in Alfred Hitchcock’s work, time See also film continuity; Up in the Air (2009), 326
87, 91 narrative; pace
for match cuts, 373 375, 375f collapsing, 67 V
pace and subjective states, in David Lean’s work, 84 Valmont (1989), 249
227 232 dissolves, 375 376 Van Dyke, W. S., 54 56
preserving screen direction, 376 matching real time and screen Variety (1925), 13
subjective states, 227 232 time, 74 75 vaudeville, influence of, 61 64
subtext, editing for, 264, melding past and present, Verhoeven, Paul, 290, 291
267 276 123 125 Robocop (1987), 291
The Departed (2006), 271 272 obliterated, in MTV style, 165, Vertigo (1958), 95 97, 96f
Lust, Caution (2006), 272 273 169 170 Vertov, Dziga, 12, 23 25, 349,
rhythm and, 384 sense of, pace and, 387 388 363
Saving Private Ryan (1997), shower scene in Psycho, 92 The Man with a Movie Camera
267 268 sound editing and, 38 41 (1929), 23, 24f, 25f, 349,
There Will Be Blood (2007), transitional sequence in 363, 395
273 275 documentary, 330 332 Very Nice, Very Nice (1961), 343
survival, moment of, 287 288 timing, 382 383. See also pace Victor/Victoria (1982), 321 326,
Swing Time (1936), 64 To Be or Not to Be (1942), 322f
synchronization of sound, 33 34 316 317 video, using instead of film,
TODD-AO format, 101 234 235
T Tom Jones (1963), 139 Vidor, King, 32, 395
Tampopo (1987), 177 178, tonal montage, 18 20 Duel in the Sun (1946), 289
190 192 tone, matching, 378 Vinterberg, Thomas, 214, 349
Tarantino, Quentin, 208, 222, Tootsie (1982), 316 The Celebration (1998),
397, 398 Top Gun (1986), 169 170, 171 214 216, 238
Inglourious Basterds (2009), Touch of Evil (1958), 205, 217, violence, 143 146. See also war
201 202 289, 381, 382 Visconti, Luchino, 108 109, 217
Pulp Fiction (1994), 208 211, tracking shot, birth of, 5 VistaVision, 100
222, 397, 399, 400 transformative dialog, 312 313 visual association, editing by,
Tarkovsky, Andrei, 221 transitional sequence in 25 27
Tati, Jacques, 319 320 documentary, 330 332 visual continuity See film
television, influence of, 133 136. A Trip to the Moon (1902), 227 continuity
See also MTV style triptych format, 99, 100f visual dimension of personal
The Terminator (1984), 290 Triumph of the Will (1935), 56, documentary, 350
dialog in, 302 328, 364 visual discontinuity, 118 121.
theatre, influence of, 65 66, Trouble in Paradise (1932), See also film continuity
137 142 306 309, 307f birth of, 27 31
There Will Be Blood (2007), Truffaut, François, 118 121 visual storytelling See narrative
273 275 Twelve Monkeys (1995), 205 206 voice
The Thin Blue Line (1988), 163, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), in nonlinear editing, 399, 402,
350 351 107 108, 148, 149, 217, 404, 407 409, 411 412
The Thin Red Line (1998), 268, 277, 387 in personal documentary, 351,
399, 405 409 353
The Third Man (1949), 279 282 U von Trier, Lars, 214, 235, 349
The 39 Steps (1935), 88 89, Un Chien Anadalou (1929), 27, von Trotta, Margarethe, 158 160
92 94 27f, 28f, 29f, 227
Thirty-two Short Films About Glen United 93 (2006), 255 261 W
Gould (1993), 397 398 close-up in, 258 259 Walk the Line (2005), 239
Three Brothers (1980), 388 389 compared to Frost/Nixon war See also Holocaust
thriller genre, pace in, 195 197 (2008), 264, 266 documentary as propaganda,
Thriller music video, 171 docudrama event, 258 328, 343 347, 343f, 350
Index 459

Full Metal Jacket (1987), Wexler, Haskell, 71 Woo, John, pace of, 194
217 218, 277, 387, 388f, What’s Up, Doc? (1972), 287 Working Girls (1973), 160
408 Whore (1991), 160 world building
Holocaust documentary See Why We Fight series (1943 1945), of Stanley Kubrick, 148 150
Memorandum (1966) 56 57, 343, 364 of Werner Herzog, 150
ideas about, 56 60 wide screen format, 99 109 Woyzek (1979), 351
Inglourious Basterds (2009), background, 106 107 Wrestling (1960), 341
201 202 foreground-background Wright, Basil, 36, 49 51
Saving Private Ryan (1997), relationship, 101, 102f Night Mail (1936), 49 51,
178 182, 223, 267 268, character and, 102 104 50f, 341, 363
366, 408 Cinerama, 100 Song of Ceylon (1934), 341
The Thin Red Line (1998), 268, environment and, 102 106 Wright, Joe See Atonement
399, 405 409 relationships and, 104 106 (2007)
The War Game (1967), 110 Wiene, Robert, 13 writers becoming directors, 71
War of the Worlds (2005), The Wild Bunch (1969), 143 146, Wyler, William, 65 66,
235 236, 240 146f, 277 115, 343
Watkins, Peter, 110, 133 134, pace, 194 Ben Hur (1959), 289
350 351 Wilde, Cornel, 205
Week End (1967), 396 Wilder, Billy, 319
Weekend (1967), 121, 122f Winkler, Irwin, 71 Y
Welles, Orson, 66, 217 Winter Light (1962), 389 Yates, Peter, 290
Citizen Kane (1941), 66 69, Wise, Robert, 72 79 Bullitt (1968), 197,
68f, 72 73, 217, 393, 395 I Want to Live! (1958), 75 77, 277, 290
Touch of Evil (1958), 205, 217, 76f Yimou, Zhang, 198 199
289, 381, 382 The Set-Up (1949), 74 75 Ying xiong (Hero) (2002),
Wenders, Wim, 152 153, West Side Story (1961), 77 79, 198 199
169 170, 397 78f
Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe woman-men reversals See role Z
(1980), 351 reversal comedy Z (1969), 382
Wertmüller, Lina, 158 women as directors, 158, Zinnemann, Fred, 207
West Side Story (1961), 77 79, 78f 160 162 High Noon (1952), 144, 207,
Westerns, using CinemaScope The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni 289
format, 102 103 Riefenstahl (1995), 357 Zonca, Erick, 213, 216

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