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The term "pressure" is often used to describe a key fluid property that plays an important role
in the operation of equipment like pumps, control valves, tanks and vessels, and other devices. But like
many terms used in engineering, there are nuances in meaning that must be taken into account to avoid
miscommunication, confusion, and costly mistakes. Quite often, key qualifiers that distinguish between
"total pressure", "static pressure," and "dynamic pressure" are not used. But sometimes the distinction
is important, just as the difference between "mass flow rate" and "volumetric flow rate" must be made
to be concise when discussing "flow rate".
This module introduced the concept of static, dynamic and total pressure. Description on how
pressure are measured are outlined. A laboratory manual is also attached which presents the procedure
on how to conduct pressure measurement using Pitot tube and a manometer.

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to do the following:

1. Differentiate static, dynamic and total pressures of a fluid.

2. Demonstrate understanding about the process of measuring static, dynamic and total pressures across an air
duct using U-tube manometer of different manometric fluids.
3. Perform measurement of pressure using Pitot tube and a manometer.
3. Solve problems involving pressures.

Definition and Units

The classical definition of pressure is the amount of force acting on a surface per unit area, as shown
in Figure 6.1.

This gives pressure the units of pounds per square inch (lb/in2 or psi) or newtons per square
meter (Pascal). Other units commonly used for pressure include the atmosphere, bar, kilopascal, torr,
inches (or mm) of mercury, and inches (or mm) of water.

Figure 6.1. Pressure is force per unit area.

Static Pressure

Static Pressure is felt when the fluid is at rest or when the measurement is taken when traveling
along with the fluid flow. It is the force exerted on a fluid particle from all directions and is typically
measured with gauges and transmitters attached to the side of a pipe or tank wall. Because this is what
most pressure gauges measure, static pressure is usually what is implied when just the term "pressure"
is used in discussions.

To illustrate what total pressure is, let’s begin by checking the famous Bernoulli’s equation:

Which measures the difference in velocity and pressure between two points in a flow.

The pressure p in this equation is the static pressure. When measured relative to the
atmospheric pressure, the static pressure is the same as the gauge pressure. However, it is possible to
measure the static pressure with a vacuum as the reference, so that the value measured equals the
absolute pressure. The static pressure is measured when the fluid is at rest relative to the measurement.
It can be measured by a piezometer attached to the wall of the pipe where the fluid is flowing.

Figure 6.2. Measurement of Static Pressure

Dynamic Pressure

The difference between the Total and Static Pressure is the Dynamic Pressure, which represents
the kinetic energy of the flowing fluid. Dynamic pressure is a function of the fluid velocity and its
density and can be calculated from*:
Notice that when measuring the static pressure before, we don’t consider the velocity effects. If we
don’t neglect these effects, there will be an increase in the pressure measured. This increase is called
the dynamic pressure. The dynamic pressure is a function of the fluid velocity and density:

Total Pressure
The total pressure, also called stagnation pressure, is measured by adding the static pressure to
the dynamic pressure. The total pressure is commonly measured with a device called pitot tube. You can
see pitot tubes on airplanes, for example, as small holes or metallic tubes hanging in the wings, as shown

Fig 6.3. Pitot Tube on an Airbus A380, Source: By David Monniaux

The velocity inside the pitot tube is zero, making it a stagnation point. Another device, called a
pitot-static tube, can be used to measure the dynamic pressure directly. It basically consists of a pitot
tube with a static pressure opening.

For most everyday cases, the total pressure is very close to the static pressure. This happens
because most systems are designed to ensure low fluid velocities, generally to avoid head loss due to
friction, which is proportional to the fluid kinetic energy. In these cases, the distinction between total
pressure and static pressure might not be relevant.

Figure 6.4. Measuring Total, Static, and Dynamic Pressure

When to Make the Distinction

Depending on the application, the difference between total and static pressure may be negligible,
but for others, neglecting the difference may result in costly mistakes.
For many liquid applications, the pipelines are sized to ensure low fluid velocities to reduce the
head loss and pressure drop for a given flow rate, resulting in a small value of dynamic pressure. Also,

because of the accuracy and scale of the instrument used to measure the pressure, the distinction between
total and static pressure may be neglected.
In Figure 6.5, the pipe size is changed to result in different fluid velocities for 700 gpm of water
flow, resulting in different amounts of dynamic and static pressure for an inlet total pressure of 100 psig.
For the Low Velocity case with a 6 inch pipe size, 700 gpm results in a velocity of about 7.8 ft/sec. Of
the 100 psig total pressure, 99.59 psig is static pressure and 0.41 psi is dynamic pressure. If the pressure
is measured on a 0-150 psig pressure gauge, the difference between the total and static pressures will
most likely not be discernible. In the Moderate Velocity case with a 4 inch pipe, 700 gpm results in a
fluid velocity of 17.6 ft/sec, a dynamic pressure of 2.1 psi, and static pressure of 97.9 psig. In the High
Velocity case with a 3 inch pipe, the fluid flows at about 30 ft/sec. The dynamic pressure is about 6.2
psi, so of the 100 psig total pressure, 93.8 psig is static pressure. In a 2.5 inch pipe for the Extremely
High Velocity scenario, the 47 ft/sec velocity results in 15 psi of dynamic pressure and 85 psig of static

Figure 6.5. Difference between Total, Static, and Dynamic Pressure for various fluid velocities in liquid

For gas applications shown in Figure 6.6, the distinction between total and static pressure again will
again depend on the amount of dynamic pressure, but because the density of a gas is much lower than that
of a liquid, a much higher velocity is needed before the difference between total and static pressure needs to
be made. Notice the various pipe sizes, fluid velocities, and static pressures for an inlet total pressure of 100
psig and a mass flow rate of 7500 lb/h of 350F steam with a density of 0.248 lb/ft3.

Figure 6.6. Difference between Total, Static, and Dynamic Pressure for various fluid velocities in gas

Pitot tubes
Pitot tubes are used in a variety of applications for measuring fluid velocity. This is a convenient, inexpensive
method for measuring velocity at a point in a flowing fluid. Pitot tubes (also called pitotstatic tubes) are used,
for example, to make airflow measurements in HVAC applications and for aircraft airspeed measurements.

The static pressure corresponds to a point A is Two probes are combined as in pitot-static tube.
read from the wall static pressure tap. The The inner tube is used to measure the stagnation
stagnation pressure is measured directly at A by pressure at point B while the static pressure at C
the total head tube. is measured by the small holes in the outer tube.

ME 144 ME Laboratory 1 EXPERIMENT NO. 07

XII. Objective:
3. To determine the static, velocity and total pressures across an air duct as measured by U-
tube manometer using different manometric fluids.

XIII. Theory and Analysis:

Discuss the principle of static, velocity and total pressure measurement across air ducts.

XIV. Equipment, Instruments, materials and Apparatuses (explain the use/purpose of each
instrument/materials in the experiment.
Air Flow Apparatus
Pitot tube
U-tube manometer
Mercury, water, Diesel oil, gasoline
Orifices with varying sizes
Steel tape measure

XV. Drawing/Set up:

Draw the actual set-up of the experiment. Label the parts.
Draw the Pitot tube available in the laboratory. Label its parts

XVI. Procedures:
C. Measurement of static pressure:
9. Mount the pitot tube in the hole provided in the duct with the pitot tube facing the
10. Connect one end of the rubber tubing to the shorter nipple of the pitot tube and connect
the other end of the rubber tubing to one of the legs of the U-tube with the proper liquid
already inside the manometer.
11. Start the blower and measure the difference in level of fluids between the two legs of
the manometer. Record it as PS.
12. Make three trials using varying outlet areas.
13. Repeat the procedure using the different fluids available.

D. Measurement of velocity pressure:

5. Repeat procedure A except that one end of the rubber tubing is connected to the longer
nipple of the pitot tube.
6. Record all readings as PV.

E. Measurement of total pressure:
1. Repeat procedure A except that two rubber tubes are used. One rubber tubing connects
the longer nipple of the pitot tube and one leg of the manometer while the other rubber
tube connects the shorter nipple of the pitot tube and the other leg of the manometer.
2. Record all readings as PT.

XVII. Data and Results:

D. Orifice Sizes

RUN 1 2 3

AREA (mm2)

E. Static, Velocity and Total Pressure Measurement:

RUN 1 2 3
(mm) Paskal (mm) Paskal (mm) Paskal (mm)







XVIII. Sample Computations:

XIX. Discussion and Conclusion:
XX. Research Questions:
3. Discuss and illustrate the principle behind differential manometers.
4. Define and give the relations of the following:
a) Static Pressure
b) Velocity Pressure
c) Total Pressure
5. Discuss the Bernoulli’s equation and its derivation.
6. Discuss the effect of altitude on pressure measurement.
7. What is the Dalton’s law of partial pressure? Explain. XXI. References:
Book title, Author, Publisher, Edition, page/pages Internet

XXII. Appendix:
Attach all original data sheets, computations, diagrams and sketches.


Calibration is an essential part of an instrumentation system to ensure a line of traceability of the
measurement system is maintained. To understand the flowmeter performance over a period of time,
flowmeter calibration should always be conducted on “as Found” basis so meter drift analysis can be
assessed. Adjustment of the flow meter reading maybe performed to minimise the flowmeter errors.
This lesson will introduce the importance of flow meter calibration. The different methods of
flowmeter calibration are also described.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Identify the different fluid flow measuring instrument
2. Demonstrate understanding about the different methods and processes of water flowmeter
3. Perform calibration of water flowmeter.

Water Meter Calibration.

Water meter calibration consists of comparing the meter reading with the reading obtained from a
standard of higher accuracy than the test meter and with established uncertainty. The standard may be a
reference master meter or a complete test stand which themselves are traceable back to more fundamental
measures of mass, time and volume.
Why Calibrate?
 A water meter is subject to wear and deterioration and, over a period of time, loses its peak
 Protect individual customer against over-registration
 Protect customers (as a group) against inequity of under-registration and higher water rates
 Protect water utility from revenue loss caused by under-registration
Meter Factor. To establish a meter factor, the indicated volume of fluid that passes through a meter is
compared to the true volume measured in a container of known size, or in a master meter (called provers
as described in the earlier section).

Flow Meter Typical Calibration Curve

Flow meter Performance Characteristics

Accuracy - The closeness of the agreement between the result of a measurement and the true value of the
quantity being measured.
Repeatability - ability of a flowmeter to indicate the same reading each time the same flow condition
Linearity - constancy of the meter factor over a specified flowrate range.

Rangeability - the ratio of the maximum to minimum flowrates specified by the meter’s linearity.
Rangeability is frequently termed as turndown ratio.
Resolution - measure of the smallest increment of total flow that can be individually recognized

Calibration Equipment
Test Bench
Inlet valve
– Single or multi-meter
– •Quick-acting valve on discharge side

Reference Standard (Calibration Method)

•Flow regulating valve
– Volumetric

– •Device for determining flow rate
– Gravimetric
– •Pressure gauge
– Reference Meter
– •Temperature gauge
– Water supply
– Flow through
– Re-circulating reservoir
– Pump
– Gravity feed


1. Volumetric Methods
 In volumetric method of calibration, a standard volume is collected in a measured time
 Since a liquid, unlike a gas, may be contained within an open vessel, one very convenient way of
calibrating liquid flowmeters is to use as a reference a calibrated tank.
 One of the volumetric calibration techniques, called start-stop methods, is as shown schematically
in the figure.

Static Volumetric Flow System: Start-Stop Method

Calibration Principles-Volumetric Technique

2. Gravimetric Methods
In gravimetric systems, time and weight are measured. Since mass is a primary unit of measurement
a big advantage is may be gained, by applying this method. There following are several arrangement
Gravimetric Start-Stop Methods. This method is essentially the same as that described for volumetric
systems above, except that a weight tank and constant level device replace the volumetric tank.
Gravimetric With Flying Start-Stop Methods – Static Weighing. In this method, the flow through
the meter is not interrupted while the calibration is being carried out. This requires a diverter
arrangement such as the one shown in the figure. The diverter causes the flow through the meter to
bypass the weigh tank during periods of flowrate change. It then diverts steady flow for a measured
time into the weigh tank. The method is particularly suitable for calibrating meters which might be
affected by starting and stopping the flow, such as pressure difference device and vortex meters.

Gravimetric Flying Start-Stop Calibrating Facility- Using a Constant Level Head tank

Calibration Principles-Gravimetric Technique

Simple Gravimetric Flow Calibration System

• Usually standing-start-and-finish method
• Uses a vessel and a highly accurate electronic scale or mass comparator
• Weigh the amount of water that has passed through the meter
• Convert the weighed value to a volume based on the density of the measured water
• Primary standard - test weights used to verify the accuracy of the weighing device

• Compensate for water temperature, pressure and gravitational effect
• Relatively easy to recalibrate weighing device
• Reduce operator error – easy to read indicator (no sight glass meniscus)
• Easy to incorporate into fully automated system
• Tank does not have to be drained between successive runs

3. Master or Reference Meter Method

The simplest and simple way to calibrate meters is to check its performance against another meter.
The latter must has been calibrated and traceable to known standards and is usually refers as reference or
master meters. The reference meter must obviously be of higher quality than the meter to be calibrated and
the location of the one must not be such as to affected the performance of the other in the test line.
Reference master meter method are used in inter laboratory transfer standards which sometimes
also used to check the calibration stand itself. Positive displacement meter type make excellent transfer
reference meters due to its wide working range, good repeatability and insensitivity to installation effect.

• A highly accurate reference meter is placed in-series with the meter being tested
• A volume of water is passed through both meters (usually standing-start and-stop method)
• The amount of volume displayed on both meter’s indicating devices are compared
• Reference meters are periodically certified against a primary standard
• Frequency – Time – Volume – Condition of water

Flow through metering so no need to capture a volume of water.
– Save space
– No need for test tanks
– Saves time
Reduce operator error
– easy to read indicator
Easy to incorporate into fully automated system reading Disadvantages
Need to recalibrate meter regularly
Best if two reference meters are used in-line (3 way comparison)

ME 144- ME Laboratory 1

I. Objective:
1. To study the use and calibration of Water Flow meter
2. To be familiar with the construction and principle of operation of the Water meter.

II. Theory and Analysis:

Discuss the history, principle of operation, use and importance of weight and volume
measuring instruments.

III. Equipment, Instruments and Apparatuses:

Platform scale, Steel tape measure, calibrated water tank, Water meter.

IV. Drawing/Set up:

Make an actual drawing of the set up of the two measurements in this experiment.

V. Procedures:
1. Examine the construction and parts of the Water meter and Volume tank available in
the laboratory.
2. Place the empty volume tank on the platform scale.
3. Record the initial reading of the water meter and the weight of the tank.
4. Open the water valve and fill the volume tank at a certain level.
5. Record the final reading of the water meter.
6. Measure the height of water in the tank and its weight. 7. Compute the volume of water
and its weight
8. Repeat procedures 3 to 7 five times.

VI. Data and Results:

M SCALE Compute
S Volume READING Water Computed
Initial Final d. Weight
Deposited Height . Volume


VII. Sample Computations:

VIII. Discussion and Conclusion:

IX. Research Questions:

1. With the aid of drawing, discuss the operation of the following instruments used to
measure volumetric flow: a) Rotary Disk Meter
b) Rotary Displacement Meter
c) Revolving Drum Condensate Meter
d) Piston Meter and
e) Bellow Gas Meter.
2. Define the following:
a) Coefficient of Discharge
b) Coefficient of Velocity and
c) Coefficient of Contraction
3. With the aid of illustration, discuss the operation of gasoline and fuel oil meter.

X. References:
Book title, Author, Publisher, Edition, page/pages Internet

XI. Appendix:
Attach all original data sheets, computations, diagrams and sketches.


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