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Angelica G. Martin.

BSN 2- B

Child Developmental Theories

When infants are born into the world, they are helpless, tiny humans who rely on adults for
every aspect, including love and food. It is astonishing how these little infants develop into independent
individuals who can make choices for their own. There are various concepts regarding how children
grow, what impacts their lives, and how events may alter who they've become as people. In this
situation, it is significant to understand the Child development theory, wherein each theory tries to
explain a limited range of childhood development.

According to Sigmund Freud's five phases of psychosexual development, which he first proposed,
children's personalities evolved during a series of developmental stages through which their pleasure-
seeking energies were mostly directed toward erogenous areas. Additionally, Freud believed that parents
play an essential role in controlling their children's sexual and violent urges in infancy to promote a
healthy growth. The theory of Erick Erickson has significance in creating our sense of self since he
postulates that as we mature and encounter different situations from childhood to adulthood, our
personalities go through eight distinct stages of development. These phases of human development are
molded throughout the course of our existence by biological, psychological, and social factors. Each
development stage involves a crisis that we must deal with, and in return, a consequence affects our

In accordance with Piaget's theory of cognitive development, a child's intelligence or cognitive ability
develops over a method of four discrete phases. Every phase is marked by the development of newly
acquired skills and strategies for information process in which the kids go through four stages of mental
growth. His idea focuses on understanding the foundations of human intelligence as well as how children
develop knowledge. In order to determine if a behavior is appropriate or erroneous one must initially
think upon it. This constitutes the central point of Kohlberg's thesis. As a result, instead of focusing on
what a person decides or does, theoretically, the focus is on how one chooses to respond to a moral
issue, it can also help parents guide their children as they develop their moral character. Furthermore,
One of Fowler’s incredible contributions was to show that faith is not necessarily religious. In the
broadest sense, it is the collection of principles that directs our lives. Fowler was adamant that faith is a
process that can have seven possible phases, as well as a way of engaging with the universe and
imparting your life significance.

Our unconscious mind, according to Sigmund Freud's theory, is the reservoir of emotions, desires,
thoughts, and memories of the unconscious mind. Without recognizing, we retain memories of our
childhoods, which later became the Oedipus complex's site of repression. Our daily behavior is affected
unintentionally by these past events. Traumatic memories and desires can be revealed through
compensation, allowing us to become free of our problems and live a joyful, fulfilled life. In conclusion,
theories enable us to comprehend behaviors and identify developmental milestones, allowing us to
formulate our strategies and take into consideration how to effectively address the specific requirements
of every child.

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