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You are going to hear people talking in eight different situations.

For questions 1 – 8, choose the best

answers, a, b or c.

1 You hear two teenagers talking about a film that was based on a book. What do the speakers agree about?
a. Films aren’t as good as the books they’re based on.
b. Films are better than the books they’re based on.
c. Films that are based on books are very interesting.

2 You hear a conversation at the ticket office of a cinema. When is the man going to see the film?
a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Sunday

3 You hear an actor talking about the village he grew up in. How does he feel about returning there?
a. He is anxious to return to New York.
b. He is happy to be back.
c. He is surprised at how small it is.

4 You hear a phone conversation between two friends. Why is the girl going to be late for the concert?
a. She left her ticket at home.
b. The taxi driver doesn’t know the way.
c. The train isn’t leaving on time.

5 You hear a man on the radio talking about his experience at music school. How did he feel when he left
the school?
a. happy
b. unhappy
c. furious

6 You hear a film critic reviewing a film. What does she say about it?
a. The music makes it worth seeing.
b. Kevin Bacon directed it.
c. The actors give good performances.

7 You hear two friends talking about a music festival. What happened?
a. They missed the chance to go.
b. They were given free tickets.
c. They managed to buy tickets.

8 You hear an author giving a talk at a bookshop. What does she say about her readers?
a. They rarely express their opinions about her work.
b. They sometimes write unpleasant comments about her work.
c. They are honest about what they think of her work.
You are going to hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1 – 8, choose the best
answers, a, b or c.

1 You hear two teenagers talking about a film that was based on a book. What do the speakers agree about?
a. Films aren’t as good as the books they’re based on.
b. Films are better than the books they’re based on.
c. Films that are based on books are very interesting.

2 You hear a conversation at the ticket office of a cinema. When is the man going to see the film?
a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Sunday

3 You hear an actor talking about the village he grew up in. How does he feel about returning there?
a. He is anxious to return to New York.
b. He is happy to be back.
c. He is surprised at how small it is.

4 You hear a phone conversation between two friends. Why is the girl going to be late for the concert?
a. She left her ticket at home.
b. The taxi driver doesn’t know the way.
c. The train isn’t leaving on time.

5 You hear a man on the radio talking about his experience at music school. How did he feel when he left
the school?
a. happy
b. unhappy
c. furious

6 You hear a film critic reviewing a film. What does she say about it?
a. The music makes it worth seeing.
b. Kevin Bacon directed it.
c. The actors give good performances.

7 You hear two friends talking about a music festival. What happened?
a. They missed the chance to go.
b. They were given free tickets.
c. They managed to buy tickets.

8 You hear an author giving a talk at a bookshop. What does she say about her readers?
a. They rarely express their opinions about her work.
b. They sometimes write unpleasant comments about her work.
c. They are honest about what they think of her work.

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1. Girl: Well, that wasn’t nearly as good as I thought it would be. It’s always that way
when you see a film after reading the book.
Boy: Yeah … I know what you mean – but I thought there were some interesting scenes.
Girl: Really? I was bored. Anyway – you should read the book.
Boy: I don’t think I want to. After seeing the film, I know how it will end!

2. Woman: Can I help you?

Man: I hope so. I understand that if you buy five film tickets, you get one free ticket. Is that correct?
Woman: Absolutely.
Man: Great! So I’d like to buy five tickets for Saturday.
Woman: Ah, I’m afraid we can’t give free tickets for shows on Saturday or Sunday.
Man: Oh! OK, then give me five tickets for Friday.
Woman: Yes, of course.

3. Man: You know, when I was young I couldn’t wait to leave this place. For me, the village was small and there was no chance for
me to develop as an actor. And I was sure that no one realised how talented I was. I had to go to a big city so I went to New
York – that was where people with talent could really develop. Moving to New York was very good for me professionally.
But coming back here, I realise what a great place this is. It’s the kind of place I want my children to grow up in.

4. Boy: Hi, Lily. Where are you? Are you still at home?
Girl: Of course not. I was going to get the 7.30 train to Victoria Station – which is only a five-minute walk from the concert hall.
But they just announced that the train will be an hour late.
Boy: So why don’t you get a taxi?
Girl: I’m trying to, but you can never find a taxi when you need one. Look, you’ve got the tickets. Leave my ticket for me
outside at the ticket counter and go in without me. I’ll be there as soon as I can.

5. Man: Believe it or not, I’d always dreamed of being an opera singer. So, at 15, I started studying at a music school. At the end of
the first year, they told me that they didn’t think I had a future in opera and suggested that I leave. I wasn’t angry or
anything – in fact at the time, I remember feeling disappointed in myself – like I had failed some important test. But now I
can see that it helped me. I really learned a lot about myself that year and I’m happy that I did it.

6. Woman: This week’s recommended film is the teen musical Footloose. It’s a remake of the 1984 film. The original film starred
Kevin Bacon – who gave a great performance. Even if you aren’t a fan of musicals, go to see Footloose! The plot is
sometimes difficult to believe and the acting is unlikely to win any awards, but who cares? The song and dance routines are
a pleasure to watch and you’ll be singing the songs all week!

7. Boy: Did you manage to get us tickets for the festival?

Girl: Yeah – you won’t believe how! There was a long queue at the ticket office when I got there and I didn’t have time to wait,
so I decided to go back later. But, when I went back, there were no more tickets.
Boy: Oh, no! So what did you do?
Girl: While I was walking home, I saw Oliver. Anyway – it turns out he works with one of the bands at the festival. When I told
him what had happened, he gave me two tickets – they didn’t cost a thing!
Boy: No way!

8. Author: I love the letters I get from my readers, some as young as seven. Kids don’t feel they have to be polite or say nice things.
They really mean what they say. They say what they liked and what they didn’t like in a book. I always try to write back
and explain why I wrote about a particular event or why a character behaved in a particular way. It’s the least I can do after
they’ve gone to the trouble of reading my story and writing to me.

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