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Arleta School

Mathematics Department


Prerequisite: Algebra 1A1


The purpose of this course is to serve as the vehicle by which students make the transition
from arithmetic to symbolic mathematical reasoning. It is an opportunity for students to
extend and practice logical reasoning in the context of understanding, writing, solving,
and graphing problems involving linear and quadratic equations (including systems of
two linear equations in two unknowns).
In this class, students are expected to demonstrate their ability to extend specific
problems and conditions to general assertions about mathematical situations. In addition
to that, they are expected to justify steps in an algebraic procedure and check algebraic
arguments for validity.


In this course, students will know and be able to:
 Solve linear equations (including proportions) in one variable
 Sketch the region defined by a linear inequality
 Work with functions and patterns
 Analyze Linear Equations
 Solve Systems of Linear Equations

ASSESSMENTS will include:

 Teacher designed standards-based quizzes and tests
 Projects and group tasks
 Teacher designed formative assessments
 Teacher designed common final exam
 LAUSD Periodic Assessments

 Textbook: Algebra 1 Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving
 Supplemental materials and resources
 LAUSD Secondary Mathematics Instructional Guide

 90 % -- 100 % A
 80% -- 89% B
 68% -- 79% C
 67% and lower will be considered a FAIL in the course and the student will have
to retake the course until he/she passes with a grade of “C” or better.

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