Part 3 Control of Coccidiosis

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Diseases of Farmyard Poultry

Part 3 - Control of Coccidiosis

Victoria Roberts BVSc MRCVS

Disease background Type Species Area Effect

Coccidiosis is one of the most important poultry
diseases worldwide and is ubiquitous, the only limit high Eimeria large mucoid,
to the distribution of this disease is the distribution pathogenicity brunetti intestin bloody
of the hosts. (high e diarrhoea
Cause and clinical signs mortality)
A protozoal parasite which multiplies in the gut,
E. middle mucoid,
specific to different hosts. Not all species of coccidia
necatrix small bloody
are harmful but there are five of the Eimeria species
intestin diarrhoea
pathogenic to chickens, five in turkeys, three in
geese, three in ducks and three in pheasants.
Enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) is present in E. tenella caeca clotted
all coccidia infections and usually accompanied by blood
diarrhoea which may or may not have blood in it.
medium E. high ill-thrift
Poor growth and impaired feed conversion is
pathogenicity acervulina small
common and mortality can be increased.
(low intestin
mortality) e

E. maxima middle mucoid,

and low blood-
small tinged
intestin faeces
low E. mitis high mucoid
pathogenicity and faeces
E. praecox high mucoid
Fig 1: Typical stance of a chick with coccidiosis
small faeces
Transmission intestin
Parasitic phase: the infective oocyst (coccidia egg) e
is eaten by the bird and then multiplies over about 7
High pathogenic coccidia in other species:
days within the gut, thousands of new oocysts
resulting from just one ingested oocyst. Turkey (especially poults): E. adenoeides, E.
meleagrimitis, producing watery diarrhoea and high
Non-parasitic phase: excreted in the droppings, the
oocysts then take 2 days to mature (ideal conditions
25-30ºC and moist) before being ready for the next Duck: Tyzzeria perniciosa: producing mucoid,
host to eat. bloody diarrhoea.
  Goose (mostly goslings): E. anseris, E.nocens
producing mucoid, bloody diarrhoea.E. truncata
There are three types of coccidia in chickens and
parasitises the kidneys causing depression,
this is reflected in the other species:
emaciation, diarrhoea and high mortality.
Pheasant: E. colchici, E. duodenalis, E. phasiani,
all cause enteritis and mortality.
Dayold chicks do not get immunity from their
mother. Birds of any age are susceptible, but most
acquire infection early in life which gives them some
immunity.  Immunity is best kept strong by a low
level of infection, which is what happens on
free-range. Birds kept or reared on litter are more at
risk when the coccidia has conditions which suit it

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such as wet litter. If the birds are also stressed by
environmental factors (cold, overcrowding, poor
ventilation) then disease results. The oocysts are
very resistant to destruction, either by disinfectants
or by drying out and can survive for months or
The species of coccidia have different areas of the
gut which they prefer, some producing the expected
bloody diarrhoea, some producing high levels of
mucus, sometimes white diarrhoea, and others
stunting growth. Infection can show from 3-6 weeks
of age and infective oocysts can be transported by
people looking after the birds. Older birds can
become infected if either their immunity has been
reduced due to being kept on a wire floor (no
access to droppings and therefore no trickle
infection) and then put onto litter, or if environmental
stressors reduce their immunity. The birds generally
look hunched and depressed with or without blood
in the droppings.
Economic Impact
This disease is very common and unless controlled
has a severe economic impact. Even low levels of
infection cause ill thrift and loss of production with
increased mortality. Fig 3:  Intestines with necrotic caeca
Diagnosis Treatment
Clinical signs plus a faecal sample containing Anticoccidial drugs in the feed for only the first 6
oocysts and/or post mortem where the intestines weeks of life which reduce but not eliminate the
are dark purple and the laboratory finds stages of numbers of coccidia has been the norm in order to
the coccidia in the lining of them. let the chicks have a low level of infection and
  therefore acquire immunity. Permitted drugs in feed
are, however, being reduced on an annual basis
across the board.  Resistance to the anticoccidial
drugs has occured.
Free-range reduces the incidence of disease while
still providing trickle infection to boost immunity.
The only product currently licensed for treatment of
a coccidiosis outbreak in chickens is Baycox: this
use is restricted to broiler breeders on the data
sheet (licence details). Sulphonamides can be
ordered from specialist poultry veterinary practices.
On a small scale and where the birds do not enter
the food chain, the pigeon product, Coxoid, is used
by fanciers and small-scale keepers. This contains
amprolium which used to be licensed for chickens
and has proved to be safe.
There are no products licensed for treatment in
Fig 2:  Oocysts in a faecal sample
turkeys and waterfowl but Coxoid has been used
with success. The coccidia life cycle is similar to
chickens and the oocysts persist in the ground for
months or years. Certain compounds are toxic and
lethal to turkeys, particularly the ionophores such as
monensin, lasalocid, salinomicin, narasin and
maduramicin, therefore the label on the feed bag
must be checked to avoid these.
Temperatures above 56ºC and below freezing are
lethal to oocysts, as is desiccation. Oocysts can
stay in sheds despite disinfection unless a specific
oocidal ("egg-killing") disinfectant is used.

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By far the better treatment and prevention for administered once as a solution from a dropper
chickens is the vaccine, Paracox. This contains all bottle to a healthy dayold chick via its mouth. The
seven species of coccidia but these are weakened shelf-life of the product will be 4 weeks, so orders
so that they cause the chicken to mount an immune need to be made with the monthly expected hatch
response but not to become infected. As this is an in mind. Any feed used for vaccinated birds should
industrial product it normally comes in quantities to not contain anticoccidial drugs as this will
treat thousands of birds. Paracox is available from counteract the vaccine. The vaccine can be used on
PHS Pharmacy (01845 577907) with a prescription, unvaccinated chicks up to 9 days old but is most
in 100 and 200 dose containers. Paracox will be effective at dayold.

NADIS seeks to ensure that the information contained within this document is accurate at the time of
printing. However, subject to the operation of law NADIS accepts no liability for loss, damage or injury
howsoever caused or suffered directly or indirectly in relation to information and opinions contained in or
omitted from this document.
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