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Research notes George Johnson

Topic 1
Media Empowerment for Labor Justice: Case Study on SUPPLYCO Kerala: Kerala's
Daily Wage Workers' Conditions, Challenges, and Collective Aspirations.
Objective 1: To examine the current working conditions of daily wage workers in

1.What are the primary sectors in which SUPPLYCO Kerala employs daily wage workers?
2.What are the typical job roles and tasks that daily wage workers perform within the
SUPPLYCO system?
3.How does the wage structure for daily wage workers in SUPPLYCO compare to regular
employees in terms of payment and benefits?
4.What are the standard working hours and conditions that daily wage workers in SUPPLYCO
are subjected to?
5.Are there any documented instances of health and safety concerns for daily wage workers
within the SUPPLYCO workforce?

Objective 2: To analyze the role of media intervention in raising awareness about the
challenges faced by daily wage workers.

1.How often has the media covered stories related to the working conditions of daily wage
workers in SUPPLYCO Kerala?
2.What mediums of media (print, television, online) have been most effective in highlighting the
challenges faced by these workers? Have there been any notable instances where media coverage
has led to increased public attention on the issues of daily wage workers?
3.What themes or aspects of the daily wage workers' challenges are typically emphasized in
media coverage?
4.How has media coverage impacted the general perception of society regarding the importance
of fair treatment for daily wage workers?

Objective 3: To assess the impact of media intervention on influencing public opinion and
policy changes related to the welfare of daily wage workers.
1.Have there been any observable shifts in public opinion towards supporting improved
conditions for daily wage workers after significant media coverage?
2.Can specific policy changes or initiatives be directly attributed to media campaigns focusing on
daily wage worker issues?
3. What challenges have media campaigns faced in translating public awareness into tangible
policy changes?
4.How has the reaction of political and regulatory bodies been influenced by media coverage of
daily wage worker challenges?
5.Have there been instances where media intervention has sparked broader discussions about
labor rights and social justice beyond daily wage workers' concerns?

Objective 4: To explore the potential of the media to empower daily wage workers and
facilitate collective bargaining for improved working conditions.
1.Have there been any cases where media exposure empowered daily wage workers to voice
their concerns collectively?
2.How has media coverage helped in organizing or mobilizing daily wage workers to demand
better working conditions?
3.What role has social media played in amplifying the voices of daily wage workers and
connecting them with broader advocacy movements?
4.Have there been collaborations between media organizations and labor unions to amplify the
workers' demands?
5.How can media platforms be leveraged to provide a platform for daily wage workers to share
their experiences and challenges?

Objective 5: To propose recommendations for optimizing the positive impact of media

intervention on the livelihoods of daily wage workers.
1.Based on the research findings, what strategies can be suggested to enhance the effectiveness
of media campaigns in advocating for daily wage workers?
2.How can media organizations collaborate with local communities, labor unions, and NGOs to
sustain long-term awareness and advocacy efforts?
3.Are there best practices from other regions or industries that can be adapted to the context of
daily wage workers in SUPPLYCO Kerala?
4.What mechanisms could be established to ensure that media coverage results in actionable
policy changes rather than just short-lived attention?
5.How can media coverage strike a balance between raising awareness about challenges and
highlighting the positive contributions of daily wage workers?

Key Notes:

Data from:
1.Salim kumar ( Federal secretary Idukki)
2.Depo : AM, GM, CUSTODIAN (to collect data)
3.Corporation headquarters in Ernakulam
4.started as a method to reduce price inflation
5.AITUC – Supplyco workers federation
6.Krishnan kutty – old manager

1. Two units, daily and packing laborers
2. Pse exam to get in

Topic 2
Media Empowerment for Labor Justice: Case Study on Agricultural
Workers in Idukki District, Kerala

Media Empowerment for Labor Justice: Case Study on Agricultural Workers in Idukki
District, Kerala

● Objectives for this research study:

● To understand the conditions and challenges faced by agricultural workers in

Idukki district.
● To explore the role of the media in empowering agricultural workers and
advocating for their rights.
● To identify strategies for using media to promote labor justice in Idukki district.

● Research questions

● What are the specific conditions and challenges faced by agricultural workers in
Idukki district?
● How can the media be used to empower agricultural workers and advocate for
their rights?
● What role can the media play in promoting labor justice in Idukki district?

Methodologies that could be used in this study:

● Qualitative research methods, such as interviews, focus groups, and participant

observation, could be used to gather data from agricultural workers, media
practitioners, and labor rights activists.
● Quantitative research methods, such as surveys, could be used to collect data on
a larger scale.
● Content analysis of media coverage of agricultural issues could be used to
understand how media frames these issues.

Data could be collected from a variety of sources, including:

● Agricultural workers
● Media practitioners
● Labor rights activists
● Government agencies
● Non-governmental organizations


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Papers done :

 , examines the working conditions of workers in Supplyco Kerala. The paper finds that
workers in Supplyco face a number of challenges, including low wages, long working
hours, and lack of job security.
 "The Trade Union Movement among Workers in Supplyco Kerala" by K. M. Shajahan
(2021) examines the trade union movement among workers in Supplyco Kerala. The
paper finds that trade unions play an important role in protecting the rights of workers in
 "The Impact of Privatization on Workers in Supplyco Kerala" by A. R. Sanalkumar
(2020) analyzes the impact of privatization on workers in Supplyco Kerala. The paper
finds that privatization has led to job losses and a decline in the bargaining power of
workers in Supplyco.
 "The Challenges Faced by Women Workers in Supplyco Kerala" by P. K. Sreekumar
(2019) examines the challenges faced by women workers in Supplyco Kerala. The paper
finds that women workers in Supplyco face a number of challenges, including gender
discrimination, sexual harassment, and lack of childcare facilities.
 "The Health and Safety of Workers in Supplyco Kerala" by P. K. Sreehari (2018)
examines the health and safety of workers in Supplyco Kerala. The paper finds that
workers in Supplyco face a number of health and safety hazards, including exposure to
hazardous chemicals and long working hours.

Key words:

A - Media intervention:

1.Media advocacy

2.Media activism

3.Media watchdog

B - Labour Justice

1.Labor rights

2.worker exploitation

3.Wage theft

C – Daily Wage Workers

1.Informal sector workers

2.Unorganized workers

3.Migrant workers."

D - SUPPLYCO Kerala: This could include keywords such as "SUPPLYCO," "Kerala," and
"garment industry."

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