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Oral Presentation: ___________________________________________________

1 0.75
- S/he!always uses the appropriate grammar - S/he mostly uses the appropriate grammar
- The and structures
sentences are more complex. - There are a few mistakes.

- S/he always uses the vocabulary corre - S/he often uses the vocabulary correctly -
- S/he uses all the vocabulary needed. S/he uses most of the vocabulary needed.


- S/he always holds eye contact with the - S/he mostly holds eye contact with the
audience. audience. S/he sometimes looks somewhere
Eye contact else.

- S/he pronounces everything clearly and - S/he pronounces almost everything clearly
correctly. and correctly.

- It is very well organised. - - It is well organised, but there are a few

Cohesion: use of appropiate linking words. elements that could be placed better.
- There are a few connectors, not very

-It allows the audience to follow the - The object allows the audience to follow the
presentation. presentation.
Visual Support - It really means something to the student - It really means something to the student and
and it can be shown. it can be shown.
- The description is really good and creative. - The description is good, but not impressive.

- S/he has prepared it. - S/he has prepared it.

- S/he talks naturally. - - S/he sometimes needs to check her/his
Preparedness One could easily imagine the object while paper.
being described -It is quite easy to imagine the objecte while
being described
- S/he always uses an appropriate volume. It - S/he sometimes speaks loud, but most of the
is loud enough to be heard. time s/he uses a normal volume.
0.5 0,25
- S/he mostly uses the appropriate grammar and - S/he doesn't use the grammar and structures
structures, but there are some errors. - The appropriately
sentences are not well constructed. - It is full of mistakes.
- It can't be understood.

- S/he sometimes uses the vocabulary. - S/he doesn't use the vocabulary correctly.
- S/he uses some of the vocabulary needed. - S/he doesn't use the vocabulary needed.

- S/he sometimes holds eye contact with the - S/he doesn't hold eye contact with the audience.
audience. Most of the time s/he is looking
somewhere else.

- S/he has some pronunciation problems. - It - S/he can't be understood.

is difficult to understand some words.

- It follows a pattern but it is not that organised. - It is not well organised.

- The object allows the audience to follow the - The object allows the audience to follow the
presentation. presentation.
- It really means something to the student and it - It really means something to the student and it
can be shown. can be shown.
- The description is quite normal/plain. - The description is boring and not catching.

- S/he hasn't prepared it very well. - S/he hasn't prepared it at all.

- S/he needs to read her/his paper. - - S/he reads all the time
It is not easy to imagine the objecte while being -It is quite easy to imagine the objecte while
described being described
- S/he uses a normal volume. - S/he speaks in a low voice.
Name(s): _________________________________________

Self-Assessment Peer Assessment Teacher Assessment

- It lasts between 2:30 - 3 minutes. - It lasts between 2 - 2:30 minutes.
- It lasts 2 minutes. - It lasts less than 2 minutes.


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