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Republic of the Philippines



Subject Bread and Pastry Production

Learning Competency Bake bakery products according to techniques and appropriate
Quarter 1
What were your Hands-on learning, Individual and group responsibility, and Peer
learner-centered feedback and sharing
teaching philosophy
applied in the lesson
that detail the
involvement of the
How did this work? As I entered the school laboratory, a sense of excitement filled the
Narrate the application air. It was time for our bread and pastry production class, and today's
of a personal teaching lesson involved the preparation of delicious banana bread, a favorite
philosophy that details treat among many.
the consistent
involvement of the To set the stage for an interactive and engaging session, I
learners emphasized the importance of hands-on learning, encouraging my
students to actively participate in the entire process. I discussed how
practical application reinforces theoretical knowledge and sparks

To the lesson, I presented the recipe for banana bread and engaged
the students in a conversation about their prior knowledge and
experiences related to baking. They eagerly shared their insights,
forming connections between the theoretical concepts they had
learned and the upcoming practical activity.

With the recipe in hand, the students formed small groups, excited to
embark on their baking adventure. I emphasized individual and
group responsibility, assigning specific roles to each group. Some
were responsible for gathering and organizing the ingredients, while
others focused on measuring and mixing. And I discuss the Standard
Score Sheet for Output and evaluation.

In their respective roles, the students actively engaged in hands-on

learning. They carefully measured each ingredient, discussing the
importance of precision in baking. The groups collaborated
effectively, ensuring that every step was executed with attention to

Throughout the process, the students encountered challenges, such

as deciding the ideal consistency of the batter or adjusting ingredient
quantities for desired flavors. Instead of providing immediate
answers, I encouraged problem-solving and critical thinking. The
students engaged in lively discussions, exploring different solutions
and brainstorming creative ideas.

As the aroma of freshly baked banana bread filled the laboratory, it

was time for the students to evaluate their creations. I facilitated a
peer feedback and sharing session, where each group presented their
banana bread to the class. The students eagerly tasted and critiqued
each other's creations, focusing on flavor, texture, and presentation.

In this supportive environment, students provided constructive

feedback to their peers. They praised each other's achievements,
acknowledging the successful aspects of their banana bread.
Additionally, they offered suggestions for improvement, sharing
their insights on enhancing the overall quality of the baked goods.
Why did this work? These three elements combined create an interactive and engaging
Explain what makes learning environment. Students are actively involved in the learning
the personal teaching process, taking responsibility for their own tasks while collaborating
philosophy work well with others. Peer feedback and sharing allow for a diverse range of
perspectives, promoting critical thinking and reflection. Ultimately,
this teaching philosophy empowers students to become active
participants in their learning journey, fostering a deeper
understanding of the subject matter and developing valuable skills
for their future endeavors.

Hands-on Learning: Hands-on learning actively engages students in

the learning process. By allowing students to directly experience the
preparation of banana bread, they are able to apply theoretical
knowledge in a practical setting. This approach increases student
engagement, as they are actively involved in measuring ingredients,
mixing the batter, and observing the baking process. Hands-on
learning promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter and
enhances retention of information.

Individual and Group Responsibility: Assigning individual and

group responsibilities promotes a sense of ownership and
accountability among students. Each student has a specific role
within their group, which encourages active participation and
collaboration. Students learn to take responsibility for their tasks,
manage their time effectively, and contribute to the overall success
of the project. Individual and group responsibilities also foster
teamwork and cooperation, as students rely on each other's
contributions to achieve a common goal.

Peer Feedback and Sharing: Peer feedback and sharing provide

students with valuable opportunities for learning from one another.
By tasting and evaluating each other's banana bread creations,
students engage in critical thinking and communication skills. They
learn to provide constructive feedback, identify strengths and areas
for improvement, and offer suggestions for enhancement. Peer
feedback promotes a supportive and collaborative learning
environment, where students learn from their peers and develop a
deeper understanding of their own work.

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher II School Principal I
Republic of the Philippines



Subject Personal Development

Learning Competency Discuss an understanding of teen-age relationships,
including the acceptable and unacceptable expressions of
Quarter 2
What were your Establish a safe and inclusive learning environment, Pre-assessment
learner-centered and prior knowledge, and Encourage peer learning and support.
teaching philosophy
applied in the lesson
that detail the
involvement of the
How did this work?
Narrate the application The class begins with a warm and welcoming atmosphere,
of a personal teaching establishing a safe and inclusive learning environment ensuring
philosophy that details students feel comfortable and respected. Through a pre-assessment
the consistent activity, I gauge their prior knowledge and understanding of teenage
involvement of the relationships and attraction. This helps me tailor the lesson to their
learners specific needs.

To encourage active participation and diverse perspectives, I initiate

a class discussion using video clip presetation. I foster a respectful
atmosphere where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts
and experiences without judgment.

I then promote peer learning and support by assigning small group

activities. Each group analyzes scenarios related to teenage
relationships, encouraging collaboration and the exploration of
multiple viewpoints. As students engage in discussions, I provide
guidance and ensure that all voices are heard.

Throughout the class, I continuously offer feedback and guidance,

acknowledging students' contributions and addressing any
misconceptions. I emphasize the importance of empathy and
understanding in discussing sensitive topics.
To conclude the lesson, I assign a reflective writing task where
students individually reflect on their learning and connect it to their
personal experiences and values and to observe their family and
describe how intimacy is expressed among their siblings and
parents.. I summarize the key points covered, express appreciation
for students' active participation, and encourage them to continue
exploring the topic with an open mind.
In the evaluating part, I let students to create a plan on how they can
improve their relationship for the future. (Draw a mind map of your

By applying my learner-centered teaching philosophy, I create an

engaging and inclusive learning experience where students feel
involved, respected, and empowered to explore teenage relationships
and attraction.
Why did this work? In a learner-centered approach, the goal is to actively involve
Explain what makes learners in the learning process and foster their engagement, critical
the personal teaching thinking, and self-reflection.
philosophy work well
Establishing a safe and inclusive learning environment: Creating a
safe and inclusive learning environment sets the foundation for
effective learning. When students feel safe, respected, and
comfortable, they are more likely to actively participate, share their
thoughts, and engage in meaningful discussions. By prioritizing
respect, empathy, and open-mindedness, the classroom becomes a
space where students feel valued and accepted, fostering a positive
learning atmosphere.

Pre-assessment and prior knowledge: Conducting a pre-assessment

allows the teacher to gauge the students' prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic. This information helps the teacher tailor
the lesson to meet the specific needs and backgrounds of the
learners. By starting from the students' existing knowledge base, the
teacher can build upon their understanding, address any
misconceptions, and ensure that the lesson is appropriately
challenging and relevant.

Encouraging peer learning and support: Peer learning and support

have numerous benefits. When students work together in small
groups or engage in discussions, they have the opportunity to learn
from each other's experiences, perspectives, and insights. This
fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and the development of
communication skills. Additionally, peer learning creates a
supportive environment where students can actively listen,
respectfully challenge assumptions, and build on each other's ideas.
This promotes a sense of belonging and enhances the overall
learning experience.
Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher II OIC/Head Teacher III

Republic of the Philippines



Subject Entrepreneurship
Learning Competency Develop a brand name
Quarter 3
What were your Personal Reflection and Association, Real-World Examples,
learner-centered Creative Application
teaching philosophy
applied in the lesson
that detail the
involvement of the
How did this work? The learner-centered teaching philosophy applied in the lesson
Narrate the application includes consistent involvement of the learners through various
of a personal teaching activities and discussions. The lesson encourages active
philosophy that details participation and engagement from the students by posing questions
the consistent and encouraging them to think and express their opinions. I also
involvement of the provides prompts and guides the discussion, but the focus is on the
learners learners' perspectives and ideas.

By asking questions such as "What is marketing mix?" and "What

are the 7 Ps of marketing mix?",I stimulates critical thinking and
encourages students to recall and articulate their knowledge on the
topic. This approach ensures that learners are actively involved in
the learning process, rather than passively receiving information.

Similarly, when discussing effective advertising and promotional

channels, creating compelling messages, and the role of branding in
marketing, I prompts students to think about their own perspectives
and experiences. This approach allows learners to apply their
knowledge and make connections to real-world examples, fostering
a deeper understanding of the concepts.
The inclusion of interactive activities, such as asking students to
name their first thoughts when hearing certain words like "coffee,"
"milk," "toothpaste," and "soft drinks," promotes active engagement
and encourages learners to draw from their personal experiences and

The activity where students are asked to analyze a product's

branding, including its name, package design, and labeling, further
reinforces the learner-centered approach. Students are encouraged to
evaluate the effectiveness of the branding in appealing to the target
market and conveying specific messages or values.

The culminating task of imagining and branding a new product also

empowers learners to apply their creativity and critical thinking
skills. By guiding them through the process of choosing a brand
name, designing the package, and creating labels, the lesson
encourages learners to actively participate in the branding decision-
making process.

The consistent involvement of the learners in discussions, activities,

and tasks fosters a learner-centered teaching philosophy where
students are encouraged to actively engage, express their ideas, and
apply their knowledge in practical contexts.
Why did this work? These approaches aim to actively involve learners in the learning
Explain what makes process, promote critical thinking and application of knowledge, and
the personal teaching encourage personal reflection and creativity.
philosophy work well
In the questioning and Discussion: I poses questions such as "What
is marketing mix?" and "What are the 7 Ps of marketing mix?" to
stimulate critical thinking and encourage students to actively
participate in the discussion.

In personal Reflection and Association: By asking students to reflect

on their associations with words like "coffee," "milk," "toothpaste,"
and "soft drinks," I engages learners in personal reflection and
encourages them to draw from their own experiences.

Real-World Examples: The lesson incorporates real-world examples

when discussing effective advertising and promotional channels,
creating compelling messages, and analyzing successful brands.
This approach helps learners make connections between theoretical
concepts and practical applications.

Creative Application: The culminating task of imagining and

branding a new product encourages learners to apply their creativity
and critical thinking skills in choosing a brand name, designing the
package, and creating labels.
Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher II OIC/Head Teacher III

Republic of the Philippines



Subject Entrepreneurship
Learning Competency Implement the business plan
Quarter 4
What were your Prior Knowledge Activation ,Think-pair share, Open-Ended
learner-centered Questions
teaching philosophy
applied in the lesson
that detail the
involvement of the
How did this work? At the beginning of the lesson, I start by reviewing the concept of
Narrate the application gross profit from the previous session, allowing students to recall
of a personal teaching and activate their prior knowledge. I encourage them to share their
philosophy that details understanding of profit and its formula, creating a foundation for the
the consistent new topic.
involvement of the
learners To introduce the topic of variable costs and fixed costs, I employ
various strategies and techniques that promote learner involvement.
I present examples of variable costs and ask students to think about
costs that change based on the amount of product being made. I
allow them to share their responses, fostering a collaborative and
inclusive learning environment.

During the discussion of variable costs, I facilitate a class discussion

where students can explore and discuss how each example directly
relates to the production of goods or services. I encourage students
to define variable costs based on the examples shared, providing
opportunities for critical thinking and knowledge construction.

Continuing with the learner-centered approach, I also present

examples of fixed costs and discuss how these costs remain
relatively constant regardless of the level of production. This
prompts students to reflect on different types of costs and their
impact on a business.

I incorporate open-ended questions, encouraging students to share

their thoughts and engage in meaningful discussions. I value their
perspectives and allow them to explore different ideas, fostering a
sense of ownership in their learning process.
To further connect the lesson to students' lives, I encourage them to
think beyond the business context and consider situations where
they may encounter variable costs and fixed costs in their own
experiences. This reflection activity promotes personal relevance
and deepens their understanding of the concepts.

By engaging students actively in the learning process, I aim to foster

critical thinking, collaboration, and deeper understanding of the
subject matter.
Why did this work? Active Engagement
Explain what makes The philosophy prioritizes active engagement of students in their
the personal teaching learning process. By encouraging them to participate, share their
philosophy work well thoughts, and engage in discussions, students become active
contributors rather than passive recipients of information.

Relevance and Meaning

The philosophy emphasizes connecting the lesson content to
students' lives and experiences. By providing real-life examples and
encouraging students to reflect on how the concepts apply outside
the classroom, the teaching approach becomes more relevant and
meaningful to students.

Collaboration and Peer Learning

The philosophy promotes collaboration among students through
strategies such as think-pair-share and class discussions.
Collaborative learning allows students to benefit from diverse
perspectives, learn from each other, and develop important social
and communication skills.

Critical Thinking and Reflection

The teaching philosophy incorporates open-ended questions and
reflection activities that encourage students to think critically about
the subject matter. By challenging students to analyze, evaluate, and
apply their knowledge, the philosophy fosters higher-order thinking

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher II School Principal I

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