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Module-1 Exercise

Team Members: Soumil Verma(20MIS0176)

Aavishkar Kar(20MIS0297)
Dhanraj Patil(20MIS0447)
Slot: D1
Website link:
Q.)Exercise of analyzing the interface of using
HCI principles and suggesting improvements based on those
1. Visibility:
• The website's logo and navigation bar are clearly visible, making it clear
what the site is about.
• The colour palette helps consumers associate different areas because it is
generally constant

2. Feedback:
• The amount of feedback is modest. There is no audible or visual
confirmation of successful interactions when clicking on navigation links.

3. Consistency:
• The design is largely constant throughout the website.
• However, there are differences in fonts and font sizes between sections,
which may cause inconsistent results.
4. Affordance:
• The affordance of navigational links and buttons makes it obvious that they
can be clicked.
• More overt visual signals might be used in some sections to draw attention
to interactive components.
5. Prevention and correction of errors:
• How the website addresses mistakes or directs users in the event of errors
is unclear.

6. Usefulness and Flexibility:

• It may be difficult for both inexperienced and expert users to use the
interface because it doesn't appear to adjust based on user proficiency.
7. User Control:
• The menu choices and browser navigation buttons provide users control
over their travels.
Suggestions for Improvement:
1.) Improving Feedback and Visibility
o To make writing easier to read, especially for individuals with visual
impairments, increase the contrast.
o To verify user actions, give visual confirmation when links are
2.) Improve Consistency:
o For a more coherent look, make sure that the font sizes and styles
are consistent throughout the various parts.
o To prevent misunderstanding between parts, keep your colour
schemes consistent.

3.) Clear Affordances:

o Use hover effects or buttons to make interactive items stand out
o For actions like links or downloads, use consistent iconography.
4.) Simplify the Design:
o Reduce words and prioritise content to prevent overwhelming users.
o As an addition to textual content, use visual components like icons
and images.
5.) Error Handling:
o Include detailed error messages to direct users should they run across
o Offer alternative routes and advice on how to fix problems.
6.) Mobile Responsiveness:
o To provide a consistent experience across platforms, make the
website mobile-friendly.

7.) User Guidance and Efficiency:
o Establish a simple, hierarchical navigation menu that directs users to
the appropriate areas.
o To make it easier for users to find what they're looking for fast,
consider including a search bar.

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