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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, with the given varied activities, the children with 80%
accuracy are expected to:
A. Identify the pattern and repeating pattern in a given object.
B. Determine the missing figure in a repeating pattern.
C. Apply knowledge of repeating patterns by letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Patterns
Reference: Math for Smart Learners 1
-PowerPoint Presentation, flashcards, and worksheets
D. Values: Give importance to patterns
III. Routinary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Good morning, class! Good morning, Teacher Sharlaine!

Let us pray first, Grade 1- Joy. Yes, Teacher Sharlaine.

Father in heaven please guide us this day in
our studies and activities so that all of us
Okay, everybody stands up. Let us close our
will be benefited by the teachings our
eyes, bow our heads and feel the presence of teachers will give us. Oh, Lord we know
our God. with your blessings all of your works will be
successful. We promise you Oh Lord that
we will be kind, honest, cooperative and
obedient enough to our teachers, we will do
our best to do our own respective works so
Thank you! Before you take your seat, kindly please guide us. AMEN
pick up those pieces of trash around you.

Then, let us check your attendance. Kim, may

I know who is absent today?
Kim: There is no absent, Teacher Sha.
Very good, Grade 2! All of you are present

Before we start our lesson, let us recall our

classroom rules.

Rule 1 - Sit properly 

Rule 2 - Raise your hand if you want to
Rule 3 - Listen to your teacher. 

Are we clear, class?

Yes, Teacher.
Very good, Grade 1-Joy!

B. Motivation

Before we proceed to our lesson, I want you to

meet Moana.

She asked me if we could help her to fix the

flag of her boat. Would you mind helping her,
Grade 1-Joy?
Yes, Teacher Sharlaine!
That’s great! Now, let’s check her boat.

Oh, no! The flag of her boat has holes. Now,

let us fix it!

Do you see the first shape of the hole? Yes, teacher Sha. It’s a triangle.
Right! The next one is?
The next shape is a circle.
Very good! How about the next shape?
It’s a rectangle again, teacher Sha!
And the next shape? The next shape is a circle again.

That’s right! What do you think is the next

shape? Is it a rectangle or a circle? It’s a rectangle.

Very good! What do you think is the last

shape? It’s a circle the missing piece.

Very good, Grade 1! The circle is the missing

piece! Does the flag of her boat already fix? Yes, teacher Sha!

Good job, Grade 1-Joy! Moana is happy that

you helped her to fix her boat!

C. Presentation

Our lesson for today is about patterns. What

is a pattern?

Pattern- is an arrangement of alternating

forms. These forms can be letters, numbers,
colors, and shapes. They are helpful when
sorting things around us.

Repeating Pattern- is a type of pattern

where you can see the forms again and again.


Kiel: Two colors, teacher.
How many colors do you see?
Sophia: It’s a square and a triangle.
Very good, Kiel! What shapes do you see?

That’s right! Look at the shapes, it is arranged (All students will raise their hands.)
alternately. The first shape is a square, and the
next shape is a triangle. The set is repeated.
With this pattern, what is the missing shape? Zyris: It’s a triangle, teacher.
Yes, Zyris?

You’re right, Zyris! The missing shape is a


Let’s have another example.

The fruits are apples and oranges.

What are the fruits that you see?
(All students will raise their hands.)
That’s right! We have an apple and an orange.
Based on the pattern, what is the missing
fruit? Zoe: It’s an orange, teacher.

Yes, Zoe?

Very good, Zoe! The missing fruit is an


Let’s have another example.

Zach: It’s letter A, teacher.

So, here we have A, A, and then B, B. The
next is A again. Now, what is the missing
letter in this pattern?

Very good, Zach!

Another example:


Matthew: It’s a long pencil, teacher.

Here, we have a long pencil and a short pencil.
In this pattern, what will be the next? Is it a
short or long pencil?
None, teacher Sha!

You’re right, Matthew!

Do you have any questions?

D. Generalization

Again, a Pattern- is an arrangement of

alternating forms. These forms can be letters,
numbers, colors, and shapes. They are helpful
when sorting things around us.

Repeating Pattern- is a type of pattern

where you can see the forms again and again.
In this pattern, we have a star, a circle,
followed by a star. Then, a circle, another star,
and a circle. Since the last shape is a star, the
missing shape is a circle. (All students will give their examples.)

Kindly give an example of a repeating pattern.

E. Application

Since we are done with our discussion, let’s

have an activity.

Directions: Look at each pattern below. Use

the box to complete the pattern by drawing the
missing figure.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Complete the pattern by drawing
the missing figure in the box.

V. Assignment

Directions: On an Oslo paper, draw your

own patterns of a yellow balloon and an
orange ball.

Prepared by: Sharlaine L. Orines

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