SmartICE - Fiche N°2

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File 15 p.

156 • Smart Ice Travail de discrimination auditive

Listen / watch the video again and find the correct word in each pair.
Tip: first read this text and pronounce (aloud or mentally) each pair.

SmartICE is a community-based / immunity-based sea-ice mentoring /

monitoring system that, I think, helps inform decision-making around safe
/ brave travel on ice and also sustainable economic / resource
development in northern communities. Sea ice, as you know, with climate
warming / wearing is getting thinner, less permissible /predictable. When
you become ashamed / afraid of using the sea ice, and sea ice is such a
central / ancestral part of your culture, your well-being, where do you
go to get food/ wood? So if that ice is becoming unpredictable/
unthinkable, or people are afraid / dismayed to use it, then that becomes
a huge issue. We provide reassurance to communities about that
unforgettable / unpredictable sea ice conditions. It gives them more
confidence / dependence to travel their traditional routes. And I think
also, you know, what’s unique / pratique about it is that it reflects
Inuit societal misuse / values. There is nothing like SmartICE in the
world. Nobody has brought all that together to empower / willpower
communities to address their own issues. It’s really important for them
to be able to use their traditional knowledge / college. That’s critical
and that traditional knowledge / college is still vital / special, still
important. What we’re trying to do is to comment / augment that knowledge
/ college with the technology.

The Arctic Inspiration Prize is important because it’s about a knowledge

to action plan. It’s not just about doing research / besmirch, collecting
daycare / data, addressing things maybe in hypothetical concurrences /
circumstances. It’s about “How do you make a difference?”

SmartICE is going to grow over the next arcade / decade … it’s … our
vision is that, it will be in every humanity /community in the Canadian
tactic / Arctic, perhaps also Nebraska / Alaska and Greenland / Finland
and Croatia / Russia. They have all expressed interest in it. SmartICE
opens a door for me to allow communities to be, have greater empowerment
to do research on their own on … on their own minorities / priorities in
their own communities. And if Inuit youth are fully engaged in that, then
SmartICE in itself has been very distressful / successful but it has
triggered something much larger / longer.
Complete the information about the document:



Guess what accent he has: US / Canadian / Irish / Australian / South African

Name of invention: ________________ =

[google it]

Location (where it was tested):_________________

Community involved:

Award won by the project: _____________________

[google it and pick out other winning projects] :

Now put all these elements together to present the video :

To understand more about the project and do the rest of the work more
easily, watch this other great video:

Below is the script. Go further only if you have completed the exercises.
File 15 p. 156 • SmartICE • script

Read the script, check out your previous answers then answer the
questions below.

1 SmartICE is a community-based sea-ice monitoring system that, I think,

helps inform decision-making around safe travel on ice and also
sustainable resource development in northern communities. Sea ice, as you
know, with climate warming is getting thinner, less predictable. When you
5 become afraid of using the sea ice, and sea ice is such a central part
of your culture, your well-being, where do you go to get food? So if that
ice is becoming unpredictable, or people are afraid to use it, then that
becomes a huge issue. We provide reassurance to communities about that
unpredictable sea ice conditions. It gives them more confidence to travel
10 their traditional routes. And I think also, you know, what’s unique
about it is that it reflects Inuit societal values. There is nothing like
SmartICE in the world. Nobody has brought all that together to empower
communities to address their own issues. It’s really important for them
to be able to use their traditional knowledge. That’s critical and that
15 traditional knowledge is still vital, still important. What we’re
trying to do is to augment that knowledge with the technology.

The Arctic Inspiration Prize is important because it’s about a knowledge

to action plan. It’s not just about doing research, collecting data,
addressing things maybe in hypothetical circumstances. It’s about “How do
20 you make a difference?”

SmartICE is going to grow over the next decade it’s our vision is
that, it will be in every community in the Canadian Arctic, perhaps also
Alaska and Greenland and Russia. They have all expressed interest in it.
SmartICE opens a door for me to allow communities to be, have greater
empowerment to do research on their own 25 on, on their own priorities in
their own communities. And if Inuit youth are fully engaged in that, then
SmartICE in itself has been very successful but it has triggered
something much larger.

1/ Find in the script the equivalent to the following French words. Don't
forget the line:
banquise = ; connaissance = ; décennie =
s'occuper de problèmes = ; plus mince =

rassembler des données = ; sûr

prévisible / imprévisible = ; surveiller =

déclencher, provoquer = ; durable =

fournir = ; donner les moyens de =

2/ Written comprehension :

a/ pick out the speaker's definition of his project

b/ What people is mentioned by the speaker?

c/What are the traditional uses of sea ice?

d/ How has climate change affected sea ice?

e/ What are the two effects of SmartICE on traditional knowledge of sea

ice ? [highlight] SmartICE improves / destroys / replaces / preserves it.

f/ Give the positive effects of this technology on the indigenous

communities' daily life :

g/ Pick out the phrase that shows the concrete efficiency of SmartICE:

h/ In the future, the device will be used in ________________ and may

also be used in ___________________________________________

GRAMMAR: direct / indirect speech ; le discours direct et indirect (tuto p.162)


Dans cette vidéo, le scientifique affirme : “cela leur donne plus de confiance pour voyager”

Le professeur a dit que d'autres pays allaient utiliser son invention à l'avenir.

OVER TO YOU! Your task:

Imagine you are a reporter and you have to present the SmartICE project. Record a short

presentation showing how innovative and important this project is. Use the ENT or vocaroo

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