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Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

Higher Education Department

Atimonan, Quezon

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Management

In partial fulfillment of the course

PRAC 600: Apprenticeship

Submitted by:

Joanna Marie B. Canada


Submitted to:

Jorge C. Andanar
Internship Coordinator

A.Y. 2022-2023

I. Apprenticeship Report

1.1 Name of Training Institution: Leon Guinto Memorial College Inc.

Address: 443 Mabini St., Brgy. Zone II Pob., Atimonan, Quezon

Head of Institution: Nestor M. Parafina

Nature of Institution: Private Institution

Function(s) of the Institution: Provides Quality Education

1.2. Unit(s) in the Institution were assigned: Human Resource Department

Address: 443 Mabini St., Brgy. Zone II Pob., Atimonan, Quezon

Name of the Supervisor: Romar Angelo U. Alonzo

Function(s) of the Unit(s): Responsible for managing employees, recruiting,

compensation, and administering employee’s benefits.

1.3. Working Conditions in the Institution/Unit(s)

 Physical Environment

The workplace setup is well-organized, and there is enough natural light, which
improves employees' mood and productivity. Cleanliness and a consistent connection to
the internet are also maintained.

 Working Relation

In the workplace, we develop a strong sense of teamwork. The employees in the

workplace are well-oriented for the task that we are going to accomplish. Sharing each
other's ideas creates a good connection within the workplace.

 Equipment

Employees and interns have access to high-quality work equipment such as

laptops, printers, air conditioning, and other devices. This equipment is available to
everyone so that they can work productively.

II. Historical Background of the Company

About Leon Guinto Memorial College Inc.

Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. was born 1971 out of a merger of Atimonan
Academy and Quezon Memorial School. These prestigious schools were headed by two
educators at Atimonan Academy under the former Judge Mariano V. Eleazar and Quezon
Memorial School under the former Board Member Domingo P. Escasa. The school was named
after the illustrious person named Leon Guinto, Sr. who was a former official of the province.

In the same year, the College Department started its service to the youth of Atimonan,
Initially, it offered Bachelor of Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Bachelor of Arts.
Years after, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration were offered.

2.1. Mission Statement

Leon Guinto Memorial College Inc. aims to maintain a standard of education that will
harness the full potential of each student based on their skills set and aptitudes.

2.2. Vision Statement

Leon Guinto Memorial College Inc. is a community that provides equal for learners to
actively participate in their development as responsible leaders in their chosen fields on
endeavor and cultivates a culture of service to mankind for the greater glory of God.

2.3. Corporate Officers


2.4. Administrative Officers


2.5. Organizational Chart

2.6. Philosophy and Practices

Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. believes that education aims at the total
development of individuals, imbued with knowledge and skills and Filipino values for the
enhancement of nation building.

III. Nature of Work

3.1. Job Assignments

 Encoding of College Faculty load for checker’s template
Week 1  Confirming and updating of room re-assignment for college department
 Sorting and encoding of 201 files of non-teaching and teaching personnel
 Continuation of confirming of and updating or room re-assignments
 Adding of member to the private group for apprenticeship purposes
Week 2
 Encoding of checker’s template for senior high and college department
 Continuation of encoding of checker’s template
 Designing checker’s template for college department
Week 3
 Sorting and encoding 201 files of teaching personnel.

Week 4  Creating of Organizational Chart Template for Senior High Department.

Week 5  Creating of Organizational Chart for College Department.

 Labeling names and sorting files of HRM students for their Clearbrook.
Week 6  Creating template for summary of attendance monitoring
 Giving list of requirements of 201 files for teacher.
 Checking the personal information of the new employees and faculty ID.
 Updating the journal on the respective clear books of all HRM students.
Week 7
 Rechecking and arranging the 201 files of teaching and non-teaching
 Updating employee’s designation in Organizational Chart.
 Updating journal of all HRM students
Week 8
 Creating summary of contract of employment.
 Collecting signatures of college teachers for their teaching loads.
 Distributing ID Basic Education to Teachers and employee
Week 9
 Editing picture’s background of senior high and junior high teacher.
 Rearranging the journals of the HRM students.
Week 10
 Continuation of creating and receiving form for college instructors’ ID.
 Updating the journal on the respective clear books of all HRM students.
Week 11  Creating template for the timekeeping of HRM Students
 Computation of timekeeping of HRM students.
 Computation of timekeeping of HRM students.
Week 12
 Updating of journal of HRM students.
 Computation of timekeeping of HRM students.
Week 13
 Updating of journal of HRM students.
Week 14
 Computation of timekeeping of HRM students.

 Updating of journal of HRM students.

 Creating contract template

 Computation of timekeeping of HRM students.

Week 15  Updating of journal of HRM students.
 Encoding of Lecturer’s Contract
 Consolidation of Leave forms.

3.2. Job Description


3.3. Output

This week, we finish the sorting and encoding of 201 files of Non-Teaching and
Week 1
Teaching Personnel.
This week, all ninety-eight students joined our private group for apprenticeship
Week 2
and finished finalizing college faculty teaching loads for the checker’s template.
This week, we finished designing the checkers template for the college, senior,
Week 3
and junior high departments.
This week, we finished creating the organizational chart for the senior high
Week 4

Week 5 We completed sorting and organizing all HRM students' clear books this week.

Week 6 This week, we finish creating the organizational chart and adding their pictures.

Week 7 This week, we finished sorting and arranging the clear books of all HRM students.

This week, we finished creating a template for the attendance monitoring of

Week 8
This week, we finished updating and designing the organizational chart for
Week 9
This week, we finished creating a template for receiving and distributing ID for
Week 10
basic education teachers and employees.

Week 11 This week, we finished creating a receiving form for the college instructor’s ID.

Week 12 This week, we finished computing timekeeping in HRM Block B.

This week, we finished re-evaluating the computation of timekeeping for all HRM
Week 13

Week 14 This week, we finished creating a contract template for employees.

Week 15 This week, we finished consolidation of leave forms and lecturer’s contract.

3.4. Benefits

The Office of the Human Resources Administrative Services at Leon Guinto

Memorial College Inc. has benefited me a lot from being a student intern. I found out
what the 201 files are, which are employee files; and I computed the timekeeping of
other student interns outside school; I made templates; and I learned basic knowledge
about Excel and Google Drive and lastly, not toxic inside the office.

3.5. Training Problems/Challenges

Maybe the problems and challenges I encountered were due to my long travel
from home to school. All in all, my experience when I interned in the Human Resources
Department was productive because I experienced many things that I had never done
3.6. Suggestions/Recommendations to Improve Training

I don’t think I have any suggestions and recommendations because the task
given to us by our supervisor is okay and really fits our course.

3.7. Suggestions/Recommendations of Supervisor/Trainor to Improve Training

*Ask your supervisor about this matter*

IV. Daily Performance Report


4.1. Journal with Documentations

OJT Apprenticeship Day 1:

Start: March 21, Tuesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

My first day of work as an intern at the Leon Guinto Memorial School (LGMC) in the
Human Resource Department was today. I feel nervous and excited at the same time because I
have no idea what I'm going to do. Then, Sir Romar explains well the work assignment we will
do with my co-intern, Dianne. I started the encoding of the faculty load for Checker’s template.
At first, I was confused about how to execute the task because I was not familiar with G-Drive
shared files. But it was better with it. I and my co-interns work became faster, and the next
task given to us was the arranging of the 201 files of non-teaching and teaching personnel from
A-Z. My first day went well, and I'm looking forward to the rest of my internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 2:


Start: March 22, Wednesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 2nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is the continuation of arranging the 201 files of
teaching and non-teaching personnel. The first thing we do is separate the teaching and non-
teaching personnel at Leon Guinto Memorial College. We arrange their clear book from A-Z.
After that, we get their past envelopes with their personal files inside and put them in the clear
book. We also encode the personal files that are present inside their envelope. And this day
went well too.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 3:


Start: March 23, 2023 - Thursday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 3rd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. I continue working on the unfinished task of sorting and encoding
the 201 files. We create an Excel spreadsheet for both non-teaching and teaching personnel.
On this day, I encode the personal file that I see in their envelope in Excel. In the clear book, I
also organize and sort their personal files. I also keep all teaching personnel's room
designations up to date. Following that, I provide an update and speak with the teachers who
are having issues with their room assignment. We look for rooms that can fit into the schedules
of the teachers, particularly physical education teachers who require a room for discussion.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 4:


Start: March 24, 2023 - Friday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 4th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Finally, it's Friday, the last day of my first week as an intern. I'm
relieved because we've finished sorting and encoding all 201 non-teaching personnel files. We
also spoke with the teacher, who has adjusted to the new classroom. After verifying and
finalizing the teacher's room designation, we will begin working on the checker's template. We
develop an understandable checker's template so that the checker is not confused about how
he will check and monitor the teacher's attendance. These were all the tasks we completed in
one week.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 5:


Start: March 27, 2023 - Monday | 8:00 am – :00 pm

This is the 5th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. And I am looking forward to the new assignment that will be
assigned to me this week. We are not yet finished with the checker's template for college
professors because there are many adjustments that we are making every day. But today we
have a special task that needs to be completed. Sir RA established a private group for all fourth
year HRM students to participate in, and Sir Jorge serves as our coordinator. This group's
mission is to make an important announcement about the internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 6:

Start: March 28, 2023 - Tuesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 6th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We verify that all the members are in the private group in the
morning. Some students did not join the private group because they did not see my personal
message on their messenger, and we notified their friend to relay the message. And finally, we
can complete the 98 students who are required to join the private group. After that, we speak
with the college teachers to confirm which rooms they used for discussion. That was a huge
help in finalizing the checker's template.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 7:

Start: March 29, 2023 - Wednesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 7th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We finalize the checker's template for the college teaching
personnel. We create a template that the checker can easily use to ensure that the teacher's
attendance is accurate. We have completed the editing and finalization of the checker's
template. This template will be ready for printing and is also awaiting Sir Jorge's approval. I
believe we can count this as one of my outputs for the week.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 8:

Start: March 30, 2023 - Thursday | 8:00 am – 7:00 pm


This is the 8th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We completed our work assignment of creating a checker's
template for college teachers. Our next task is to design a checker's template for the senior
high school teacher. It was the same procedure we use with college teachers. Sir RA provided
us with a plotted schedule for senior high school teachers, which is more convenient because it
is a schedule for an entire class. We needed to finish it today so that we could test it on
Monday. So, we worked an extra two hours to complete our task. And after two hours of
rendering, we finally finished the template for senior high school; it was a long but fruitful day.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 9:

Start: March 31, 2023 - Friday | 8:00 am – 7:00 pm


This is the 9th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Finally, it's Friday, the last day of my second week as an intern.
We started the day by doing the junior high school checker's template after finishing our task
from yesterday. This day is also the same as the previous one. But we must complete it
immediately because it is urgent. So, we put in another two hours of overtime to complete our
task, and thanks to God, we completed it.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 10:

Start: April 1, 2023 - Saturday | 8:00 am – 12:00 pm


This is the 10th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We decided to go in for a half-day check and find out what might
be a problem if the checker did it himself, while also meeting the other teachers that weren't
familiar to us in the college department. And the result of our checking for the template for
checkers was fine.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 11:

Start: April 3, Monday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 11th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We already finished the encoding of room assignments for all
college teachers and finished the design for the checkers template, which is ready to print. We
now wait for the approval of our department head.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 12:

Start: April 4, Tuesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 12th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our next task is the continuation of the designing of the checkers
template for the senior high department; this is the same process as in the college department.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 13:

Start: April 5, Wednesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 13th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our next task is sorting and encoding the 201 files of all teaching
personnel. We sorted and put the personal data on the clear book alphabetically.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 14:

Start: April 11, Tuesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 14th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We continue the unfinished task of sorting and encoding the 201
files of all the teaching personnel. This week is also College Culture, Arts, and Sports (CCAS)

OJT Apprenticeship Day 15:

Start: April 12, Wednesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 15th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. A few teachers who left yesterday must encode and sort their
files. When we're finished, I sort their clear book alphabetically by surname. I also compiled a
list of teachers who lack clear books or personal data.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 16:

Start: April 13, Thursday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 16th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc After we finish sorting and encoding the 201 files of non-teaching
and teaching personnel, our next task is creating an organizational chart. We ask Ma'am Dari
for the details of the SHS and JHS teachers to create a template for the organizational chart.

 OJT Apprenticeship Day 17:

Start: April 14, Friday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 17th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc my next task is continuation of creating a template for
organizational chart. I’m feeling excited today because this day is the short film viewing day.
This week is awesome week for me.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 18:

Start: April 17, Monday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 18th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc We continued to create a template for the organizational chart for
the senior high department.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 19:

Start: April 18, Tuesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 19th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. On the following day, the task given to us was to create the
organizational chart for the college department.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 20:

Start: April 19, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 20th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. The next day is the continuation of creating the organizational
chart for the college department. and We encoded the unfinished professors from yesterday.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 21:

Start: April 20, Thursday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 21st day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We finished the organizational chart for senior high, junior high,
and minor changes in the college department.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 22:

Start: April 24, Monday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 22nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We've already finished the organizational chart template. Our
next task is labeling names and sorting the portfolios of all HRM students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 23:

Start: April 25, Tuesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 23rd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. The second day is the continuation of labeling and sorting the
portfolios of HRM students and checking the complete details of the journals and DTR.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 24:

Start: April 26, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 24th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is sorting the clear book arrangements, which
are already finished. And the next task is creating a flow chart, but before that, our department
head held a meeting on how to process creating the flow chart.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 25:

Start: April 27, Thursday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 25th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. We start searching and creating a sample job description for the
list of employees here at LGMCi.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 26:

Start: April 28, Friday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 26th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is to continue creating job descriptions for

OJT Apprenticeship Day 27:

Start: April 29, Saturday| 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

This is the 27th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today we have been given a special task to do. We are required
to get the teachers signatures on their individual college teaching loads, which is the work that
has been given to us. Additionally, we provide the teachers who lack data with the list of
requirements for 201 files.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 28:


Start: May 2, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 28th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task is to double-check the details of the new IDs for
employees and faculty. And that’s all for today.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 29:

Start: May 3, Wednesday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 29th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is checking the formats of journals and updating
the templates for record-keeping purposes.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 30:


Start: May 4, Thursday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 30th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is sorting and arranging their clear books from A-Z.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 31:

Start: May 5, Friday | 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 31st day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is double checking, updating, and arranging files

OJT Apprenticeship Day 32:


Start: May 8, Monday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 32nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is to revise the organizational chart of the
employee. Because some of the details were updated.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 33:

Start: May 9, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

This is the 33rd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. And the task for today is updating the summary of the contracts of

OJT Apprenticeship Day 34:


Start: May 10, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 34th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is updating the journal of HRM students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 35:

Start: May 11, Thursday| 8:00 am – 7:40 pm

This is the 35th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our assignment today is to sort, arrange, and update the 201
files of teaching and non-teaching employees.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 36:


Start: May 12, Friday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 36th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is updating the job description of employees.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 37:

Start: May 13, Saturday| 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This is the 37th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task is to collect the signatures of teachers for their faculty
teaching load, and we also gave them the list of requirements to comply with.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 38:


Start: May 14, Sunday| 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

This is the 38th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is to wait for the submission of HRM students’
journals, and while waiting, we continue to give the teacher the list of requirements and get
their signature.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 39:


Start: May 15, Monday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 39th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today is Monday, and our task is to check the details before we
distribute the identification cards (I.D.) of the senior high department. And after that, we
deliver them one by one.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 40:


Start: May 16, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 40th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is the continuation of the distribution of
identification cards (I.D.) to employees.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 41:


Start: May 17, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 41st day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is to edit the pictures of employees and college
teachers on white backgrounds.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 42:

Start: May 18, Thursday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 42nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is updating the organizational chart.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 43:

Start: May 19, Friday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 43rd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is to create a template for the attendance policy.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 44:

Start: May 22, Monday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 44th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is updating the weekly journal of HRM interns
handle by Sir Jorge.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 45:

Start: May 23, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 45th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task is to sort and arrange the journals one by one to have
space for the next submission.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 46:

Start: May 24, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 46th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is to continue sorting and arranging the journals
one by one to have space for the next submission.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 47:

Start: May 26, Friday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is the 47th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task for today is creating a receiving and status form for 201
files, a receiving form file, and sorting faculty teaching loads.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 48:

Start: May 29, Monday| 8:00 am – 5:30 pm


This is the 48th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today is Monday, and this is the start of the week again. My task
today is to update and insert the journals in their respective clear books, including the weekly
journals of all HRM students under Sir Jorge Andanar. This day is fine, and that’s all for today.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 49:

Start: May 30, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 49th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is to continue with the attendance policy
template. After that, Sir RA told me to follow up with Sir Ian for the ID of the college
department. And after a while, we also insert the journals in their respective clear books for the
student of HRM.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 50:

Start: May 31, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 50th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is to insert the faculty teaching load of individual
teachers in their separate clear books, finish it in the same day, after that we create a template
for the timekeeping of the HRM student apprenticeship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 51:

Start: June 1, Thursday| 8:00 am – 6:15 pm


This is the 51st day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. The task we have for today is to maintain track of the HRM
student apprentice's daily time records that they consumed during the duration of their

OJT Apprenticeship Day 52:

Start: June 2, Friday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is the 52nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task for today is the continuation of timekeeping for the HRM
student apprenticeship to monitor their daily time record they consumed throughout the entire
internship journey.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 53:

Start: June 5, Monday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is my 53rd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is to organize and place all the submitted
journals for HRM students in their corresponding clear books. After we're done, we'll put it in
alphabetical order.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 54:

Start: June 6, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 5:05 pm


This is my 54th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our objective for today is to keep track of the HRM student
apprentice's daily time records and monitor them throughout the duration of their internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 55:

Start: June 7, Wednesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is my 55th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our goal for today is to keep track of the HRM student
apprentice's daily time records and monitor them throughout the duration of their internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 56:

Start: June 8, Thursday| 8:00 am – 6:15 pm


This is my 56th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is the same process as yesterday; there is no new
task today.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 57:

Start: June 9, Friday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

This is my 57th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. There is no new task for today. So, after a brief break, we
resume our timekeeping calculations for HRM Block. students in C. I just updated the DTR with
the names of the students who turned in journals.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 58:

Start: June 13, Tuesday| 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is my 58th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is to organize and place all the submitted
journals for HRM students in their corresponding clear books. After we're done, we'll put it in
alphabetical order.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 59:

Start: June 14, Wednesday| 8:34 am – 5:00 pm


This is my 59th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today One of my co-interns had an emergency in her House, And
Ma'am Ren and Sir Romar went to NU for a seminar on dole. The case is that I have a problem
with my skin; I have a lot of itching all over my body, so I can't focus on my task. But still, I
continue the task for today, which is the continuation of monitoring the daily time records.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 60:

Start: June 15, Thursday| 10:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is my 60th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our objective for today is to keep track of the HRM student
apprentice's daily time records and monitor them throughout the duration of their internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 61:

Start: June 16, Thursday| 9:00 am – 5:00 pm


This is my 60th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task for today is the continuation of the daily time record
tracking of HRM students.

It's also a sad day because we found out that our supervisor is leaving the office and
will be moving to the cashier position. And this is also the day we agreed to dine out together
with my co-interns.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 62:

Start: June 19, Monday| 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm


This is my 62nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task is to organize and put each of the HRM students'
submitted journals in its corresponding clear book. When arranging their journals, I calculated
their rendering time in their DTR. When it's done, we'll arrange them by block and

OJT Apprenticeship Day 63:

Start: June 20, Tuesday| 8:04 pm – 5:07 pm


This is my 62nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task today is the continuation of the student's HR
timekeeping calculation. We track and compute their timekeeping in the Excel file. We verify
their timekeeping twice and ensure the DTR information in the Excel file is correct.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 64:

Start: June 21, Wednesday| 12:49 pm – 5:10 pm


This is my 64th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our objective for today is to keep track of the HRM student
apprentice's daily time records and monitor them throughout the duration of their internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 65:

Start: June 22, Thursday| 8:17 am – 5:45 pm


This is my 65th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task for today is the continuation of the daily time record
tracking of HRM students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 66:

Start: June 23, Friday| 9:06 am – 7:00 pm


This is my 66th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our task for today is the continuation of the daily time record
tracking of HRM students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day:

Start: June 26, Monday|




OJT Apprenticeship Day 67:

Start: June 27, Tuesday| 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


This is my 67th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Our objective for today is to keep track of the HRM student
apprentice's daily time records and monitor them throughout the duration of their internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 68:

Start: June 29, Thursday| 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


This is my 68 th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon

Guinto Memorial College, Inc. we started by sorting the journals that the HRM students had
submitted and placing them in the appropriate transparent books. While doing this, I computed
their time in the DTR they submitted. Since students are enquiring about their OJT experience,
I complete this rapidly. I predict that some students will have finished 600 hours of OJT this
week based on our office's data.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 69:

Start: June 30, Friday| 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


This is my 69th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today, we sorted the 201 files once more. All College instructors'
201 files were double-checked, and we made note of whether they had already applied for
benefits like SSS, PHILHEALTH, and PAG-IBIG. In addition, we consider their credentials,
including TOR, PRC, master's, and doctoral degrees. To compile the 201 files for all employees
and teachers, we created a new spreadsheet. All 201 files for college instructors were finally
recorded and organized.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 70:

Start: July 3, Monday| 08:40 am – 12:30 pm


This is my 70th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today, I continued to calculate and update the journal for the
HRM Students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 71:

Start: July 4, Tuesday| 08:28 am – 5:28 pm

This is my 71st day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is to continue to calculate and update the journal
for the HRM Students and re-arrange the leave form alphabetically.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 72:

Start: July 5, Wednesday| 08:20 am – 5:10 pm


This is my 72nd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is listing the dates on which the student will finish
the OJT.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 73:

Start: July 6, Thursday| 08:28 am – 5:35 pm

This is my 73rd day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task today is to update and insert the journals in their
respective clear books, including the weekly journals of all HRM students.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 74:

Start: July 7, Friday| 08:48 am – 6:00 pm


This is my 74th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. My task for today is to keep track of the HRM student
apprentice's daily time records and monitor them throughout the duration of their internship.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 75:

Start: July 10, Monday| 09:48 am – 5:15 pm


This is my 75th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today, I continued to calculate and update the journal for the HR
Students. After that, Sir RA ordered me to punch the leave forms of employees and teachers,
and then I encoded the contract for the Lecturer’s Contract.

OJT Apprenticeship Day 76:

Start: July 11, Tuesday| 08:52 am – 6:00 pm


This is my 76th day of my internship here in the Human Resource Department at Leon
Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Today, my task was the consolidation of leave records; later, I
also assisted the student to sign their MOA, and while waiting, I also encoded the Lecturer’s

4.2. Supervisor’s Evaluation


4.3. Certificate of Completion


4.4. Daily Time Record


V. Appendices

5.1. Resume

5.2. Letter of Intent


5.3. Letter of Endorsement


5.4. Parental Consent


5.5. Photocopy of I.D.


VI. On-The-Job Training Journey Pictures

Week 1 – Encoding of College Faculty Teaching Loads for Checker’s Template.

Week 2 – Sorting and Encoding of Non-Teaching and Teaching 201 files.

Week 3 – Designing the Checker’s Template for College Department.


Week 4 – Sorting and Encoding 201 files of teaching personnel.

Week 5 – Creating Organizational Chart for College, Senior and Junior High

Week 6 – Labeling Names and Sorting Files of HRM Students for their Clearbooks.

Week 7 – Checking the Personal Information of the New Employees and Faculty ID and
Creating Template for Attendance Monitoring of Teachers

Week 8 – Creating Summary of Contract of Employment and Collecting signature of

College Teacher for their Teaching Loads.

Week 9 – Distributing of ID to Basic Education Teachers and Employee.

Week 10 – Creating attendance policy template.

Week 11 – Creating a receiving and status form for 201 files.


Week 12 – Sorting and Arranging journals of all HRM Students.

Week 13 – Creating template for timekeeping of HRM Students.


Week 14 – Updating 201 files of all college instructor and Continuation of monitoring of
timekeeping of All HRM Students.

Week 15 – Cretaing Lecturer’s Contract and Consolidation of Leave form.


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