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Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc.

Higher Education Department

Atimonan, Quezon

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Human Resource Management

In partial fulfillment of the course

PRAC 600: Apprenticeship

Submitted by:

Israel Z. Alcratis

Submitted to:

Jorge C. Andanar, CPA

Internship Coordinator

A.Y. 2022-2023
OJT Apprenticeship Day 1:

Start: March 27, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

On my first day I’m with my friend and she’s also my classmate, we go to the HR office
and look for Ms. Kerry an HR manager in Ospital ng Paranaque but Ms. Kerry is not on duty that
day but the HR staff assist us. We were told that we should go to the conference room for the
orientation with other students from senior high school and college that also be taking On the
Job Training there. In the orientation they told and show us about the rules, their dress code or
the clothes that we need to wear in the OJT, their organizational chart or the head of every
department. The HR staff also told us that we are not allowed to take pictures inside the
hospital especially the information of the hospital and the patients. After the orientation they
toured us to the hospital so we could get acquainted with the place and where the offices were.
I also familiarize the surroundings inside the hospital so it is easy for me to adjust. After that
we go to the department that assigned to us.

The department that assigned to me is the billing and to be honest I was very nervous
when I entered the office at first, I introduced myself and they also introduce themselves. I feel
very welcome and they also treat me an Iced coffee even it is just my first day. Then Ma'am
Claire taught me how to encode the patients bill, I separated the pharmacy or drugs and
medicines bill, the ward/csr or non-drugs bill, laboratory bill, radiology or X-ray bill, oxygen bill
and so on. I encoded the bill that they need to pay in the hospital.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 2:

Start: March 28, 2023, Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

On this day, I still feel a little nervous but thankfully that their personalities are just like
my friend so I think it will be easy for me to adjust. They always make sure that I will not feel
left out or not welcome so they always talk to me and I can say that they are all approachable.
The office is always busy and they always have work to do and I am happy that I can help to
lessen their work.

In the morning, Ma'am Marvie told me to write the names of the patient's doctors on
their record and then put her signature in the paper that has her name using stamp. I did the
same thing in the afternoon, but it was Ma’am Claire was the one who told me to do it.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 3:

Start: March 29, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

On my third day, I met a new employee in the billing department and it was Ma'am
Jonna. Ma’am Jonna is also kind and approachable just like the others. This day, I still did the
same thing I did in my second day but the one who ordered me to do it is Ma’am Yvette and
just like I did in my second day I wrote the doctor's name of the patients and if there was a
doctor’s name stamp, I just stamp it so I didn’t need to write it anymore.

I also help ma’am Yvette to consolidate the patient’s new bill that the doctors,
pharmacy, csr etc. give to billing. We consolidate the same name and after that I encoded the
patient bill to excel.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 5:

Start: March 30, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

On this day, I have met a new people again in the billing department and he is also an
employee and two intern like me. I'm happy that someone came in the department that intern
just like me.

What I did today is encode the bill that not yet encoded in December 2022 and the total
in the iHomis app should be tallied to the total in excel if the total is not tally it means that I
encoded something wrong or they encode something wrong before so I have to look again and
change what is wrong. It is so hard because I need to put every medicine that they get in
pharmacy, what they use in laboratory, radiology, operating room like for example the syringe,
gloves, cap, mask, etc. and I also need to encode how much the bill in laboratory, x-ray,
operating room. I am not familiar with other drugs or medicine or in any other stuff so It is so
hard for me at first.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 5:

Start: March 31, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, we are just six people in the office (4 employees and 2 OJT’s) because they had
scheduled that need to follow and Renzo (Intern in Billing) is sick so he can’t go to the office
that’s why we are just 2 interns.

What I did today is Consolidate, Writing and Encoding those new patients that admitted
in the hospital. In the envelope I write the full name of the patient and what type of room they
are in (ex. ER, OBW). and encode their name and their bill in the excel and then look in the
iHomis app if they are in ER (Emergency Room), OBW etc. so I will know what will I write in the
envelope. After that I will put their bill paper in the envelope and consolidate the ER, OBW, etc.
I also calling and answered call in the telephone.
Daily Time Record
March 27-28, 2023 | Monday - Friday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 6: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 3, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This day, Ma’am jona told me that our OIC give us something to do which is encoding
like I always do and Ma’am jona also told me to teach my co-intern how to encode charges in
iHomis. I’m not good explaining or teaching but I tried my best for them to understand.

I had a problem with encoding in iHomis because iHomis and excel total of charges is
not tallied, so I went through and find what was wrongly encoded and I saw that in excel what
was wrongly encoded, instead of 165 pesos, only 16 pesos were encoded. We can't change the
ones in excel because the only thing we are encoding is in iHomis so I don't know what to do so
I just let it go for now and I will just ask when ma'am gichelle is duty.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 7: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 4, 2023 Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

What I did today is I just continued what I am doing yesterday which is encoding the
charges in the month of December year 2022. I told them that I won't be able to duty
tomorrow until Tuesday of April 22, 2023 because I'm going to Atimonan, Quezon for holy week
and my family also went there so I could be with them. I have also finished encoding the
charges that ma’am gichelle give to me.

I learned a Strategy so it won't be difficult for me to check what has been encoded and
what hasn't. I take a picture in my phone and then I draw a line in the charges that have been
encoded so I will know what charges I need to encode.
Daily Time Record
April 3 - 4 2023 | Monday & Tuesday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 8: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 12, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I just came back from vacation and they ask me why I am absent yesterday and I
answer them that I was absent because of the heavy traffic I arrived in laguna (my aunt’s
house) at 12 midnight and I can't go to the dorm at that time so I will just go home in the
morning. I gave them banana chips as a present from Atimonan, Quezon and they loved it.

Ma'am Gichelle left a note about what we were going to do today because Ma'am is not
on duty from Wednesday to Friday so she just left what we OJTs would do but the two OJTs is
absent because they had an event at their school. As I always do, I encoded charges in the
months of December and February and then I left March for macky and Renzo (intern). I didn't
finish what I was doing, so I continued it the next day. This day, I also went to the HR office
because Ma'am marvie asked me to get something.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 9: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 13, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, I got to the office early and there is no one in the office yet so I have to wait for
a regular employee to come in today. When ma'am yvette arrived she told me that if I was first
that go in the hospital, I am allowed to open the office and she showed me where to get the

What I'm going to do is just finish what I'm encoding that I didn't finish yesterday.
Macky and Renzo (interns) is also duty today and one of them did something different, so I only
gave the other one the charges that we need to encode. When it was lunch break, Macky,
Renzo and I had lunch together and we ate at mcdo and in the afternoon I just continued the
encoding in iHomis. Then I was ordered by Sir Jess to go to the medical records to return the
birth certificate that was taken there.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 10: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 14, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, I got to the office early again and I was the one who open the office. I’ve just
finished what ma'am gichelle asked us to do yesterday, so I asked what I should do now and
ma'am marvie said just wait for the charges. New charges were brought by other departments
and Renzo (intern) and I consolidated it by name and encoded the charges on patients. There
are also charges for new patients so we encoded it. What we do is open iHomis because that's
where we can see which room the patients are in. If it is in a medical ward, emergency room or
OB ward. At lunch, Ma'am princess ate with interns (me, macky, and Renzo) and she treat us
lunch and Iced coffee at McDonalds.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 11: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 15, 2023, Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, only four of us went to the office. They said that there are really fewer people
coming in every weekend and then the two interns like me didn't go in either, so I was a bit I'm
not used to being quiet in the office because it's not quiet on weekdays. There weren't that
many people coming for their charges. Our OIC gave me food and coffee to eat breakfast.

Maam gichelle looked for charges that have not been encoded yet in the month of
march this year and then I encoded it again in iHomis as usual. When the charges from
pharmacy, medical ward, and others the new charges are complete. I prioritized because it
needs to be finished first. I consolidate it by name and after that I encode the charges to excel.
And after that I back to what I always do, I encoded the charges in March and needed to tally
those in iHomis to excel. Our OIC taught me what will I do if the total is not tallied even I
encoded all the charges.
Daily Time Record
April 12 - 15 2023 | Wednesday - Saturday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 12: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 17, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Last Saturday,I was told by the OIC of billing that she will give me an assignment that I
will do in Monday. So that's what I did today. I've been encoding the charges on the iHomis
System for the months of March and April. Ma’am marvie told me to teach Jairo (intern) how to
consolidate and encode new charges from other departments. I also taught her how to encode
new patients on excel.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 13: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 18, 2023 Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I continue to encode the charges for the month of April and March. I also have been
responsible for the charges of discharge of patients. I also go to Storage room 6 th floor to bring
the box. In the afternoon, ma’am gichelle treat us iced coffee.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 14: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 19, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I am done encoding the charges for the month of April to March but ma’am gichelle told
me to get the charges of April 3-9, 2023 that I will also encode in iHomis System. So, I just look
for it in the box and continued to encode.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 15: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 20, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today is the birthday of one of the employees in billing department and she treat us in
mcdonald for our lunch. I continued to encode the charges in iHomis System for the month of
March. I also went to director’s office because ma’am Yvette told me to bring something.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 16: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 21, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This day, I'm consolidating the new charges because the only duty today is ma’am jona,
sir chacon and the two new interns. So, I’m incharge in consolidating and encoding charges
from pharmacy, CSR and others. After that, I helped Brian (intern) with encoding on iHomis and
how to tally the iHomis and excel total amount because he was still confused on what he is
doing. The iHomis system was down so we didn't do much.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 17: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 22, 2023, Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Just like what I did yesterday, I consolidated the new charges and then put the prices
on the charges such as drugs, non-drugs, radiology, laboratory and so on because we needed
price so we can encode it in excel. I also taught Brian to consolidate and encoding new charges
and patients. And as I always do, I'm also encoding charges from April 1-10, 2023 in the ihomis
system. I’m happy because I didn't make any mistakes with encoding and I always tallied the
total Amount.

In the afternoon, the iHomis system was down. So I just help Jairo (intern) with
encoding the patients name that have Philhealth. She told me what will I do. We only encoded
the patient's name and how much the refund they have in Philhealth or reimbursement. After
that we search the Member Pin on the Philhealth website and look who’s the member and
encode it in excel.
Daily Time Record
April 17–22, 2023 | Monday to Saturday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 18: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 24, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This day, I searched for patients in the files with possible reimbursement at PhilHealth,
exceeded their hospital bill to philhealth discount and the hospital bill is same with the
Philhealth discount and I write it in the paper. So, we won't have any trouble searching the
storage room because our priority to find is the patients that have reimbursement.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 19: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 25, 2023 Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I’m the first one who came in the office, so I’m the one who open the door and turn on
the aircon and the computers. I’m not done searching for the patient’s reimbursement so I just
continued it today.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 20: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 26, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, I still not done with what I’m doing on Monday and yesterday so I just continued
to search if the patients had a reimbursement or Philhealth refund. After that, I just help Jairo
to encode the name of the patients in excel. I use google lens and copy and paste the text so I
don’t need to type it one by one. We also encode how much the philhealth discount they have.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 21: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 27, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I encoded the papers of sir chacon and It is also about the philhealth reimbursement in
the month of July 2022. I didn’t finish encoding because in the afternoon we need to go to
storage room to find the envelope.

After lunch break, we go to the storage room and find the envelope of the patient. We
prioritize to find the patient that have reimbursement in philhealth but we also looked for the
envelope that excess in hospital bill in the philhealth and the philhealth is same amount in the
hospital bill.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 22: Billing/Philhealth Office

April 28, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I finish the encoding that I didn’t done yesterday and after that I search the member pin
or Philhealth number of the patients in the philhealth website and I encode the name of the
member of that philhealth number. Renzo help me to search because we need to find it in
Monday in the storage room. In the afternoon I search the name of the patient in the files and
write in the paper if they have reimbursement or if they excess the hospital bill in philhealth. I
didn’t finish my task so I will just continue searching in Monday.

I also go to the pediatric ward because Ma’am marvie asked me if is it okay that I’m the
one who asked for the signature of the doctors. I go to the nurse station first and asked the
nurse if I am allowed to go to those doctors so they can sign the papers. Me, Renzo and Bryan
go to storage room to looked for the envelope.
Daily Time Record
April 24–28, 2023 | Monday to Friday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 23: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 01, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today I consolidate and encode the new charges for the bill of the patients. After that I
search if the patients have a Philhealth reimbursement in the files and I write the people with
reimbursement so it is easy to find it in storage room.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 24: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 02, 2023 Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

There are three new interns in Billing and tomorrow is the last day of Renzo and Macky
they treat us pizza. And I continued to encode the patient that have Philhealth Reimbursement.

In the afternoon, Ma’am gichelle, Renzo, bryan, Edward, Jairo and me go to the storage
room to find the envelope of the patients or Philhealth member that have reimbursement.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 25: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 03, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today is the last day of Renzo and macky (interns). I’m so sad because they are the
closest person to me in the billing department. Ma’am Marvie told me to go in 5 th floor medical
ward and get the signature of three doctors but only one doctor is duty that day. Ma’am Girlie
our boss in accounting treats us lunch.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 26: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 04, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Just like I always do, I consolidate the new charges and encoded it in excel. Bryan helps
me to encode. After that I encoded the charges slip in iHomis and I need to tally it in excel. I
also go to front to entertain and answer the question of the patient’s guardian. And I also print
the bill of one patient today.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 27: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 05, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I consolidate and encoded the new charges from another department. I also encode in
iHomis System. In the afternoon, I go to the doctor to signed the paper but the nurse told me
that he is not duty today.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 28: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 06, 2023, Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I consolidate the new charge slip form Operating Room, Delivery Room, Pharmacy,
Laboratory Room, OB Ward, Medical Ward, and Central Supply Room. After that, I encoded it in
excel and I also encoded the charge slip in iHomis for the month of April. Just like I did before I
need to tallied it in excel.
Daily Time Record
May 1-6, 2023 | Monday to Saturday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 29: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 08, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, like I always do. I consolidate and encode the new charge tickets from another
department. After that I encoded the patient’s name in the excel and search in Philhealth
website who is the Philhealth members.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 30: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 09, 2023 Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

My work routine is to consolidate and encode the new charge ticket that comes from
another department. Bryan (Intern) helps me to do that.

Me and other intern go to Information Technology department to request an ID and

they are so fast because after 1 hour they already give our ID's. After that I just continued to
encode the Philhealth reimbursement.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 31: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 10, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today I just do my work routine which is consolidating and encoding the new charge
ticket that other department give. Angelica and Edward (Interns) help me to do that. In the
afternoon, Sir chacon ask me to go in admitting and get the signed of the head there for his
leave form. I am done encoding the Philhealth Members so the next step is I need to search in
files and looked if they have a possible Philhealth reimbursement.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 32: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 11, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I just continued to do my work routine and Bryan help me to do that. I go the admitting
office to get the signed of doc darius for the trip ticket of Ma’am Claire and Sir Chacon, after
that I give the trip ticket to the ambulance driver. I also go to the OBW to get signed the
Philhealth paper by the doctor there, but the nurse told me that the doctor is off today. In the
afternoon, We also go to the human resource department to give the leave form of Ma’am
OJT Apprenticeship Day 33: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 13, 2023, Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I consolidate the new charge slip form Operating Room, Delivery Room, Pharmacy,
Laboratory Room, OB Ward, Medical Ward, and Central Supply Room. After that, I encoded it in
excel and I also encoded the charge slip in iHomis for the month of April. Just like I did before I
need to tallied it in excel. I also write and check if the philhealth member/patient have a
possible reimbursement.
Daily Time Record
May 8-13, 2023 | Monday to Saturday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 34: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 15, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today is my birthday. When I go to the office, I was shock because I didn’t know that
billing fam will surprise me. They give me a present and they also treat me. I am so happy
because even I am just an Intern, they treat me like their co-worker.

I did my daily work routine which is consolidating and encoding the charge tickets. And
also adding the new patients that admitted today in the files. There’s a lot of charge tickets
today so I didn’t finish it in the morning so I just continued to encode after lunch.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 35: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 16, 2023 Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I do my work assignment and brynette, Edward and Angelica help me to do that

because there is a lot of charge tickets today. We finish it early even it’s a lot because they help
me to encode. After consolidating and encoding I help brynette and Edward to encode in
iHomis and tallied it in the total bill of the patients. Encoding in iHomis and checking if it is
tallied in excel file makes me remember my first-year college days that we also had to the
tallied the debit and credit in Fundamental of Accounting subject.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 36: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 17, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

My day began by doing my everyday work routine. I consolidate the charge ticket name
by name just like I am playing solitaire. After that I encoded the charges of the patients in
there excel file.

I also continued to encode the charge ticket in iHomis. Encoding in iHomis is hard to
understand at first because just like I said before I am not familiar with the medicine and other
charges. But right now, I feel very happy because I can tally the total in iHomis and total in
excel file even the charge ticket of the patient is many.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 37: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 18, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This morning I go early to the office, and I’m the one who opens the office. I eat
breakfast and drink coffee before I start my work. After my breakfast, I start to do my daily
task, which is consolidating and encoding. When I was already done with my task, I started to
encode the charge tickets in iHomis for the month of April. I also go to the third floor in medical
records with Ma'am Marvie, and we get something there. We also go to the fifth floor to get the
signature of the doctor, but apparently the doctor is not on duty today.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 38: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 19, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

I started my day by doing my task. I consolidate and encode the charge tickets, or the
bills, of the patients in the pharmacy, laboratory, operating room, csr, and others. After that, I
continued to encode the charge tickets in iHomis, and we finished encoding the charge tickets
for the month of April. So, before we go out, we get the charge tickets in the envelopes of the
patients for the month of May. We get the charge ticket from May 1 to May 15.

Yesterday, Ma’am Yvette gave me an assignment, which was to go to the three doctors
to get the patients' PhilHealth forms signed, and I did it today. However, the one doctor is not
on duty today, so I didn’t get his sign.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 39: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 20, 2023, Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This morning I did my work assignment, which is consolidating the charge tickets and
adding the charge tickets of the patients to their Excel. In the afternoon, I encoded the charge
tickets for the patients that we got yesterday in the envelope. In encoding in iHomis, we also
need to double check if the charges that are encoded in Excel are correct because sometimes
instead of encoding the charge ticket in the pharmacy, it is encoded in the laboratory or in
another place, so it needs to be fixed. The charge ticket that is encoded in the laboratory is
needed to be transferred to the pharmacy. It is already paid, so we need to make sure that the
total will not change.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 40: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 21, 2023, Sunday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This morning I did my daily work assignment, which is consolidating the charge tickets
and adding the charge tickets of the patients to their Excel. The charge ticket today is not so
many, so I finish it early. After that, I just continued to encode the charge ticket in iHomis. I’m
so happy because I noticed that I tallied it faster than before.
In the afternoon, me, Bryan, and Ma'am Gichelle go to the fifth floor in our storage
room and find the envelopes of the patients that have possible reimbursement. I noticed that it
is hard to find the envelope because it is not organized, so I suggest to Ma'am Gichelle if it is
okay if we organize it from 2018 to 2022 and also by month from January to December. So, we
organized it, and Ma'am Gichelle appreciated what we did.
Daily Time Record
May 15-21, 2023 | Monday to Sunday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 41: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 26, 2023, Friday| 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

This morning, I received the charges from another area or department. After that, I
consolidated and encoded the charge tickets. I also encoded the charges in iHomis for the
month of May.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 42: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 27, 2023, Saturday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today, I consolidate and encode the charge tickets from other area. After that I
continued to encode the charge ticket in iHomis. I double check it is tallied in excel file.
Daily Time Record
May 26 & 27, 2023 | Friday and Saturday
OJT Apprenticeship Day 43: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 29, 2023, Monday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Another week to go, I have to be in office before 8 am and I arrived at 7:26 am even I
started my travel from biñan, Laguna to Ospital ng Paranaque because I still looking for new
dorm in Parañaque. Every Monday many of us come in the office. The total of people that duty
today is twelve people (eight employees and four interns). I consolidate and encode the charge
tickets from other areas. After that I help brynette to encode charge tickets in iHomis.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 44: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 30, 2023, Tuesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Today is another productive day of my internship. I started my day by doing my daily

task which is consolidating and encoding new charges that the areas give to billing. I need to
priority the discharged patients because they need to get their bill in 10am onwards. After that
I encoded the charge ticket for May in iHomis and Ma’am Yvette ask me to help her in her
philhealth papers. I find the excel of Patients/Philhealth Member and write the sub-total. I didn’t
write if the patients have possible reimbursement because ma’am Yvette told me that she will
do it.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 45: Billing/Philhealth Office

May 31, 2023, Wednesday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

    It’s good to start another fine day. We usually start our day by eating breakfast
because Ma'am Gichelle always bring breakfast for us. This morning, I just did my daily task,
which is consolidating and encoding the new charges and putting them in their folder. The
remaining charges that don’t have folders mean they are new patients. I will check it in iHomis
if that patient is admitted, and if he is admitted, I will put their name and what room they were
admitted to, such as the emergency room, OB ward, NICU, or medical ward, in their folder.
After that, I helped Brynette encode the charge tickets in iHomis.

We cleaned the office today. We bring the files that already encoded and the envelope
of the patients from year 2022 in the storage room.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 46: Billing/Philhealth Office

June 01, 2023, Thursday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

As usual, today I started the work by consolidating the charge ticket that we received
from other areas. After that I encoded their charges in excel and I encode the new patients
name and charges also in excel statement of new account. I check in iHomis first if that patient
is admitted and what room they are admitted. After lunch, I encode the charge ticket in iHomis
and Ma’am Claire ask me to go in Chief of Clinics to give the papers. I write the price of drugs
and non-drugs.
OJT Apprenticeship Day 47: Billing/Philhealth Office

June 02, 2023, Friday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Finally, It’s Friday and I tell Ma’am Jona that I will not be on duty tomorrow and on
Sunday because I need to move my things in my new dorm. I consolidate and Ma’am Marvie
and Ma’am Claire help me to encode the new charges and new patients admitted. I go to
accounting to get the signed of Ma’am Girlie (OIC of Accounting), I also go to admin office to
also get the signed of Doc Darius for the Leave form of Ma’am Princess and Ma’am Marvie.
After that I go to Medical Records and Chief of Clinics to give them the billing papers like
Philhealth Process and Birth certificate that need to find.

In the Afternoon, Me and Sir Chacon go to the property to get the things (alcohol,
ballpen, folder, ink, etc.) that we requested. I encoded the charge tickets in iHomis but I didn’t
encode much because I did something else.
Daily Time Record
May 29 - June 2, 2023 | Monday - Friday

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