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The primary insight I had regarding operations and supply chain management after

watching the webinar was that it controls how businesses generate goods and services.

The transition of input into output is the main focus with this kind of work.
Operations and supply chain management are crucial to the movement of information,
materials, goods, and payments, or the resources used and required by the specific business.
First, managing logistical procedures and the overall supply chain is essential. Establishing
and maintaining connections with vendors is the second step. In order to produce items, a
business obviously needs a supplier or store. Employees can interact with their suppliers or
vendors thanks to operations and supply chain management, which fosters the development
of new business relationships.

Furthermore, I gained information on why this course is a good thing to take when
you enter college. First, all business meed operations management in order to function.
Understanding operations helps you become a good manager. Operation management skills
can be applied across all industries. Can help you create your own business . You are in
demand. Operations management is an exciting field to work in because it executes backend
business activities. Managing production, inventory, and quality control is necessary to
guarantee that goods and services are prepared for the market. Whether it comprises a single
operations manager or a whole department, excellent operations management promotes
corporate efficiency.

Additionally, the webinar covers the employment options available to those with an
operation management degree. You can work in the warehouse as a supervisor, in the
supply chain, as a controller or manager of inventory, in project management, as a manager
of logistics, as a purchasing officer, as an operation analyst, as a business owner, or as an
operation manager.

There is definitely a demand for a profession in operations and supply chain

management in the modern world because there are so many business prospects available to
you if you choose this path.

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