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Đề chính thức thi vào 10 chuyên Anh Sở Hà Nội năm 2019-

2020 (Reading & Writing)

Quiz ID: 5026
Question 1 (Question ID: 13-163948)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. digest
B. manage
C. category
D. legend
Question 2 (Question ID: 13-163949)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. exist
B. exhaustion
C. explorer
D. exhibit
Question 3 (Question ID: 13-163956)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. transfer
B. career
C. variety
D. afraid
Question 4 (Question ID: 13-163964)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. certificate
B. apartment
C. individual
D. biology
Question 5 (Question ID: 13-163965)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. admirable
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
B. advantageous
C. conscientious
D. analytic
Question 6 (Question ID: 13-163983)
One of _____ days, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.
A. our
B. those
C. these
D. the
Question 7 (Question ID: 13-163984)
Many more students tend to ______ in vocational schools than in senior secondary schools.
A. endow
B. ensure
C. enlist
D. enrol
Question 8 (Question ID: 13-163985)
I have helped my wife with the cleaning, though ______ not for some time.
A. in contrast
B. especially
C. alternatively
D. admittedly
Question 9 (Question ID: 13-163986)
_____ to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although is invisible
B. Even though it invisible
C. Despite invisible
D. Although invisible
Question 10 (Question ID: 13-163987)
They are like two peas in a pod. It's amazing how their parents can _____ them apart.
A. tell
B. mean
C. distinguish
D. see

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Question 11 (Question ID: 13-163988)
The incoming administration _____ to clean up corruption in the city.
A. pledged
B. contemplated
C. suggested
D. resumed
Question 12 (Question ID: 13-163989)
Those _____ boys often play tricks on their friends.
A. mischievous
B. obedient
C. honest
D. well-behaved
Question 13 (Question ID: 13-163990)
The students had to _____ before they became successful physicists.
A. make a bundle
B. work flexitime
C. burn the midnight oil
D. burn the candles
Question 14 (Question ID: 13-163991)
In the future, teachers will be _____ rather than knowledge providers.
A. facilitators
B. attendants
C. candidates
D. workers
Question 15 (Question ID: 13-163992)
He spoke _____ of French that we found hard to understand.
A. slang
B. jargon
C. a dialect
D. a language
Question 16 (Question ID: 13-164019)
Think of ONE word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
- The pensioner owned a small vegetable _____ where he spent most of his days looking after his

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
carrots and tomatoes.
- As the _____ unfolds, the film gathers pace and the actors can show their full potential.
- You can _____ all these numbers on one diagram for comparison.
Đáp án: Q16.1....................
Question 17 (Question ID: 13-164021)
Think of ONE word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
- There's nothing better than an early morning swim to _____ your spirits and set you up for the
- Pressure from local shopkeepers has led the council to _____ the ban on parking in the High
- Sam was told not to _____ the lid of the saucepan while the meat was cooking.
Đáp án: Q17.1....................
Question 18 (Question ID: 13-164023)
Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
- Her car skidded on a slippery road and was about to _____ into a roadside tree when she managed
to regain control.
- Nobody denies that he had a checkered _____ in business, but now he's shining as one of the stars
in our department.
- Being at a crossroads after leaving college, he sought some professional advice from a _____
Đáp án: Q18.1....................
Question 19 (Question ID: 13-164035)
Form the collocations using the verbs and the prepositions from the boxes. Complete each
sentence using a collocation in the appropriate form. You must use each verb and each
preposition ONCE only.

go bring live abide set split get in back to up for off by over
I. I'd been looking forward to the course, but unfortunately it Q19.1.................... my expectations.
2. Last year, the bad weather Q19.2.................... the building programme by several weeks.
3. Local residents were angry at Q19.3.................... on the housing proposal they were concerned
4. We have to Q19.4.................... the decision of the committee; we have no choice.
5. Lots of fruit and vegetables will help you Q19.5.................... your cold.
6. A branch Q19.6.................... from the tree trunk by the previous storm.
7. They have a high level of unemployment - but the same Q19.7.................... many other countries.
Question 20 (Question ID: 13-164114)
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Give the correct form of the words to complete the passage.
It seems our personality is affected by many things, including the position we sleep in! This is
because our sleeping position partly determines how we feel when we wake up. To (clear)
Q20.1...................., people who sleep on their backs with their arms stretched out typically awake
feeling (vital) Q20.2.................... and eager for the day ahead. Conversely, those who sleep face
down with arms outstretched awake feeling fatigued, as this position seems to generate a sense of
losing control. Apparently, those who sleep lying straight tend to show signs of stubbornness,
although whether this is simply because they feel stiff in the morning is (debate) Q20.3.....................
Most people appear to sleep on their side with their knees drawn up, often described as "the foetal
position". Actually, this is unsurprising because although the position is often said to denote stress,
people who sleep like this awake feeling (fresh) Q20.4.................... having somehow worked
through their problems. It's unclear what it means if you are a (rest) Q20.5.................... sleeper and
change your position frequently!
Question 21 (Question ID: 13-164130)
Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
I suppose it's human Q21.1.................... to try to judge someone by their appearance The downside
is that it’s then hard to alter our original judgement, which was based on that first impression they
Q21.2.................... on us. At any initial encounter, we take note of the person's clothes, how they
talk and what their body Q21.3.................... indicates.
But can this information be trusted? Does it actually reveal the truth? A talkative person may appear
friendly and warm Q21.4.................... they are actually self-centred while an introvert may
Q21.5.................... as arrogant when they are the sweetest person in the world once you see beneath
their quiet exterior. Why do we assume we understand someone simply on what we suppose is
absolute Q21.6.................... derived from a short acquaintance or that their appearance accurately
reflects their personality? If we Q21.7.................... on our initial judgements too heavily or are too
ready to Q21.8.................... to conclusions, we may be making a big mistake.
Q21.1. A. feeling B. disposition C. temperament D. nature
Q21.2. A. put B. gave C. made D. got
Q21.3. A. manner B. language C. signs D. movement
Q21.4. A. in spite of B. even if C. as well as D. alternatively
Q21.5. A. come down B. come across C. come through D. come out
Q21.6. A. data B. proof C. demonstration D. justification
Q21.7. A. trust B. ride C. hang D. lean
Q21.8. A. arrive B. jump C. spring D. reach
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Question 22 (Question ID: 13-164150)
Fill each of the following blanks with ONE suitable word.
You got your blue eyes from your mother, and your ears from your father. But where did you get
your adventurous personality or your talent Q22.1.................... singing? Did you learn these from
your parents or were they predetermined by your genes? While it's clear that physical characteristics
are hereditary, things are a little Q22.2.................... clear when it Q22.3.................... to an individual's
behaviour, intelligence and personality. Ultimately, the old argument of nature vs nurture has never
really been won. We do not yet know exactly how much of Q22.4.................... we are is determined
by our DNA and how much by our life experience. But we do know that both Q22.5.................... a
Some scientists think that people behave Q22.6.................... they do according to genetic
predispositions or even "animal instincts". This is known as the "nature" theory of human
behaviour. Other scientists believe that people think and act in certain ways because they are taught
to do so. This is the "nurture" theory.
Our growing understanding of the human genome has recently made it clear that both sides are
partly right. Nature endows us Q22.7.................... inborn abilities and traits; nurture takes these
natural tendencies and moulds them as we learn and mature.

Read the passage and choose the best answer to each of the question.
A smart irrigation sensor that gives plants only as much to drink as they need can increase tomato
yields by more than 40 per cent. The sensor has been developed by Yehoshua Sharon and Ben-Ami
Bravdo at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's faculty of agriculture in Rehovot, Israel. The
researchers say that their system not only increases the yield of crops, but it also dramatically
reduces water usage - by up to 60 percent for some crops.
At the heart of the system is an electronic sensor that dips onto a plant leaf and measures its
thickness to an accuracy of 1 micrometer. "A leaf’s thickness is dependent on the amount of water
in a plant," says Sharon. "A healthy leaf is 60 per cent water." A thin leaf is a sure sign that the plant
is suffering stress because it is thirsty, and stress is bad for yields.
The sensor consists of two plates, one fixed and the other spring-loaded, which together grip the
leaf. The moving plate is connected to a small computer that regulates the voltage in an electrical
circuit. As the leaf's thickness changes, the plate moves, causing a change in the voltage. This signal
is fed to a processor that adjusts the plant's water supply.
Unlike conventional irrigation systems, which water crops periodically, the Israeli system waters the
plants continuously, but adjusts the flow to the plant's needs. The idea is to give the plant the proper
amount of water at the correct time, according to what the plant requires," says Sharon.
Field studies show the system increases the yields of several crops while reducing consumption of
water. Yields of grapefruit increased by 15 per cent while needing 40 per cent less water. For
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
peppers, the yield rose by 5 per cent while water usage fell by 60 per cent. Tomato plants yielded 40
per cent more fruit while consuming 35 per cent less water.
"It is an interesting idea," says John Sadler, a soil scientist at the US government's Agricultural
Research Service in Florence, South Carolina. "Other researchers have measured stress by
measuring a plant's temperature or stem thickness. But I haven't heard of anyone doing irrigation at
such a refined level," he says. But Sadler is a little surprised by the figures for water savings. "They
would depend on the technique you're comparing these results with," he says. Sharon says the
savings are based on comparisons with the Israeli government's recommendations for irrigating
He admits that the system has to be very reliable if it is to be effective. "Because the plants are
watered continuously they are more susceptible to sudden changes in water supply," he says. "This
means our system has to operate very reliably."
The researchers have founded a company called Leafsen to sell the new irrigation system, and they
hope to start marketing it within the next few months.
Question 23 (Question ID: 13-164194)
Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. The irrigation sensor can reduce the need for water in some plants.
B. A leaf's thickness is dependent on the amount of water in a plant.
C. The conventional irrigation systems water the plant continuously.
D. Leafsen is the company that sold the new irrigation system.
Question 24 (Question ID: 13-164195)
According to the passage, the sensor is operated by_____.
A. a computer
B. a plate
C. a spring
D. a voltage
Question 25 (Question ID: 13-164196)
The phrase "the heart" in the second paragraph means_____.
A. the most complex
B. the smallest part
C. the most important part
D. the most accurate part
Question 26 (Question ID: 13-164197)
The word "fixed" in paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to______.
A. having a leaf
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
B. stuck by glue
C. not empty
D. not moving
Question 27 (Question ID: 13-164198)
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. The new system helps reduce the water amount plants require.
B. The new system is welcomed by a US scientist.
C. The new system needs more time to become usable.
D. In order for the system to be effective, it has to be very reliable.
Question 28 (Question ID: 13-164199)
The phrase “at the correct time" in paragraph 4 mostly means_____.
A. at the time being
B. when the plants require
C. when the time is accurate
D. when the yields are increased
Question 29 (Question ID: 13-164200)
When a plant is thirsty, ______.
A. its yield is raised
B. it is suffering stress
C. it has healthy leaves

D. it can reduce its water usage

Question 30 (Question ID: 13-164201)
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as benefited from the new system?
A. tomatoes
B. peppers
C. grapefruits
D. eggplants
Question 31 (Question ID: 13-164202)
How is John Sadler’s attitude to the new system?
A. critical
B. doubtful
C. ironical
D. appreciative

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Read the article and choose your answers from sections A-D. You may choose any of the sections
more than once.
Films that make you feel good
A. Feel-good films stretch back right into the early days of cinema. The Brits were pioneers of the
form. Producer Cecil Hepworth's Rescued By Rover (1905), a winsome yarn about a dog retrieving
a kidnapped baby, was an early example of feel-good film-making. What distinguished it was the
tempo. The film-makers used cross-cutting to crank up the tension, which is only finally released
when the baby is found. The film “marks a key stage in the medium's development from an
amusing novelty to the 'seventh art,' able to hold its own alongside literature, theatre, painting,
music and other more traditional forms," claims the British Film Institute's Screenonline website.
Film historians today continue to study Hepworth's storytelling abilities but that wasn't what
interested the 1905 audiences who flocked to see it. They went because it was a feel-good film.
B. There has long been a tendency to sneer at feel-good films. Serious, self-conscious auteurs are
often too busy trying to express their innermost feelings about art and politics to worry about
keeping audiences happy. However, as Preston Sturges famously showed in his comedy Sullivan's
Travels (1941), if you're stuck on a prison chain gang, you don’t necessarily want to watch
Battleship Potemkin. Sullivan's Travels is about John L Sullivan, a glib and successful young
Hollywood director of comedies, who yearns to be taken seriously. Sullivan dresses up as a hobo
and sets off across America to learn more about the plight of the common man. He ends up
sentenced to six years in prison. One of the prisoners' few escapes from drudgery is watching
cartoons. As he sits among his fellow cons and sees their faces convulsed with laughter at a piece of
what he regards as throwaway Disney animation, he rapidly revises his own priorities. "After I saw
a couple of pictures put out by my fellow comedy directors, which seemed to have abandoned the
fun in favour of the message, I wrote Sullivan's Travels to satisfy an urge to tell them to leave the
preaching to the preachers," Sturges recalled.
C. A few years ago there were a lot of "deep-dish" movies. We had films about guilt (Atonement),
about the all-American dream coming apart at the seams (Revolutionary Road) and even a very
long account of a very long life lived backwards (the deeply morbid The Curious Case Of Benjamin
Button). Deep-dish, feel-bad films have plenty to recommend them. If you're not a teenager and
you don't just want to see the next summer tent-pole blockbuster, you'll welcome movies that pay
attention to characterisation and dialogue and don't just rely on computer-generated imagery or the
posturing of comic book heroes. However, as film-makers from Preston Sturges to Danny Boyle
have discovered, there is no reason that a feel-good movie needs to be dumb. You can touch on
social deprivation and political injustice: the trick is to do so lithely and, if possible, with a little
leavening humour.
D. Historically, the best feel-good movies have often been made at the darkest times. The war years
and their immediate aftermath saw the British turning out some invigorating, entertaining fare
alongside all the propaganda. The Age of Austerity was also the age of the classic Ealing comedies,
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
perfect examples of feel- good film-making. In the best of these films like Passport To Pimlico or
Whisky Galore, a community of eccentric and mildly anarchic characters would invariably come
together to thwart the big, bad, interfering bureaucrats. Stories about hiding away a hoard of whisky
or setting up a nation state in central London were lapped up by audiences. To really work, feel-
good movies must have energy and spontaneity - a reckless quality that no amount of script
tinkering from studio development executives can guarantee. The best take you by surprise. What
makes the perfect feel-good movie? That remains as hard to quantify as ever - you only know one
when you see one.
Question 32 (Question ID: 13-164237)
In which section does the writer praise the quality of some more serious films? Q32.1....................
Question 33 (Question ID: 13-164239)
In which section does the writer mention a film character who learns from his experiences?
Question 34 (Question ID: 13-164241)
In which section does the writer explain how a director uses a film as a vehicle for his own opinion?
Question 35 (Question ID: 13-164243)
In which section does the writer mention a special technique used to create a feel-good reaction?
Question 36 (Question ID: 13-164245)
In which section does the writer insist that lighter films can also be clever? Q36.1....................
Question 37 (Question ID: 13-164247)
In which section does the writer refer to films where ordinary people triumph over authority?
Question 38 (Question ID: 13-164279)
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Although she seems to be very courteous, she can also be very impolite. => Courteous …….

Question 39 (Question ID: 13-164280)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
When we came back home, we realized our house had been broken into.
=> On ………

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Question 40 (Question ID: 13-164281)
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
It is known that Ha Long Bay was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994.
=> Ha Long Bay ………

Question 41 (Question ID: 13-164282)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The class watched a film yesterday. The film was about the Apollo 13 space mission.
=> The film ……….

Question 42 (Question ID: 13-164284)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
It was the goalkeeper that saved the match for us.
=> Had ………

Question 43 (Question ID: 13-164290)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I remained neutral during their disagreement because I like both of them. (sides)
=> ………

Question 44 (Question ID: 13-164291)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
A great many people will congratulate her if she wins. (showered)
=> ……….

Question 45 (Question ID: 13-164292)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
I don't think she was informed about the burglary. (can't)
=> ……….

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Question 46 (Question ID: 13-164293)
Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Barney was not the only person who felt disappointed with the food in the restaurant. (alone)
=> ………...

Question 47 (Question ID: 13-164294)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
One of the directors pointed out to the board a number of inconsistencies in the report.
=> ………

Write an essay on the following topic:

Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world facing today. What are the
causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle
the issue?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your view in about 200 - 250 words.

Phần mềm ôn luyện không thể chấm tự động dạng bài tự luận này. Em
hãy viết ở trên giấy. Sau khi nộp bài, em sẽ thấy gợi ý/yêu cầu về đáp án để tự chấm điểm cho

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
Đáp án (Answer Key)
Quiz ID: 5026

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Question 1. C Question 2. C
Question 3. A Question 4. C
Question 5. A Question 6. C
Question 7. D Question 8. D
Question 9. D Question 10. A
Question 11. A Question 12. A
Question 13. C Question 14. A
Question 15. C Question 16.
16.1 plot
Question 17. Question 18.
17.1 lift 18.1 career
Question 19. Question 20.
19.1 didn’t live up to / did not live up to 20.1 clarify
19.2 set back 20.2 revitalized / revitalised
19.3 not being brought in 20.3 debatable
19.4 abide by 20.4 refreshed
19.5 get over 20.5 restless
19.6 was split off Question 21.
19.7 goes for 21.1 D 21.2 C 21.3 B 21.4 B
21.5 B 21.6 B 21.7 D 21.8 B
Question 22. Question 23. B
22.1 for Question 24. A
22.2 less Question 25. C
22.3 comes Question 26. D
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
22.4 what Question 27. C
22.5 play Question 28. B
22.6 as Question 29. B
22.7 with Question 30. D
Question 31. D
Question 32. Question 33.
32.1 C 33.1 B
Question 34. Question 35.
34.1 B 35.1 A
Question 36. Question 37.
36.1 C 37.1 D
Question 38. Question 39.
Courteous though she seems to be, she can On coming back home, we realized our
also be very impolite. house had been broken into.
Question 40. Question 41.
Ha Long Bay is known to have been The film which the class watched yesterday
recognised as a World Heritage Site by was about the Apollo 13 space mission.
UNESCO in 1994. Question 42.
Had it not been for the goalkeeper, we
wouldn’t have won the match.
Had it not been for the goalkeeper, we
would have lost the match.
Question 43. Question 44.
I didn't take sides during their disagreement She will be showered with a great many
because I like both of them. congratulations if she wins.
If she wins, she will be showered with a
great many congratulations.
Question 45. Question 46.
She can't have been informed about the Barney was not alone in feeling
burglary. disappointed with the food in the
Question 47.
One of the directors drew the board's
attention to a number of inconsistencies in
the report.
Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh
One of the directors drew the attention of
the board to a number of inconsistencies in
the report.

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh

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