Talking About Experience

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Talking About

Last week, I went to a traditional market to buy some daily
needs. As usual, I go there alone and bring a shopping list.
After arriving at the market, I started searching for the
things I needed one by one.
While I was bargaining the price of some fruits, I saw a
crowded condition where there was a thief beaten by a lot of
people. it was so terrible.
I didn’t want to see the condition to get worse so I called
police. A few minutes later, police came and calmed down the
situation. Asking the fruit seller, I knew that the thief tried
to steal someone’s wallet but someone saw him and shouted
loudly. After that, suddenly many people roughed him up
It was a scaring moment I experienced last week and I hoped
that it will never happen again in the future.
Telling Past Event

Adverb Of Time
Adverb of Time
Yesterday a/an/one … ago (singular)
atau … ago (plural)
Last ....

always, usually, frequently, often,

sometimes, never, once, twice,dan adverb
of frequency
Kata Kerja Lampau

Call Called Called

Try Tried Tried
Open Opened Opened
Kata Kerja Lampau
(Tidak Beraturan)

Buy Bought Bought

Catch Caught Caught
Drink Drank Drunk
Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense dapat digunakan
untuk menerangkan sebuah
peristiwa atau aktivitas yang
dimulai dan telah selesai pada waktu
spesifik di masa lalu.
I = Saya He= Dia (lk)
You = Kamu She= Dia (prm)
They = Mereka It=Itu
We = Kami (hewan,benda)
Form Past Tense
Nominal (non verbal)
(+) Subject + was/were + compliment
(adj,adv time, place)
(-) Subject + was/were + not compliment
(adj,adv time, place)
(?) Was/were + subject + compliment
(adj,adv time, place)?
Example Past Tense
Nominal (non verbal)
(+) She was sad last night

(-) She was not sad last night

(?) Was she sad last night?

Form Past Tense
Verbal (menggunakan kata kerja)

(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object

(-) Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object

(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
Example Past Tense
Verbal (menggunakan kata kerja)

(+) He watched the movie yesterday

(-) He did not watch the movie yesterday

(?) Did He watch the movie yesterday?

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