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To the end of the idea

Donjon of Matsue castle in Japan (1611) Presentation (NEC Robotics

Engineering LTD)
at the TopSolid user seminar
in Japan (Yokohama 2001)

Neuschwanstein Castle Judel/Vrolijk & Co in Bremerhaven,

in Bavaria (1880) design of race yachts
with TopSolid

La Silla observatory in Chile (1966) Design and manufacturing of food

packaging with TopSolid by
Wenco (Santiago de Chile)
CAD / CAM solutions
need to support indus- Ineed
n order to be competitive in
today's international market, you
to draft, design and manufac-
The reasons for this are obvious:
• There are very few single-source soft-
ware solutions that can be used effec-
ture products quickly-without making tively to meet all design, production
any compromises in terms of quality. and company-specific production con-
try-specific tasks and trol requirements at the same time.
Manufacturers must be familiar with a • When product data is transferred
variety of CAD and CAM programs as between various software structures,
well as ERP systems because their use is the external structure of an object may
enhance functional inte- frequently required in the complex be transferred correctly, however,
processes of manufacturing. However, essential information is lost, e.g.
the potential for development in this field design history, features, tolerance val-
gration within an enter- is by no means exploited. ues, bills of material, general technical
data, etc. This data needs to be re-
entered several times until the product
is complete.
prise (management,


design, manufacturing).
T echnical data (bills of material, calcu-
lation notes, order of manufacturing,
etc.) are equally important as geometry
• Shared database access (CAD / CAM,
• Uniform user interface
and part assembly data. They need to be • Industry-specific functions (plastic,
easily and safely transferred between sheet metal, metal, tool and mold
different departments (sales, design, making, calculation, manufacturing, 3
production planning, manufacturing, etc.)
etc.). • Libraries with standard components.

TopSolid, TopSolid/PDM and Direct advantages:

TopManufacturing offer an integrated • Trouble-free data exchange between
solution for design, management sales, design and production
and manufacturing. • Productivity enhancements.
Ease of implementation, simple objec-
tives of application as well as industry-
Draft, design, industrialize, manufac- specific adaptation assure a rapid ROI.
ture, manage: In the face of lack of com-
patibility of the solutions used, this puzzle is
highly complicated to put together.

T opSolid is a powerful CAD / CAM solu-
tion for modelling and simulation
(geometry, assemblies, structural calcu-
• For each industry, TopSolid provides all
necessary functions, components,
and techniques.
lation, dynamics, etc.). These horizon- • TopSolid is the most powerful solution
tal functions, however, are only a on the market for developing enter-
means to meet industry-specific prise standards that can (almost)
requirements: general mechanical automatically be updated and generat-
design, plastics processing, casting, ed by simply changing a table of val-
screw-cutting, mold-making, sheet- ues.
TopSolid provides a homogeneous and
integrated family of solutions to ensure metal processing, cutting, wood
compatibility of all numerical data throughout processing, etc.
the entire process.
real pleasure
in design Vintage machine (Grégoire company). Developed by Central Pack design in
Nantes, France.

T opSolid integrates and uses native state-of-the-art informa-

tion technology, thus respecting ergonomic stan-
dards and ensuring maximum power for mod-
elling and drawing functions. Kinematics, structural
calculation, sheet metal processing and mechanical
components form an integral part of the software
4 and improve efficiency in the design process.
Artema payment terminal of Thalès:
"Industry Janus 2002" for Richard Besson
(Thalès), Jean Pierre Cuvilly (design) and Jean
Louis Carriou (mechanical design).


• Windows native: multi-document • Parametrics: TopSolid provides
interface, copy / paste functions, OLE unique parametric functions for view-
link creation, icons and context ing parts or assemblies with different
menus, etc. geometric properties or functional
• Parasolid-native: current CAD mod-
elling standard. • Macro programming language,
TopADS software environment:
• Multi-application integration: LIP, Visual Basic and the TopADS envi-
Various applications for specific design ronment enable individual functions to
areas are made available as documents in be programmed in TopSolid on several
a single environment. levels.

• Associativity: All documents are • Solver: TopSolid easily solves over-or

associative. A design change in a doc- underconstrained sketches, kinematics
ument automatically leads to corre- and dynamics.
sponding changes in the drawings and
calculation tables.


T opSolid has no limits in terms of mod-
elling and creates the most complex
surface and solid models. Using the
• Powerful functions for surface mod-
elling: ruled surfaces, sweep surfaces,
dome surfaces, filled surfaces, con-
design tree and the model- stant and variable rounds, surface
ling features, parts or trimming and extension, joining of dif-
assemblies can be modified ferent surfaces using the repair func-
very easily. tion, etc. All surfaces are designed
using boundary curves. A model can
• All geometry types: be edited quickly by varying the limit-
wireframe, surface, and a ing curves and can be analyzed pre-
variety of solid models cisely by displaying all curves in colour.

• Design features: constant and variable

chamfers, drafts on surfaces and curves,
Design, development and realization of tools for holes, pockets, bosses, grooves, notches,
mufflers with surface processing and adaptation profiles, etc.
(Barczycki from Homburg, Germany).
E ach design, especially when a
lot of creativity is involved,
begins with rough lines and
and dynamic

links of all types (pivots, guide

shapes that have to be dimen- rails, ball joints, etc.), kinematics
sioned in advance taking into for wireframe or solid models,
account all loads. monitoring of collisions, forces,
torques, important trajectories,
TopSolid provides many tools etc.
that are very useful for this TopSolid/Castor enables the analysis of beam and shell elements
using finite elements for a pressure vessel.
purpose: Structural analyses:
TopSolid/Castor is a module inte-
grated in TopSolid that enables • Volume, shell and beam ele-
structural analyses using finite ments
elements. Thanks to the associa- • Inclusion of non-manifold
tivity between geometry and geometry for easier calculation
dimensions, design changes are • Load cases resulting from
updated immediately. The loads dynamics
resulting from the dynamics are • Developed in cooperation with
retrieved. CETIM, technical center for the
French mechanical engineering

Kinematic inversion of joint coordinates of a

robot along a slope surface.


A mechanical assembly consisting of
several thousand parts is very dif-
ferent from a sub-assembly consisting
• In-situ design: This method is
ideal for creating drafts or for pro-
cessing sub-assemblies and enables
• Free design: Free design is appro-
priate when parameterization and
associativity of objects in the parts
of less than a dozen parts. In the a number of parts to be created in are not yet known. Thus, the parts
same way, a plastic part behaves dif- the same file. can be freely moved in the design
ferently from a sheet-metal part. space. This method is recommend-
• Parametric design: For a design ed when the design requires several
TopSolid offers a suitable solution for that is clearly split up into different analyses and if no empirical values
every project as well as for all process- part families and variants (cylinders, are available.
es and materials involved. pumps, etc.) it can be advantageous
to use a design mode controlled by • 2D design: The TopDraft module is
• Team design: Designing large numeric or geometric parameters. a 2D design tool offered by 5
assemblies inevitably involves team- These parameters can be kept in TopSolid. It is ideal for performing
work. Multiple groups work sepa- catalogs. simple design work.
rately on sub-projects and subse-
quently merge their assemblies to
form a virtual model.

Automated machine for conducting

medical tests consisting of more than
10,000 parts. Design and realization by JLC
from Roissy en Brie (France) for i2a in
Montpellier (France).
real pleasure
in design


A sheet-metal part consists of several adjacent surfaces with

different overlaps that are shaped and folded in different
thicknesses. TopSolid provides numerous functions
taking into account these characteristics, thus enabling
highly accurate unfolding of sheet-metal parts.
• Functions for adding sheet-metal • Miter cuts for welded steel parts
parts or holes on surfaces • Folding of unfolded parts in order to
• Basic set of deformation tools which redesign the 3D model
can be customized (slots, weld • Individual bending parameters for each
points, dimples, etc.) bend
• Various bend types • Customizable settings for bending
• Intelligent sheet-metal • For sketched parts:
components: punched rivet number of bend-
nuts ing edges for
tions can
be freely

Crepe stand designed and realized by Bourgeat (Les Cement mixer designed and realized by Guy Noël
Abrets, France) using TopSolid/Fold. (Ambérieux en Buget, France).


80 % of a design involves the
reuse of standards available
commercially or within the enter-
• Integrated management of projects
and bills of material (TopSolid/PDM)
• Components and assembly procedures
prise. TopSolid proposes major are recognized by manufacturing mod-
enhancements: ules
• A rich library of standard mechanical
• Structuring by part families and indi-
vidual variants with standard catalogs
and/or company-specific catalogs
• Appropriate assembly procedures:
screws and associated holes, springs
and slots, sections and miter cuts, etc.
• Multiple representation options for sim-
plifying the models
• Wizards for dimensioning and selecting
Automated assembly with multiple components and stan-
dard parts realized by Process Industrie in Saint Lupicin
O nce the preliminary design phase is completed, a prototype is built, and
the project must be presented to the marketing department for
Visualization: materials, tex- Rapid prototyping: rapid pro-
tures, lights, shadows, ray tracing totyping in STL format (stere-
and BMP, TIF, JPEG, GIF, VRML olithography, laser sintering, etc.)
and AVI output.
Direct prototype machining:
with TopSolid/Cam
Communities furniture OLERON for company
SMFrance, concept and design by Jean Pierre
Cuvilly (Vendières, France).

High-quality ring by Bouissière (Mazamet,


Motorbike conceptual design

by Mr. Jupille (Auxonne, France).

P recise assembly drafts or pre-
liminary drawings containing
complete and exact information
and illustration are an important
means of communication.

All parts and assemblies are

transferred associatively to a
drawing, taking into account indi-
vidual views in different scales
and important dimensions for
controlling the design.
• Automatic creation of standard
• Control of drawing and model
• Scaled display
• Cuts, sections, broken views,
detailed views, etc. with scales
• Standard dimensions and tool-
dependent dimensions (tables,
special views, etc.)
• Tolerancing wizards
• Management of standard text
fields, formats, title blocks, and Drawings form an essential part of a quality design. With TopSolid drawing creation becomes a real pleasure. General mechan-
indexed BOM tables ical drawing (3CET in Ulis, France).

• Creation of BOMs and exploded

views linked directly to 3D (or
2D) models

T o ensure rapid implementation,
numeric data and design plans
must be passed on quickly and easily,
CATIA, etc.
• Support of different international
standards (AFNOR, DIN, ISO, ANSI,
• Free viewer for exchanging parts,
assemblies and kinematic elements
particularly over the Internet. JIS, etc.)
• Multilingual installation
• Standard interfaces: IGES, DXF, • Model transfer via the Internet
DWG, STEP, STL, Parasolid, VDA,
Technical data man-
agement is essential
for developing
Sevop engineering office
in Vendôme, France:
printing machine for

technical data
management with TopSolid
P roduct development is not an easy task. However, effi-
Design, manufacture,

management: perfectly cient data management from creating the first

draft until the manufacture of the product can save enterpris-
coherent with es a lot of money. If data management occurs independently
TopSolid/PDM and from the development and industrialization process, precious
time and productivity are lost. TopSolid offers a highly
8 TopManufacturing practical and completely integrated data
management function-TopSolid/PDM. This program is
also part of the TopManufacturing ERP solution.

T echnical product data is mostly
defined by the design department.
They must be able to retrieve and use all
components and materials available in
the database and comply with exactly
defined processes. This is a routine task
for CAD designers.

Without a close link between assembling

the parts and the databases containing
enterprise-specific materials and compo-
nents, technical data management has
no potential at all. For this reason,
TopSolid contains a native and highly
powerful PDM solution.

With TopSolid/PDM, technical project data can easily be visualized and transferred to any com-


D ata management can be an ungrate-
ful task, requiring the user to fill in
numerous fields. Thanks to an ergonom-

Windows style
Native to Oracle or SQL/Server
OLE server and client
ic and intuitive user interface, users now • Drag and deposit projects and informa-
enter all necessary information com- tion
pletely and correctly. Most data is direct- • Viewer and filter for all documents
ly retrieved from the design and thus do • Tree charts
not need to be re-entered manually. • Interactive requests
W ith TopSolid/PDM
process and project
models can be defined and
precise control requirements.
• Definition of workflow and
release cycles
• Project monitoring (progress,
availability, problems, etc.)
• Distribution list for all docu-
developed, taking into account • Definition and assignment of ments linked to the project
individual user rights. These users within projects (management of control and
models are either simple so as to • Creation of links between dif- release rights)
not inhibit design work or highly ferent projects (via shared doc-
complex in order to respond to uments)


E ach enterprise needs to classi-
fy and organize its technical
data management. Framework
cient categorization-are always
precise and coherent.
• BOMs with different views
conditions can be flexibly adapted • Search function for application
to the company. However, all cases
important data created in the • Management of changes, BOM
design department are catego- indices and notes
rized automatically. In • Automatic or semi-automatic
TopSolid/PDM, all data is directly impact of modifications
retrieved from the CAD database.
Bills of material-linchpin of effi-
Efficient BOM management is indispensable for successful projects.


S earching for information, iden-
tifying problem causes, distrib-
uting data easily, as well as
• Control of data input and out-
put in secure directories (data-
base, check-in, check-out)
• Tracing and automatic release
• Alerts and journal functions
securing and updating data-all • Standard and industry-specific
these tasks are a must for each requests
company. In this context, • Easy-to-program individual
TopSolid/PDM is of great assis- requests
tance. • Distribution lists and media
(fax, e-mail, etc.) 9

TopSolid/PDM is a module • Commercial management
belonging to the TopSolid CAD • Stock management
solution. At the same time, it is • Shop management
part of the TopManufacturing • Production control
PDM solution which enables • Costing
companies (manufacturers or • Invoicing
suppliers) to manage their sales
and production activities.
TopManufacturing was developed on the basis of Missler's comprehensive experi-
ence in the area of ERP systems and permits an exceptional integration of
Cutting tool realized
with TopSolid by
Werkzeugbau Oertel
GmbH (Dresden,
Germany). It is vital
to design the

entire tool or parts
of the tool directly
in the model.

up to
product industrialization
D esigns which cannot be manufactured do not make
sense. TopSolid offers powerful and industry-specific
tools for designing products and for producing tools to work
on the part. Enterprises using this digital process chain effi-
ciently both internally and in cooperation with subcontractors
have many advantages over their competitors.

P owerful CAD functionality for fast and
easy mold design as well as for asso-
ciated drawings and tool paths.
• Parts lists with special classification
• Simulation of tool kinematics with inte-
grated recording of video presenta-
• Retrieving and cleaning all 2D and 3D • Integrated with CAM and electrode
data design
• Powerful surface and volume modeler
for design processes
• Automatic calculation of mold parting
• Automatic separation of cores and cav-
• Simple generation of sliders
• Rich library of frames and standard
Mold tool (Perlet in Wissous, France).
• Support for the calculation of coolant
• Drawing and dimensioning especially
for mold makers
Mold tool realized with TopSolid/Mold by Promolde in

• Retrieval and analysis of sheet-metal components
parts • Design with open and closed tools
• Unfolding and taking into account • Calculation of punches and dies with
bend allowances tolerances and clearances
• Complete associativity of parts and • Simulation of tool kinematics
strip images • Creation of specialized tool design
Cutting and formation tool for the automo-
tive industry (Ripoche/ARBJ in Lucé,
• Insertion, modification and/or suppres- drawings
France). sion of stations on the strip • Integrated with CAM and electrode
• Rich library of frames and standard design
D esign can only be effective
when production is clearly
organized and cost-efficient.
part and environment
• Multi-axis control
• Program control for several
TopSolid therefore integrates parts
software solutions for CAM which • Simulation of trajectories, tools
have been developed by Missler and environment
based on many years of experi- • Tool management both inside
ence. Based on functions for and outside of the magazine
topology recognition, TopCam • Connection to default setting
identifies individual shapes and devices
suggests the most appropriate
method for chip removal. The Turning
software provides numerous • Control of raw parts during
powerful functions which ensure machining
smooth and rapid production, • Turning module integrated with
including automated raw part milling module Preparation of 5-axis-machining of a ship's propeller by UIGM (Le
updating during the machining • Control of revolving tools Creusot, France).

process, collision monitoring, and • Simultaneous tool display

recognition of TopSolid features. • Simultaneous modification of
machining processes
Milling • Recognition of company-specif-
• Raw part updating during ic standard molds
• Creation and control of multi- Wire EDM
tool processes • 2 and 4 axes
• Collision monitoring between

TopSolid/PunchCut Superfinishing of a form part. TopSolid/Cam generates tool paths

which eliminate the need for final polishing.


taking into account all changes sheet-metal part
performed on the model. All tools • Control of the loading and
are automatically reassigned. unloading of sheet-metal parts
TopSolid/Punch/Cut controls the • Management of part clusters
movement of grippers as well as • Optimization of tools and tool
the repositioning and turning of paths
the parts. Realistic simulation 11
ensures error and loss-free pro- Laser cutting
gramming. • Automated grouping of homo-
geneous parts
Punching and nibbling • Nesting of complex forms
Thanks to the associativity, part placements are • Support for all punching and • Automatic ray calculation
automatically recalculated when geometry is combination machines • Optimization of material abra-
• Shape recognition sion
T his software is permanently
integrated with the tool for
unfolding sheet-metal parts, thus
• Automatic tool assignment
• Turret control
• Control of combined tools for
punching and laser cutting
• Control of grippers turning the

T opControl for computer-
assisted measuring gener-
ates inspection schedules in
• Retrieval of design models
• Generation of measuring
schedules based on the model
offline mode and then transfers • Control of measuring sensor
these schedules to measuring distance
machines. • Associativity of tolerances and
• High quality ensured (measure- measurements
ment based on the module cre- • Generation of measuring
ated during design) schedules in DMIS
Offline programming of inspection schedules
• Reduced control times due to a • Interface for production man- with TopSolid/Control. The measuring machine is
shorter learning curve agement always operational.
©2003 Missler Software. All Rights Reserved. Credit photos BG Concept Marketing Communication.
Missler Software
Industry-specific know-how and customer proximity
throughout the world

For more than 20 years, Missler software has been offering industry-specific solutions for

manufacturers and subcontractors of the mechanical manufacturing industry. These com-

plete solutions are distributed in France and worldwide along with high-quality services.

Manufacturers and suppliers as well as other companies of the mechanical manufacturing

industry can now benefit from all advantages of integrated design and manufacturing.

Thanks to its innovative technologies and state-of-the-art computer standards, Missler is

increasingly gaining ground on the CAD / CAM market. More than 8,000 companies world-

wide successfully utilize solutions of the TopSolid product line.
Missler Software-7 rue du Bois Sauvage-91055 Evry, France
Tel.: +33 (0) - Fax: +33 (0)

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