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Module 4.2.

Determining My Values

A. Introduction

There is a great need for people today to

identify and clarify their personal values. It includes
being aware of what is really considered important
and vital in life. Unless such is done, the future of the
individual, the family and the country will be at
stake. The present situation of the Philippines is a
wake up call for all Filipinos to really focus on what
they want to happen to themselves personally, to
their families and the whole nation. The lack of focus
on what is important leads to waste of time,
resources and opportunities.

Some authorities see this inability to attain clearly defined values as one of the prime
reasons for the growing number of young people who are unable to learn. They are not
clear about what their lives are for, and what is worth working for (RE2 Syllabus, 2002).

People may be grouped in to three in relation to their values. The first group is
composed of those who appear to have no apparent values, second are those who have
strongly defined values, and third, those who have values yet they are, poorly defined.

How should people identify what is important to them? That which help people know
what they truly consider important in life is called value indicators. Some of these come
in the form of people’s “goals, purposes, aspirations, beliefs, convictions, activities,
worries, problems, daydreams, use of time, use of money, use of energy” (Bauzon, 1994).

B. Looking at the Scripture

Jesus felt that people should have clearly defined values. Jesus challenged people
to determine what they valued the most. He said to the rich man who came and asked
him one day, “Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in
heaven, then come follow me” (Mark 10:21). His encounter with Jesus made him aware
what was really important to him.

Read the account in Mark 10: 17-22.

1. What did the young man say he wanted when he came to Jesus? (v.17)
2. What did Jesus say the young man should do? (v.19)
3. What was the young man’s response to Jesus? (v.20)
4. What should the young man do to really achieve what he truly wanted? (v.21)
5. Was the young man’s value made clear to him? What value did he choose? (v.22)
The man’s values became clear. If his life had continued as it had, then he shall
have died a very rich man who had always obeyed the law. Even though he heard Jesus,
but he was not willing to give up his riches, then he showed that life hereafter was not his
highest value. Perhaps we should carefully note that Jesus passed no judgment on this
man during their conversation. He answered only what the man asked, and in such a way,
the man was forced to see what he himself really valued.

Why should we be concerned about the process of determining values? Unless we

exist in a state of vegetation we do have values. Even though we may not be aware of
our values, they are with us always-determining what we do with our lives. If the values
we hold determine what we do with our lives, then we would be wise to make every
attempt to determine what our values will be (RE 2 Syllabus, 2002).

C. Suggested Activity: Gifts to an Earthling

Imagine you are a blog from the planet “blorera.” You have gone to earth to give
gifts to the “poor” earthlings. You know nothing about the earthlings. You have following
gifts to give. Rank them, number 1 as the most important. After doing the activity the
students may either be grouped by dyads or triads. They will be asked to share their
discoveries about themselves.

Rank/Order Gifts
_________ Good health
_________ Self confidence
_________ Bible
_________ Balanced diet
_________ Sound family relationship
_________ Ability to read and write
_________ Adequate shelter
_________ College diploma
_________ Cellphone
_________ Internet Connection (RE2 Syllabus, 2002)

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