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(PART 2)
- must be sworn before a Commissioner for Oaths [r.3
Non-Contentious Proceedings - O.71 (6)]
Introduction - must set out: (content)
- O.71 has no application to Sabah & Sarawak because ● information relating to the testator,
the word ‘Act’ under O.71, r2 refers to PAA 1959 beneficiary, widower & children.
which is not applicable to Sabah & Sarawak. ● minority interests under the Will (if any) [r.5
Ong Ka Kim v Wong Sing Kiong [1997] 5 MLJ 46 -
● reason for delay in filing the application (if the
Held in O 71 r 2 of the RHC, “Act” meant the Probate
application is made after the lapse of 3 years
and Administration Act 1959, which was only in force
from the date of death). [r.5 (6)]
in West Malaysia. Under the Act, the jurisdiction to
grant probate and letters of administration were vested Exhibits to Affidavit
in the High Court in Malaya. However, the Act had not
been extended to Sarawak. Therefore, the law (a) Death certificate/evidence of death. [r.1 (5)]
applicable in Sarawak was not the Probate and
Administration Act 1959 but the Administration of - If no death cert, file 2 affidavits by independent
Estates Ordinance; witnesses who can depose that they saw the dead body
& attended the funeral. (faster option)
Application of GP
Re Karupaya (Deceased) [1962] MLJ 128 - Practice
- Ensure that the Will is valid - fulfill requirement in
Note No.9 1946 - Where the fact of death is not in
the Wills Act 1959.
doubt, and the applicant can swear that death had
- r.4 (1)(3): GP shall not be issued within 7 days of the occurred, no order is required on any application for
death of the deceased. Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration to swear
that death had taken place. However, if there is
Application of LA uncertainty, then an order is needed.
- r.4 (1)(3): LA shall not be issued within 14 days of
the death of the deceased - S.18 Birth and Deaths Registration Act 1957 (Act
299) – registration of death of a person in Malaysia is
- Application can be made ASAP after death but court allowed only on condition that the body is found.
will not grant immediately, so no urgency.
- If no dead body, an application for the presumption
1. Filing Cause Papers
of death under s.108 of the Evidence Act 1950 must
- PR can apply for LR without appointing a solicitor. be made. However, it requires a period of 7 years to
elapse. The presumption of death constitutes a valid
- O.71, r.3 (1): A personal applicant may apply for a proof death for estate administration purpose.
grant at the Registry; no need to be made through a
lawyer. (b) List of assets & liabilities (refer Form 159)
● “personal applicant” means a person other than
a trust corporation who seeks to obtain a grant (c) List of beneficiaries (refer Form 159)
without employing a solicitor.
(c) Original Will and Certified true copy. [r.7(1)]
(A) Application of GP
- If the Will is not in English/BM): need to include also
- The Executor files an OS in Form 6 [r.5 (1)]
translation of the Will - certified by a Court
- In practice must file using Form 6 (Ex parte OS) Interpreter/verified by the affidavit of a person
because it is a non-contentious matter. qualified to translate it. [r.7(2)]
- Refer Form 6 – Ex-parte OS (O.7, r.2) (d) Administration Oath in Form 161 [r.33]
- The OS must be supported with: Affidavit of the
Executor (Form 159) - [r.5 (1)] - Refer Form 161 – Administration Oath (O.71,
- Refer Form 159 – Affidavit pursuant to the PAA
1959 (O.71, r.5)
● appears to the Registrar that there is some
(e) Other documents doubt about the due execution of the will
- r.13: in any such affidavit, the deponent shall depose
- Letters of Renunciation in Form 160 [r.31 (4)]
to the manner in which the will was executed.
stating; whether all persons having a prior right to a
grant have been cleared off and in what manner they - r.9 (3): If the Registrar, after considering the
have been cleared off. [r.5 (2)] evidence:

● the Executor of first priority who decides not (a) satisfied that the Will was not duly executed; he
to apply for GP, must expressly renounce his shall refuse probate; or
right. [r.31 (1)] (b) if doubtful whether the Will was duly executed; he
● S.8 PAA: renunciation can be made in writing may refer the matter to the Court.
and attested by an advocate/any person by
whom an affidavit may be sworn - Other issues that need to be accounted to the
● If did not file, renunciation can also be made Registrar
orally during hearing
● r.11: where there is alteration and doubt as to
the date of execution
- Refer Form 160 – Renunciation (O.71, r.31) ● r.12: where there appear that there is attempted
revocation of the will
2. Hearing-Inquiries
3. Court Order
Before Hearing - upon receiving the application,
Registrar shall give Notice in Form 158 about the - r.4 (1): If all inquiries which the Registrar may see fit
application to the Registrar of the Principal Registry to make have been answered to his satisfaction, he will
(RPR), KL and notify the serial number of the then issue GP in Form 163 (r.35)
Probate. r.4 (4)
- Refer Form 163 – Grants (O.71, r.35)
- Refer Form 158 – Notice of filing of application
- r.17: Order of priority for grant where deceased left a
for probate/ administration (or caveat), etc (O.71,
will i.e. the person entitled to a LAWA shall be
r.4); (O.71, r.37)]
determined in accordance with s.3 and s.16 of the
● RPR will enter that serial number in the PAA.
Probate Book. r.4 (4)
- s.16 PAA
● Registrar fixed the date for hearing.
(i) a universal or residuary legatee;
Hearing (between registrar and applicants)
(ii) a personal representative of a deceased
- The applicant must be present in person for the
universal/residuary legatee;
purpose of identification.
(iii) such person/persons, being beneficiaries under the
- r.4 (1): The Registrar will inquire into all matters.
will, as would have been entitled to a grant of letters of
The inquiries must be answered to his satisfaction.
administration if the deceased had died intestate;
- For satisfactory Inquiry, the Registrar may require:
(iv) a legatee having a beneficial interest; and
(i) Proof of the identity of the deceased & the
(v) a creditor of the deceased
applicant. r.4 (2)
- r.19: Where the deceased died wholly intestate, the
(ii) Proof of Will [ for Application of GP]
person entitled to LA shall be determined in
● r.9 (1): The Registrar may require Affidavit as accordance with the provisions of s.30 of the PAA.
to due execution from:
- S.30 PAA: Provided that, where the deceased died
- attesting witnesses; or wholly intestate as to his estate, administration shall, if
application is made for the purpose, be granted to some
- any person who was present at the time the one or more of the persons interested in the residuary
Will was executed. estate of the deceased.
- If a will; - Once the probate is granted, the Executor can extract
● contains no attestation clause; or the GP from the court Registry.
● the attestation clause is insufficient; or
- Once GP is extracted, the Executor can proceed to:
● collect all the assets of the deceased to his
● settle all the debts & liabilities of the deceased;
● distribute the remainder of the estate according
to the Will.
(B) Application of LA
1. Filing cause papers
- The Applicant files an OS in Form 6
- Supported with Affidavit of the Applicant in Form
- Exhibits
● Death Certificate
● List of assets & liabilities
2. Hearing
● List of liabilities
Before Hearing - Registrar shall give Notice in Form
● Administration Oath in Form 161
● Letters of Renunciation in Form 160
Hearing: The Registrar will inquire into all matters.
- Refer Form 159 – Affidavit pursuant to the PAA The inquiries must have been answered to his
1959 (O.71, r.5) satisfaction.

- Refer Form 160 – Renunciation (O.71, r.31) - Before fixing a date of hearing, the Registrar must
require the applicant to satisfy him that the estate is not
a small estate as defined under SEDA. [r.50 (1)(a)]
- If not satisfy, Registrar shall transfer the OS to LA
having jurisdiction under SEDA.
- Form 159 requires the applicant to make a
declaration as follows:
“The whole of the estate and effects of the deceased,
moveable and immovable, within the jurisdiction
exclusive of what the deceased was possessed of or
entitled to as Trustee for any other person or persons,
and not beneficially but without deducting anything on
account of the debts due or owing from the deceased,
does exceed in value two million ringgit to the best of
the applicant’s knowledge, information and belief.”
3. Court Order
- If all inquiries which the Registrar may see fit to
make have been answered to his satisfaction, he will
then issue LA in Form 163
Administration bond:
● The Applicant must furnish administration
bond in Form 162 as security for the due
administration of the estate. (r. 34)
● There shall be 2 sureties to every (a) to both parents of the infant jointly/
administration bond. r. 34 (2)
● to the statutory/testamentary guardian of the
● LA may only be extracted after the
infant/to any guardian appointed by a Court of
administrator has furnished the bond.
competent jurisdiction; or
Refer Form 162 – Administration Bond (O.71, r.34)
(b) if there is no such guardian able and willing to act
● If the infant has attained the age of 16 years: to
1. Application by attorney any next-of-kin nominated by the infant; or
● If the infant is a married woman, to any such
- S.29 (a) PAA: if an executor appointed by a will is;
next-of-kin or to her husband if nominated
● absent from Malaysia & there is no other by her.
executor within Malaysia willing to act,
- Requirements:
● LAWA may be granted to a duly authorized
attorney of the absent executor, limited until - O.71, r.27 (3): such an order may be made on
he obtains probate for himself application by the intended guardian;
- S.29 (c) PAA: if a person entitled to LA in case of ● who shall file an affidavit in support of the
intestacy is; application and,
● if required by the Registrar, an affidavit of
● absent from Malaysia & no person equally
fitness sworn by a responsible person.
entitled is willing to act,
● LA may be granted to an authorized attorney 3. Application by Trust Corporation
of the absent person, limited until he shall
- S.13 PAA: a trust corporation may be appointed as an
obtain a grant himself.
executor/ administrator and may also apply for a grant.
- O.71, r. 26: Where a person entitled (executor/person
- O.71, r.30 (1): Where a trust corporation applies for a
entitled to LA) to a grant resides outside Malaysia;
grant through one of its officers,
● LA/LAWA may be granted to his lawful
● such officer shall file a certified copy of the
attorney for his use & benefit, limited until
resolution authorizing him to make the
such person shall obtain a GP
application; and
- Requirements: ● shall depose in the OS that the corporation is a
trust corporation, and that it has power to
● the attorney shall file a certified true copy of
accept a grant.
the power of attorney (POA) with the OS; or
● prove that he has deposited POA / a certified - Provided that it shall not be necessary to file a
copy of POA in the Registry of the HC in the certified copy of the resolution;
manner provided by s.4 of the Powers of
● where the officer through whom the
Attorney Act 1949:
application is made is included in a list of
● where the person so entitled is an executor,
persons authorized to make such applications
● LAWA shall not be granted to his attorney
kept by the Registrar.
without notice to the other executors, if any,
unless such notice is dispensed with by the Other application
1. Application to prove & renounce probate
2. Application for by parent/ guardian
- S.40 PAA: The Court shall have power
- S.20 (1): No representation shall be granted to a
person while he is a minor. ● to summon any person named as executor in
any will
- But, if a minor was still being named as Executor and ● to prove/renounce probate of the will
he is the sole Executor, his Guardian can apply on his
behalf and obtain LAWA ● Method - By issuing a citation;
- O.71, r.27 (1): Where the person to whom a grant S.9 (1) PAA: Any person having/claiming any
would otherwise be made is an infant; interest in the estate of a deceased person, or any
creditor of a deceased person, may,
LA/LAWA for his use & benefit until he attains the
age of majority shall, be granted;
● without applying for representation, not appeared and that all his rights in respect of the
● cause to be issued a citation executorship have wholly ceased;
● directed to the executor/ executors appointed
(c) in the case of a citation under para (3) (i.e. to take
by the deceased’s will, or to any person
a grant), the citor may
appearing to have a prior right to
representation, ● apply to the Registrar by notice of application
● calling upon the person cited to accept/ (which shall be served on the person cited)
renounce the right ● for an order requiring such person to take a
grant within a specified time; or
(i) Citation to accept/refuse/to take a grant (O.71, r.
● for a grant to himself/some other person
specified in the notice of application.
- O.71, r.42 (1): A citation to accept/refuse a grant
- O.71, r.42 (6): all these applications must be
● may be applied by any person who would supported by an affidavit showing that;
himself be entitled to a grant in the event of
● the citation was duly served and
the person cited renouncing his right thereto.
● that the person cited has not entered an
- O.71, r.42 (2): A citation calling an executor who appearance.
has been reserved power to make a grant to accept/
Appearance entered
refuse a grant
- O.71, r.42 (7): If the person cited has entered an
● may be applied by the executors who have
appearance but –
proved the will / of the executors of the last
survivor of deceased executors who have ● has not applied for a grant under para (4), or
proved. ● has failed to prosecute his application with
reasonable diligence,
- O.71, r.42(3): A citation calling on an executor
who has intermeddled in the estate of the deceased to (a) in the case of a citation under para (1), the citor
show cause why he should not be ordered to take a may apply by notice of application to the Registrar
grant; for an order for a grant to himself;
● may be applied by any person interested in the (b) in the case of a citation under paragraph (2), the
estate at any time after the expiration of 6 citor may apply by notice of application to the
months from the death of the deceased. Registrar for an order striking out the appearance
and for the endorsement on the grant of such a note
- Provided that a citation to take a grant shall not be
as is mentioned in subpara (5)(b); and
issued while proceedings as to the validity of the will
are pending. (c) in the case of a citation under para (3), the citor
may apply by notice of application to the Registrar -
Default of appearance
for an order requiring the person cited to take a grant
- S.9 (2) PAA: Any person so cited may enter an within a specified time or for a grant to himself or
appearance to the citation, some other person specified in the notice of
application, and the notice of application shall be
● but if he makes default in appearance
served on the person cited.
thereto, he shall be deemed to have renounced
the right. (ii) Citation to propound a will (O.71, r. 43)
- O.71, r.42 (5): If the time limited for appearance has - r. 43 (1): A citation to propound a will shall be
expired & the person cited has not entered
(i) directed to the executors named in the will; and to
appearance, -
all persons interested thereunder, and
(a) in the case of a citation under para (1) (i.e. citation
(ii) may be issued at the instance of (may be apply by)
to accept/refuse a grant), the citor may apply to the
any citor having an interest contrary to that of the
Registrar for an order for a grant to himself;
executors/ such other persons.
(b) in the case of a citation under para (2), the citor
- r.43 (2): If the time limited for appearance has
may apply to the Registrar for an order that a note
expired and no person cited has entered an appearance,
be made on the grant that the executor in respect of
or if no person who has appeared proceeds with
whom power was reserved has been duly cited and has
reasonable diligence to propound the will,
● the citor may apply by way of notice of ● on the application of any person interested,
application for an order for a grant as if the ● if it appears that there is reason to believe that
will were invalid. any will/ other testamentary document of a
deceased person
● is in the possession/under the control of any
Procedure for Citation (O.71, r. 41)
person, or
- O.71, r.41 (1): Every citation in Form 167 shall be ● that any person has knowledge of the existence
issued from the Registry. of such a will/ document,
● order that the person do, within a time named,
- O.71, r.41 (2): Every averment in a citation, and such ● produce the will or document at the Registry,
other information as the Registrar may require, or
● shall be verified by an affidavit sworn by the ● attend at a time named before a Court, to be
person issuing the citation (“the citor”); or examined in relation to that document.
● if there are two/more citors, by one of them: - O. 71, r. 45
- Provided that the Registrar may in special ● application under s.41 PAA - to bring in will/to
circumstances accept an affidavit sworn by the citor’s attend for examination
solicitor. ● shall be made to a Judge by OS,
- O.71, r.41 (3): The citor shall enter a caveat before ● which shall be served on every such person as
issuing a citation. aforesaid.

- O.71, r.41 (4): Every citation must be served

personally on the person cited; Lau Siang Kok, Lionel v Lau Cho Kun @ Lau Yu
Chak, Datuk Seri Panglima [2013] MLJU 0915 -
● unless the Registrar, on cause shown by Court finds that the phrase "any person interested"
affidavit, directs some other mode of service, appearing in S.41 of the 1959 Act, is not to be
which may include notice by advertisement. interpreted to mean "the world at large". It should be
restricted to an individual or group of individuals who
- O.71, r.41 (5): Every will referred to in a citation
have a "recognised" interest in the Estate of the
● must be filed in the Registry before the Deceased. The 1959 Act clearly refers to a beneficiary,
citation is issued, except where the will is not a residual legatee, a creditor or a trustee and this Court
in the citor’s possession and the Registrar is finds that the Plaintiff does not fall into any of these
satisfied that it is impracticable to require it to categories. The Plaintiff is a stranger for all intents and
be filed. the purposes of the Estate of the Deceased as he is not
a beneficiary under the Will. Being an alleged natural
- O.71, r.41 (6); A person who has been cited to appear or illegitimate son of the Deceased, does not mean that
may, the Plaintiff falls within the meaning of the "any
● within 8 days of service of the citation upon person interested" as contemplated by S.41 of the 1959
him inclusive of the day of such service, or, at Act. S.41 of the 1959 Act is inoperative until and
anytime thereafter if no application has been unless an application for grant of probate has been
made by the citor under rule 42(5) or 43(2), made, hence this application under S.41 of the 1959
● enter an appearance in Form 166 in the Act is premature.”
Registry, and 4. Application for an order admitting to proof
● shall thereafter serve on the citor a copy of it
sealed with the seal of the Court. - O. 71, r. 46

2. Application for resealing of grant ● application for an order admitting to proof

- Refer Form 168 – Memorandum of resealing (O.71, ● a nuncupative will (oral will), or
● a will contained in a copy, a completed
- Refer Form 169 – Form for notice of resealing draft, a reconstruction/other evidence or its
(O.71, r.49) contents where the original will is not
3. Application to bring in will/ to attend for
examination ● may be made to the Court by notice of
- S.41PAA: The Court may,
● where a will is not available owing to it being accordance with Indian law and it was proper for the
retained in the custody of a foreign court to take cognizance of this fact. There was
Court/official, a duly authenticated copy of therefore no merit in the applicant's contention that the
the will may be admitted to proof by virtue of alleged will was invalid;
s.27 PAA without any such order as aforesaid.
- O.71, r.46 (2): The application shall be supported;
Lost Will
● by affidavit setting out the grounds of the
- S.25 PAA: If the original will was lost/mislaid after application; and
the death of the Testator/cannot for any sufficient ● by such evidence on affidavit as the applicant
reason be produced, a limited GP may be granted can adduce as to -
based on:
(a) the due execution of the will;
● copy/draft of the lost Will; or
(b) its existence after the death of the testator;
● its contents (if no copy/draft)
(c) the accuracy of the copy or other evidence
Re Kuan Kim Hock @ Guan Kim Hock [2005] 4
of the contents of the will, together with any
MLJ 397 - Held that a Probate may be granted of the
consents in writing to the application given
contents of the Will, pursuant to s 25of the Act. Under
by any persons not under disability who would
s 25(b) of the Act, evidence of the contents of a Will
be prejudiced by the grant.
may be proved to obtain a limited grant of probate
where the original Will has been lost or misplaced, and
it cannot be found even after reasonable steps have
been taken to search for it. Section 25 of the Act may
be invoked where the court was satisfied that the copy
or draft of the Will produced was identical with the
original. Probate of a copy of a lost Will may be
granted where there was sufficient evidence of the
existence of the original Will after the death of the
Destroyed Will
- S.26 PAA: same as lost will, if the original will was
destroyed, limited GP may be granted based on
copy/draft of the destroyed Will; or its contents.
Wong Fong Yin & Anor v Wong Choi Lin & Anor
and another suit [2013] 4 MLJ 82 - Court held that
there was no evidence to suggest the deceased had
wanted to destroy or revoke the will or to not benefit
WCL. Accordingly, the presumption of revocation had
been rebutted by the conduct of the deceased and by
inference from the circumstances of the case. Probate
may be granted to the copy of the will as it had been
sufficiently established on balance of probabilities.
Will deposited in a court outside Malaysia
- S.27 PAA: GP may be granted based on
authenticated copy of a will, if the original has been
deposited in a court outside Malaysia.
RM P RM P v Palaniyappan v Npl St Mv
Ramanathan Chettiar [1977] 2 MLJ 34 - Held as
the will was executed in India the question of its
validity should be determined in accordance with the
relevant Indian law. In this case the question of the
validity of the will had been determined in India in

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