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HUNT CK-BA0OK : fs on = & i eS rg ae) ne NEWS. SIGHTINGS ALERTS FILES FORUM CHAT | WHY ARE WE HERE? De ee eee ee ng af the world. i we do not know who we are and why we have been called to fight this war, wwe will nevor bo strong enough fo overcame the monsters and their domination of the human race. The more fact that others of the chasendo not see the enemy inthe same way Reece eae eet ee eee geet nae en ee eR battleground. The enemy willnotgivein simply because we ask them to or appeal to their corrupted humanity. Wo imbued have found our way onto the net to find others like ourselves, tashare ourexperiences and draw courage from one anather. Instead, we are Pee eee ee ee Pee Sa a eee ee ee ae ee ee eeu eT ee een Be a ecu ee tm ene a ee unc htt are Rut Mel emir Truc! Pere ee ter el a Ct cree ied ihe killers of beasts. This is a place for us to share our knowledge of the enemy and the Peete te er ee ee Cn cras) eee ea Meee eeu na PASS THE FLAME —Join the Firelight mailing list and add your voice to the revolution. Enter your email address below: ARNING: DO NOT ENTER YOUR REAL NAME OR OTHER PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION. THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION ON THIS LIST CANNOTBE GUARANTEED. URN MESSAG FOR YOUROWN PROTECTION, DONOT REVEAL YOUR REAL NAME,ADDRESS OR LDENTITY TO MEMBERS OF THISLIST, —— IFESTO adele RU ee ee eee eee Leigh ecient einer tT eae ee Se ae ee er ey »=>AMEND: by Crusader! 7 — “The suffering of the world cries aut for justice, and we have heard the call of the LORD JEHOVAH, God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob.” Tees ree ar ett) Mw eee te eaten Rei Uc ae ets eet ete ae eed Ue Ca ee eg ee tee ee eee Violence and abuse. The creatures we rightly call monsters have beaten us down and Dee eae Ue mesic ue gece ate eee Tee Sg art ae We the people. imbued to champion the oppressed. declare that all people have the el ee ee Re Eee aes ee eae a dR ee ee gm Lee ea keen eer ‘crimes against humanity and resolve ta break their grip on our people by any and all means a ee ee eee tes torte eat eee >>>AMEND: SpiritWarriar128—“We the people, imbued with the power af the Great Sa a ea eee er ea Seuaa ee eee re re ene eae nue ete ee eee eee a cea Se tres itisthe mandate of the people thatthe monsters who hold power over human agencies Must be confronted and destroyed without mercy. 50 thal we may gain the ineedom of Neeiedell detehee MLM LCE geet ng en ee ee Dre ae RS cae er ne eae heer remaining in the world and complete our retribution, For humanity to realize its place onthe Earth, inhumanity must perish uttorly, There can be no other acceptable resolution Peebles et ee ne teed must perish utterly, along with all thase who show no respect for the sanctity of human life, Dee rede a eee eared pa ote cay a Oe ee eer Sl cae rae Ce ge ee es eae eee ence ts Ne ee ea ee ee eee Ge een ee eee ee etn etn es Ne ete UC Re eee nee i eet ae Reece Metco ec Eee eee their insightand strength to achieve a just and lasting solution for the future of humankind ~ Meee Ue Ce ce ae ee Degas RR Cnn This definitely looks like one of us. Anyone-out there claim responsi npc Meee grouse Corte y NEWS: See CML ma ra Co ge CO aU ak SIGHTINGS SR CE cao ALERTS SRR Rea Ne sasha case pu et re ves FILES FORUM CHAT LINKS Peg eRe au ad eee Ce ream Ce er ee a CRU ae ice eee en aur a uel = Internet Browser: Kunterhet CONSTRUCTING SHAPED cHarces | & ose Rcd Diora we ated FS clery oti oti eros Ee ciey oie} rang re! ht, so now we've got the detonator assembled, and the plastique has been mixed Eee cn es tere eee ete This is where we get to the $5,000 question — What's the ee se ener ead Toss a stick of dynamite into a field. When it goes off, the See We eg ee ee Mee ee mee Ly Pea ee wet me ae ea DOM Gre cote cunr hoe ncn) as possible into a specific area, and that’s where the shaped ey A shaped chargeisanexplosive packed into a cylinder around the outside of a hollow ‘cone (see fig. 1). When the explosive is detonated, the energy follaws the path of least resistance — channeled straight downthe cone. So yougeta facused etal plasmathat's Peed ee OSE age ra cee gee See eee ie ce Roe es See ee eran S0 where do we come up with a cylindrical container with 3 Pere eee ue ue a ee ae meng liter soda bottle in your hand. Cut the end of that sucker off and Pan De a Re et ees bottle, leaving just enough room at the top for the detonator Coos) a cmen cob rea! Once you've got the plastique in place, add a couple inches of foam padding for Ca ue elms le mR CCR a ie ol LM oem ed oe eee ees aD eM emg pager until you're almost ready to place the charge! One wrong number will ruin your ret a et ee ea te a Cae! We first used this on a fang who had some serious personal See ee ee ae hhe was out on the town, we threw arock through the window of his: me gre as itwas waiting at the shop, we slipped ihe bomb onta the gas tank, ‘with the cone pointed toward the passenger compartment. That night, we shadowed the car and got a lucky break when the tang feet tte teaser fate me ‘our car, lat the limo drive well out of sight, and made a call. The Pe eck Ru acumen eer a eee a cee incinerated all five of them in less than a second. Internet Browser: Hunter-Net pre eel I've dug up all the reference materials I can get out of the Metropolitan library. Based Ce ee niet ee mee ee ee ee hee Me ee eae ene oo altering their physical form into severaldifferentbbody types. Legends say a werewolfcan es eee tee mune mee aera stories that suggest the creature is actually a wolf that can assume the appearance af a Cee ee ge ee aoe Ree ene eer eet eee eo — we're not crippled by the time of day. month or even season. bales Everything | have readindieates that the bipedal ‘wollman' form popularizedin horror films is a complete fabrication — perhaps perpetrated by our enemy. A werewolt tums fromaman intoa giant wolt, and vice-versa. They don't have hands or apparently human ol ee Ro rc Ss cae ea a Ree a You've gotitall wrong. The one | saw had four arms and fourlegs. Itlooked like aLon Cr ec tect tet yen stare Cpe pa ae a ee irae eras CR ee a eee RL ea Bee ee ee een ete ee need eee ee ees Lee ee useuel the next full moon. pee naan I can testify to the damn thing's bite. We comered one-out in the bush and the beast bit a shotgun in two, It “nipped” at ane of my buddies and sheared right through his Co acne need ee ae Watch that guy really closely, Hawitzer. Ive never heard of anyone even surviving @ Ree eee treet ee LC co cee Re eure ter eet ae Lect ‘According to legend, the only way to destroy a werewolf is a silver bullet to its heart Reece een Serer cn eter ete sah east eee ee em ia eee) reesei caer ERC e eS ace ots Internet Browser: Huntor-Net PROTOTYPE HOLY WATER GUN Pale eld NEXT PAGE Pressurizep Hony WATER Gun Peete ue me um el ee ca Co Cae ue CIC eer eu ern ea hose him down from 15 feet away! Desicn Ge ne el eae applicator, like pest control people use (gotta love tha irany!). Now eee ter er ete ae ee interne) eae uc Bless etetet ce ete eee ee cle ee eR ne Re ecg eee nee RC together (duct tape, bungee cord, whatever). Its just that simple! Gerrine THE Horny WATER Ree CULE ke eee eee La Cem cet me Se oe Se et rae ee es Dee Cec R Me CU Ue Run G eee eae eu Uien ew let Pe ea Ti mun ee eae eu ne PCR a RC ue Rau Ue CORE CR ue eC And | know just the bloodsucker | want to try it out on. | can't CRUE ols IR Peat elt Ue Petter emote a eee Ce ease a. ees Batt) 28 Spiritwarriorl2a: in the uper leq. Co) i ES eee terse ete ees Co CB Ose se Bima g Internet Browser: Hunter-Net ee 6.2.8, ee CONVERSATION WITH A GHOST [= Dee ee mr a Ee ead eee ue ae LC oo eed Ree ee uC eee ae PE CLES eae a ce aL) Come este a Ree eee cn eg being cruel, even violent. We wondered if there was a connection between the house and the family’s behavior. When the Mannings left the country on one of their European vacations, we cut the fee eee eee ee Wea uence fora It seemed to know what we were. We couldn't do Se Smee come! words appeared on one of the wails (see figure 1). No JO, gale ctag CR eRe i ek Ree ec ie Cee tee ee hcR tg et Re ee SUE CC ea eeu searching the house again, looking for any other signs of it aE Weg Rab de at RL here ee Pee cree en ee ae aren Peete ee ee ck) Cer en cme eos Cindy thought the thing was trying to control us. We still CC a Re aL CRC lumen soc] RU UM Coe nD ee aes CURE A Cue emUe Graeme eur eee Cer eae Cama aCe Tg Se aan Ue ac PCM Clee Teme Ue Lee RS ec loose, We dodged flying furniture and silverware (John got a fork in the arm), and scrambled outside for ener Gat out of my h SIGHTINGS ALERTS FILES FORUM CHAT The atmosphere was different when we got back — ee ee eae Cees ree eee icant mac ncoa Tl pots OT END cere! ce eee il ate The house bumed to the ground. We thought it was aver untl a few days later. Cindy is hearing strange IEE! pe a ie Cu acer R prc) leer Anyeopy Hunrine mn MARYLAND? Sea CR mal I've got a situation over here near Fort Meade. Looks like a gang of warlocks, but they've got government connections and some really bizarre equipment. Any hunters in Maryland who have had any experience with govornment merlins and want to tend eee et ar er oo ee a ee) SRurr mel oy WoteMen GaTHERING IN THE ADIRONDACKS ? See Ra Le Fe ee RL) Pesan i ie ane ee nu La Cael Apparently most of them arrive by car or van, from as far away as Kentucky and ee Ree tw CC UEC a ue ea Pe eet ee eeu Lk ee oe APB our For Lours ReNaLDo See ALL es Everyone in New York City be advised — the NYPD has put out an all-points Pe ican mS tae CC Ra ee i Peeeeet eer ar eu eed eer ene en ee ina ee has been fucked up ever since. Something about trying to earn a second chance! ‘Apparently he's started his own hunt. But without the sight, how can he know who's Cree ee ena ea Rene eae ne re eC a eee aCe et Procress Report: Care Town pee ER any eee Re ee RC eC Pee cee io cena ew a ec Re tec eet eee ee eo ence ee eee Cee aun occ) it marked a buried strongbox containing a pistol, a wad of cash and a Cele with some addresses in Cape Town and Johannesburg, Still no luck finding Se SC mR Ue cee ee ees a ee tee eon fee ea Internet Brow: unterNet The following aro some of those weird symbols and their apparent mea Deen eee ee ee ee eee ee eer ete ae et ee Pee eee ee ee oC Ue cea around the world can find the same sense in these symbols suggests that this is some kind of universal language — kinda like mathor music. Hasit always been there and was Pee ei em nn aL Dee ee ee eee as ee A eee eee es ue og) Re eee ee eee ay Ce ee enue a SIGHTINGS ALERTS eee eet es ee a pores) ota O fore aver) Sree es pendant ores Pag ee Cetera ee pee re tarsi, ee Nes cess eee) eee oar ees nee eam i a ie acre ern cio kai ah rot Meerine pace. Tus rem nce Pcie ee Ceres Rea cacee sy pose ees) oie ete propel ees! Braces ees ‘Trap. TRIAL AND ERROR Pie a eee pene aceng STAGED BY THE ENEMY, Pegs ccs reed eesti) Penne ia cu AGRINGT YOU BY OUR ere et es ey eter aetna ees LANs st Prete ea cre aes) icra ay Siieree eae rt eed per cae or ceed ey eet ee feet pe meer PO Cee restr ae tel dena poses oe Peete Son ee} Imei. LP you' ve mer Ce ed cameos bags ei pee es aah pe) peste se ea Satie prec ee oe te ae eget epee tau cree ee SC eae a Pee eteue nt ‘Thilled the car's headlights ad cased slowly around the comer. Mast of the streetlights in this part of Stateway had been shot out by dealers, leaving long stretches of darkness broken by scattered pools of weak range light, The crumbling, pockmarked high-rises Icomed on our left like old tombstones, silent and sil ‘There were carsparked on eitherside ofthe street, many of them rusted-out hulks | eased the old Thunderbird up to the curb next to an empty trash-strewn lot. The park was another block-and-s-half away. My watch read two minutes tomidnight. The mon- sters were out there, waiting. tured tothe girl. Forafeerseconds, had tostruggle torememberher name," Okay, Emily. Timeta go.Justact natural, do this like all the other times and I'll make care ofthe rest” The wordscamecut woobuarsh like asnarl,but Iwas too tired and nervous vo play around. She was leaning against the ear door, arms folded tightly across her chest, Moonlight through the passenger's window picked our the bald spots om her ‘worn-out leather jacket and left deep shadows around her sunken eyes. Emily shivered, but I wasn't sure if it was from withdrawal or something else. She scared fearfully into the darkness, "Please don't make me da this," she whispered, like a frightened child. “Goddamn it, Emily, you can't back out on menow!" “The girlflinched. didn't mean to shout. I was the fatigue I tried to remember the last time 1 had anything to ea, much less sleep. Nothing eame to mind. [fumbled for the cigarettes in my jackex pocket and tried to stay calm. “Just work with me here. Ir'll all be over in a couple minutes.” Wea teaga Streaks of silver ran down het cheeks. She wiped them away with a trembling hand. “I'm scared. I feel sick, Can't you do this some other way?" | fished our a cigarette and leaned forward so the dash would hide the flare of the lighter. Breathing deeply, I waited for the rush to hit. It wasn't the lightning bole I had expected, etching the world in razor-sharp lines and curves. The smoke cleared my head and took the edge off my fear, but I still felt like shit. “No way out but through, kid" replied, rubbing If chere was any other way to do this 1 ‘would, Smear to God.” The girl tumed to look atme, shifting around in her seat, stil wiping her eyes. She looked a lot younger chan 19, juses terrified kid with bony knees poking out from a too-short skit. "Just promise me you won't tell chem | tumed them in. Please. | know —" she took a deep, shaky breath — “I know what they've done, but they were good to me, They took care of me, and never asked for anything. Just — just promise me, okay?” It was all | could do to take a long drag on the cigarette. Eighteen hours ago she'd been covered in the blood of innocent people, and now she wanted me to remember how good these fuckers had been to her: Hooked her in the eye. “I won't say 2 word, Emily Nota word.” Aftetamoment, she nodded and climbed our ofthe car. She started walking, hesitantly at fist, heading for the park and the beasts that waited for her. | caught myself looking for another cigarecte, not remembering when [id finished the first. CL ‘Once she was out of sight, | started looking over the weapons. I checked the safety on the 45 holstered ac my hhip,and the Asp resting in its nylonsheath. Then [reached back and gnibbed the black duster bundled on the back seat. Wrapped up in the coat was a silenced submachine sgn, an HK MPSSDIdborrowedfrom the precinct SWAT armory. There were three clips of silver-tip hollow points wrapped up next to the gun — my own conmibution. I slappedoneinto the MP5 undchamberedaround, then pur the weapon's assul ding over my shoulder. I was ready. ‘The darkness waited. My hands started to shake. ‘What they couldn’ be stopped with bulles! [didn't haveaclue.Ididn'thaveanyidea what they were.Ididmow what happened co their vietims. And [ knew that | was putting myself right into their hands. If I fucked up, the forensics guyswouldbe finding piecesofme allover thea. Tgrippedthe steering wheel. The keyswerestillin the ignirion. And L asked myself rhe same question [ asked every single goddamned night. Can you walk away from this! Can you forget what you know and ust walk awe? ‘The answerwas no. And that pretty much saidivall. 1 grabbed che duster and got out of the car. “Ther found her at the ene of the most recent urd cutled up ima bull and covered in blood. She'd ‘eravled away from the bodies and hidden in pile of trash, iving soil charshe'd been there for almestan hour before someone from forensics literally stumbled onto her. ‘None ofthe blood was hers, bur no one coukd believe she had been the one who killed the DeSilvas. There was no mative, no connection to the victims, and no way in hell she couldhavebeen strongenough totearfour people limb from limb, The detectives working the case figured her for a witness, somebody who was in the wrong place atthe weong time. That didn't explain why the killers let herlive, but it made abour as much sense as anything else where the Stateway Stalker was concerned ‘Unless you knew sbout monsters, The detectives were going to cut her loose, There just vwasn'tany justi reazom toheldher. While they were off setting the paperwork topedher, I poid an unofficial visi She was pacing the small examination room when walked in. They'd let ber clean off in the women's locker room, but her clothes sull looked like she'd been rolling around in a slaughtethouse. The air was thick with the smell of blood. Her face was haggard, worn down to nothing more than pale ckin and rough bone. When she looked at me, her eyes were like dull marbles set too for back in theit sockets. She wasonly nineteen. [ figured she'd been on crack for about a year. Theld her gaze and really looked at her, half-afraid of what | might find, But she wasn't one of them. just what she appeared to be. ee “ Areyouthereto let me go?” The gil tried todredge up a lirclewtinadelkeshekmew thescoreand didi’ thaveanything to worry about She'd been downtown enough times to know howthings wodked, butallthacreally meant wasthatshe knew enough to getintomoretruble. | dropped hertile anda thick manila envelope on the tle and pulled up a sat “Homicide's done with you. I'm from narcotics.” She froze for asecand. I kepr my face wooden and let her read whatever she wanted from my expression, “You want to have a seat? You look a little neevo' “T'm fine,” she said, bur her eyes jéttered all over the place. Fd knocked her offbalance, and she was trying t figure out what was happening. 1 chrugged. “Doesn's make much difference to me. How would you like tago to prison for 30 years, Emily” She took a step back, her expression disbelieving “What are you talking about!" “fm talking about selling class-one narcotics, and accessory co murder.” Lopened her file, “You've got three arrests for prostitution and an arrest four monthsago for possession. Now forensics has come back with their lab results and it seems that one of the DeSilva kids had crack cocaine in her system. From where P'm siting, i¢ looks like a young hooker got tired of working the streets and started selling product to make big money. Did you have some of yourfriends kill che DeSilvas s0 you could keep ital for yourself?” “That's not true!" Her voice rose toa terrified shout, “That's not what happened! I'm trying to get clean. | told the ochers whar happened—" It was easy to sneer at that one. “You told them the DeSilvas were killed by wild dogs. Jesus fucking Christ, Ennily, this is Chicago. Those twe dickheads might have { bought your bullshit story, but | know better.” ' "No you don’t!" She rushed forward, slamming het hands on the table. There was a wild look in her eves. It took a second for me to realize that she was genuinely terrified — damn near out of her mind. “You weren't there! You've gor no idea what happened!" "So eel me.” [closed the file, trying to seem disin- terested, “With everything]'ve gothere, you can't make ‘your situation worse..." Emily puta bony hand tooverher mouth. Shestood that way fora long time, and I could see the conflict tearing back and forth in her eyes. | coulda'e tel if she was more seared of what she'd seen or of how another person might react if she tried to talk about it. God knows I'd been there before. Rightabout the time I wa starting to worry thac the sus from homicice would be back, shetook adeep breath and made her decision. “There's these two gurs, okay! They started hanging around Stateway last month. Rightaboutthe tmeshemurdersstarec Prmcnmoyou non yeu bss, “What ae their names! Where do they live!” mphatically.“Tknow y. They even took some punks who ried to pull me into acar. They Iwas partof their family, and they were re ‘And thardidn't bother dhe hell our of you” d. But ry living on the streets sometime. you can get and don’ ed me off was when drugs. They beat ine to yself any more: my warch. Ifthe homicide detectives with their witness, there would be hell t about the D showed up on my street at were acting all weird, r asked i sound of his like there was something... side him. | can't explain it. He said thar it was time, or that the | time ors right. Something like that. Time to J show me the truth. ‘So they took me about fi i] across a couple of vacant lo AMy behind an empty building, There was an old there, and a family sleeping + be kind of grow animal, When I tured to loc than before. “Het in fur, and Rab charged pulling caring themapart Theyletone cf the T can before it gees dark jo, not yet. | need you to help slosy photos taken from 10 different murder scenes. 1 pickedsomearrandom. “Here's an elderly ladytom tobits in her apartment. Here's what’sleft ofa pregnant woman killed in her bed. She had ewoother kids in the room with, her, but we still haven't found all of cheir remains. We thinkesome of thea mighthaye been eaten. The DeSilvas weren't the first people these monsters have killed, and they won't be the last. Homicide thinks they've gat a Hannibal Lecter wannabe on their hands, but you and | know the truth. They aren't going to be able to stop these us... but-you and I can," ‘The gidlooked ame fora though dhe wasn't sure what she'd just heard. “You're cucof your mind!" “Tell that to the DeSilvas!” I threw one of the pictures at her. “Tell char co Eleanor Waits." I threw aother, hitting Emily in the forehead. "Tell chat to Shontse Brewer and her unborn kid.” | threw a handful cof gruesome photos in her face, “Tell that to every man, woman and child who is going todie because you don't have the guts to do something about it!” I came around the end of the table and she staggered backward, raisin: ahand protectively. The look inhereyesmade mecatch myself jusc short of shiking her like a rag doll “1 jose wane to be left alone,” she said in a terrified whisper. “just want to go home.” “Emily, as long as chose things are out there, you don't have a home. Now think: You said you were supposed to go away with them tonight. Were you supposed to meet them somewhere?” “Yoyes,” she said, choking back more tears. “They said to meet them at he park on 133rd Street, acruse from the high-rises. At midnight." "Then that’s where you'll be. They trust you, Emly ‘Youcan draw themout ofcover. And I'Mbe there rorake sate of them.” She brought her hands to het face again, eyes bright with fear, “Please don't. [swear I'll do anything you want. Please don't make me do this.” “Emily, we are going to do this, We owe ito all dhe people who'vedied because ofthese guys. They'reevil, and they have to be stopped, I need your help — and I'll keep you in Chicago as long as [have eo. So i's in your best interest to help me get these guys before they get you.” She stood there wordlesly while 1 gathered the pictures. “Clean yourself up, kid,” I said once I was ready ogo. “Think real hard about what said. It's themor me.” [slipped our just minutes ahead of the homicide boys. ‘When | got backeto my des, called ina fevor from a guy in processing fo te up Enily’s release rillabout ten that night Once the wheels were in mociom, | samt to muke ry plan Tdrneed to get a car from the impound lot; some- thing that would blend in, And a full-auro weapon. Twent outside for a smoke, ‘The park existed nowadays for hookers, junkies and thieves. It was a square block of dead grass, withered trees ancl empty, graffiti-covered planters, None of the lights worked, making dozens of arkecomersandcul-de sacs where people could do their business, It was a place oly # monster could make I didn’t plan on wasting time. The longer you waited, the more things could go wrong. The park sloped upward toward the center, making a kind of low hill crowned with skeleral trees. Near the top, T heard Emily's voice. She was arguing with someone. My hand went forthe submachine gun as gocto the top of the hill. moved between the trees, listening for her voice. They were standing near a broken-down bench on the side opposite the entrance. U brought the MP5 up to my shoulder. Emily and one of the guys were standing close together in a pool of shadow, nothing bute vague gray outlines agninst black- nes. Ir felt good to be laying the gun’ssight on one of the beasts. Time ropay,"I whispered softly. Moving myhead fractionally, [tried to get an eye on the other creature— And chat’s when the son of a biteh hit me. Its hand stashed into my left shoulder like asleige- hammer, knocking me flat on my face. [let off a long burst as [ fell, in the direction [ had aimed. Someone screamed. Irmight have been me. The rhingwasontop ofmethesecondI hitthe ground. Tewisted undemeath icand looked into face straight fom Hell. I lunged at me, jaws wide, and I flung our my left hand, flsiling at its snout. Its teeth closed on my wrist. Something snapped. [ wrenched around and jammed the MP9 into its throat and held the trigger down. Ic umed out bullets worked, after all I kicked out from under the thing's body, It was already staring o change, shrinking back incoa human shape. Tran down the hill. My left arm wouldn't work from the pain, 50 I couldn't change clips on the MPS, 1 Jer it hang frown its strap and pulled out the Asp. Ennily and the first creature I saw lay close to each, other. The kid had canght a tound in the temple. The beave was trying to crawl away, dragging ts shattered legs. ‘Whee I saw the poor gir’s body, | went cold. Even at the bitter end, the monsters managed to take one more soul:down with them. With a flick of my good wrist, the Asp's collapsible steel baton telescoped fo its full, ewo-faot length. The knobat theend began toglow anangry red. The creature managed to tear its claws actuss my leg as I brought the ‘weapon down on its head. | beat the thing until the baron warped and broke. Limping, 1 turned back to the gil. Sirens sounded in thedistance. I closed her tear streaked eyes. There was nothing else | could do. Except avenge her. HUNT ER-BOQKE By Mreanst fea Gree Srous Layout and Typesetting: Pauline Benney Interior Artz Andrew Bates, Guy Davis, Steve Ellis, Steve Prescott, Vince Locke Front Cover Art: Tommy Lee Edwards Front & Back Cover Design: Pauline Benney fy © 2000 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All pol 1 tumtows sn wrest wien pee SUTE D8 cexprestly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and fo blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal aly, White Wolfand World of Darkness are registered trac of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved USh Reckoning, Hunter Storytellers Companion, Hunter Guide and Hunrer Book Avenger are trademarks of Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters, arc copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. forsettings characters and themes, All mystical and superna ‘entertainnient purposes only. Reader discretion is advised. ee eee HUNT ER=BO0K: | Tapicor Conrenrs Procogue’InExr rams fxvroducrion Capra: HonrrOnces Cayrn2: Tieton Cupra Sthuare Ties Carrer4 Dur Furue Canrren5-NovRuss Corre 62ers av Lice ag) Thow art my battle ax and weapons of war: fom with thee will T breakin pieces the nations, and wath thee will I destray kingdoms; — Jeremiah 51:20 Birra oF A Revoturion Hunter Book: Avenger is aseurcebook wbelp you develop a better understanding of the Avenger creed and its emerging vale in the world of Hunter: The Reckoning. As an Avenger, you're a single-minded fanatic or a ruthless destroyer. You would wage war on monsters all by youreelf if you had to, and maybe you already do. The supernatural isthe enemy, and the only good enemy is adead enemy. Bur whar makes you tick? What fire could so consume your soul that it can be quenched only by rage and violence? This book helps youdecide, to determine who your Avenger is, before snd ufter the imbuing—and all che creeds new powers and rules don’t hut, either. ‘But just as you need to better understand your own Avenger, you must understand hunter society a5 itemerges; the two are inextricably intertwined. As each of the newly imbued struggles to understand her new world, origins and purpose, she inevitably com- pares hee experiences, philosophies and fears with onesshe cneounters on the streets or om the Internet Ar first, the recently awakened larch onto anyone who understands them; this new world is just too terrifying to contend with alone. However, in timc; a8 more and more imbued dare mect and make over- tures to find each other, individuals with similar attitudes and theories are attracted to one another and develop like-minded circles, These foundling social groups are the bases for what ultimately be- come the hunter creeds Yet, during hunters’ emergence, many varied im- bued can seem fo have common goals. As the chosen make contact ty to understand theirmutual condition ‘and strive to work tagether, similar goals and.comparable experiences can hide fundamentally different philoso- phics, whether about hunter purpose, the nature of the Messengers ot the necessary fate of monsters. All hunt- ersagrecthat the supemarura’s hold on humanity must be broken, hut not everyone agrees-on hew to accom plish it- Mutual experiences and mutual values turn out to be two very different things. Hunterscan therefore be raken by surprise when a fellow “avenger" really proves to he a militant redeemer or a distracted visionary. ‘Sometimes the chosen aren't even sure of their own ideals until immersed complerely in che hunt. Pre CU a ag Te's only after the in cor even obsessed with the hu ithecome purposeful and refined. Some become de ined to save monsters 0 utterly destroyed. When this distillaci the creed: asscial recognizes Avenger and poent rec 1 all through the creeds’ codified values, intentions and goals in the hunt. ‘When will hunters achieve such soc: Treould take mont s perspecti However, when cr the hunt ne the super mber divis to infighting and polities rather than their higher purpose Ultimately, the course of your chronicle and your a decide when the creeds become publicly recognized in your game. In the meantime, s define distinct “voices” These: Avenger nacrators typify the spectrum of personalities across the creed as 2 whole Each ofthese people presents his or her own rakeon the origins, tactics, relations and fare of Avengers, snd on hunters im general J and its members’ views ey to define the 0 louger undereeend: With no d philosophies they possessed before their cransformation. No two Avengers have the same thougl origins, forexample.Th the que ¥ world 1 elief system — best erate their indivi collective ident reading this book, you should have a sen: ambitions thae inspire end motivate vari ates these sets, and other imbued, » fully develop s make himjust in his dogged pursuit ef the hunt ar How ro Use Tits Book Hunter Book: Avenger broadens the World of Darkness as creed members perceive it and offers in: sightsinto the hunrerpsyche. lealso offers new rulesand powers for use by Avengers and possibly other creed members. This baok can therefore help fou berter understand your character and elaborate upon her. (Chapter 1: Hunter Origins explores the nature of monsters, the Messengers and Avengers, and seeks t0 explain why the imbued receive their gift or curse- (Chapter 2: The Hunt covers Avengers’ unique tactics and strategies in their constant struggle against the supernatural. Chapter 3: Hunter Ties describes Avengers’ rela tions with themselves and other creeds. (Chapter 4: Our Future presents the creeds at tempt to define its purpose and destiny in the World of Darkness. ‘Chapter 5: New Rules offers more rules, edges equipment for use by Avengers and peshaps by hun of other creeds. ‘Chapter 6: Avengers at Large details newly im- ued Avengers whoare ready for play. The chapter also profiles creed members who have acquired reputations through word of mouth and the Internet. Lexicon ‘As any new society or organization forms and gros, its members tend to.use words orterms suited to thegroup'sneeds, intentions and idenriry. Such words help define the circle's purpose. The Avenger crecd is no different. The following slang and phrases begin to ‘see common. use among warriors, particularly on the firelight email lise. They may even catch on among other imbued. Avengers or hunters in general without exposure to such communications undoubtedly have their own terms, or chey stumble on in the dark, alone and uninformed bruise: A ghoul, coined to describe che blue-black pallor sometimes revealed wich second sight. bullaeye: A hunter who prefers to kill with sniper crave: Used to describe @ hunter's obsession with attacking a particular type of monster demo: A hunter with a pred with explosives. drone: A human whe is ignorant of monsters and their influence. sion for working stander, someone who receives the ell bur fails to become a hunter. echo: A member of a hunter personality cult fang: A vampire. flicker: A shapechanger. Jones: A bunterwhohasformedacultofpersonaliry Tobo: A shapechanger, usually a werewolf. merlin: A warlock or witch, put wood on: To kill, particularly vampires pyro: A hunter who tends to kill with fre rot: A general term for the undead shitkicker: A hunter inclined to engage ity hand- ro-hand combat, often using the Cleave edge. smoke: To kill. stubs A shambler. wake-up: The act of hecoming imbued. wisp: A ghost or spirit ‘Sounce Marenial There are all kinds of movies, books and comics available that capture the rage, determination and sometimes unbridled hutred of Avengers. Obviously, the following sources aren't about Avengers or fighting monsters, bursome of their charactersor sul come damn close, Just imagine monsters as the enemy Falling Down: Michael Douglas is awesome as an -cdge “regular guy" who keeps taking it on the chin in life ill he snaps. That's when the shit relly hits the fan, but now he's dishing it out: “It feels good to exercise your rights, doesn’t it?” Reservoir Dogs: This is the ultimate movie about guys who also happen to be total bad-asses. However, Mister Blond takes che cake as an Avenger out of control. Imagine chat captured cop asa bruise and you're in business ‘Scared Staaight: Yeah, it's a weird "70s fick, butsome of those inmates are fucked-up dudes. They'd be as quickto ill you fora buckas an Avenger would kill you forbeing amonster. Some of the haranguesin this book seem awfully familiar... Grosse Point Blank: If you rake away the comedy Lalling people a: 2 lifestyle — and with a pen — gets pretty sca dential: Holy shit! If you could shatter a ‘wood chair in your bure hands — just out of anger — ‘you'd be an Avet American History X: Curb stomp. i BS b/. s s i . = ae ha) ¢ N Ss a4 SY <7 Me ee Ve — ea en No . Ce eS : =e oes An unjust mam isan abomination to thejust: and he that is upright in the wary is aburnination to the wicked Proverbs 29:27 WAKING uP 0 THE NigHT MARE Subject: The Revolution Will Net be Televised From: memphiss8 To: firelight ist Everyone on this fist and the main one keeps asking “Where did we came from. Why us? What ore the monsters ond how long have they been here?” know. At least. T've known there were mansters since Iwas 13 years oid Tremember the gunshot. the air shaking with screams and dark fingers pointing Yo the sky, trying to reveal the source of an dbomination, on inhuman creature that hadkilled all eur dreams in a single mament Tloiew there were monsters. I just couldnt see them ‘Theye ways been with us, since the dawn of time, When: cover human beings come together aa society, whenever we plant roots and grew Powerd 4 better future, the dorkest parts of our nature coneintaplay Greed. Anger Fear: We leshoutat those we love, we grow tired end cr values, and we utimstely -stkinto comuption Before webnew't.clthase creat ideas weance hadhave been transformed into something petty. Why? Because __they_makeitheppen _They_wart us to stoy weakond without Tope, Becouse:t saps our strengthand makes us easier to control think the creatures I collective cll_inhumarety_ ruled the Earth ong before humonkind,so org ogo that not eve ruins remain to mark their ‘Mayes they were a ot fe us ot first, but their dreams fell apart too and they declined into decadence and ev. There's nathirg mace Fearsome than 304d vwhohas rohape, beenise il embrace arything_tofill the void, We see it every yin the inner city, ‘The warlocks were the first, That age-old deal with the Devil youkrow? When they found their heartsandminds werent uptothe demands of life, they soldoutandcorrupted themsehes for the soke of power. But fear has a way of making the mast harvible alteratves seem attractive. They wanted long life ‘They wanted the strength and vitality they newer hak They wanted te contral the world that made them so afraid. So they learned fo steal one anathers strength and odd it to thes own ‘They turned on one ancther like sfarvng rats, Some became vampires, creatures empty of life except for what they could steal Others simply became living dead — stubborn, petty souls in decaying flesh. A few, o very few, chose the wisest course of aliand emulatedthe beasts f the terest themselves to the wild. But like the athers, they were too 5 ikeadrowning man pulinghissavordownwith im. They took their powers fram the predators of the weod and became half-an haif-benst, owas hunory for fiesh, unable to cantrol even the:= physical farms, Ts asad story, bur fit had ended there, the world would have been @ much different pioce. Inhumanity wos lest lot before _we_came en the scene. They sow us in the crodle Mesepstoma, sow the: in our lean dark arms, and the vision brightly from our brew. and they saw’ in ur ing that they werent. They loved us ndhatedusat the sana time, os only a diseased heart could, And the further we spread, the mare they coveted what we achieved We sillhave stones of thase exty times, but acre believes themanymore _They_hove denfenedustocur deep memariesard ve tondicuesurencestors ways Stonesof monsters reret historyorymere: theyremyths Butwhat about theGreck as ha ‘tie tohurarsin the shopes of min? What about the Minatasr or the Media? What about the Witch of Endor inthe Bible or the rman possessed ty alegion of evil grits? What beat the monster called Grendel and its ferrible rather? Even Asin "the" speckot arinel spints like kane ard crestures apparently sini to vatpires Daycuredlly thik such ommonstonesoreacoincdence? Inthe early days, humenity preyed anus openly, terror a ea a ce ee es hurtersind shapedby the times they liven Menlike ree thn ter felon cna they sore at re power greater than their fellow men and 1H monsters could be sin They were the first hunters andl of us today descend from them. ur great failing was that we were tao shortsighted. Too wiling te put down the Snord ence the iiimediate eri wos 3d. There was no one with the foresight to recognize ‘the monsters for what theywerecnd launch crusade te Scour ‘them from the Earth. We couldn't see past the bounds of our little wilages and clans. So the monsters survived ond their hate gren. If they couldn't have the glory that was ‘ight uly” theirs if they couldrt make cur world theirs, then they would share their world with us ‘What is the quickest way ta corrupt 2 man? Give him what he wants. Just like thet. Slide i to him on @ silver plotter. Make it So easy that he con't help but ask for mere. Moreand more, until henolanger knows any ather way ta get what he wants, ond thenhis ants become_needs_ Thenhe's trapped. That's when he's capable of anything to fulfill his desires, ne matter how depraved. “The monsters stepped fight Us Subthy. they put their powers at our dispasal ond ‘shored “frawledge” with us. They made kings end led them to buld great empires, addicting them to power. They soured us with gut ond turned it into . They chlled our minds With The pleasures of the flesh Love became lust. Nobility became brutality. And when cur ancestors saw what they had Bese hak by eed eich teh oo the darkness because that was al they had eft ecm laa pace roar Pretty soon no one could tell humans frem monsters. The creatures had created the best of both worlds — for themselves. ‘Tue Message We should have seen what was coming when they nailed Christ to a tree. ‘I don't know about any “son of Ged,” but Jesus was still a great man He tied to renind us of what mode us human Kress compass, ow. Ent tink he hears. mesage higheart. The problemwns,he talked alittle peepee leper th ‘that society had been warped inte. Jesus undid creatures plon without ever knowing it. Looking back, Im Srprised the monsters cit Wl in let qucket People called Jesus the _Messch_ He tried to sharea message, ofl right, but what he was saying wasn't new, Just the oppasite. He was trying to remind us of what wwe were lice before the moncters got thelr clows into us ‘Themonsterswantedusto ‘That wos theirwhole plan inarutshell Fale Se fone mich tee teem org live without needs and fears. But Christ Cate tauren fosonestnceers Nenetpouestecton mar hes He was a Pare rebern But haw dl he rediscover the powers thatthe menstera hod tke fem us? People dan't ever really forget anything. Ever hear that? Tetras Scents say weremeriereverythngwe experience us and started helping = it's just _getting_to these memories that's the problem Somesihere deep inside every one of us isthe blueprint for our ancient selves. Societies have been turned toward sterile science and soulless techrology.ondphilosophyandreliionhave ‘been pushed to the fringe because the monsters cre trying te fee gay froma grees, toepussSckord weak ep dawn, way deep dawn in cur subcorscious, we know the truth bee on ancestral marry. Tie not the way we ore supposed tobe. Wearelivingalieevery doy, Thereare monsters all round us, but we cait see them Sometimes under theriht circumstances we canhen the The words we hear come from insde_us. Theyre the Voices of our subconscious, frying toreconcle what me were with har we vebeceme. Theprebiom s that weve deiftedse for from cur origins thatthe truth, sadly. seams supernatural. We canna longer mogine thar we couldbe capable of suchglorybyourselves ‘Tesus heard the voice of his subconscious and called it God, identifying it with the religion he knew as a boy. He coulde’t help it. The monsters hod put that idea into his head ‘almost from birth — his ord every other person's on the planet, Don'tpay teamuchattention te what'sgcing en ansund ‘you~ fecuson some nebulous world to come You can elso hear the message and still ot get it right. That war os true then os it today, Moybe It's your ‘upbringing oe your environment, but you cansee the truth and ‘ot krow what to do about it est iunderstond wht heisben shown He toh he was preparing the way fore paracise ta come, instead of tS up te whet we'd. When The came fo on, he wert ‘olorb to the'sloughter, thinking that Hecven waited, ra matter what. The poor bestard He even forgave them before he died That they got a goed laugh ot of We won't make the some mistake Christ did Waar Are We? “Toftelight st bunor-net. org ‘rom: crusodtl? Suibect: OurSource Somanyaltese’ enters" vehearhwouldmaiemelaugs they syenpiomatcodpsthoweruchote bate wave ahead ‘tus. pats olkng about he ovioussides lhe Holl War, us ‘gains he warpines and spiced boast-men Timilnweboutthe ‘wornsideourownslails Tha staf emiorywehavtorecam. “The*things* hove colonizedourminds. They don justiukin thestwers andout inthe lonely woods. They've set ve shop in out beliefs ond ideas. All the authority we see them exer ~ an TV stations Bais, ondofcoursson the goverment ~sssacondary Tos freight lse@bunter-nes ong From: crusader? Subject: False Prophets a nituereaminetls wil ssi scek ro nim the fithfl from the work ofthe Lord. ‘Your humanistic witchery makesme sick, Mem- phis, [can’t believe | once admired you. | Thaven'tforgotren that Lowe youmy lifeafter that bightn Albany For alone, yn count yous ‘enemy. Bur don't cress paths with me again. ‘Make your peace with Chris: the Savior, Mem= ph cui oo nis, Thor sal! just ameansto an end, and that end issrmply this ‘contol. They cool what we see, whatwelaam and thezefare \whatwebeleve IfyouputencughviolenceanV, soonneanc wll beshocked by wolence Inoughatred backed byapusngboss beat and pefty soon ere morecccupied by out devencesthan ‘urcomanan humanity 'thetum ol hernileraiumnand what howe ‘we goto showtse Prejudice youcan danceto! ‘Weoretiving neviltimes. andour enemies orenothingother hanevdineamale Garbed in aursien theyorakamang usinarder tomold andshapeus andmoke vs more lik them ‘Then, long coene users, Isitreally ss mysterous?Isitsostrange, what weare? ‘We're the agentsofGod ant, That's sometling.n0 one ans lo hear today. “We don ineed tet® webave *reny*.*“Wedon tneedvitue webaveanewspott ieandsome sksandahowseinthesubuths ""Wedon need values likecourngeandloyaty, Maney ndobjertsoreoodenoush iors Peoplesate blind, fdlish ond ctppled. Tey vebeencaretully aught to valveonty objects. Ascresult hey *become* abject ‘youiryo wate them up toanythingrnoreinportan, they ough ‘fyoU. Being goodisn cool. sallabigjoketother ondmostof Us*"vere® them. Unive goto good ook ofthe comedian. ctleast, Nov? I don'thear nyoneushing Godshowedusthetnh ondthe shocking hingisthotso ewe ‘ean see! *evernow*. Here spelitoutlkcon Wheel offertane GOD SNT S70 STOP THM Wsthatobvious, but you're allo conditioned by secular burenisinthatyoucan seethepotten. “Awokeningremal sinc?” Creme abren: haven tseenanyleenagcbloadivsdeveop”prar instincs" when vornpiteisseltotearopentheirnecks. "Viruses sfrrulaingour lo psychic That sie seenga weather balloon, watchine'terash, handling hess. seeing "U.S. Weather Service” stencedon the side and silisising Fsanatlenspoceship! Idon'tnecessoil thinkwe'e anythingnew, however. The Bible speats of ‘mighty men” indoys ofold. I've knocked over monsters with thrown rocks saundanything like Davidand Goliath? Dan’t we cost out devils ike the disciples ofold? See visions lee the prophets? Heoliiness be thesaints? Thisisnotthe ist tinehumankindhasocedinconces against ‘hesogents ofSoten.Theliberlletpointstothe Cotnolicnauston and eclaresitwescllebou! greed ondpolticsandont- Semis. but {tyoniy oneseround wivecouldsayforsureorethemanstoss webu Treheard emiistscollSeloria "potrarchalgestur afericde, "but knowing whofe ina, an Htsenplertthinkbatit wos? jt what itwos *clamedto be*? Maybetbe puttans “were elingwiiches ‘dite Price eshessiifllyhiddenthe ruth Aderall historyis ‘wrtienby the winners “Tome, thegreatestmiracaisthot Godhas sent ogivethese spfstosomany unbelivars: That thei! barrier, Howeould Gedenirystsuch powerlosuchrallbengsand)indudemyselfin thorcaiegary,Loowinotinysrenghcomes tom thelord Burthat's always een Hisway. Bockin Eden, He entrusted he greatestof secreisohurnaniy. whoprompllyolledthesn. Evennowe Hecfiers theevp of salvetion tothosewno would spain itorknockitintothe dust But Fis grace ondmercy are boundless, botlomless, and Fis loveso grea! thot even falthe energy afimoingonly saves one bunersoultharatherwise wouldbe condoned, he nvestnentis ‘worth ito Fm. His waysoren tours, Hen Yeoncemed with geting “andspendiagand valveandvetum on investment He'lgeus fhetoolsandhope that we choose to use hen wal Makenoristak, God wars wslochoose, He could ofcourse enforce His will but then He’ dbe nobeterthanhis foes, ourpecy. ‘Whotsortof universe would tb, filled wit automatons grncing selendlessly down opredestined course? grotesque puppet show, ‘enaniy unfitforobengofboundiessvisve. No, we “must* havetiee CTL ‘wil. Werrusthave theoptanio choase dsbeliet. dsabedience and Geath Bute olwoyssiocsthegae inouriavor Read Genes idoesn't sy, “ifyoudisobey ne, you lsu, youllse sary youllswentand bleed and betieagans naturetiot ‘was once your servant-"No, says. "You'idie." But when ore Sreved Up, Heoloned, and Heosgvenuscosmicbreaks ime andogarn, eluding sanding His Son lo saveus. Nowwe have natherchoice. We oe shown fhe evlirth ad given he weopans tobote i's anobvous choice, butsta choice Youoan*Enally* choose ose elaving and merctel God who'sbeenthere lion, Oryoucanlockaway.Asalways FS uployou. inowany choice We vue Guosen “remember the marches in Birmingham. Tve got scars wheres police dogbit myleg. [remember the dead look in the Cop's eyes as he beat my father to the. ground. But we kept ‘on going, kept on protesting. _We chal overcome.._ We didn't know what else to do, The world needed changing, nd we were geing fo do, somehow "Yeukrew what I mean? We've ways been dekssollof us These days, that word’ just another label te be laughed at — the the naive and immature. T's not cool to have an ideal, a lion for the ware. The meri cert be changed, gt? Thot's what they. wont us to think Wealwoys seed that the workd wasnt what it should be We bristied at the corruntion, the greed and the fear we sow round us. We knendeep Gown that it was not supposed tobe this: ‘way. We couldn't go along with the:rest. We couldn't fit in. ‘There were nights we would lie awake, with the frustratien snowing ox sides The word was wrong anewe he Ye charge itifwawareever going tfee an/peace Sone of ushave felt that ‘sncechidhood: ethers hae come Toit much er mf but the teslesmese the key he one hing ol of us share ‘We have gravitated to causes all our life, fallen inand out ‘of countless crusades ot we've tried to find some way to-fight back Equal rights, enviranmental rights, free speech, pro-life sr pre choice. onjthing that spoke Tecur discontent. Some of ‘us felt called to be soldiers or policemen. Others became ‘Jevorists The detale ict really marter Wewere trying so ‘get aur hands arcund the threat of aninvcole enemy we eauld Sense all around us but never sez ‘That's why the wcke-up ig always violent for us We're drawn ‘oit like alightning rod Aftercll those years of shrugging bingy, we finaly push teagh the ast barers. We fay get cur Someone alnast ohways ies. That's the final straw. The spilling of innocent bleed. Forme, it was on the subway. Enever took the subway. usualy. By the time I got off shift at the Waldorf, it was too kite foro ‘woman tobe catching the traintoHarlem Itwasarsinyright,really whe were? killing witehes and the Prince of Lies has skillfaly hidden he ruth. Atterall, history is written by the winners Thank you, Travis Bickle. Next up, the Church of Setertology will for the Low fow price ot $500, explain that shamblers are actually outer space ‘energy creatures from inside a wlan! cold. T coulde't believe it wast srewing. There'd been a shooting autsidemyapartment thenightbefere. Two boysdied Threwthem bath, Twas Thinking about twe funerals, about why our young men cout seem 4 stop ling each ether. My fart gut started walkingon their own, heading for the subway entrance. Thecld rage: wea coming back [had fr het engryn years, jst ck th frustranan The whole weld was doi fo hel id ate bit fester every coy T jst wanted ot something ‘There was ane other person in the subway cor with me A young bite gil yourg enough To be my duoghter [sat sspauras for away ftom Rer as {coul, not Feeling much ike talking TF she'd opened her mouth, there's no teling what Z tight have said in reply The hameless man came into the cor from the endnearest ‘their. He was ayoung blackman ina ripped-up army cost and wwort-out jeans. The Sight of him just made me agree T thought about all the marches ail the blood. that ay in ‘Means when the best of us cied T thought coout al Fd sgiveniup, throwing away my cld life, my education, ta fight far fur rights, just co he Could starve onthe strect Then Isawhise = dulland gray. like acorpse. His skin wos suddenly the eal of eshes He smied af me, ¢ lon Stretching of loose rotting lips, revealing broken shards of ‘teeth, T couldn't speak. couldn't move until the _thing_ ‘ened ond grobied the white girl by the throat Til remember that sight for the rest of my life, ‘That picture of abomination TI suddenly under- ‘stood what all those fingers hed been pointing at, Back inp of 1568. Dark fingers panting te rnonster ther midst. “The thing tore open the gifs throat. She ickedad jerked and remember the look in her eyes. They were bright toe, line marbles ve carieda sutehblede ny purse sige 1973.Tdnever ee ee God knows what Tmust hove looked ke, abect con block woman naheusekoepers unfrm su asieinehtevfe But Tore tht sonofabitchtopieces These barred lke a hot ron, cn fel keen avery angel Tie talked ta others like us since then. The details are Stferer but the experience «the sane. Neary says the rencter caret Tharedreserse thing outthereinthewar db rething 20 wrong_as the dead cone back to ffe Tr cart be Teaconed with I¥ cart be held boek Tt ean only be destroyed beaten topieces. Themindinakesuscontront these monsters first ecnsse fs the dearest way for us To understand how Sk te wor hs become and what we have ta Temake it ight oo. Ir’s easy taget angryat ethers on the net who der't sez things as clearly a8 we-do. We have fo remerber that most of them havent been fighting al the lives lke we have, fang form ov another We were chazen lang bere we bnew tthe the enemy realy was Tie v0 Liga a Fine Tr seems more of ur cre getting the wnke-up every dy. The arm ambaouseriotote the shar tu sotety acts ‘the thinner the veil getsbetweenusand the beasts. Moreandmore af istre seig the tnth becace I thr thegs are coming Ye & ead. The human race is getting driven ‘aprecipce. The morstershave been at it fori jof years, making usmore and mere lite them Prey sren there wore any tng ba Werdoit have mete ak things over. We con have tine ‘thinkbour other peoples wants er needs. The house in ‘fire.and if we don't act fast, it's all going to burn to the graund. Defenseless people might get caught in thecressfire, Wecan't ‘spore them any Tears. No¥ everybody con be saved. ‘There has to bea reckoning, silent revolution, breaking ‘the monsters hold on the: world. We won't make. the seine. rmistokes os those who came before us. We don't have any ilasions cbaut what the enemy will do Yo us, And we wert stop with a single street, or a single city black, of even a single ‘Country. We're going to take back thes Earth, ane bloody step ‘at atime, end Heaven help anybody who gets in our way: ‘Most of us are going to die That's just the way itis “There are ten of them for every ane of us, and they've had hundreds of years Ye learn how fa protect themselves. Fuck it We're all going to die sooner or later, I plan on toking os many of them with me as T con. We wont be rumbed by the evening news. We warit be sickened by the talk shows. Wewon't be deafened by the lies ‘of the paliicians. The revalytion will nat be televised. Leng live the revolution. Tue Trura Is Hiopen Subject FWD Stuztion Reports Nowniberty Jameary Fronecdie $1 ‘Ta firsighitst@hunter-netors Sunda, November | Tradewinds Moe an Nevo 999 toca Therspats fom Pate | 79 ae bos Terie no evince fits ge actly st Ara 6 fc looks tke a bg part of thease as been Sbandonad for seers monihs. | uss able panerte the sire ute faring ano! wp an chaaration pot cna ridgeline witha gard vew of Fret acts dete any eft iominous rb hat Pate | 7 arch bout or filthe blac “beacon ha sad uss there ‘don? want ba say Bat the whole hing was 2 hoo: Paten| 75% tory hed all berg det, and made so much nae Maybe had 8 mistake abou! he exact location Unorhussiely. he doesnt seem ob Reno anymore can fd him anguber Had antier dram abou! the gyslas ight ums back at use Maia ngs mywnyont end tnyierestngalieneda pg ‘adaot|coul ne Thtagalomeorsoneltng rg Ta gottoreantat Timon he nghtrack The proce can us gue cub wharotsloak Messacs Fro Bryon Tonaday Nowenber 6: Tradewisd Meta Rona Nevada 08 15 fours local ne Tso more days al sil ayer found ates 78. | didi na Parke a guy named Mack Hees te sgn or tupandfolouedmeashuslied srodioun Heung ersoood att apted Hi premuqackand pall him wo analy whan agel coca thowphuas ‘omcibam trata was onlome Where pine th mr amu on ‘yg taocion case ‘umout heroes aro butlaisolrlste reals ewes settngatup loge erapaialtbatsin dbewn ingsonactt oalmata Kyailackastodme thous twoudbebeterlbwattandltashiberish tha busbess They were monde. sare but they usre only ging fr eminals Weargoecbact and for shut st bar doing shots andnyrgl fore outtowourveage! Bch Thagsgatcbeapuryou alls meee ostinato mona asandgirg sts pourra ack ach esa he raking al pas we slong sere yah itld mt hago boss Nothing tes mas sane Mack gave mathatloc lasted him how Regt is wake-up Hs sald mothe led in ome near th edge of foun Sh we shuayscaing and cing abut hou cheated he ice gues she and Mack dinthapthebetrchonshp anahebasherpetealdfalstone ‘Shs dad eda coupl years oa He wasn rol alta wash fects Lac moth sha lopedcaling Art he tought hed aly ated Cre Ly Tox firelighe. lise@hunterenet org From: cabbie22 Subject: Pomer ta the People My Ass Spate me the psycho-rolitical bullshit, Mem phis, Te sounds to me like you'te talking abour something lor bigger shan putting wood on a bunch cof leeches, A New World Ondex, maybe? I've heard ‘Sories about you, lady. You wouldn't happen talenove about @ rior over in Harlem last month, would you! A whole ict of piseed-off people yelling “kil che bioodsuekers” are! going after any Jewish or "Asian person they sam Fifteen people died. The faces fon the news did't look much like monsters to me. Revalutias have » wy of ming on. dem: ined ba was golnglo oat itl peace Days passed thenwedks which was ire He decd check on fa ft Ho cad the ple hatdozen cults icms atu poeforanereason av aofhor Fina, Fe dacid tof! go ere Sometinamds hin brings itl Hes he ememiaredhow cra Mtmumed ng hag doum othe hal cost athe ook ty Trewusmoryacoupocainielctubenhegottwrebueacartatiee waar comma Thebuldng was cert lob Wh eget, smribiog uss ~ anyon ut Hes Bete secs oe ‘ay he ro! dk gave harm around He sid theo ls tad ley goo hobed en tough was leary, The tnd! us seg really sag. not realy looking Mack inthe end his slurred alt Ike ha was lng hla. Thats whan tt happened Thare ume s Pach of ighning. in thst reomert Mack san dou halsay past the rol desk Hea ha es ‘acktanesteaking tho walla Hkepainthadbeesthrounaraued Toguy behind the desk new Mack had esa He ok afew alps bck tind of servo sis et uaa on he te Boe Mack looked dour and he ys while shoes were covered with blood. ‘Thaatiedant or whatryer reached fr kim and Mack shothe uy. No fesdaon ack pula the gua fom halt end ho! ey the Fuad He el behind iecounlerand saw booty ooigrnsleadingdounthe fall Thate whan fs heard to area ~ an el woman wie. pleing cou Ram ben smother Maybe ahs heard the shot He ran Southall Solewing tha blondy ctr Tefal ldtasome doors Uighrng Sasha again. He saya anu wonds rte In shadows or ood ncroe Bult THEY HD THER FACES BEHND MASKS OF NNOCENEE He ttetad the doorsoen He sade had to tnep moving Heuas sure thaltfhesioppediothinésborkuhslusashappasng evenfr second ba uwoald Fave gone out of his mind. Tare wasoneraminatonroomorthecther sea lace hare ert weebesaght whe rey ad sek woke l meal of alba nd Allie Uwouldceg use at hamot eras hen along wth everatoferpeole She ddr is hee a ale sonathing was weareg asin Haran al emp the x ei fe Lifting suck neo he bung athe goto is aH fds ani hu The re the newspaper sald replace far beni by gig nd burs tothe gourd Tasad why be wos o deeded io checkup on hia daha ‘made fim gn Usk afsragged side ought ob tury righbul he deve any arsuers Mowe ash guaran seg Na ead ards agel don srceomeone ne danger andl tam topack.a pol Theyre suppose ober people cl f bad ings He Bicugid abou fal he a hat aye Gov had ent holt monet lsidno way Whe ecuanks apersontodosonetirghecivesan corde Hoses ot ising bush Nogh evn got pandora: our ayes tothe manetere and give ua He No mars noes. sounded be oma kind wt lk Job i tha Bol racy Were ena ele Nol b hough because heap tau hal oar ffi oul fh Heenan poner ant ill mons Solfdod in cig uvhodsewouldhaw Fepowerigelnoourhesandaed us vcr Who di could ie ue wupechuman powere? ‘ens Helse mae uneaslybulleool tela suitha truth Aa fu said we should go lookeg for He rots Reaping rae Woircw1a Thureday November 18, rayhound Bus Staion Fort Worth, Texas 2125 hours loca. Onmy say ‘le’ He say the crefurels made afrofing skin andollelodge Thscould beth proof sed toback up mgthryatoutthacrigh of moncers~ and why weve been chosen to tp ham Pallas she weavaldabe le fet of any indus ren gong back as far as Rome cers have delerloed hatthadeertoratonoflvig evens x ml pep Industrialized counlses Thinkabout owreruded cH and Pe plagoe cf ema and crag nso infecting inner cies. Think abou! all crazy? an you fim when wou reclaurat. od come obmonious asshole we in hare making omar ber fausttotlly changed abmorpberacftha place eve afartbe uy eT Thats the kind of ting Im talng about The mecstin ae hee bcsase ue mado Yum Thay aretha late sxpression fh pllfce sre gpnving ino the world Bladauckers right hav bgun a vin ofa harnorrhagic ra tha us mle by pbs fnmingperrisntosrewinrmafieReysooldbe Se semevony dren nyse tf baclera Fal rele Inte t's decoulg bre Thingecameto ahead beck nthe’#0s whenune managed to eptthe som. Sine then aurfchnlogy Rscexploded aan Ineruasing rate Things ‘are happening so fact we can tp bork and conde tho consequences what we create Were ang apes fron or wre Ty probably had ie mn protamine ure denlptg vara saciatapetoovecoretien bebe unio Jee el an elt mmr retour carestieenologytaskedtn hing le amptesend wobmen macinewhal we ara icrting wih alonchnology? how Theyaiveuseo much bullussobie. Theresponabllly cede maturyfor isang up ou? word Is oare alone we rantleer helen cures 2 ul wor Thal hy thay dds come down ell Be tsorld Thay oul fay aed iu howl br ochoooe Hing path Teleamfromaurmiiakes and fight codes he dec frends and loved ons. We have accept het ena responsily and we aw toon ron ean freaking ofr oft a asdng man tothele daha What ware ding stor esate the world for generations stto.come. Themovchechideis Reshadows and spree lasabout we cllng we lunatics and murderers dere and fio One day he ru ll come a sor wn realy are wee Suane EHD Friday. November |, Brock’s Beer and Bilt. fort Worth Texas, 1936 hours local. itary pc showed op att Gophound saton and eatd sarehng i hse hte toe before gen on board carat thay nha fd x ons erence mat il bn lig eat Maney is funni lous Hopefully Lean hook uptwithisom ean like Mack. inthe cy edge some Pip Otheutse igh howto sia ha edo avin persion hop donnt cme that Sonne on fuk at lartad calig cna ages dost actaromcmertz un Mi wetostonvesprendhing oe eosin Senora fra ete heed some prey riers ns Utica malas more ene think ce —ie om ct nde ‘ju ase Pep who ay wns pd Ione tp era by baler means acer Thats the common factor about us Young or old. man or wornen. we a urdeidlPalSenerowr nurtderojeladusteulinyadsuhaew (Mfabes to maketh happen End ofetory Everything te islusta mater cf dts “aka hatha aout tharos frit Thay agg send whyooractea sapped ysncurndvssrrundeds ler uharot Get Pesala and fy on Jr nut em sore up ei about these fire people being True’ crusaders agsinst evi. or how they have sore speced cetyl burs Ered acdgh ia Des Pal ‘mate fim beterthaan me don tthink eo. He's certainly more cavoratthean | am, and @hristan beliefs fullafimages lite angels with fiaming swords But fink Scrnc Ps poy rol ecndcebece sty pce ames Thatecult apply te everusnefor torcaments it prenchars terion ‘rat oe roles Tey selamads a waybease thay motel enone partie cay ~ lightened cpt deena ema bberar wore an Parfait carfaincf us hawe been singled oot with aspecial roletofulfl has more todo Cth ng el ager hn ig fier ap leaves rio istatheese carters in arvjatoscommte ovo, bf whee sie ne atin a rr fom cue Ubvoui tr cocks ar mp or Fe lls woul rer fave mbuedtherin ope dnt below at se far unre ae all wart rhe caf cal Ta sens ary very carn toothy select ty cn cig rd our thought Hy at tly ‘ize or prstae a ola ayaa oud Tae ver Ie ‘Bookwormé Band allhis weird ideas about tying to understand the monsters ‘tuple share era enough ed vtec ha rode 7 \vecedah terete hisetutpnatheins cheyenne could thes Bookworm nine abinge doen Mayet ats coud mada nsttes. Taro reason to expec! them fo be pecec: But why would they give thess ‘mistakes’ dtfirent owes ries x ruled Bir dere preonaae? “Sesh mean Thre mimeo al Fi Rajat Sg moon Mado a we seul hr eld be ary cher es ou fare ut scdra Theres blooerpichrwireed okapourayeonnsteadeust bing {ervey alcing fotos we dot oe wth uc E mets ce hot selnevntareenoccp arieadie weiinlevartel cites? along aloof ee wh you looks fu tnd client lamest chan army ‘es vy pus cota el ey Bl at le ‘mamnburs cf an remy are caryng ‘gruns'Theraaremerics who takncare ¢f tanh gine tcl fet pote an supe a srs ‘mainefiortinteligence troops that determine party targets and s00n. Without al hose supporing doeents working ngrefagretcantd hisjob wry sl. Werv akira the sharp endlhurany asic N refocused on ont hinge ling menlruhrorfeham Fueealarao gre curefico uth her urs wecon ler tien cower deta ty bes andi scones cnfigfng the war Orrin tw more anda sar lvnsho ber ndcilg erent ner wraihfoaryabod oe ‘cer nd gan the Messenger have fra mankind Cee EL Tue Most Dancerous Game ihenewho iscornioctabe wahibe word "py? tha Suhatbestheysat ous Alea bat syeerbey eawarte be. Doctorl! tats about his "subjects" and Bookwonn$ i530 enlarge thet hereto thembytheremescfthe urn. Butwhot we'se cally talking about here ourtorgets. Noother inmeprectionmaiessense Weueecaled we weregiventhedbiliyio them asthey are, and we were ven power wif whichto sie fhem. isthe clearinfen! ofthe Heralds that we hun! down these crealutes. We'fenot supposed io gettoknow them —if we were ‘wouldn fe beablefobearthe voicesof ghosts, 3 wells see thet shapes?ifwe were menntfonegofiote. wry were wegan powersio estoy? That snot very condusw lodseusson, BookivonrsS seems lofirikwe remeartio*atn* ouseheswihtheseransies BUifthat ‘wasourteosoniobe, uy wouldthe Messengershoveshownusthese csoatunesin hry, tvefecrs? Even as type these words, can imagine repty trom Bookworm, Nodaubtit willbe couched inhi honmnal chelocic ot sept, butit will come downtothis-since ourperceptonscome tteanthe Heralds, bow do we know they re true? Wecan't*kmow*, ofcourse Thereisacerisncmountotaith involved, but evenmore, exits correrensinst, Pec What We porodvewithesightorenotthesecoectures "rv forms. Sowhat? Welmowinrsurtharwharwe soe rthout the sighisa ike They bie—even hei slounches!supporirs among uscannot der fat ‘Why hieifthey haveing fear trom exposure? Whigs Lndessthey Sgan+ somethingtrom conoesimen?F ve seen temfeed ‘nibloodand Bash Iveseon hernfeavea woke ofcomage that gets blared on "gonabangess"o "fash loods"oreven “ballbahtning" veseen themgetawarrwith murder because theyhige Idan tence ‘whotthetuthisnehnd fetrmasks | don tcomiffneyloak like waives ‘stangols orscmeiog so hocribe fat my hana wouldbe struck ‘odio seat linawthemnby eiractions Goodinessand purtyhavenothingio gaintomsecrecy. Only omphonhidesitsel way Vawenes Doctor's much-vaunted scientific detachment betrays nim, Methinks there aretwo ndsof os, the anes wa he lock slorandthosevibovt He spagvickstbal tet stwo sans of Sirilrviuscovsingthesane"=ymploms.” Dodo, he block son cf” are vapites. The blak tans ‘nothing more or less than the visible sign of their inky sin. These rotttoar ink theobvous pret off pending Anmogeddon. They are ine masters, he ringleaders. the foumiabeodtoen wrical th ober estow The vamieishe ver nogecttbeont-Chils Our lond ved ateofpovery eloe He sellessiy ddr, sping Hishely Tos: firelight.listéthuncer-necong, From: hunter? Subject: ET go home! Give mea break, Soldier. Turn off the TV and hie the library. There are legends of vampires and werewolves going back thousands of years, a long time before recorded civilization. So your whole idea 6 “supernatural pollution” isa little lame. Stop wasting bandwidth on the sci-fi movie of the week and stick to something useful, like how to tipped bullessor weaponsthar don't break when we use ours power on them.

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