Lesson6 - Pronunciation (Vowels)

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Lesson 6 – Pronunciation (Vowels)

1. Vowels

- basics :

Basic vowels in French :

a e i o u


e: in the middle of a word 1 -e : quiet at the end of a word 2

melon , bonne
petit pomme
chemise poire

short words , -e 1 must be pronounced


e : in the middle of a word followed by 2 consonants 3


pomme de terre


ill : ille sound like " iy" gn : " ni " : no i is written, but gn sounds like " ni "
fille champagne
famille oignon

y is similar to i : stylo

o: closed " o " o : open " o " the middle of a word followed by 2
joli pomme
gros grosse
stylo bonne
vélo carotte


qu, : u is quiet after q, quatre , qui , quoi

- accents :
é: è:
vélo bike mère mother
café coffee père father
Rémi très very
bière beer

The following accents make no sound difference, they are used to make distinction between
identical words. They are not very common.
ê: forêt forest
être to be
ô: hôpital hospital
â: pâtes pasta, noodles

û : mûre blackberry
î: île island

à : voilà, à here is, at/to

ï, ü, .. used to separate sounds : Taïwan, maïs Taiwan, corn

- several vowels : groups 2 or 3 vowels fo
ai , ei : lait, fraise milk, strawberry
treize, seize thirteen, sixteen
au, eau : jaune, aussi yello, also
beau, gâteau beautiful, cake

eu : bleu, jeune, vieux blue, jeune, vieux

œ, œu : œil , œuf, soeur eye, egg (“oe” very similar to “eu”)

oi : voiture , soif, soir, noir car, thirsty, evening, black

ou : chou, rouge, coûte, ou cabbage, red, cost, or

i u ou

close sounds : é e , eu o (close)

open sounds : è oe o (open)

Vertical opening of the mouth, horizontal opening of the mouth

- nasals :
4 nasal sounds : an , in, un, on vowel+n , vowel+m : all of them sound the same

an blanc, anglais white, English

am hamburger hamburger
en piment, argent chili pepper, silver
em novembre, empire November, empire

in raisin, vin, vingt grape , wine, twenty

im important important
ain train, américain train, American
aim faim hungry
ein ceinture belt

un brun, lundi brown-haired, Monday

um parfum perfume (un,um very similar to in,im)

on melon , blond melon, blond
om concombre cucumber

Sum up. They are around 16 different vowel sounds, but many different ways to write them.
The difficulty is to read, recognize the sounds in words and pronounce them.

Vowel sound Various writting Ex :

a a ananas, la, banane
e e petit, melon, le
eu bleu, jeune, vieux
œ œ , œu (similar to eu) œil , œuf , sœur
-e -e poire, pomme
é é, ai vélo, café
è e-, è, ê, ai, ei vert
bière, très
pêche, être, succès
i i, y kiwi, ami , stylo
o (close) o, au, eau joli, gros, tomate
jaune , mauvais, aussi
beau, bateau
o (open) o pomme, bonne, sommes
oi oi voiture, poire, voilà, noir, soif
ou ou ou, chou, rouge, coûte,
u u tu , pull, jupe

an, en an, am, en , em grand, blanc, anglais, français
hamburger, champignon
piment, argent,
empire, emploi
in in, im, ain, aim, ein, raisin, vin, cinq, vingt
train, américain,
on on, om bon, citron, blond, ont, sont
un un,um (similar ton in) Brun, lundi

2. Exercises

-1. Read these words :

1a Pronounce those words with several sounds of vowels :

table table
cinéma cinema
céréale cereal
fête fest
secret secret
aimer to like/love

un peu a few/a little

jeune young
neuf nine
couleur color

moto bike
gros big, large
beau bautiful
agneau lamb
restaurant restaurant
beaucoup a lot
port port
grogner grunt
hôtel hostel
hôpital hospital

papier paper
camion truck
cuisine cuisine
citrouille pumpkin
travaille work
cuillère spoon
Louis Louis

1b Nasals, pronounce the following two words :

va vent goes wind

vos vont your go
vie vin life wine

brie brin brie sprig

bras branche arm branch
brosse bronche brush bronchus
brune brun brown-haired(f) brown-haired (m)
une un

-2. Translate in French

Do you like this book ? ________________________________

Do you like to swim ? ________________________________

Yes, I also like to walk ________________________________

Do you speak English ? ________________________________

He is Canadian and he is thirty years old. _____________________________________

Five beers please. How much does it cost ? ________________________________

I am cold and I am hungry. ______________________________________

What is this ? Is it a French pizza ? ______________________________________

This jacket is beautiful ! How much does it cost ? __________________________________

This black coffee is good. ______________________________________

What do they like to eat for lunch ? ______________________________________

What are you eating ? Is it a strawberry ? ______________________________________

How many apples do you like to eat in the morning ?________________________________

3. Text - Qu’est-ce qu’on mange ce soir ?

Thomas : Rémi arrive ce soir. - Rémi is arriving/coming tonight.

Émilie : Est-ce qu’il arrive en voiture ? - Is he coming by car ?
Thomas: Non, il arrive en train. - No, he’s coming by train.

Émilie : Qu’est-ce qu’on mange ce soir ? - What are we having to eat tonight ?
Thomas: Ce soir on mange une pizza -Tonight we’re having a pizza and a
et un gâteau. cake.
Émilie : Est-ce que tu commandes la pizza ? - Will you order the pizza ?
Thomas: Non, ce soir je cuisine la pizza. - No, tonight I ‘m cooking the pizza.
Émilie : Tu cuisines aussi le gâteau ? - Will you also cook the cake ?
Thomas: Non, j’achète le gâteau à la boulangerie. - No, I will buy the cake at the bakery
Émilie : Est-ce que Rémi aime les gâteaux ? - Does Rémi like cakes ?
Thomas : Peut-être, j’appelle Rémi. - Maybe, I’m calling Rémi.
Émilie : D’accord, ça marche ! - Allright, it works ! (It sounds good).

Vocabulary :
non no soir (m) evening gâteau (m) cake
ça it pizza (f) pizza

peut-être maybe verbs :

arriver arrive, come,
en by en train by train commander order
en voiture by car cuisiner cook
appeler call
à at, to à la at/to the acheter buy
boulangerie bakery

4. More Grammar
-more ways to say “é “:
In addition to é, ai, ei , there are a lot of ways to write “ é ” : -er, -es, -est, -et, -ed, -ez .
Those ones are mostly in verbe, they all sound the same :

er, : jouer, danser, chanter (é)

es : tu es (é)
est : il est (é)
ez : jouez, dansez, chantez, avez (é)
et : et (é)
-open and close sounds :
é, eu, o sounds are often close at the end of a word.
è, eu, o sound are open in the middle of a word.

anglais (é) anglaise (è)

français (é) française (è)
taïwanais (é) taïwanaise (è)
neuf , couleur
gros grosse

é eu o
close sounds : -ez -et eu -ot , -os, ...
-er -es

-ai ei
-aise -aine..
-eur , -euse, .. -orte , -onne, ..
-elle -enne
open sounds : è

All verbs in 1st group - er, present tense

je …e nous … ons
tu … es vous … ez
il, elle …e ils, elles … ent
on …e

commander (to order)

je commande nous commandons
tu commandes vous commandez
il, elle commande ils, elles commandent
on commande

arriver (to arrive)

j' arrive nous arrivons
tu arrives vous arrivez
il, elle arrive ils, elles arrivent
on arrive


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