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Beauty Care Services

Quarter 1–Module 5:
Maintain an effective relationship with

Bumuo sa Pagsusulat ng Modified Strategic Instructional Material

Manunulat : Filipinas N. Pangilinan- MT 1/ Bro.Andrew Gonzales Technical High School

Editor : Maria Carmen M. Evangelista – EPS – EPP/TLE/TVL/EsP
Tagalapat : Alzien S. Malonzo – MT-1 / Senior High School in Apalit (Stand Alone 1)
Arnel Q. Mendoza – T-II / Sta.Cruz (Main) Elementary School
Zenia G. Mostoles, EdD, CESO-Schools Division Superintendent
Leonardo C. Canlas, EdD-Assist. Schools Division Superintendent
Rowena T. Quiambao, Assist. Schools Division Superintendent
Celia R. Lacanlale, PhD, Chief, CID
Maria Carmen M. Evangelista – EPS – EPP/TLE/TVL/EsP
Ruby M. Jimenez, PhD, EPS-LRMS
June D. Cunanan, ADM Division Coordinator
What I Need to Know

Powerful client relationships are essential to

business success. But, it takes effort in order to achieve
such. It is necessary to cultivate and nurture client
relationships. Once organizations develop good
relationships with their customers, it will cause loyal
clients and an increase in sales. Indeed, purposeful
relationships need time and energy to create.

Learning Competencies:
1. Identifies effective way to maintain a good relationship with clients/customers
2. Determine the strategies on how to poster good relationship to clients.

What I Know

Let us determine how much you already know about performing good
communication. Take this test.

Read each item carefully and choose your answer from the options given. Write your
answers on your answer sheet.

______1. How to demonstrate listening with your client when they are complaining?
a. Say a solution while he or she talks
b. You can interrupt because you have the rights
c. Respond with phrases such as “Hmm”, “ I see” and “ Tell me more”
d. Tell your part and options
______2. When the customer was already calm down on his or her complains, what will
be your next step?
a. Begin asking questions and be careful speak suggested replies
b. Insist your solution and state it immediately
c. Apologize and embrace him/her
d. Get his/her contact number then tell him/ her you call after getting the
advice of the manager.
______3. How do we acknowledge the problem of the client and what would be the
best strategy?
a. Give the solution immediately
b. Let your client know you hear what he or she is saying and if your company
made mistake, admit it.
c. Control your emotion and never shout.
d. Get defensive when attacked.
______4. What do you clients expected you to do?
a. Make them laugh all the time
b. Make them relax
c. Acquire premium product or service quality
d. Feel positive ambience

______5. How to have a loyal customer?

a. Greet them nicely
b. Be courteous and smile at them
c. Be thankful and give them personalized gifts
d. Always remind them on their appointment

What’s In

Republic Act N. 11058 or known as an “Act Strengthening Compliance with

Occupational Safety and Health Standards” issued by the Seventeenth Congress
in July 24, 2017, the state shall ensure a safe and healthful workplace for all
working people by affording them full protection against all hazards in their work
environment. The World Health Organization (WHO) congratulates the Philippines
government for this OSHS Act or Republic Act (RA) 11058. Acknowledging this
significant legislation will help curb the increasing cases of diseases and injuries in
the workplace (Tanggol,2018). By guaranteed practice of this law in our
workplace, we can share our concern with the lives of others for that we can show
our way building a good connection to our clients.

What is New

Read and analyze the illustrations below. Be ready

for a discussion later.
Now, let see how well you understand the illustrations.
What will you do with an angry customer? Is it easy
to deal with an angry or unsatisfied client? In this
module you will learn more techniques on how to
promote good relationship.

What is it


For these reason, Santos (2017) suggested ways to maintain effective relationship to
your clients. These are the following:
1. Be consistent with quality
This is one of the primary tips to assure the most long-lasting customer relationship
management. Your premium product or service quality is the thing that has pulled in
traffic for you in the first place and your customer would get back to you expecting the
same service every time. Thus, any slack here would make you lose out on your loyal
clientele big time. Remember, more than 70% of consumers will spread the word about
you if they feel positive in your ambience and similarly a big chunk would inform others
if they don’t receive the same great experience again that they had with you first time.
2.Listen to them
Your customer is the one who decides what will work from your company and what
won’t. This is why big brands always invest in exhaustive market research before
launching anything or introducing any modifications. So, you have to ensure an easy
avenue for customers to launch their own opinion and feedback about you and your
offers. Such an avenue proves that you care for them and consumers always heart
companies who listen to them.
3.Send personalized offers
A loyal customer base is a priceless treasure for any business and you have to thank
them for investing in you time and again. Personalized gifts and a special exclusive deals
or discounts are a great way of showing how much you value their support. Such gifts
go a long way in strengthening your rapport with the customers.
4.Flexible plans
If you want to cater to a versatile audience, you have to have flexible plans to
accommodate diverse preferences.
5. Be honest
This is one of the golden rules of customer relationship management. Mistakes are
common in a business but if you have the guts to admit, your customer will respect you
even more and it only enhance his trust on you.
Finally, always make sure to invest in a dedicated and knowledgeable proactive
customer relationship team.
How to Handle Customer Complaints
By Amanda Herder, Account manager, Signature Worldwide (cited by Freifield,
Complaints happen every day. When a customer complains, it is usually for a good
reason or genuine concern. They usually have made a purchase that did not meet their
expectation—a product, service, or maybe a combination of the two. In the customer
service industry, we cannot avoid complaints. We must take care of the customer by
listening to the complaint, and resolving it, to ensure a happy customer.
Here are five strategies that will help you handle a customer complaint in a smooth and
professional manner:
5 Strategies that will help you handle some customer complaints
1. Stay calm.
When a customer presents you with a complaint, keep in mind that the issue is not
personal; he or she is not attacking you directly but rather the situation at hand.
“Winning” the confrontation accomplishes nothing. A person who remains in control of
his or her emotions deals from a position of strength. While it is perfectly natural to get
defensive when attacked, choose to be the “professional” and keep your cool.
2. Listen well.
Let the irate customer blow off steam. Respond with phrases such as, “Hmm,” “I
see,” and “Tell me more.” Do not interrupt. As the customer vents and sees you are not
reacting, he or she will begin to calm down. The customer needs to get into a calm
frame of mind before he or she can hear your solution—or anything you say, for that
3.Acknowledge the problem.
Let the customer know you hear what he or she is saying. If you or your company
made a mistake, admit it. If you did not make a mistake and it is a misunderstanding,
simply explain it to the customer: “I can see how that would be incredibly frustrating for
you.” You are not necessarily agreeing with what the customer is saying, but respecting
how he or she perceives and feels about the situation. An excellent phrase for opening
up this particular conversation would be, “So, if I understand you correctly…” After the
customer responds, follow up with, “So, if I understand you correctly, we were to resolve
the problem by noon today. I can see how that must be frustrating for you.” Then be
quiet. Usually, the customer will respond with “That’s right” or “Exactly.” By repeating to
the customer what you think you heard, you lower his or her defenses, and win the right
to be heard.
4. Get the facts.
After listening, take the initiative in the conversation. Now that the customer has
calmed down and feels you have heard his or her side, begin asking questions. Be
careful not to speak scripted replies, but use this as an opportunity to start a genuine
conversation, building a trusting relationship with your customer. To help you understand
the situation, get as many details as possible.
5. Offer a solution.
This happens only after you have sufficient details. One thing to keep in mind:
Know what you can and cannot do within your company’s guidelines. Making a
promise you cannot commit to will only set you back. Remember, when offering a
solution, be courteous and respectful. Let the customer know you are willing to take
ownership of the issue, even if it was out of your control. Take charge of the situation
and let the customer know what you are going to do to solve the problem.
A quick follow-up phone call a few days later to make sure everything is OK is
icing on the cake. Even a small gesture of apology can turn this interaction from disaster
to legendary. The cost could be minimal—maybe a simple upgrade on the customer’s
next purchase or a small gift certificate. A simple gesture like this could result in a future
referral or a positive word-of-mouth marketing recommendation.
When you resolve customer complaints successfully, you will better understand their
needs, retain them as loyal customers, and enhance your business.


Write the letter of the correct strategy that best

describe the situation below. Choose from the box
and write your answer on your notebook.

______ 1. Respond with phrases such as, “Hmm,” “I see,” and “Tell me more.”
_______2. Take charge of the situation and let the customer know what you are going
to do to solve the problem.
______3.“Winning” the confrontation accomplishes nothing
______4. You are not necessarily agreeing with what the customer is saying, but
respecting how he or she perceives and feels about the situation. An excellent
phrase for opening up this particular conversation would be, “So, if I understand
you correctly…” After the customer responds, follow up with, “So, if I understand
you correctly, we were to resolve the problem by noon today.
______ 5.Now that the customer has calmed down and feels you have heard his or her
side, begin asking questions. Be careful not to speak scripted replies, but use this
as an opportunity to start a genuine conversation, building a trusting relationship
with your customer. To help you understand the situation, get as many details as

a. Stay Calm
b. Listen Well
c. 3.Acknowledge the problem.
d. Get the facts.
e. Offer a solution.


Choose the correct regarding the given ways in

maintaining effective relationships to clients. Write your
answer on your notebook.

1. (Reasonable, Flexible, Rigid) plans.

2. Be (honest, boastful, conceited).

3. Listen to (your boss, yourself, to them).

4. Be (contrary, incongruous, consistent) with quality.

5. Send personalized (cards, mails, offers).


Good client relationships make you feel like a

true partner with trust and feel good to listen with
them. As a result, it can build strong connection or a
biggest compliment on referrals too. It always require
communication, empathy, and respect. You should
make your customers feel warm and comfortable while
in your salon or in the telephone. Keep in touch with
them by sending them greetings cards or sales notice
can be a great help. Treat customer with respect, even
in times of conflict.
What I can do

Make a comic strips between a client and a customer in

a salon on how to better handle an issue or conflict.

Performance Criteria

Creativity – 10 pts
Neatness - 5 pts
Content/Idea – 10 pts


Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your

______1. How do we acknowledge the problem of the client and what would be the
best strategy?

a. Give the solution immediately

b. Let your client know you hear what he or she is saying and if your
company made mistake, admit it.
c. Control your emotion and never shout.
d. Get defensive when attacked.
______2. How to demonstrate listening with your client when they are complaining?
a. Say a solution while he or she talks
b. You can interrupt because you have the rights
c. Respond with phrases such as “Hmm”, “I see” and “Tell me more”
d. Tell your part and options
______3. How to have a loyal customer?
a. Greet them nicely
b. Be courteous and smile at them
c. Be thankful and give them personalized gifts
d. Always remind them on their appointment

______4. When the customer was already calm down on his or her complains, what will
be your next step?
a. Begin asking questions and be careful speak suggested replies
b. Insist your solution and state it immediately
c. Apologize and embrace him/her
d. Get his/her contact number then tell him/ her you call after getting the
advice of the manager.
______5. What do you clients expected you to do?
a. Make them laugh all the time
b. Make them relax
c. Acquire premium product or service quality
d. Feel positive ambience

Congratulations! You did a great job! Rest

and relax. See you on our next lesson.
Good luck!
Watts, J (2019). Beauty salon legislation and regulations
Retrieved on
safety/ in May 8, 2020


Note: please indicate the dates when the information were taken from the internet
when using URL as references.
Vibal Publishing onlinebook. Retrieved June 14, 2020
What I Know
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
What is in
KSA- Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
OHSCP-Occupational Health and Safety Procedure
PPE- Personal Protective Equipment
DOLE-Department of labor and Employment
DOH-Department of Health
Activity Card
1. Flexible
2. Honest
3. Yourself
4. Consistent
5. Offers
What is it
1. B
2. E
3. A
4. C
5. D
Assessment (Post Test)
Answer Key

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