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Part D
Q1) What are elements?
Ans- An element is made up of atoms of the same kind.
Q2) Give the chemical symbol of iron and chlorine
Ans- Chlorine -Cl Iron-Fe

Q3)Write the chemical formula of the following compounds

i)Aluminium oxide ii)Zinc acetate
Ans (i) Al,0, (i)Zn(CH,cOO),
Q4) Balance the following equation-Ca(OH)tHCl --->caCl,+H,0
Ans- Ca(OH),+ 2HCI --’CaCl,+2H,0
Qs)What does a chemical equation represent?
Ans- It represents
Symbol and chemical formulae of reactants.
2. Symbol and chemical formulae of products.
3. Physical state of reactants and products
4. Number of atoms of each element on both sides of chemical equation
Q6)What are reactants and products in a chemical equation?
Ans- Reactants- The substances which undergo a chemical change in a reaction Products
The new substances formed after a chemical reaction.
Q7)Give one example of combination reactionâns

Q1) Write the steps involved in writing the chemical formula of calciumphosphate
Nz+3H2 2NH3
Q1) write the steps involved in writing the chemical formula of calciumphosphate
Ans- 1. Symbols of calcium ion positive) and phosphate ion( negative ion)are written
and their charge is written on the right corner of the symbol.
2.Common factor(if any) is removed in the charges of two ions.
3.Charges of two ions are criss-crossed and are written on the bottomrightof the
symbol of two ions.

Q2- How Is a chemical change different from a physical change?
1. It is a reversible change
2. No new substance is formed in it.
3. For example-tearing of paper , melting of ice
1. It is an irreversible change.

2. New substance with different properties is formed in it.

3. For example-burning of paper, growth of plants.
Q3 Neutralisation reaction is a chemical change, Justify this statement with thehelp of an
Ans- Neutralisation reaction is a chemical change because new substance saltand water is
formed when an acid reacts with base.
NaOH+HC> NaCl+H,0
Q4- Definedecomposition reaction and give an example of the same.
Ans- Achemical reaction in which two or more than two products are obtainedfrom a single
reactant is called decomposition reaction.
E.g.- 2H,0 2H, + O,
Q5)Classify the following reactions into different types and give reason.
a)CaO + SiO, --> CaSio3
Ans- Combination reaction.
b) KOH + HCI ->KC+H,0
Ans- Neutralisation reaction.
c) Cu + 2AgNO, ->Cu(NOs)2+2Ag
Ans-Displacement reaction.
d) BacO, ->Ba0 +CO2
Ans- Decompositionreaction

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