Tour Guiding Reviewer

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Basic facts
Have you been in a situation that you have  Land area and population
to speak before an audience?
 Location and distance from the city
 Those who are thinking of joining the center
tour guiding profession are often
 People and culture
driven by the reality that this is one
way of “traveling for free and  Local dishes
getting paid.”
 Local products
 Tour guiding is public speaking, it
requires the guts to face people and  Natural attractions
talk about something importance.  Man-made attractions
 Speaking in front of a group of  Historical landmarks
professionals, with all the facts and
hand, the speaker/tour guide should  Cultural sites/attractions
do it interestingly and
 Customs and traditions
entertaining to get the needed
rapport from the listeners/guests.  Rituals and tribal wears
What is a Commentary?  Arts and crafts
The tour commentary is a narrative  Famous personalities
used by a tour guide to describe a site
and provide information about various
aspects of a country to tourists while on SKILLS REQUIRED FOR COMMENTARY
tour. MAKING
A tour guide is a person who leads A. Leadership skills
groups of people around a town, museum,
or other tourist venue. Tour guides are not only manager, they
are also leaders. They manage the
The tour guide provides a conduct of the tour from start to finish, take
commentary on the features and history the initiative to an interactive way of guiding.
of the location, the tours can be from as
little as 10-15 minutes to extended period As Manager, tour guide’s call to decide
over many days. quickly in cases where the need arises
Leadership process takes place as the
leader tour guide not only talks, but
BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE communicates and sends the message to
PLACE TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: the audience tourists the way it has to be
1. Short profile of the place delivered and understood.

2. Historical background Being a leader for a tour guide also means

having a good sense of authority in giving
3. Origin of the name (historical or information which should be a product of
legendary) research
Fiedler (A theory of leadership Vocal (38%)
effectiveness) have cited that there are two
 Accent tone
main functions of a leader namely; the
accomplishment of a task or attainment  Volume
of a goal and the strength of the group
being led.  Speed
 pitch

B. Communication skills Non-verbal (55%)

Communication is a skill which  Facial expression

needs practice  Body language
Its hard work and required  Eye contact
concentration and focus
 Gestures
It is a skill that can be developed
and become an investment.  Postures
 Body movement


Language Proficiency
 Avoid using highfalutin words, use
1. Communication starts with an idea in
simple, easy to understand words
the sender’s mind
 Try to get rid of regional accent
2. Sender translates the idea into
words and this becomes the  Use synonyms to explain, to
message describe somethings
3. The receiver then translates the  Use non-verbal communication in a
message back into an idea difficult thing or situation
4. When the receiver’s idea is the
same as the sender’s idea, there is
an effective communication and the Creating a Personal Platform Image
process has been completed. 1. Voice – rate of speech
Verbal (7%) B. Speak audibly - loud than soft voice is
 Contents of the message more appropriate for tour guiding

 Choice of word C. Be sure you are speaking to be heard by

all, not just a few
 Vocabulary
D. Keep your pacing or rate of speech quick
 Slang, colloquial, jargon than slow
E. Pitch and tones are as important as the speech, and also how you react to
above mentioned guidelines for effective their body language and gestures.
speech.  Cultivate “power moves” - good
posture-back straight, head up. Firm
F. Vocal ticks as “um” and “ahh” are
handshake, relaxed-look - hands on
distractions and becomes mannerisms that
chips or in pockets, but not slouchy.
you have avoid by:
4. Your Audience
 Consciously focus attention on the
vocal tick. Hear yourself saying them  Speech offers the benefit that writing
and as soon as you do, they will doesn’t, that is the ability to get
begin to go away immediate, visible feedback. In
speaking, there is more flexibility.
 Ask a friend, colleague to signal
 You can present a story, and change
each time they hear you say it
the course based on the reaction or
feedback by the guests during the
actual conduct of the tour.
2. Eye contact - “the eyes are the
 As tour guide, you can draw your
windows of the soul”
energy also from your
 If you want to look and sound audience/guests
sincere, maintain eye contact with  Most of the guests are an “excited,
the person you are speaking to happy interested and energetic
 Looking a person in the eye means mode.”
you are listening to what he is saying  They have planned the vacation or
and it’s a message of recognition tour, saved money for that, and
 Talk to them by looking at their eyes prepared for a welcoming tour guide,
as you begin to speak. They will with the smiles.
respond with a smile, a nod, or
 C. Listening skills
signals of recognition.
 Good eye contact is very important  Listening is key to all effective
way of communication communication, without the ability to listen
 Not maintaining eye contact means effectively messages are easily
“you are a non-pers,” not an misunderstood - communication breaks
important person. down and the sender of the message can
 A penetrated glance means you are easily become frustrated or irritated.
overly interested in that person. It
may bring embarrassment and an
uncomfortable feeling. Some tips for effective listening
3. Body Language 1. Use attentive body language

 Be conscious of your body 2. Learn how to use your “thinking

language, not overly so, but just time” effectively by paying attention
enough to become more mindful of and focusing on what you see and
its effect hear
 Watch for cues from others, focus on
3. Become an observer
how they move and react with your
4. Listen with an open mind
5. Do not jump to conclusions E, Delivery skills
6. Let the speaker recognize that you  In tour guiding, delivery of
are listening information gathered and
researched is the most challenging
 OBSERVING - looking at the other
part of the “show”
person communicating and hearing
 It is not the idea of being so fluent in
the word he’s saying.
English, or any other foreign
 FOCUSING - nodding, blinking,
language, but the way you deliver
learning forward, showing interest in
the commentary to the listening
what the other person is saying.
tourist is the “name of the game”
 RESPONDING - using some verbal here. It is indeed not “what you
contributions such as say, but how you say it” that would
“Hmm”...”Ahhum”..”I see.” matter most.
 PARAPHRASING - repeating what
he has said in your own words to
make sure that you understood what
he said.
 The book of list mentioned that in
D. Research skills
the category of phobias, the fear of
 Tour commentaries are planned, public speaking is number one in
structured and studied information, the United States.
carefully gathered through research  In other words, tour guides are not
and used as tool to be able to alone in being nervous, each time
effectively inform the guests they face their tourists and do their
 Commentaries or spiels should be a spiels.
product of research. Information
should be updated and relevant.  You can’t just avoid the feeling of
 Reading books, articles, nervousness or fear, they just come.
newspapers, autobiographies, Your “core” brain perceives that it’s
journals are good source of not safe out there.
information. We used to have our
Guidelines on how to counter, prevent
own “data bank” a compilation of
gathered information carefully hand
written, and kept for years. A. Know your stuff (what to say) -
 Now, it’s all read and stored from a being prepared by studying your
gadget with the use of internet destination, tour assignment.
 Aside from reading materials,
B. Know the place - familiarization of
research can be done through
the place will always be an
interviews, attending speeches,
advantage for a tour guide
conventions, fora, talking to the
experts are all an important source C. Visualize success - visualize
of learning. yourself doing the spiel, delivering
 Education and ability to being a well- your commentary already
informed tour guide, of course are
value-added characteristics of an
effective tour guide
D. Breath - start with a deep breathe, Some tips for effective commentary
inhale and exhale. Clear your mind,
A. Accuracy - information should be
body and soul by proper breathing.
brief, concise and simple, easy to
B. Relevance - carefully research,
studied and selected information
HOW TO MAKE A COMMENTARY based on the type of tourists.
C. Structure - facts presented should
 Required - the name of the tour have a form, the beginning, the
guide, driver, or coordinator should middle, and the ending.
be part of the introduction and D. Varied - encompasses several or all
greeting. areas of concern about a certain
 Informational - include all the basic topic discussed.
information given including the E. Objectivity - in all presentation the
history, facts and figures whether on objective should be clear, not being
a running tour subjective.

 Requested - through interactive Steps in delivering a commentary

guiding, guests ask questions and 1. Smile, greet, introduce yourself and
the tour guide is duty-bound to the driver
answer these requested information
for clarification. 2. Brief the guests about the tour for
the day
 Optional - part of the commentary,
to be more entertaining includes 3. Review the inclusions and
good jokes, interesting stories, exclusions of the tour
trivias, legends.
4. Give the location and distance,
Factors to consider in Guests Analysis: traveling to the destination

 Nationality and country of origin 5. Tell them what to expect from the
 Age and gender
6. Announce comfort stops
 Socio-economic status and
educational attainment 7. Give necessary precautions

 Special interest 8. Don’t forget to point the important

landmarks along the way
 Occupation and profession
 Reason for the visit and tour Tips for an effective commentary
 How long is their visit?  Begin with a smile, greeting and
 Have they been here before? introduction

 How much do they already know?  Deliver information in a manner that

would interest the guests
 Where else have they been?
 Add sense of humor in your
 Where else are they going? commentary
 Remember that people join a tour to  Currency - bills, noted and coins
be entertained with facts and stories
 Time difference - Philippine time vs
about the place, and appreciate the
GMT and local time
things they actually see
 Electricity - voltage in the hotel
 Face the group, not a few
 What to wear
 Speak clearly and slowly (especially
for a larger group)  Modes of transportation
Tips for an effective commentary  Restaurant local cuisine and
specialty restaurants
 Voice should be audible
 Chopping centers - what to buy,
 Practice eye contact
where to buy
 Prepare yourself for questions to be
 Offices and banks - time and day of
 Take control of your breathing and
 Tipping culture
try to emphasize important words
 Briefing on the next day’s
 Use synonyms in explaining (when
 Meeting time and place for next
 When mentioning a name, repeat it
day’s tour
or spell it
 Maintain silence, if the need arises
WEEK 9-10: Itinerary
 Listen carefully to questions and
other concerns Why it is important for a Tour Guide to learn
what is an itinerary?
 Never argue with the guests
What is Itinerary
 Always end your tour by thanking
the guests for joining the tour, and  An itinerary is a planned route or
visiting the country journey that includes the program or
SAMPLE COMMENTARY FOR movements of the guests as they
TRANSFER IN (ARRIVAL) FROM THE embark on a tour.
AIRPORT TO THE HOTEL:  It also includes the specified time,
1. Greet with a smile and welcome the schedule of activities, places of
guests interests to be visited, and all other
requirements and requests agreed
2. Introduce yourself and the driver upon by the guests and the tour
3. Briefing on the following:
 It is normally a prepaid
 Philippines overview
arrangement, and the tour guide,
 Location and distance being the link between the guests
and the tour operator who designs
 Climate - weather patterns
the itinerary; it is an important task of
the tour guide to be able to review it combination of two or more components of
prior to the day of the tour. a tour.
Type of tour Inclusions of the Tour Package
What exactly is the type of tour you are  Modern technology has a great
conducting today? Is it a day tour, half-day impact on how a tour is packaged.
tour? Just a running tour, or some walk Due to globalization, modernization
about tours are included? Tours normally of techniques as to how marketing a
are customized, otherwise it is a regularly destination is done, virtual tours are
run tours, which are well specified and already very prominent these days.
simple, normally availed by group tours. The
 A simple tour package is a
number of participating tour guests and their
combination of two or more
composition is also consider.
components. It can be a
Knowledge of the Destination combination of transportation
(airfare) and accommodation
 This is the most basic and yet very (hotel) and no meals. Or it can be
important for a tour guide to possess all meals (Full board), transportation,
prior to any tour to be conducted. and accommodation only, minus the
 Knowledge of the destination not airfare.
only covers the facts, famous face  A tour guide must be aware of the
and places in the area, but the inclusions (included) and
current and updated information is exclusions (not included) of a tour.
taken into consideration. Now that a lot of tours are indeed
 The old buildings may not be there customized, and very much “varied”
anymore, the names of the streets compared to ten years ago or more,
have been changed by now, the understanding the package in detail
location of the city hall, library, is an advantage, to be more worry-
hospital, and other government free both for the tour guide and for
buildings may not be in the same the guests.
location as ten years ago. Reconfirmation Flight Reservations
 Technology now is a great aid to There is no excuse for a tour guide not to
research. Gone are the days when know something about flights of the guests.
we, tour guides have to go Reservation and reconfirmation of flights
personally to the National Library, are part of the service that we are expected
National Museum to do research to know. Here, the skills of learning the
with the use of pen and paper. phonetic alphabet is required that includes
knowing the codes of the airline, airport, city
What is a Tour Package?
and currency of the different countries of the
A package tour or package holiday world.
comprises transport and accommodation
Understanding Greenwich Mean Time
advertised and sold together by a vendor
(GMT) is also an exciting learning
known as a tour operator. Other services
experience knowing the different time zones
may be provided such a rental car, activities
of the earth. The difference between GMT
or outings during the holiday. It is a
and the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
What is the local time versus the GMT? Airline Codes
Before, we have to know the exact address
• The airline codes however is 2 letter
and location of the airline offices, their day
code to specify the airline also useful
and time of operation, in case we have to
in ticketing and in airline operations.
drop by for our guests’ concern about
tickets. Phonetic Alphabet
 USA, EUROPE, BRASIL • In any of the reservation whether in
hotels, airlines and other travel
Flight Itinerary Planning
services Phonetic Alphabet is widely
• Flight itinerary planning is the used. Memorizing these codes is
process by which a number of essential in the Hotel and Travel
suitable flights are selected to industry
conform with the passenger’s
desired travel plans
Selling Other Destinations
Important Information and Requirements
in the Flight Itinerary Planning  Tour guides are very good sales
and marketing persons.
1. Knowledge of the “Four Directions of
Effectively they can describe and
the World” (N, E, W, S)
give complete information about the
2. The IATA Areas place, having been there many
3. The city / Airport Codes
 Tour guides are expected to give a
4. The Airline Codes
balanced information, present both
5. Types of Journey the weaknesses and strengths of the
destination, the people, culture of
Basic Procedure in Flight Itinerary the place, provide an update as to
Planning the negative and positive aspects of
• Select direct, non stop flights from that destinations, warn them of the
one point to another things they should not do there, in
short give the guests, the real
• If there is no direct flight, use the situation in the area.
“Hub and Spoke” system.
• Use the OAG flight planner or the
flight schedules in the CRS or the  Now days, guests are presented
computerized reservation system. with many kinds of entertainment.
With the modern technology, the
Local and International City/Airport guests are entertained with not only
Codes few, as before, types of spending
• In the travel and tour industry, there their time in the place visited.
is what we called “CITY/AIRPORT  With the advent of big entertainment
CODES "Almost every cities and “cities”, or “inclusive resorts”,
airports in the world have their own entertainment became very
specific identifying code. interesting now, not only for a
bachelor, couple, honeymooners,
but also there are several G- GOLF
entertainment hubs that caters to
 We now have Resorts world,
Solaire, and City of Dreams to name J- JULIET
a few. These are designed to give
entertainment to family members, a K- KILO
real “one-stop” shop for recreation, L- LIMA
sports, musicals and concerts,
wellness, gaming, gastronomy and M- MIKE
even adventure.
• This means ALL OTHER
CONCERNS that may arise from the
tour should be part of the tour Q- QUEBEC
guide’s scope of work.
• Tour guide does many other things
including being care giver, first aid S- SIERRA
giver, an errand person, a porter and T- TANGO
many exciting but challenging roles.
• The unexpected questions and other
concerns like, why in the Philippines V- VICTOR
there are different sounds of the W- WHISKEY
jeepney’s horn (busina), what is the
urinal for? X- X-RAY

• Being in the field of tourism will allow Y- YANKEE

you to understand and have a better
grasp of how entertaining,
challenging and rewarding this work
of a tour guide is.

1) Air Asia (AK) 1) Korean Air (KE)
2) Air Asia X (D7) 2) Lion Air (JT)
3) Air China (CA) 3) Lucky Air (8L)
4) Air India (AI) 4) Malindo Air (OD)
5) Air Macau (NX) 5) Myanmar National Airlines (UB)
6) All Nippon Airways (NH) 6) Nok Air (DD)
7) Asiana Airlines (OZ) 7) Okay Airways (BK)
8) Bangkok Airways (PG) 8) Peach Aviation (MM)
9) Batik Air (ID) 9) Philippine Airlines (PR)
10) Bhutan Airlines (B3) 10) Qingdao Airlines (QW)
11) Cebu Pacific Air (5J) 11) Scoot (TR)
12) China Airlines (CI) 12) Shandong Airlines (SC)
13) China Eastern Airlines (MU) 13) Shanghai Airlines (FM)
14) China Southern Airlines (CZ) 14) Shenzhen Airlines (ZH)
15) Citilink (QG) 15) Sichuan Airlines (3U)
16) Dragonair (KA) 16) SilkAir (MI)
17) Eastar Jet (ZE) 17) Singapore Airlines (SQ)
18) Emirates (EK) 18) SpiceJet (SG)
19) Eva Airways (BR) 19) Spring Airlines (9C)
20) Firefly (FY) 20) SriLankan Airlines (UL)
21) Garuda Indonesia (GA) 21) Thai AirAsia (FD)
22) GoAir (G8) 22) Thai Airways International (TG)
23) IndiGo Airlines (6E) 23) Tiger Airways (TR)
24) Japan Airlines (JL) 24) Tigerair Taiwan (IT)
25) Jeju Air (7C) 25) Vanilla Air (JW)
26) Jet Airways (9W) 26) VietJet Air (VJ)
27) Jetstar Asia Airways (3K) 27) Vietnam Airlines (VN)
28) Jin Air (LJ) 28) XiamenAir (MF)
29) Juneyao Airlines (HO)
Major airports in the Philippines and their corresponding airport codes:
1. Ninoy Aquino International Airport (MNL) - Manila
2. Mactan-Cebu International Airport (CEB) - Cebu
3. Clark International Airport (CRK) - Angeles/Pampanga
4. Kalibo International Airport (KLO) - Aklan/Boracay
5. Francisco Bangoy International Airport (DVO) - Davao
6. Iloilo International Airport (ILO) - Iloilo City
7. Bacolod-Silay International Airport (BCD) - Bacolod City
8. Puerto Princesa International Airport (PPS) - Palawan
9. Zamboanga International Airport (ZAM) - Zamboanga City
10. Laguindingan Airport (CGY) - Cagayan de Oro
11. General Santos International Airport (GES) - General Santos City
12. Roxas Airport (RXS) - Roxas City
13. Legazpi Airport (LGP) - Legazpi City
14. Tuguegarao Airport (TUG) - Tuguegarao City
15. Bohol-Panglao International Airport (TAG) - Panglao Island, Bohol
16. Laoag International Airport (LAO) - Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
17. Dumaguete-Sibulan Airport (DGT) - Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
18. Tagbilaran Airport (TAG) - Tagbilaran City, Bohol
19. Naga Airport (WNP) - Naga City, Camarines Sur
20. Cotabato Airport (CBO) - Cotabato City, Maguindanao
21. Dipolog Airport (DPL) - Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte
22. Surigao Airport (SUG) - Surigao City, Surigao del Norte
23. Siargao Airport (IAO) - Del Carmen, Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte
24. Marinduque Airport (MRQ) - Gasan, Marinduque
25. Camiguin Airport (CGM) - Mambajao, Camiguin
26. San Jose Airport (SJI) - San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
27. Basco Airport (BSO) - Basco, Batanes
28. Caticlan Airport (MPH) - Malay, Aklan
29. Busuanga Airport (USU) - Coron, Palawan
30. Virac Airport (VRC) - Virac, Catanduanes

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