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Trong phần nói có một số mẫu câu thường gặp trong các đề.

Chúng ta nhớ cách hỏi

và trả lời khi gặp các cụm từ này như sau:
- Name: what is the name of the ..... price
Ví dụ: what is the name of the club?
What is the telephone number/address/website?
- about: what is it about?
- easy, difficult, safe, interesting, new, old, cheap, expensive, for children, open
on..., open at..., open daily: thêm is it vào trước các cụm từ này.
Ví dụ:
Is it cheap?
Is it safe for swimming?
Is it for children?
Is it open on Mondays?
- cost, price: How much does it cost? What is the price of the ticket?
- family ticket, student ticket:
How much is a family ticket?
How much is a student ticket?
- students tickets: How much are the students tickets?
- more information: How can I get more information?
- book/order/buy:
How can I book?
How can I order?
What can I buy?

- start, open, close…:

When does it start?
What time does it open?
- see, learn, buy…
What can I see?
What can I buy?
Khi gặp danh từ trong phần hỏi, có thể hỏi chung 1 cấu trúc bằng cách thêm IS
THERE A/ARE THERE ANY trước danh từ đó.
Ví dụ: short trip, low prices, big classes, good teachers, English films, restaurant,
car park, .....
IS THERE/ IS IT A SHORT TRIP?/ Does it have a short trip?
IS THERE A CAR PARK? Does it have a car park?

* Một số mẫu câu sau mà nhiều em không đặt được:

- What/sports? What kinds of sports are there? What sports can I play there?
- Ages? Is it for all ages?
- How long/run? How long can I run?
- Who/phone? Who can I phone?
- Date? What is the date?
- for 18 – years-old? Is it for 18 years old?
- classes/age? Are there any classes for all ages?/ What’s the age of the
- Who/for? Who is it for?
- type/music? What types of music are there?
- anything free? Is there anything free?
- How often? How often can I go? does it go?
- Where/fly to? Where does it fly to?
- Fly/weekends? Does it fly at weekends?
- hours per day? How many hours per day are there?
- address/company? What is the address of the company?
- work all year? - Can I work all year?
- Speak other languages? - Can I speak other languages?
- Everyday? Does it open everyday?
- sell tennis shoes? - Does it sell tennis shoes?
- clothes/children? Are there any clothes for children?
- When/race? When is the running race?
- What/win? What can I get if I win?
- open/evening? Does it/ Is it open in the evening?
- How/join? How can I join?
- competitions for 16? Are there any competitions for 16?
- What/write about? What does it write about?
- What/first prize? What is the first prize?
- Sell/food? Does it sell food?
- Prize? What is the prize of the…?
- Fun? Is it fun?
- How many players? How many players are there?
- What/films? What kinds of films are there? What films can I see?
- start/date? When does the date start?
- closed/Sundays? Is it closed on Sundays?
- Time/when? What time is it when the disco opens? / When is the time of
the disco?
- time/start? What time does it start?
- date/start? What does the date start?
- date/coure? What is the date of the course?
- clothes/get? What clothes can I get?
- time/return? What time can I return?
- pay extra/lunch? Can I pay extra for lunch?
1. Name (called) / day / date / price / address / age / colour / channel what is
the ...........of the .................?
What is the date of the trip?
What is the day of the show?
What is the name of the book?
2. where? When? How long? (holiday / walking trip / football match / course /
competition club/cinema/party......)
Where is the ...............? when is ...................? how long is the .............?
Where is the holiday?
Where is the competition?
Where is the shop
When is the party?
When is the school trip?
3. car park / lessons for children / English film / English classes / restaurant / books
for students ..............
Does it have ................?
Are there any ...................?
Is there a.................?
Does it have a car park?
Are there English films?
Is there a car park?
4. play games / buy food / buy drinks (food/drinks)/ feed animals
Can I ............?
Can I play games there?
Can I buy food there?
5. where / buy ? what / do ? how / order ? where / go? What / see? / who /contact?
Where can I ................ ? what can I...............?
What can I see?
Who can I contact?
6. cost?
How much does it cost?
7. student ticket? Family ticket?
How much is a ..............?
8. open/Sundays? Open everyday? Closed at weekend? Safe for swimming
?/cheap? / big? Small? For children? For family? For everyone? For all
Is it................?
It it for children?
Is it open on Sundays?
9. about? What /about /?  what is it about?
10. time/start? Time/close? Closing time? Starting time? Time/return?
What time does it start?
What time does it begin?
What time does it close?
What time does it finish?
What time does it return?
11. what/win? Win?
What can I get if I win?

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