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Tool Development 
Full name: ​Kieu Thanh Ha 
Student ID: s​ 3802668 
Course: C
​ ontemporary PR Research (COMM2698) 
Assessment’s name: ​Individual Questionnaire Tool Development 
Word count: 1​ 666 
Class group: ​Hanoi 
Lecturer’s name: ​Abdul Rohman 
• RMIT electronic submission of work for assessment 
• I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agreed to the content 
and expectations of the Assessment declaration.

Businesses are going green, technology is going green and even consumers are going green. Many
studies confirm that the environmental attitude, which has a significant relationship with
environmental knowledge, awareness, affects the purchasing behavior of environmentally friendly
goods (Cheah & Phau 2011; Laroche et al., 1996; Roberts & Bacon, 1997). Recently, a rising trend
has been witnessed in Vietnam's markets as consumers favor green consumption and sustainable
products (Nguyen et. al 2018). About 80% of Vietnamese consumers even pay a premium price for the
same product if it comes from an environmentally friendly company (Quyen Luu 2020). Some of the
customers have converted their environmental concern into active commitment to buy green products
(Martin and Simintiras, 1995). Usually, these green customers organize petitions, boycott producers
and retailers and vigorously support the protection of the earth (Fergus, 1991). Given that information,
brands are urged to show their environmental responsibility in order to develop in the era of high
environmental awareness from customers (Thu Ky 2019).

With regard to the mass use of plastic packaging in every store in Highlands Coffee and the
detrimental impact of consumers, as qualitative research has shown, it was proposed that Highlands
Coffee should begin to replace plastic with glass while serving customers in stores. For a better
understanding of the effectiveness of the implementation of new alternatives in-store packaging,
quantitative research needs to be carried out in order to identify the relationship between the factors
affecting this strategy. Highlands Coffee can not only improve its brand service by listening to
customer reviews and ideas with detailed analysis, but also imprint its high values in the brand
experience in the minds of customers, proving to be suitable for standing at one of the most popular
coffee chains in Vietnam (Quynh Nhu 2019).

Environmental awareness can be characterized as a state of understanding, knowledge and awareness
of the natural environment in which people live and work and which seeks to affect the development
and actions of people (Kokkinen 2013). According to Partanen-Hertell et al. (1999), environmental
awareness can be measured by 3 aspects, namely level of knowledge, motivation and skills. As
motivation indicates the attitudes and concerns about the environment, knowledge, on the other hand,
focuses on the understanding of individuals in certain situations related to environment protection.
Skills can be elaborated as the ability to act in various levels and aspects in life.

Brand experience can be seen under the lens of customers’ emotions and satisfaction (Brakus et al.
2009). Furthermore, Consumer behaviors, considered as a response of the society towards the
environment (Hoang & Nguyen 2012), is one of the factors in brand experience measurement (Brakus
et al. 2009). Customers’ behaviors in response to brand experience can be related to the decision
whether they continue to purchase or not while attitudes associations/satisfaction define whether
consumers can give different judgements or satisfaction rates to a brand based on their own values and
beliefs. In order to identify the relations between customers’ environmental awareness and brand
experience, it is important that the angles of consumption decisions (behaviors) as well as satisfaction
when experiencing brand service (emotions and attitudes) be examined.

​ o examine the satisfaction rate towards Highlands Coffee’s new plastic replacement from
customers from the age of 16 to 25 years by taking a survey in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang.
• To identify the consumption decisions of customers with regards to the new plastic replacement from
the age of 16 to 25 years by taking a survey in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Danang.

• I​ s there a significant relationship between environmental awareness and customer satisfaction when
experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee?
• Is there a significant relationship between environmental awareness and consumption decisions when
experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee?

• ​H0 -​ ​Null hypotheses:
- There is no significant relationship between customers’ environmental awareness and customer
satisfaction when experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee.
- There is no significant relationship between customers’ environmental awareness and customer
consumption decision when experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee.

• HA - Alternative hypotheses:
- There is a significant relationship between customers’ environmental awareness and customer
satisfaction when experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee.
- There is a significant relationship between customers’ environmental awareness and customers’
consumption decision when experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee.

For a better illustration of a specific phenomenon, quantitative research was conducted with surveys
from the researchers. The survey questionnaire was built to answer the study questions in order to get
a deeper understanding of the relationship between the environmental consciousness of Vietnamese
customers, and their satisfaction in using brand service and purchase decisions as well. On the basis of
a comprehensive literature review, the questionnaire items were created. In other words, this research
report examined the relationship between the three variables, namely environmental awareness
(independent, categorical variable); customer satisfaction (dependent, continuous variable);
consumption decision (dependent, continuous variable).

With 95% confidence level and 5% margin of errors, the sample size was 385 which consists of both
male and female from the age group of 16-25 years old.

The sample was collected from stratified random sampling techniques, which included splitting the
population into smaller sub-groups based on geo-demographic and behavioral characteristics from
October to November 2020. The population was collected from real-time statistics from local sources
of big cities in the North, the middle and the South of Vietnam - Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City
with the population calculations of 8 millions, 8.9 millions and 1.1 millions respectively. The
population was then inserted to the sample size calculator employed from SurveyMonkey with 95%
confidence level and 5% margins of error. Target respondents answered a short questionnaire sent by
the research agency via emails.


The questionnaire was structured into two main parts. In order to obtain general information about the
respondents, the first segment consists of 4 questions, such as consent agreement, age range, living
areas and the frequency of searching for environmental information and whether they have tried
Highlands Coffee service (screening questions).

• Which age group are you in? - To filter those who are not in the required age group of 16-25
• Which city are you living in? - To choose only the responses from respondents who come from
Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City.
• Have you used Highlands Coffee products before? - To identify and select the responses from the
current customers of Highlands Coffee.
In the second section, a series of questions, most of which were organized based on the five-point
Likert scale, was used to gather information about the issues related to the variables.

Q6. What is your overall level of

• Categorical
• High environmental awareness?
Environmental -1
• Medium
awareness -2
• Low (Bạn đánh giá mức độ nhận thức về môi
• Is there a significant trường của bạn ở đâu?)
relationship between
awareness and Q7. From the scale of 1 to 5, what is
customer satisfaction • Extremely your level of satisfaction with regards to
when experiencing satisfied Highlands Coffee's changing their • Continuous
new in-store glass • Satisfied in-store packaging from plastic into -5
packaging of Customer • Neither satisfied glass? -4
Highlands Coffee? satisfaction or dissatisfied -3
• Dissatisfied (Từ 1-5, hãy đánh giá mức độ hài lòng -2
• Extremely của bạn với việc Highlands Coffee thay -1
satisfied đổi phương án đóng gói sản phẩm tại
• Is there a significant cửa hàng từ nhựa sang thuỷ tinh?)
relationship between
awareness and
consumption Q8. From the scale of 1 to 5, how likely
decisions when are you going to use Highlands Coffee
experiencing new • Highly likely after the brand changes its in-store • Continuous
in-store glass • Likely packaging into glass? -5
packaging of Consumption • Neither likely or -4
Highlands Coffee? decision unlikely (Từ 1-5, hãy đánh giá khả năng bạn sẽ -3
• Unlikely sử dụng sản phẩm của Highlands Coffee -2
• Highly unlikely sau khi nhãn hàng thay đổi phương án -1
đóng gói sản phẩm tại cửa hàng sang
thuỷ tinh?)

The data of each continuous variable was run through descriptive analysis to figure out the mean and
standard deviation value. The categorical variable data was calculated in order to outline the percentile
of each response answered by respondents. ANOVA was the test used to analyze the data to find the
relationship between variables to answer the research question. The P-value was compared with 0.05
(margin of error) to conclude whether we are able to reject the null hypotheses or not.

Figure 1: Proportions of respondents in each city. Reproduced from Excel (2020)

Among 385 respondents, Hanoi accounted for 38.2% when Danang and Ho Chi Minh City’s segments
were 44.4% and 17.4% respectively. Figure 2 and 3 illustrates the number of responses for each choice
in the survey. It can be seen that the overall satisfaction and purchase intention were quite positive
towards the new alternative of Highlands Coffee in-store packaging.

Figure 2: Proportions of respondents regarding satisfaction rate. Reproduced from Excel (2020) 
Figure 3: Proportions of respondents regarding consumption decision. Reproduced from Excel (2020)

Data Label Percentage
High 3 42.34%
Medium 2 37.40%
Low 1 20.26%
Figure 4: Reproduced from Excel (2020)

The dataset indicated that 42.34% respondents had high environmental awareness while 37.40%
categorized themselves as medium awareness. Low environmentally aware respondents were 20.26%.

Customer satisfaction Consumption decision

Mean 3.74025974 Mean 3.95584416

Standard Error 0.067119638 Standard Error 0.04595733
Median 4 Median 4
Mode 5 Mode 4

Standard Deviation 1.3169824 Standard Deviation 0.90174794

Sample Variance 1.734442641 Sample Variance 0.81314935
Kurtosis -0.453068699 Kurtosis 0.65393692
Skewness -0.852948143 Skewness -0.7697186
Range 4 Range 4
Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Maximum 5 Maximum 5
Sum 1440 Sum 1523
Count 385 Count 385
Figure 5: Reproduced from Excel (2020) Figure 6: Reproduced from Excel (2020)

Figure 5 illustrates that the mean of the data of the continuous variable “customer satisfaction” was
approximately 3.7, which is close to the value of standard deviation (approximately 1.3). The gap
between the mean and standard deviation values of the “consumption decision” variable was also
small (Figure 6).


Environmental awareness​ (independent variable, categorical); ​Customer satisfaction​ (dependent variable, continuous)

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Column 1 78 117 1.5 0.25324675

Column 2 144 578 4.01388889 0.64316239

Column 3 163 745 4.57055215 0.24653488


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 514.6151015 2 257.307551 649.170583 1.33E-123 3.019348808

Within Groups 151.4108725 382 0.39636354

Total 666.025974 384

Environmental awareness ​(independent variable, categorical);​ Consumption decision ​(dependent variable, continuous)

Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Column 1 78 272 3.48717949 1.73359973

Column 2 144 508 3.52777778 0.25097125

Column 3 163 726 4.45398773 0.24941301


Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 83.2164262 2 41.6082131 75.766343 1.93E-28 3.01934881

Within Groups 209.780976 382 0.54916486

Total 292.997403 384

Figure 7: Reproduced from Excel (2020)

The P-value from ANOVA Test of the first 2 variables (environmental awareness and customer
satisfaction) was 1.33E-123, which was smaller than the margin of error (0.05). The second pair of
variables (environmental awareness and consumption decision) showed a P-value of 1.93E-28, which
was also smaller than 0.05. These results indicated that we reject the null hypotheses. In other words,
there is a significant relationship between customers’ environmental awareness and customer
satisfaction, and there is a significant relationship between environmental awareness and consumption
decisions when experiencing new in-store glass packaging of Highlands Coffee. This can be
understood as consumers engage in conservation behavior because they are intrinsically concerned
about the environment and society (Bamberg, 2003). Increasingly, Vienamese customers pay attention
to the green living environment and prioritize the quality of goods from brands to maintain peace
between business interests and benefit the community as a whole (My Phuong 2020).
As Vietnamese people are constantly improving their environmental knowledge and awareness,
Highlands Coffee should continue launching environmentally friendly products and campaigns in
order to provide a better experience for customers which directly affects the brand experience.
The limitations of this analysis can be seen as the study concentrated only on three cities in Vietnam
without obtaining data from other areas. By taking age ranges into account when launching the study
survey, the dilemma could be seen from different angles.


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