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Assignment 1 : Production Systems Subjects.

In this report I will discuss nine subjects about production

systems, such :

1. Flexible Manufacturing System.

2. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System.
3. Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing System.
4. Lean Production System.
5. Agile Manufacturing System.
6. Intelligent Automation & Industrial Robotics.
7. Smart Manufacturing : new trends in
8. Distributed Control System & SCADA.
9. Industry 4.0 Topics : Industrial Internrt of Things, Big
Data, Machine Learning & AI Techniques.

Student’s Name : Abdulaziz Masad

ID : 2036205
Course : Industrial Automation & Control
Instructor : Mohannad Eid Issa Jreissat
1 - Flexible Manufacturing System :
(FMS) is a production method designed to easily adapt
to changes in the type and quantity of the product being
manufactured, (FMS) can improve efficiency and
reduce production cost.
The concept of flexible manufacturing was developed
by Jerome H. Lemelson, an American industrial
engineer and inventor who filed a number of related
patents in the early 1950s. His original design was a robot-based system that could weld,
rivet, convey, and inspect manufactured goods .

2 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing System :

(CIM) refers to the use of computer-controlled
machineries and automation systems in manufacturing
products, (CIM) combines various technologies like
computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM) to provide an error-free
manufacturing process that reduces manual labor and
automates repetitive tasks, The CIM approach increases
the speed of the manufacturing process and uses real-time
sensors and closed-loop control processes to automate the
manufacturing process. It is widely used in the
automotive, aviation, space and ship-building industries.

3 - Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing

System :
Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy in
which similar parts are identified and grouped together
to take advantage of their similarities in design and
production. Similar parts are arranged
into part/amities. where each part family possesses
similar design and/or manufacturing characteristics.
4 - Lean Production System :
Lean Production System (lean manufacturing) is a
methodology that focuses on minimizing waste within
manufacturing systems while simultaneously maximizing
productivity. Waste is seen as anything that customers do
not believe adds value and are not willing to pay for.
Some of the benefits of lean manufacturing can include
reduced lead times, reduced operating costs and
improved product quality.

5 - Agile Manufacturing System :

Agile manufacturing is a manufacturing methodology that places
an extremely strong focus on rapid response to the customer –
turning speed and agility into a key competitive advantage. It
represents a very interesting approach to developing a competitive
advantage in today's fast-moving marketplace.
An in becoming an agile manufacturer has been the development
of manufacturing support technology that allows the marketers, the
designers and the production personnel to share a common
database of parts and products, to share data on production capacities and problems —
particularly where small initial problems may have larger downstream effects.

6 - Intelligent Automation & Industrial Robotics :

- Intelligent automation (IA), also known as cognitive automation, is a type of RPA
(Robotic process automation) that includes artificial intelligence, machine learning
(ML), or natural language processing (NLP). It can include data analytics and complex
forms of analysis. IA is dynamic in nature and relies upon
algorithms that have the ability to learn and adjust as they
gain experience. Instead of being mechanical or static in
nature, these tools can interpret information and make
decisions that go beyond simple rule application.
- An industrial robot is a robot system used
for manufacturing. Industrial robots are automated,
programmable and capable of movement on three or more
7 - Smart Manufacturing: new trends in
Smart manufacturing — or the use of emerging,
advanced technologies to increase the efficiency of
traditional manufacturing processes — is creating a
more agile and productive industrial base, Experts
with the Secure America Institute (SAI) and Texas
A&M University College of Engineering explain
why leveraging these innovations is crucial to
advance the industry forward.
There are many new trends for Smart
Manufacturing; such :
-An increased focus on the partnership between manufacturer and customer.
-More opportunities for remote and off-site operational work-

8 - Distributed Control System & SCADA :

A distributed control system (DCS) is a
computerised control system for a process or plant
usually with many control loops, in which
autonomous controllers are distributed throughout the
system, but there is no central operator supervisory
control. This is in contrast to systems that use
centralized controllers; either discrete controllers
located at a central control room or within a central computer. The DCS concept increases
reliability and reduces installation costs by localising control functions near the process
plant, with remote monitoring and supervision.

9 - Industry 4.0 Topics : Industrial Internrt of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning &
AI Techniques :
- The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are
embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and
exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet.
- big data is data that contains greater variety, arriving in increasing volumes and with more
-Machine learning (ML) is a field devoted to understanding and
building methods that let machines "learn" – that is, methods that
leverage data to improve computer performance on some set of tasks.
- Top 4 Techniques of Artificial Intelligence :
1. Machine Learning.
2. Natural Language Processing.
3. Automation & Robotics.
4. Machine Vision.

Martin Christopher. "Logistics and Supply Chain Management"

L. Goldman, R.L. Nagel and K Preiss, Agile Competitors and Virtual

Organizations - Strategies for Enriching the Customer, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1995.
Nigatu, Hassen; Yihun, Yimesker (2020). Larochelle, Pierre;
McCarthy, J. Michael (eds.). "Algebraic Insight on the Concomitant
Motion of 3RPS and 3PRS PKMs". Proceedings of the 2020
USCToMM Symposium on Mechanical Systems and Robotics.
Mechanisms and Machine Science. Cham: Springer International
Publishing. 83: 242–252. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-43929-
3_22. ISBN 978-3-030-43929-3. S2CID 218789290

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