PART 02 Riane Menezes - MGMT 661 Group Assignment

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Company’s Winning Aspiration for Serving Busy Professionals at Premium Pricing

Evolved Strength is a company with an excellent proposal for innovation in the fitness

sector for more mature people. However, given the market challenges faced mainly after the

pandemic, the company is forced to seek new markets and present new proposals to attract

customers, maintaining its quality proposal based on scientific studies.

Based on these perspectives, it is necessary to establish proposals for the strategic

statements according to the goals the company seeks from now on. They provide a foundation

for the company’s goals, objectives, and strategies and a framework for decision-making

(MCghie, 2021). A mission statement is usually one sentence that outlines the purpose of an

organization, while a vision statement describes what it hopes to achieve in the future. Both

should be concise yet powerful enough to capture their essence and inspire stakeholders toward

achieving their goals.

The first step in crafting compelling mission and vision statements is defining values;

these will guide the company when writing down its intentions on paper so they can be easily

understood by everyone involved with the company or project. Additionally, ensure both

statements are realistic yet aspirational – they should reflect where necessary for the business and

remain achievable given the available resources (Bolles & Hubbard, 2006). Finally, keep them

short but meaningful; long, drawn-out sentences often lose their impact due to a lack of clarity or

focus on critical points necessary to reach desired outcomes over time.

In other words, having clear mission and vision statements helps ensure everyone within

an organization understands why it exists - what its purpose is -and how it plans on achieving

that goal going forward into the future. When crafted correctly, these two elements become

invaluable tools leaders use throughout all stages of growth, ensuring alignment between

individual actions taken each day and broader organizational objectives. Therefore, seguem os

statements pensados para a Strenght Evolved:

Vision (short term): to be recognized among retired people and busy professionals in the

regions where it operates as a reference in strength workout studios that carries the best and most

advanced equipment based on science and the most prepared professionals in the market.

Vision (long term): be recognized as an exceptional reference for short-term physical

activity practices aimed at retired or busy people in Western Canada.

Mission: offer short-term, practical, personalized exercise programs based on scientific

studies, providing healthy and sustainable aging to senior clients and busy professionals.


Bolles, D. L., & Hubbard, D. G. (2006). 20. PBMM Business Objective Development: 20.1

Developing Business Objectives. In Power of Enterprise-Wide Project Management (pp.

225–233). HarperCollins.

MCghie, M. (2021). Shared Goals: The power of having a strong vision statement, mission

statement, and company values. Big Picture, 26(8), 50.

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