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==== Walkthrough and Cheat Codes ====


I. General Information
a. Date and Time
b. Locations
c. The Challenge Bar
d. Combat
e. Enemy Data
f. Massage Action
g. Statistics
II. Merchants
a. Dungeon Merchant
b. Alyssa
c. Morphine
d. Handyman Brothers
III. Miscellaneous
a. Gifts
b. Crafting Recipes
c. Doll Upgrade Recipes
IV. Walk Through
a. Quests
- Quest (Prologue): Reunion after 5 years
- Useful Starting Actions
- Quest for Raury 1: Wanna get close to Raury
- Quest for Raury 2: Treehouse
- Quest for Linda: A new toy
- Quest for Dolly 1: Need a new outfit
- Quest for Dolly 2: A new part-time job
- Quest for Dolly 3: A new part-time job 2
- Quest for Manjula 1: The food she would like
- Quest for Manjula 2: Reading is the food for the mind
b. Holiday Event QUESTS
- Winter Event: Santa
b. Sub-Quests
(Things that might be necessary for quests, but can be done
outside of the quests. Some are only availabe after certain actions have occured.)
- Sub-Quest: Access to the Loft
- Sub-Quest: Build a Toy Box (Chest)
- Sub-Quest: Sleep with Raury
a. Dungeon Sex Scenes
b. My Room Toy Box (Chest) Sex Scenes
c. NPC Sex Scenes
1. Co-Habitant NPCs
- Missy
- Ane
- Raury
2. Toy Store NPCs
- Alyssa
- Linda
- Dolly
3. Training NPCs
- Galina (STR)
- Manjula (DEX)
- Sue (INT)
4. Other NPCs
- Deli the FesEx Delivery Girl
- Morphine
- Thief (probably none ever)
- McCurly, Detective Inspector
- Willya
- Dolores the Librarian
- Ricarno the Fitness Center Manager
- Dani
- Roni
- Cindy
- Cynthia
- Zoey
- Girl in a bear mask
- Mariola Handyman
- Luigiana Handyman
5. Speical Event NPCs
- Santa Fanta (Winter Christmas Event)
a. Supercodes
b. Inventory Codes

BUG: There is a bug where the text will become Korean. When this happens, click
on the gear for Settings, select the second option down (Save Game) and save the
game. Exit the game (Closing the window, or using task manager to end the task
works.) Restart the game, load the game, and that should fix the issue.


The day advances whenever you go to bed and sleep.
The day is broken into four parts.
Morning (9am)
Afternoon (1pm)
Evening (6pm)
Night (10pm)
A season is 28 days long.
Talking to people and moving locations does not advance time. Oddly, having
sex with your toys in your room does not advance time.
Training and other actions (like Massage and Sex, or Gifting) advance day-
time one increment.
Exploring the Dungeon always ends at 10pm, regardless of if you start at
Morning, Afternoon, or Evening
Store locations close and kick you out at Night.
Very few activities are available at Night.
You can manually advance time one increment by clicking on the clock in the
upper left corner of the game window
You can manually change the season by going to the calendar in your room (on
the wall next to the bed) and clicking on it, then clicking on the arrows.
You can only advance forward in time.

My House (House silhouette)
Toy Store (Teddy bear silhouette)
Fitness Center (Barbell silhouette)
Library (Open book silhouette)
Playground (Slide silhouette) Not available at the start of the game.
Must be opened through questing.

My House:
lF Bathroom: Exits to the Kitchen
1F Hallway: Exits to Basement, 2F Hallway, and Dining
2F Bathroom: Exits to 2F Hallway, and Commode
2F Hallway: Exits to 2F Bathroom, 1F Hallway, Loft,
Ane's room, Raury's room, and My room
Ane's room: Exits to 2F Hallway
Backyard: Exits to Missy's room, Kitchen (x2),
Frontyard (x2), and Treehouse
Basement: Exits to Frontyard and 1F Hallway
Closet: Exits to My Room
Commode (2F Bathroom): Exits to 2nd Floor Bathroom
Dining: Exits to Fronyard, Living room,
Kitchen, and 1F Hallway
Frontyard: Exits to Map (x2), Backyard (x2),
Basement, Garage, and Dining
Garage: Exits to Frontyard and Kitchen
Kitchen: Exits to 1F Bathroom, Missy's room,
Garage, Backyard (x2), Living room, and Dining
Living room: Exits to Kitchen and Dining
Loft: Exits to 2F Hallway
Missy's room: Exits to Backyard and Kitchen
Raury's room: Exits to 2F Hallway
Treehouse: Exits to Backyard
My room: Exits to 2F Hallway and Closet

Toy Store:
In Front of Store: Exits to Map (x2) and Toystore
Toystore: Exits to In Front of Store and Toystore
warehouse (Back Room)
Toystore warehouse: Exits to Toystore and Factory/Dungeon
Factory/Dungeon: Exits by Defeat and available at Dungeon level

Fitness Center:
In front of Fitness Center: Exits to Map (x2) and Fitness Center
Fitness Center Lobby: Exits to In front of Fitness Center, Gym, and
Yoga Class
Gym: Exits to Fitness Center Lobby
Yoga Class: Exits to Fitness Center Lobby

In front of Library: Exits to Map (x2) and Library
Library: Exits to In front of Library

Playground: Exits to Map

The challenge bar appears towards the top of the screen when you are in
combat for attacking, defending, and escaping. It also shows up when performing a
Massage action.

The challenge bar is red in the middle, yellow towards the sides, and black
to the ends. A white triangle cursor appears below the bar that swings back and
forth along the bar. The cursor moves faster in the middle of the bar.

By left-clicking on the mouse, you stop the cursor. If the cursor is

pointing at the black, it is a miss/failure. If it stops in the yellow, it is a
hit/success. If it stops in the red, it is a critical hit/success.

When in combat, a button ribbon across the top of the screen. The
button ribbon has three buttons, in order left to right: Attack, Item, Escape.

You go first in every combat.

** You cannot equip or change weapons in the middle of a fight. Make
sure you equip them before the fight. **

The Item button:

Opens your inventory. You can click on items, and if the bottom
right of the inventory has a button that says 'Use' you can click that to use it in
combat. Weapons cannot be equipped or unequipped during combat.
Items useable from inventory during combat are:
Fix Kit: heal weapon, does not seem to take an action if
used in combat. Initiative remains yours.
Milk: Heals you for 15, takes an action, and hands the
initiative over to the enemy.
Big Milk: Heals you for 35, takes an action, and hands the
initiative over to the enemy.
Rope: Does nothing. Probably a bug.
Map: Does nothing. Probably a bug.
Bomb: Damages the enemy (The bomb so far cannot be bought
or made. It is a cheat item.)
Camping Kit: Using decreases the number you have, and
nothing else. (Test Only Item.) Probably a bug.
Quest items show up in the inventory but do not generate a 'Use'
button. Probably a bug.

The Attack button:

As weapons cannot be equipped before going into combat, equip
them before you are in combat.
When you click on the Attack button, the challenge bar appears.
If you stop the cursor in the black (a miss), no damage occurs, the yellow (a hit)
base damage occurs, and if it is in the red (a critical) base damage is doubled.

After attacking, initiative goes to the enemy.

The Escape button:

Opens the challenge bar. The range of success and crit are much,
much smaller than on attack, and the cursor is much faster.
If the cursor stops on red or yellow, you escape, and the enemy
is removed from the room.
If the cursor stops on black, nothing happens and initiative goes
to the enemy.

Enemy Actions:
When initiative goes to the enemies, they have two actions.
Attack and Sex Attack.
If the enemy attacks, a challenge bar appears and rates
your defense.
A red (critical) means the enemy missed and you take
no damage.
A yellow (success) result and then enemy does base
damage (varies from enemy to enemny and unlike yours, has a random range of values)
A black result is a critical hit for the enemy, doing
more damage to you than a hit.
If the enemy Sex Attacks you, a Sex Scene is presented
along with a image of a red button being mashed.
There is no mechanic for avoiding a Sex Attack when
the enemy chooses to use it.
You have to repeatedly left-click the mouse button to
throw off the enemy.
Their attacks raise your Arousal over time, so you
need to throw them off quickly.
If your Arousal bar is filled, you take orgasm
damage, which will clear the Arousal bar if you survive the attack.
If you win the combat, your Arousal remains elevated,
bringing you closer to orgasm on the next Sex Attack.
Higher Stats allow you to throw the enemy off
quicker, thus taking less Arousal damage.


You start the day with 50 HPs. There does not appear to be a way to
improve that.
Arousal bar starts at 0 on when entering a Dungeon Floor. There is no
way to reduce it, other than starting a new Dungeon Floor.
In combat, if your health bar is depleted you are defeated and
expelled from the Toy Store.
If you are defeated, you loose 50% of your money.
If your Arousal bar is full, you orgasm taking extreme damage,
which you are unlikely survive.

Arousal is healed by sleep, or clearing a Dungeon floor and
advancing to the next.
Health is healed by sleep, drinking milk, drinking lemonade, or
using a Raggedy Ann doll (Raggedy Anns are only available on the 2nd and 3rd floors
of the Dungeon.)
Milk heals a bit (1 HP according to inventory info. 15 HP
displayed when used it in combat.)
Large milk heals a fair bit more. (5 HP according to
inventory info. 35 HP displayed when used in combat.)
Ragged Anne doll fills your health bar to the max,
restoring you to 50 HP.
'Lemonade with a strange smell' heals like Large milk
(Heals 15 HP according to inventory note. 15 HP displayed when used in combat.)

Every attack made (Miss/Hit/Crit) reduces the durability of the
weapon by 10. When durability reaches 0, you resort to punching the enemy.
** Equip your weapons BEFORE going into combat! **
If you have a Fix Kit, you can repair the weapon during combat.

Weapon Max. Durability Damage

Punch --- 0/3/6
Bat 100 0/5/10
Light Saber 150 0/7/14
Light Sword 200 0/8/16

Water Gun 200 0/4/8

Power Gun 250 0/6/12
Super Gun 300 0/8/16

Bomb --- 999 (Use

Item button, click on Bomb in your inventory, click on Use)

(Bombs, like healing items, are a one use item)

(Attack damage not verified for v.0.30.8 and is imported from a v0.10.5 cheat

ENEMY HP Damage (Miss/Hit/Crit) Orgasm from Sex Attack

Possible Item Drops
Teddy 10 10-20/5-7/0 35-45
toy chip, cotton, string
Broken Doll 10 12-18/5-10/0 35-50
toy chip, winder
Toy Box (Jack) 10 12-20/5-9/0 35+ ?
toy chip, spring
Toy Soldier 15 22-26/12-14/0 40+ ?
toy chip, winder, gear
Dildo Tiger 20 34/12-16/0 >50 ?
toy chip, PartsA, PartsB

When you select "Massage" from an NPC's dialogue list, you get have raunchy
scene, with the purpose of raising someone's Love rating.
Selecting Massage brings the Massage Button Ribbon to the upper screen.
The first button with a heart is the one for actually engaging in a
The second button is an escape.
Choosing the Heart button brings up a challenge bar, and whether succesful or
not, advances time one increment.
Stopping the cursor on black adds +0 Love to the NPC's current rating,
causing a comment about being more gentle.
Stopping on yellow adds +5 Love to the NPC's current rating, leaving
the massagee wanting more.
Stopping on red adds +10 Love to the NPC's current rating, causing them
to orgasm.
Choosing Escape brings you back to the interaction map with no time

Stats are viewable throught the Status App on your phone.
HPs (Health Points): 0 - 50. Displayed as Current HP/Max HP ( 35/50 ). Max
HP is 50. Currently no way to improve max HP.

STR (Strength): 1 - 10 (Trainer: Galina in the Gym)

1. Higher STR expands the range of the "yellow bar" in the challenge
bar, thus giving you a larger target.
2. Higher STR powers up your sex-fight & training bar (More effect per
click) making both throwing off an opponent and completing Training faster.
3. STR does not affect your base melee damage.

DEX (Dexterity): 1- 10 (Trainer Manjula in the Yoga Class)

1. Expand the range of the "red bar" within the "yellow bar" on the
challenge bar, thus creating a larger target.
2. Power up your sex-fight bar & train bar (same for STR)

INT (Intellect): 1 - 10 (Trainer Sue in the Library)

Higher INT slows down the challenge bar cursor, making red and yellow
bars easier to hit. (You might need a bit of time to adapt to the slower

Higher Stats increase the effectiveness of each button click on

training and throwing off an enemy during a Sex Attack.

==== II. MERCHANTS: ====

Dungeon Merchant: (Located at the top of the stairs at the end of each
Dungeon Floor)
For Sale:
Bat ($100)
Battery ($50) (Crafting item)
Broken Doll ($200)
Dildo($100): +20 friendship for gift (Light Saber crafting needs
5 dildos)
Fix Kit ($25)
Map($25) (open floor full map) [Reveal all the rooms on the
current floor.]
Milk ($20)
Rope ($150) it transfers you go to the floor shop zone(you can
take 1 free upgrade token!)
Water Gun ($100)
Battery ($10)
Crafting items ($10 each)
Dildo ($50)
Fix Kit ($5)
Hand-made Doll ($50)
Love ($50) (Cheat item)
Toy Chips ($25)

Alyssa: (Located in the Toy Store, behind the counter)

For Sale:
Good Hooker Doll ($200) (This really does nothing other than
repeat the cost you $200 and repeat the Alyssa Sex Scene.)
Teddy ($200)
Toy Box (Doll) ($200) (It's the Jill in the Box sex toy, not to
be confused with the Toy Box you craft)
Toy Soldier ($200)
Dildo Tiger ($200)
Bat ($100)
Fix Kit ($25)
Milk ($20)
Water Gun ($100)
Battery ($10)
Crafting items ($10 each)
Dildo ($50)
Fix Kit ($5)
Hand-made Doll ($50)
Love ($50) (Cheat item)
Toy Chips ($25)

Morphine: (Found randomly on the different Streets and the Playground at

Night (10pm))
For Sale:
Spice ($200) only once. (Quest item.)

Handyman Brothers: (Phone call at 9am or 1pm, they show up on your Front
Yard with you.) (Also unavailable while on a project)
For Sale:
Wood ($30)
Nail ($30)
Paint ($30)
Wood (DIY) ($30)
Paint (DIY) ($30)

When gifted, some gifts get a neutral face emoji and others get a
drooly face emoji, and then a number in red indicating how much Love was gained.
(The choice of red is odd to me, as I associate it with a loss value rather than a
gain value.)

Below are the Love values shown when item is gifted. The entry will be
(<emoji type> <number>), where emoji type is either NF (Neutral Face) or DF (Drooly
Face) and the number is the amount of Love gained by the gift.

Currently you can only give gifts to Dolly, Linda and Raury

Dildo ==> Everyone (DF 20)

Love ==> Everyone (DF 50) (Cheat item)
Hand-made Doll ==> Linda (DF 20 Love), Dolly (NF 2), Raury (DF 30)

Fix Kit ==> Everyone (NF 2)

Toy Chip ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Battery ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Cotton ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Gear ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Paint DIY ==> Everyone (NF 2)
PartsA ==> Everyone (NF 2)
PartsB ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Spring ==> Everyone (NF 2)
String ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Winder ==> Everyone (NF 2)
Wood DIY ==> Everyone (NF 2)

Recipes you start with:
Big Milk ==> 3 Milk
Hand-made Doll ==> 2 cotton, 1 string
Light Saber ==> 1 bat, 5 dildoes
Light Sword ==> 1 Light Saber, 2 PartsA, 10 Fix Kits
Power Gun ==> 1 Water Gun, 5 Fix Kits
Super Gun ==> 1 Power Gun, 2 PartsB, 7 Fix Kits

Quest Recipies you are given:

Dolly's Costume ==> 5 cotton, 5 string
Toy Box ==> 1 wood, 1 nail, 1 paint
Cockhorse ==> 3 wood DIY, 3 paint DIY
Lemonade Stand ==> 1 wood, 1 paint, 1 nail
Christmas Stocking ==> 5 string, 5 cotton

Teddy ==> 3 cotton, 3 string, 1 battery
Broken Doll ==> 3 winder, 3 Fix Kit, 1 battery
Toy Box (Jack) ==> 3 spring, 3 string, 1 battery
Toy Soldier ==> 3 winder, 3 gear, 1 battery
Dildo Tiger ==> 3 PartsA, 3 PartsB, 1 battery
Good Hooker (Sucky) ==> (None?)
Raggedy Ann ==> None Required



All quests show up on the Quest App of your phone, showing active quests with the
completed steps when it opens. Clickin on the 'In Progress' button switches you to
the list of completed quests. Clicking on 'Completed' takes you back to the active
quest list.

QUEST (Prologue): Reunion after 5 years
1. Talk with 'Ane' (or Annet)
- Exit your bedroom and get yelled at and threatened by Ane
2. Talk with 'Raury'
- Go to the Dining Room. Talk to Raury (or Rori, Laurie, Loli, or Sis)
and upset her accidently
3. Talk to 'Missy'
- Go to the kitchen. You start the next day in your Bedroom after
'spending the day with Missy'
End Prologue

1. Go to the garage, pick up the drill next to the crafting bench. Pick up
paint, wood and nail from garage (these respawn a few times (3 or 4 I think), so
check regularly)
2. Do the "Access the Loft" Sub-Quest to get the key to access the Loft.
3. If you haven't done so, walk around the house and familiarize yourself
with the locations and exits. The Contacts App on your phone tells you where your
contacts are currently located. (??? means they are unavailable at that time.)
4. Go to the Library and look at the notice board. Click on the posters. You
will get a phone number for Handyman Bros. and see a wanted poster for a Thief.
The Handyman Brothers phone number will be added to your phone, and I believe this
activates the Thief.
5. Once you have seen the Thief poster, check EVERY room of your house EVERY
Night (10pm). There is a random chance she will appear in a random room and drop a
loot bag full of money (give or take, an average of $100 per encounter). This
happens fairly frequently for me during my runthroughs for verifying the
walkthrough steps.
6. Once you have the Drill and the Loft Key, you can go to the Loft and drill
holes in three different points to spy on Raury, Ane, and the 2nd Floor Bathroom.
Raury's room is at the top center. Bathroom is at the bottom center. Ane is far
right center. (As of v0.30.8, the hole for Ane's room is non-functional, and if Ane
is in the bathroom, no scene is available for her.)
7. Try to talk to everyone you see. Some of then will get put into your
contact list, where you can track their location and Love levels.

QUEST for Raury 1: Wanna get close to Raury
1. Talk about 'Rori' with 'Missy'
- Go to the Kitchen.
- Talk with Missy.
- Opens Quest 'Wanna get close to Raury'. You are asked to find a
'Good - Hooker' Doll.
- Receive $100.
- Opens up the Map App on your phone.
2. Investigate Toy store.
- Go to the Map App on your phone and click on the Toy Store locations
- Enter the Toy Store,
- Go to the back of the store and click on the boxes next to the right
of the back door to the warehouse.
3. Talk with 'Alyssa'
- Go to the woman behind the counter and talk to her.
- She will give you a Key to the warehouse, and an Analzizer battery
(Quest Item. Cannot be used or sold).
- Buy a bat or water gun. The extra damage is well worth the initial
cost, and if you lose in the Dungeon, you won't have any money to lose. (You lose
50% of your cash when defeated in the Dungeon.)
- Go to the warehouse (back door of the store). Recommended that you
save here. (There is a bug in the game where if you click on your phone or the
settings gear your character can no longer move and no other actions can be taken.)
- Explore the Dungeon Floor.
- Combat the the malfunctioning toys and acquire Toy Chips and crafting
materials. See combat section above
- You then sell the Toy Chips to either Alyssa, or the Dungeon Merchant
(found at the end of the floor). Keep the Toy Chips as long as possible, and sell
them when you need cash. That way you don't loose a large amount of money if you
are defeated in the Toy Factory
- Make sure to open the box and collect your Upgrade (Training Token)
before leaving the floor.
- You can then exit the Dungeon or continue to the next floor.
- Buy Fix Kits to keep your weapon healthy. Otherwise you'll be down to
using your fists.
- It is worth it to invest in a Fitness Center Membership and a Library
Membership before buying a 'Good - Hooker' doll to train your stats and make combat
easier. Membership costs $100 each, and then you can train cash free after that.
Training only costs Upgrade (Training) Tokens.
4. Acquire 'Good - Hooker'
- Once you have 8 Toy Chips, you can sell them to Alyssa for $200.
Then talk to Alyssa and buy the 'Good - Hooker' doll named Sucky.
- A Sex Scene (opens up the dialogue options "Blow reward") with Alyssa
occurs. This advances time to Night, regardless of when you buy the doll.
5. Put 'Good - Hooker' in the basement
- Go to the basement and click on the table next to the washing
- You will automatically start the next morning.
6. Where is 'Good - Hooker'?
- Go to the basement and click on the table next to the washing
7. Ask Missy about it
- Check your Contact App for her location.
- You will get a shoe from the doll (Has no function as of v 0.30.8)
8. Ask Raury about it
- Check your Contact App for her location. If she is in the bathroom
or her bedroom, wait for the next time period.
- Talk to Raury, and select "Good - Hooker is gone"
- Next morning Missy will intercept you as you leave your bedroom,
informing you that a detective inspector wants to talk with you. This conversation
will advance time to Afternoon (1pm)
- Wait until next day after talking to Raury, and Raury will have found
9. Get close to 'Raury'
- Raise Raury's Love to 40 by Massage or Gifts
- Later that night, Raury will come to sleep with you because she is
scared. Aborted hand-job scene occurs. Opens up the dialogue option "Sleep
- Raise Raury's Love to 60 by Massage or Gifts
- Leave bedroom. Raury talks to you holding Sucky the 'Good - Hooker'
doll. Raury ends conversation with "I will spread my legs for you anytime you
want". Unlocks Raury's Bedroom.
10. Talk about 'Rori' with 'Missy' 2
- Talk to Missy
- She gives you a book to read to Raury
11. Read tale books to Rori
- Go to Raury's room that night
12. Get new tail books
- You need a Library membership to leave the Library with the books. So
make sure you already have a membership, or the $100 to buy a membership.
- Next morning go to the Library
- Search the book shelves for 'Red Raping Hood', 'Sleeping Boobies',
'Jack-off and Beanstalk'
- Either talk to Willya for a hint, or go to all the shelves and look
for the books.
Willya will give you three random numbers from 1 to 9 that are
bookcase references. (This does not happen for Manjula's quest, so you have to
manually look at all shelves for her Kamasutra book.)
The 'numbering' system starts in the upper left of the library
and travels to the right. The bookcases are grouped in lots of 4.
(In the numbering, 'x' denotes a bookcase that does not highlight
and is skipped in the counting.)
In the upper left the 4 they are numbered: 1, 2, x, and 3.
In the upper right, the numbering is: 4, x, x, 5.
In the middle right, the numbering is: 6, x, 7, x, (Willya is
next to the last bookcase).
In the lower right, the numbering is: x, 8, x, 9.
- So, if Willya gives you the numbers 3, 5, 8, you would got
the the upper left of the library, and look at the last bookcase in the row (3).
Then for 5 you would go the the upper right and got to the last bookcase in the
row. For 8, would go the lower right and look at the second bookshelf from the
13. Read new books to Raury
- Go to Raury's room that night.
- Raury asks you to teach her to masturbate, scene where you fondle
Raury's pussy.
- You automatcially wake up in your room the next day
14. Sucky is gone : Where's hammer and ponds
(Quest step originally shows up as '???')
- A morning or two later, Raury will talk to you when you exit your
bedroom. (Quest Step given its title)
- Raury reports Sucky is missing after Sucky asked where the hammer and
ponds are. Quest step given a title
- Go to the garage. Sucky will be in the lower left corner
- Click on (Talk to) Sucky
15. Sucky is gone : Get it back to Rori
- Talk to Raury. Select "I found Sucky"
- You tell Raury not to go to the Garage, and she replies she has never
been in the Garage
16. Sucky is gone : Where's the place Rori is scared of?
(Quest step originally shows up as '???')
- Next morning, Raury talks to you after you exit your Bedroom. (Quest
Step given its title)
- Earlier in the quest, you were informed by Missy that Raury is scared
of the Basement. Go there.
- Sucky is on the far right of the screen.
- Click on Sucky
17. Sucky is gone : Get it back to Rori
- Talk to Raury. Select "I found Sucky"
- Find out that Raury never goes to the basement
- If you haven't done it already, complete the "Access to the Loft"
Sub-Quest. Then go to the loft and drill holes in the floor (upper center, lower
center, and center right)
18. Sucky is gone : Where's the place secretly watch other?
(Quest step originally shows up as '???')
- Next morning, Raury talks to you after you exit your Bedroom. Sucky
is gone again. (Quest Step given its title)
- If you haven't done it, do the "Access to the Loft" Sub-Quest
- Go to the Loft
- Sucky is in the middle of the room.
- Click on Sucky
- You feel uncomfortable with they way Sucky is staring at you.
19. Sucky is gone : Get it back to Rori
- Talk to Raury. Select "I found Sucky"
- Raury asks if you are mad, and if she should suck your dick
20. Garbage day : What did I not throw out?
(Quest step originally shows up as '???')
- Next morning, go to the Kitchen.
- Conversation with Missy starts. She will complaing about a missing
kitchen knife.
- Missy asks if you have trash to go out because it is garbage day.
- You are given a bag to collect trash in. (Quest Step given its title)
- Go to the Basement. You will automatically walk to the laundry and
pick up Sucky's box.
- Discover batteries in the box and an instruction manual. Learn that
the doll doesn't work without batteries. But Sucky doesn't have any batteries.
21. Investigate Good Hooker : Ask Rori
- Find and talk to Raury.
- Select "Let me see Sucky"
- Fight with Raury. Time advances to Night (10pm)
22. Investigate Good Hooker : Dig around Rori's room
- Rory's room is locked at Night (10pm).
- Next day, when Raury is not in her room, enter it.
- Click on desk and find Raury's picture diary.
- Learn that Raury calls you 'prince'
- She won't go to the park because Cynthia (Girl with skates)
scares her, and that Zoey (Girl with bat) hit her titty.
- Discover Sucky is molesting Raury at night.
23. Investigate Good Hooker : Watch Raury's room
** If you have not already done so, I strongly suggest you grind your
way through the dungeon for Upgrade Tokens so you can raise your stats to the max.

- At Night (10pm) go to the Loft

- Peek on Raury (Top center hole). She will be bound up instead of
- Sucky will try to harm Raury. You rush in and chase Sucky off. You
spend the night with Raury to protect her in case Sucky came back
- In the morning, a Sex Scene where Raury gives a blow job.
- A promise is made to 'make a baby' with Raury after Sucky is dealt
24. Final Fight
- REMINDER: Each time you are defeated, you lose half your money.
You may have a fair amount here, so it would be useful to spend it all with Alyssa,
or at the first Dungeon Merchant. You can sell what you buy for half what you paid
for it later, which is the same as being defeated once. It is unlikely you will
defeat Sucky on the first try.
- TIP: If you have rope, it will allow you to skip directly to
the end of the level to the Dungeon Merchant. Or the Map will tell you where
everything is on th mini-map when you expand it so you can quickly find the Key,
Raggedy Ann, and the Exit. Unfortunately, it does not show enemy locations.
- Go to the Toy Store, and save the game (Just in case a bug crashes
the game). The only penatly for losing is loss of money and health which requires
you to sleep before you can try again.
- Enter the Dungeon.
- You have to traverse the first two floors of the Dungeon.
- The third floor is where you have the Boss Fight mini-game with


- SUGGESTION 1: If you are like me, and prefer to play games in

Windowed mode, for this fight I suggest you go to settings and change that to
Exclusive Fullscreen. You will need the detail for the third floor fights.
- SUGGESTION 2: During the actual mini-game on the third floor,
I found it easier to identify Boss Sucky if I used a Magnifier App to zoom in on
the combat area (200% will let you move in the room to center the Sucky's so you
can see them all) Even then I didn't always get her on the first try.
- Regardless of what weapon you have equipped, you fight Boss Sucky
with your fists. When defeated in that room in each room, Boss Sucky flees to the
next room.
- To defeat Boss Sucky after finding her, you have to do 6 damage
to Sucky to make her flee to the next room (which is where high stats help you).
If you only 'hit' her, and not 'crit' you will do 3 points of damage and have to
repeat the room.
- You will have to find Boss Sucky among the other Sucky's in each of
six rooms.
- You have a time limit to find the Boss Sucky.
- TIP: You can see Boss Sucky breathing by the small motions she
makes (Primarily bust and head moving up and down by a pixel or two). I find this
quite difficult because the avatars are so small and my eyesight is poor. Hence my
earlier suggestions.
- If time expires, or you choose the wrong Sucky, Boss
Sucky will run to you and Sex Attack you.
- If she successfully makes you orgasm, you are
defeated. This is where having high stats is useful, because you can throw her off
- Each failure to find Boss Sucky makes makes the
Sucky's shuffle positions, and you have to repeat the search. Each time you search
the same room, you have less time to find Boss Sucky.
- If you select Boss Sucky, a combat scene appears. Defeat
Boss Sucky (as described above) and she runs away to the next room.
- First room: Find Boss Sucky among 9 orderly Suckys.
- Second room: Find Boss Sucky among 20 orderly Suckys.
- Third room: Find Boss Sucky among 20 disorderly Suckys.
- Fourth room: Find Boss Sucky among 40 orderly Suckys.
- Fifth room: Find Boss Sucky amont 40 disorderly Suckys.
- Sixth room: Find Boss Sucky among 40? orderly Suckys.
- Finding Boss Sucky in the sixth room initiates the 'Win the
Fight' Sex Scene. This is where the Analzizer battery gets used.
- Discover the connection to the sex offender that Inspector
McCurly talked about.
- Ending dialogue says you give the defeated Sucky back to Raury.
- You are returned to your bedroom at Night (10pm).
- Save the game so you don't have to go through that again if
something happens later in the game.
25. Crossed the line
- Go to bed and sleep.
- Raury comes to you at night to make you fulfill your promise
Quest Complete. Opens up two sex scene options: Talk to Raury and select
"Sex" or "Do it with mouth". Also opens up the dialogue options of "Gonna make
money", "Hard to bath", and "What Rori wants". Places Sucky in your Toy Box


I found that Alyssa no longer buys or sells things (if you have bought all
the sex dolls). You'll need to buy or sell to the Dungeon Merchant.
Entering the Dungeon after defeating Boss Sucky results in a repeat of the
Final Sucky run. Just don't go to the third floor and you can still farm the dolls
for crafting materials without having to go through Sucky mayhem.

QUEST for Raury 2: Treehouse
- Talk to Raury
- Select "What Rori wants". This starts the quest.
1. Consult with Handyman bros.
- If you haven't done it already, go to the notice board in front of
the Library. Click on the poster for Handyman Bros. Phone number will be put into
your phone.
- During the Morning (9am) or Afternoon (1pm) open the Phone App on
your phone.
- Click on Handyman bros.
- Select "Query for treehouse"
- Mariola and Lugiana initally ask for 200,000 Euros. They will
request to be shown what is to be a man, by seeing your 'pipe'
2. Call Handyman bros with materials
- Requires you to have 10 wood, 10 paint, 10 nails
- If you are talking to them and already have the materials, go
ahead and select "Let's create Treehouse"
- During the Morning (9am) or Afternoon (1pm) open the Phone App on
your phone
- Click Handyman bros.
- You may need to click on "What can you do" in order for the correct
dialogue choice to appear.
- Click on "Let's create Treehouse"
- You are told it will take about a week.
3. Wait for the construction
- During this period if you go out and look at the tree in the back
yard, you will see Mariola and Lugiana working on the treehouse
- 7 days later
Quest Completed. Opens up Treehouse location. Opens dialogue option for
Raury of "Treehouse sex"

QUEST for Raury 3: Lemonade
-Talk to Raury and select "Gonna make money" to start quest
1. Let's get lemon
- Go to the Kitchen
- Click on the refrigerator.
- Click on the lemons (Left side of the refrigerator)
2. Let's create lemonade stand
- Receive Lemonade stand recipe
- Gather materials: 1 wood, 1 paint, 1 nail (quest materials, despite
the dialogue saying DIY)
- Craft the Lemonade Stand
- Time advances to the next morning (9am)
- Click on Lemonade Stand. Raury's Dialogue options are "Let's do it",
"Ask for a lemonade", and "Nothing"
- Select "Ask for a lemonade" and receive a 'lemonade with a
strange smell'. Inventory note says it will heal 15 HP.
- Select "Let's do it" and have a sex scene.
- I don't think either of the two choices above are
required to move forward. I haven't verified.
- Raury can now be found in two places. Inside the house and at the
Lemonade Stand in the Morning and Afternoon.

3. [May not be implemented. If it is, I have not found how to clear Step

QUEST for Linda: A new toy
- Talk to Linda, Opens the Quest 'A new toy'
1. Get Close to Linda
- Raise Linda's Love to 50 by Massage or Gifts. Opens up a new Massage
scene. Adds dialogue option "Inexperienced toy"
- Talk to Linda. Choose the option "Inexperienced toy"
- Get request for an a riding toy
2. Ask Alyssa about a new toy
- Talk to Alyssa, choose dialogue "Inexperienced toy"
- Get crafting recipe for Cockhorse
3. Create a ridable toy
- Gather 3 wood (DIY), and 3 paint (DIY). You can buy them from the
Handyman Brothers, $30 per item.
- Craft the Cockhorse
- Talk to Alyssa, select "I made a new toy!"
4. Tell Linda about the new toy
- Talk to Linda, select "Inexperienced Toy"
- She tells you she will play with it every day at lunch (1pm)
5. Get very close to Linda
- Wait for Afternoon (1pm) and go to the warehouse behind the Toy
- Click on Linda bound to the Cockhorse
- Sex scene with Linda ensues (repeatable everyday at 1pm)
- Raise Linda's Love to 100 by Massage or Gifts.
- Talk to Linda. Select "New ridable toy"
- Talk to Linda again. Select "Let's do it." New sex scene.

6. [May not be implemented. If it is, I have not found a way to clear Step

QUEST for Dolly 1: Need a new outfit
- Raise Dolly's Love to 50+ by Massage or Gifts. Opens up a new Massage
scene. Opens new Dialogue
- Talk to Dolly and select "Need a new outfit". Opens Quest "Need a new
outfit". Given recipe for outfit
1. Create a new outfit for Dolly
- Gather the materials you need from the Dungeon. 5 cotton, 5 string
- Craft the outfit
- Talk to Dolly, select "Need a new outfit"
Quest Complete

QUEST for Dolly 2: A new part-time job
- Finish Dolly's Quest "Need a new outfit".
- Talk to Dolly. Select "New part-time job". Opens Quest "A new part-time
- Opens playground.
- Receive 3 balloons
1. Offer a balloon
- Go to Playground
- Click on a girl (Cindy). Select "Offer a balloon"
2. Offer a balloon
- Still in Playground
- Click on the second girl (Cynthia). Select "Offer a balloon"
3 Offer a balloon
- Still in Playground
- Click on third girl (Zoey). Select "Offer a balloon"
- Go back and talk to Dolly. Select "A new part-time job (Done)"
- Open dialogue option "Tits reward"
Quest Complete (New Massage scene opened) (New sex sceen "Tits reward")

QUEST for Dolly 3: A new part-time job 2
- Finish Dolly's Quest 2
- Raise Dolly's Love to 100 by Massage or Gifts
- Talk to Dolly. Select "A new part-time job 2". Opens the quest.
- Receive 8 coupons
1. Offer a coupon
- Go to the Fitness Center.
- Talk to Ricarno
- Give her a coupon
2. Offer a coupon
- Still in Fitness Center
- Talk to Dani
- Give her a coupon
3. Offer a coupon
- Still in Fitness Center, go to Weight Room
- Talk to Ronie
- Give her a coupon
4. Offer a coupon
- Still in Weight Room,
- Talk to Galina
- Give her a coupon
5. Offer a coupon
- Still in Fitness Center, go to Yoga Studio
- Talk to Manjula
- Give her a coupon
6. Offer a coupon
- Go to Library
- Talk to Sue
- Give her a coupon
7. Offer a coupon
- Still in Library
- Talk to Willya
- Give her a coupon
8. Offer a coupon
- Still in Library
- Talk to Dolores
- Give her coupon
- Return to Dolly and select "A new part-time job 2"
Quest Complete. Opens up new Sex Scene. Talk to Dolly and select "Pussy
Reward". Opens up Massage option for Alyssa.

QUEST for Manjula 1: The food she would like
- Reach 50 Love by Massage. Opens 2nd Massage scene.
- Talk to Manjula. Select "Indian Gourmet" Opens Quest
(While this Quest is active, every time you return to the kitchen, Step 1
1. Let's head to the kitchen
- Go to the Kitchen
- Conversation with Missy starts
- Receive curry
(Step 1 repeats every time you enter the kitchen, until you complete
Step 3.)
2. Give Manjula the curry
- Talk to Manjula
- Select "Curry"
3. The fantastic spice
- Make sure you have $200
- Wait for Night (10pm) and go find Morphine (She can be found on a
random street or the playground if it is available).
- Talk to Morphine. Select "Buy the spice"
- Buy the 'spice'
4. Give Manjula the upgraded curry
- The next day, talk to Manjula
- Select "Upgraded Curry"
Quest Complete. New Sex scene available by talking to Manjula and selecting
"Dancing Cobra"

QUEST for Manjula 2: Reading is the food for the mind
- Raise Manjula's Love to 100 by Massage
- Talk to Manjula and select "A new skill"
1. Find the yoga guidebook in the library
- Go to the Library
- Search shelves for 'kama sutra'
- Conversation with Dolores
2. Give the yoga guidebook to Manjula
- Talk to Manjula
- Select "Kamasutra"
Quest Complete. New Sex scene available by talking to Manjula and selecting
"Wet cat cobra"


** ONLY triggers if you have been a good boy and NOT used any cheat codes. **

QUEST for Santa:

QUEST: Hang the sock on the Fireplace (Does not appear in Quest App)
QUEST: Joy to the World, the Lord is come (Does not appear in Quest
- Go to the calendar, and move the day to Winter Day 1, if you are not
already in Winter.
1. First thing in the Morning (9am) you will receive a recipe for cratting a
Christmas Stocking
- Gather the materials (5 string and 5 cotton)
- Craft the Christmas Stocking
- Go to the Living Room and click on the Fireplace to hang the
Christmas Stocking.
2 Quest complete notifications.
2. Go to bed and sleep.
- You will be woken up at night by some noise
- When you investigate you find Santa Fanta
- Talk to Santa and Select "Gift me with mouth" and get a Sex Scene
3. Wait until Night (10pm) and to the Living room
- Talk to Santa
- Select "Another gift"
- Then talk to Santa again
- Select "Gift Santa" and get a Sex Scene
Quest Complete (No notification)
- Santa Fanta is there every night afterward during Winter so you can
repeat the scenes.
- Stocking remains hung throughout the year.
- Santa will appear next year. Cheat code use after you have completed
the quest do not appear to prevent future appearances of Santa.


Sub-Quest for Me: Access to the Loft
1. Talk to Missy about the Loft.
2. Go to the Living Room. Click on the table in front of the TV and get the
Loft Key
3. Go to second floor and click near the ceiling on the far left, left of
Raury's room. A stair ladder will drop, giving you access to the loft.
End Sub-Quest

Sub-Quest for Me: Build a Toy Box (Chest)
1. Talk to Alyssa
2. Purchase a doll for $200 (after purchasing Sucky for the "Wanna get close
to Raury" quest doll. Do not purchase Sucky again until you have finished Raury's
Quest 1.) Each purchase adds 10 to her Love.
3. Money deducted for a doll, but you are not be given it.
4. Get recipe for Toy Box (Chest) (1 wood, 1 nail, 1 paint)
5. Go to Garage and get materials from the cabinet on the upper left, and the
two piles of stuff at the bottom of the garage.
6. Craft the Toy Box
7. Go to your Bedroom, and the box is now in the lower right corner of the
room. The dolls you have purchased are in the box (Including a Raggedy Ann (Though
you might have to encounter/use her in the Dungeon first)).
8. Click on Toy Box (Chest), and you can play with Raggedy Ann, or upgrade
the other toys (recipes are shown when you click on the toy). Upgrades occur at
the Toy Box, rather than the Crafting Table in the Garage. After upgrading your
toys (so you can fit inside the toy), you can play with them.
9. You can purchase the dolls Teddy, Toy Box (Jack), Toy Soldier, and Dildo
Tiger from Alyssa. You can purchase the Broken Doll from the Dungeon Merchant.
End Sub-Quest

Sub-Quest for Raury: Sleep with Raury
1. Unlock the dialogue option "Sleep together" by completing Step 9 of
Raury's Quest 1.
2. Talk to Raury, select "Sleep together"
- Go to your bed and sleep.
- Rory will come into your room and the two of you get into bed.
- A titty fondling scene occurs.
2. Talk to Raury, select "Sleep together"
- Choose "Masturbate"
- 'Masturbation' Sex Scene occurs
3. Talk to Raury, select "Sleep together"
- May need to complete Raury's Quest 1 first
- Select "Sex"
- New Sex Scene occurs.
End Sub-Quest.


(Might not include all scenes available if they initiating them is obscure)


Sex Attacks:
Teddy: 1 Sex Attack scene
Broken Doll: 1 Sex Attack scene
Toy Box (Jack): 1 Sex Attack scene
Toy Soldier: 1 Sex Attack scene
Dildo Tiger: 1 Sex Attack scene
Healing Sex:
Raggedy Ann: 1 Sex Healing scene (only available on floors 2 and 3
of Dungeon/Toy Factory)(Usable multiple times.)


Raggedy Ann: 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (1 from the Dungeon, 1 new)
Upgraded Toys:
Teddy: 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (1 from the Dungeon,
1 new)
Toy Box (Jack): 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (1 from the Dungeon, 1 new)
Toy Soldier: 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (1 from the Dungeon, 1 new)
Dildo Tiger: 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (1 from the Dungeon, 1 new)
Broken Doll: 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (1 from the Dungeon, 1 new)
Sucky: 2 Sex scenes (repeatable) (Both from the


Missy (The Mom):
?? (Not yet implemented?)

Ane (Also named Annet or Annie) (The Elder Sister):

?? (Not yet implemented?)

Raury (Also named Rori, Laurie, Loli, or Sis) (The Younger Sister):
12 Sex Scenes (3 non-repeatable) / 2 Massage Scene
1st Massage scene: Getting 'Good - Hooker' Doll in
Raury's Quest 1
2nd Massage scene: Love at 50+
Sex Scene 1: Peeping scene. Opened by drilling a hole in
the Loft. Masturbation.
Sex Scene 2: Peeping scene. Raruy + Sucky. Quest related,
Sex Scene 3: Masturbate Raury. Quest related, non-
Sex Scene 4: Lust 50+, Quest related, non-repeatable.
Aborted hand job.
Sex Scene 5: Complete Raury's Quest 1. Talk to Raury and select
Sex Scene 6: Complete Raury's Quest 1. Talk to Raury and
select "Do it with mouth".
Sex Scene 7: Complete Raury's Quest 1. Talk to Raury and
select "Hard bath". Then go to 2nd Floor Bathroom when Raury is there.
Progressive Scenes: Available after Sex Scene 4 occurs. Talk
to Raury before Night (10pm) and select "Sleep together"
Sex Scene 8: After Raury comes to bed, select "Do
nothing". Titty massage. Only option available first time.
Sex Scene 9: After Raury comes to bed, select
"Maturbate". Dick to thighs. Available after Sex Scene 8 is performed once.
Sex Scene 10: After Raury comes to bed, select "Sex".
Full on sex. Available after Sex Scene 9 is performed once.
Sex Scene 11: Complete Raury's Quest 2. Talk to Raury and
select "Treehouse Sex".
Sex Scene 12: Complete building a lemonade stand. Click on
Lemonade stand while Raury is there and select "Let's do it"

Alyssa: 2 Sex scenes / 1 Massage scene
Sex Scene 1: Buy Good Hooker in Raury's Quest 1: Opens
dialogue option. Talk to Alyssa and select "Blow Reward"
Massage Scene 1: Love at 40. Complete Dolly's Quest 3. To get
Love to 40, buy all sex dolls (other than Sucky). Each doll increases Love by 10.
Sex Scene 2: Love at 100. Talk to Alyssa and select "New

Linda: 2 Sex scenes / 2 Massage scenes

Massage Scene 1: Love at 0
Massage Scene 2: Love at 50
Sex Scene 1: Complete the Cockhorse Step of Linda's Quest.
Repeat each day by going to the Toy Store Warehouse at Noon (1pm).
Sex Scene 2: {Unknown requirements, may not be implemented}
Dolly: 2 Sex scenes / 2 Massage scenes
Massage Scene 1: Love at 0
Massage Scene 2: Complete Dolly's Quest 1, and Love at 50.
Sex Scene 1: Complete Dolly's Quest 2. Talk to Dolly
and select "Tits reward"
Sex Scene 2: Complete Dolly's Quest 3 and Love at 100.
Talk to Dolly and select "Pussy reward"

Galina - Strength Trainer: 2 workout scenes/?? Massage scenes (Not
Strength 1: Opens first workout scene
Strengty 5: Opens second workout scene

Manjula - Dexterity Trainer: 2 workout scenes/ 2 Massage scenes

Dexterity 1: Opens first workout scene
Dexterity 5: Opens second workout scene
Love 0: Opens first massage scene
Love 50: Opens second massage scene
Manjula's Quest 1 Complete: Opens first sex scene by talking
and choosing "Cobra dance"
Love 100 and Manjula's Quest 2 Complete: Opens second sex scene
by talking and choosing "Wet cat cobra"

Sue - Intellect Trainer: 2 study scenes / ?? Massage scenes (Not

Intellect 1: Opens first study scene
Intellect 2: Opens second study scene

Deli the FesEx Delivery Girl: ??
(Brings mail, only available in the morning (9am) daily in the
Morphine: ??
(Merchant that shows up on random streets at Night (10pm)
including the Playground)
Thief: ??
(Appears after 10 pm after finding her wanted poster in front of
the library.)
(She runs when encountered and drops a loot bag with a random
amount of cash. Can appear in any room of the house.)
McCurly, Detective Inspector: ??
(Arrives during quest. No location to go visit yet.)
Willya: ??
(Genderbent Where's Wally) (In Library)
Dolores the Librarian: ??
(In the Library)
Ricarno the Fitness Center Manager: ??
(In the Fitness Center Lobby)
Dani: ??
(Chubby girl in Fitness Center Lobby eating fast food)
Roni: ??
(Dark skinned weight lifter) (in the Gym)
Cindy: ??
(At the Playground near the entrance)
Cynthia: ??
(Girl with inline skates at the Playground)
Zoey: ??
(Girl with bat at the Playground)
(Girl at Playground at Night wearing a bear/lion head) (Talking
to her gets you molested without a scene and waking up in the Morning not knowing
what happened.)
Mariola (Mariollra): ??
(Handyman Brother encountered in Frontyard when you call. Always
with Luigiana)
Luigiana: ??
(Handyman Brother encountered in Frontyard when you call. Always
with Mariola)
Santa Fanta (Winter Christmas Event): 2 Sex scenes
- MUST be the season of Winter.
Sex Scene 1: Be a good boy, hang stocking, and wait till
midnight, talk to Santa and select "Gift me with mouth"
Sex Scene 2: Next night, talk to Santa, select "Gift Santa"

==== VI. CHEAT CODES: ====
Use computer in your Bedroom by clicking on desk. Click on Command Line icon to
allow you to enter the codes. (No other desktop icons work at this time.)

**Codes are case sensitive.**

If the code is accepted, you will receive a response of 'Cheat enabled'.

mangomango ==> Provides $10k and 50 of each of the following:
winder, cotton, string, spring, gear, paint,
wood, nail, PartsA, PartsB, battery, rope, map, wood (DIY), paint (DIY), training
token, bomb, Love (Cheat Item), Camping Kit (Test Only Item)
showmethemoney ==> provides an additional $500 each use.

Inventory codes
Code Format: item,<item name>,<quantity>
example: item,dildo,10
This example placed 10 dildos in your inventory

Known inventory item names:
dildo ==> Gifting item. Raises Love by 20.
love ==> Gifting item. Raises Love by 50.
token ==> Upgrade token. 1 needed to raise stats ranks from 1 to
5. After 5 you need 2 tokens each rank to 10

battery ==> Crafting item
Cotton ==> Crafting item
Gear ==> Crafting item
milk_small ==> Crafting item, Healing item.
Nail ==> Crafting item
paint ==> Crafting item, DIY paint
PartsA ==> Crafting item
PartsB ==> Crafting item
Spring ==> Crafting item
String ==> Crafting item
PartsA ==> Crafting item
PartsB ==> Crafting item
Winder ==> Crafting item
wood ==> Crafting item, DIY wood
[unknown code] ==> Crafting item, paint (Quest related. Only
available in the Garage and from Handyman Brothers.)
[unknown code] ==> Crafting item, wood (Quest related. Only
available in the Garage and from Handyman Brothers.)

** the DIY items are used for things like the Cockhorse. The Toy Box (Chest)
and the Treehouse need the non-DIY wood and paint.**

bat ==> Baseball Bat, Weapon, equipable, durability.
Adds 2 to base damage
gun ==> Water Gun, Weapon, equipable, durability.
bomb ==> Bomb. Weapon, Not durable, not equipable. Needs to be
used from inventory.

fix ==> Fixing Kit. Used to repair items with
Adds +70 to current durability of item.
Durability can exceed 100.
map ==> Displays the map of the entire floor. You must be
on the floor you wish to see.
milk_big ==> Crafted from milks. Healing item.
rope ==> Takes you to a dungeon Merchant for that floor.
camp ==> Camping Kit (Test Only Item)

Known quest item names:
The game doesn't need more than one of these items. Having more than
one may break the game.

drill ==> Needed to craft things. The drill is on the shelf

next to the crafting bench, so code is really unnecessary
key_toy ==> Key to Toy Factory (a.k.a. The Dungeon). Given by
analzizer ==> Given by Alyssa
cockhorse ==> Quest toy for Linda
goodHooker ==> Quest doll for Raury
dolly ==> Quest clothing item for Dolly


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